Crescent City (An Alec Winters Series Book 1)

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Crescent City (An Alec Winters Series Book 1) Page 16

by Chariss K. Walker

  Geno was 5’ 10” tall and weighed 165 pounds. He was what most girls called ‘buff and gorgeous’ with soft blond hair and striking brown eyes, framed by thick lashes. He wore causal brown slacks and a soft yellow poet shirt, giving him a sensitive, yet dashing, appearance. He smiled easily and was very charming, having picked up a few appealing and alluring tricks over the last five years.

  Originally from upstate New York, he had attended Tulane for only a year. At that time, he was set up by his roommate’s uppity blond girlfriend and, receiving his third possession charge, he was expelled and ostracized. He lost the full-ride he’d worked so hard to get and seethed at the injustice. Coming from a family background of five younger siblings and a very low income, Geno had worked diligently to receive that academic scholarship, knowing it was his sole ticket out of Albany.

  Once he arrived in New Orleans and tasted the delights of the festive city, he’d sworn he’d never go back to the dull, barely-getting-by existence left behind. But, as beautiful as the Crescent City was during the early afternoon sun, it had a very dark and seedy side that preyed on desperation. Geno was desperate. He’d fallen down and, without a place to live or money to live on, he allowed rough hands to lend the assistance needed. Now, he was indebted to that evil.

  Although he’d tried coke, heroin, meth, and various other drugs, his substance of choice was the high he got from hashish. He was addicted to the pungent pot resin that transported him to a slow burn of desire and fantasy. It was his opium and Geno would do anything to make sure he had a steady supply of it. He didn’t work and spent most of the day in bed consuming the drug. When his stash dwindled, he once again prowled the Quarter, looking for his next target. He wasn’t in the subterfuge alone; there were others involved who had an even darker objective. Alec knew that seducing young women was only part of the game Geno played. Although he would’ve liked to snap the young man’s neck at that very moment, Alec knew that his death had to wait. There was something far more repugnant going on and, before the night was done, he’d use Geno to find everyone involved.

  At the moment, Geno pretended to be a college student out for a nightcap before heading home to study for exams. It was a likely story and he was young enough to pull it off. He regularly bought appletinis for Kendall and Robin, two seventeen year old girls he’d happened upon. He sweet-talked, using all the right gestures to seduce and persuade them. The young girls, blond, cute, and nubile, came from money. They were exactly Geno’s type. He was close enough to their ages that they could easily relate to him and old enough that they were intrigued by his worldly ways. Both were infatuated.

  The girls were from St. Tammany Parish. Although it was a mere forty-five minute drive from Mandeville to New Orleans, it was their first un-chaperoned trip to the Crescent City. Their parents kept a tight rein on the girls, knowing how dangerous life was for the inexperienced, gullible, and unwary. Kendall, quite popular with the boys, was more prone to trouble, often leading her best friend astray. Robin, on the other hand, worked hard to keep Kendall on the straight-and-narrow. She prodded her to study, reminding her that she must have good grades if they were to be college roommates. They were opposites with a very strong bond. Now, Kendall giggled giddily as the alcohol further loosened her lips and eroded her commonsense.

  “We stole my mother’s car for this adventure. We’re here for two full days and won’t be missed,” she confided.

  “Yeah, why is that?” Geno asked.

  “My mother’s on a business trip to New York and Dad went with her!”

  “Two full days!” the girls squealed in unison.

  Best friends forever, they laughed together and were high on the possibilities of their spontaneous adventure. They could’ve never guessed the grave, insidious dangers they faced. They felt lucky to have met Geno so quickly after their arrival. They knew he’d offer them a place to stay and, since the trip had been impromptu and poorly planned, they were more than willing to accept. Only having what they considered a modest allowance, the girls had enough money between them to pay for one night of lodging and food.

  Already quite tipsy, neither noticed that Geno slipped a roofie into the last two drinks he sat before them. They’d heard rumors about such things, but would’ve never suspected that behavior from him. They’d both made it perfectly clear they were his for the taking—they’d even share, like sisters shared everything. There wasn’t a need to drug them to have his way. They were both practically putty in his hands.

  “If you like these watered-down drinks, you should come back to my place. I have a great bottle of vodka for more martinis,” Geno suggested as he flashed a handsome smile, continuing the ruse he’d used on several other occasions. He had big plans for the naïve girls in his company.

  “It’s serendipity!” they exclaimed in unison, knowing that he’d invite them to stay the night. It was the solution to their financial problems.

  “I also have a little pot,” he said as he smiled again.

  “We can get pot at home. What else do you have for us?” Robin asked, her pink aura flaring wildly at the young man that became more desirable with each drink.

  “I have some ecstasy too.”

  “Ooh, now that sounds more interesting,” Kendall said and giggled again as she rubbed shoulders against her best friend to encourage her. Kendall’s aura was yellow-orange. She wanted to experience pleasure in every sense of the word. She thought Geno was exotic and sophisticated; he could show her a few things that the boys in high school couldn’t. She was eager and willing to go with him. He stood, taking them each by the arm.

  “Where do you live?” Robin asked, suddenly feeling woozy and a little nervous. In spite of their need for a place to stay the night and Kendall’s eagerness, she was suddenly uncertain. Her gut instincts cautioned, but she was already too intoxicated to listen to the warning.

  “Not far. It’s only a few blocks away on Tchoupitoulas Street. We can take your car there rather than leave it on the street here for vandals. Drink up and let’s go.”

  The girls hurriedly downed the last drinks and the threesome left with Geno driving their car. Alec followed on foot. They were soon out of sight, but Geno had dropped the address and his evil intentions left a putrid and distinct odor behind. It was fairly easy to follow the trail even though it was more than a few city blocks.

  Alec, worried for the girls’ safety, began to run toward the destination. At one point, he lost the trace of the stench and, by the time he arrived at the home on Tchoupitoulas, the situation was already pretty dire. Kendall was in a back room with Geno while Robin, awaiting her turn with the self-proclaimed Romeo, was still in the living room.

  Although the home was large, it was also deceptive. The front was where Geno lived. That part of the home was staged. The kitchen and living room-slash-bedroom combination looked exactly the way one would expect when visiting the digs of a college student. There was a sofa and coffee table in the center of the room that hid a twin bed against the wall. The bedroom area held a bookcase and many books and papers were scattered across the floor. It could have been a dorm room and was set up to give that impression.

  The back of the home was a very different story. It was a pit, dark and scary. The music was loud and Robin swayed back and forth on the sofa as the drug Geno had given her earlier tried to take her under. She fought the effects as long as she could, but she was truly zoned out and didn’t hear Kendall’s screams coming from the other side of the house. As far as Robin knew, Kendall was enjoying herself with the handsome boy they’d just met.

  Kendall was in the other room with Geno alright, but it wasn’t the pleasurable experience she had supposed or imagined. As soon as Geno got her inside and closed the door, four men grabbed her, painfully twisting her hair and tearing off her clothing. The rough hands dragged her to a sunken den where they molested, pawed, and bit every part of her body as they swarmed around her in a feeding frenzy. She tried to fight off her attackers and push th
em away, but her motor functions were dulled by the roofie. She’d lost use of her limbs; the only thing working properly was her mental faculties—and she was frightened out of her mind.

  She screamed in terror while her eyes frantically searched the room, but she couldn’t see a way out of the horrifying nightmare. Dazed, drugged, and stunned, she simply couldn’t believe what was happening to her. Her mind reeled as she was assaulted from every angle. Her mother had tried to warn her about such things, about gang rape, about being careful, and not accepting drinks from strangers, but she’d shoved those admonitions aside, thinking them foolish and old-fashioned. With eyes wide and petrified, she saw a fifth man toss a wad of bills to Geno who now ignored her and her cries for help.

  “Good news, fellows. I know it’s been a while since your last treat, but you can have them for two full days. Take your time and make it last. After that, someone will be looking for the car,” Geno commented, having paid close attention to Kendall’s loose lips while at the bar.

  “Two days!” Kendall silently screamed. “How can I endure this for two minutes, much less two days! Oh, God, please help me!”

  Geno laughed appreciatively as he counted the money, pocketed it, and then moved away to lean against the wall. From there, he watched as the men roughly grasped Kendall’s breasts and peeled away her bra and panties. He enjoyed this part most of all. It was payback to the other rich, blond bitches at Tulane—the ones who had cruelly spurned him as a poor kid on scholarship without resources. They’d thought he wasn’t good enough back then. Now that he’d learned exactly how to dress and knew the true art of seduction, he could have his pick of the fucking cunts. The irony was that he no longer desired them. He derived satisfaction from the game he played in persuading them to follow him here and the torture they experienced once in this room.

  Completely naked now, and already bleeding from the many bites she’d suffered on her back, neck, shoulders, and stomach, Kendall was forced down and stretched out on the floor. The roofie had paralyzed her and she was unable to lift a finger in her defense, but she still felt every sting of agony during each moment of the painful, ruthless assault. Four men held her by the legs and arms while the fifth man, the one who paid Geno, brutally raped her.

  His face was broad and square, his eyes as dark as his soul. His head was shaved on top, but he wore a long skinny braid that fell into her face when he leaned over her. He was violent and savage as he battered her with his hard cock. He pumped wildly and feverously, missing more often than not, and taking pleasure in her pain-filled tears and screams. He laughed each time she cried out or whimpered, only ramming her with more determination than ever. She was bruised and bleeding badly as the soft tissues tore and ripped from his punishment, but he wasn’t finished. She wept pitifully, knowing that he was only the first. The others would treat her as viciously as he did too.

  Excited by what he witnessed and unable to contain his greed to participate, the ‘biter’ leaned in, sinking his teeth into her already bruised and damage breasts. He smelled like motor oil, but his breath was like dead fish. His face was narrow and long, making his teeth seem ever larger and more pronounced. The one raping her ferociously slapped him away.

  “Wait your turn, Teeth. I always draw first blood!” he yelled at the impatient, perverted offender. “Wait your goddamn turn or I’ll bust those teeth right out of your head!”

  Even though the man slunk back and contented himself with chewing on her arm, Kendall feared him most of all. He’d already wickedly promised to eat her one bite at a time. Now, she couldn’t even shake her arm or pull away from him, but she still felt his teeth sink into the fleshy part of her bicep.

  At times, she was fully aware of the agony and abuse and, at other times, the drug and drinks pulled her under for a few brief moments. When the pain once again roused her to consciousness, she begged Geno for his help. He watched her torture with a smug smile of satisfaction.

  Once the men were finished with Kendall, after each of them had a turn with her, he’d hand over Robin. He liked to watch as each one suffered and, if both the girls were given to the men at the same time, it diminished his satisfaction. Now, he remained silent while the men punished and ridiculed her. Their hateful words were all around her, echoing the painful reality that she’d been duped.

  “Please, Geno, please. Help me,” they mocked her pathetic cries in a high-pitched voice before laughing cruelly.

  “Haven’t you figured it out yet? You must be one slow bitch.”

  “Blonds are stupid, don’t you know.”

  “Don’t you understand he brought you to us, you stupid cunt? You’re ours now!”

  “He brought you here so we could fuck you, so we could have you anyway we want to, so we could do anything we want to you.”

  “It’s what we pay him to do. You might’ve noticed already that we like things a little rough, actually real rough. Geno gets us what we need.”

  “Right now…you’re on the menu, darlin.”

  “Please, help me, Geno,” Kendall continued to beg in spite of what she’d heard. She continued to hope. She couldn’t lose hope. There had to be a way out of this.

  The first one finally finished and, although the rape had felt as if it lasted an eternity, in reality it had taken less than three minutes. Now, a second man climbed between her legs. This one, scarred badly across the face, had a knife. He stuck the tip of it into her nipple, while licking the other breast with a hot, coarse tongue that felt like sandpaper.

  “Please, Geno!” she screamed shrilly once again.

  “You want me to use this knife down there?” the man threatened as he plunged the tip into her pubic bone, sinking it in deeply. As he furiously pumped, the knife, imbedded in the bone, swayed eerily back and forth between them. She screamed again and again, but nothing she said mattered. Her high-pitched cries only bounced off the walls and disappeared in the earsplitting noise of heavy metal that played in the background.

  At that moment, Kendall realized that she would die in this place. She didn’t think she could last for two full days with these brutal men and she didn’t believe they’d let her go when they were finished with her. How could they when she knew where they lived? It was a stark reality. She was filled with regrets. She desperately wished she was home with her protective parents, that she’d never stolen her mother’s car, and that she’d never talked Robin into taking this absurd trip.

  Robin didn’t even want to come with her, but she’d convinced her it would be fun, a once in a lifetime chance to do something crazy without their parents watching over them. Now, she would’ve given anything to see her mother’s face again, to be back in her bedroom with Robin as they discussed college and boys. She’d give anything to once again be safe in her parents’ home. It was then that Kendall realized Robin would soon face this same thing. When the men were done with her, they’d take Robin and torture her too. She cried pitifully for her best friend, for both of them.

  Robin was still a virgin and tonight was supposed to be her christening. Kendall had promised to stay with her while Geno took her cherry. Knowing that the first time could often be scary and confusing, she’d estimated that the young college student would be gentle and understanding. He’d be far better than her first. Now, this would be Robin’s first time and it would haunt her for the rest of her life…if she lived through it. They’d been best friends since kindergarten and now she’d led her friend into this horrible nightmare and possibly death. Hot tears streamed down her face as the reality of the situation came crashing down. Still, hoping that there was some part of him that felt compassion and pity for what she suffered, she continued to beg Geno for his help.

  “Please, Geno, please. Just let us go. We won’t tell anyone. Just get these men to stop this. My parents will pay you whatever you earned from them if you just let us go. Please!” she screamed in desperation.

  “You silly, stupid cunt. Get it through your thick skull. He brought you to us. Ho
w can you still think he’s your friend? He was never your friend. He’s our friend. He just sold you to us! Doesn’t that tell you anything? Nothing can help you now so shut the fuck up!”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Alec, having finally found the home, said only a millisecond before the roar of his alter ego filled the room, drowning out the loud music. Kendall heard thunder; she saw lightening as the man on top of her was pulled away and flung through the air. He landed half-in and half-out of a black-tinted window that overlooked the backyard. The broken glass punctured his throat, ending his miserable life instantly.

  “What the fu..!” The first rapist screamed out when he saw the huge red-devil standing in their midst.

  The large, horrifying demon shoved his clawed hand upward into his chin before he’d finished the expletive. The hard bone tore through the soft throat tissue, the nasal cavity, and into his eyes before the monster clenched his fist. When he fell to the floor, half his face was gone. Next, the fiend from hell stomped down on his head, smashing it flat as gore and brains scattered in a sickening splat. The other three men, horrified by what they’d witnessed, cringed in terror, fearfully hiding behind anything that could conceal their bulk. They fell to the floor praying fervently and begging God for forgiveness and protection.

  The demon didn’t pay any attention to them at the moment. The terrifying monster had Geno in his sights. He was frozen in place until the devil turned in his direction. The monstrous red face roared in rage, blowing the hot fires of hell into the room. The distinct odor of sulfur wafted to him. Terrified beyond reason, Geno fled to the living room where Robin had finally passed out. He grabbed her from the sofa, trying to use her as a shield.

  “Let me go and I won’t hurt her,” Geno cried out, shaking violently as he faced the demon his grandmother had warned him about when he was only a child. Strangely, he heard her voice now, repeating what she’d said many times before, “Only the good are saved from evil. Are you a good boy, Geno?” For the first time, he knew how to answer her continual pleas. He knew he wasn’t. He recognized that he was a degenerate, evil man and now he faced his just punishment.


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