Bureau Direct sales brochure
Despite the fact that George Washington said he would never set foot in England, there is a monument to the great man in Trafalgar Square. It rests on a base of American soil especially sent over. Unfortunately, the lawns there have become a day-long resting place for alcoholics, drug addicts and tramps.
Daily Telegraph
Heidi Lebers, 39, from East Sussex, celebrated New Year by releasing a balloon bearing the message ‘Happy New Year to whoever finds this’. Six weeks later she got a letter from Toucy in France telling her off for littering up the place.
The Times
Lord Berners, the composer, made sure that if other passengers got into his railway carriage they soon left. He would take his temperature anally every five minutes with a large clinical thermometer.
Independent – from a review of Brewer’s Rogues, Villains and Eccentrics by William Donaldson.
The Publishers wish to acknowledge the following publications
Daily Mail
Daily Express
The Times
Daily Telegraph
Financial Times
News of the World
Independent on Sunday
Sunday Telegraph
Observer Magazine
Observer Food Magazine (OFM)
Sunday Mercury
London Review of Books
The Press Gazette
Reader’s Digest
Catholic Herald.
Private Eye
Yorkshire Post
Birmingham Evening Mail
Newcastle Advertiser
Newcastle Evening Chronicle
Liverpool Daily Post
Evening Post, Leeds
Sheffield General Cemetery Trust Magazine
Brighton Argus
Coventry Evening Telegraph
Colchester Evening Gazette
Tamworth Times
Halifax Courier
Henley Standard
West Sussex Gazette
Western Morning News
Western Mail
Oban Times
Eastbourne & District Advertiser
Seaford Friday Ad
Cumberland News
Scunthorpe Target
Shropshire Star
Tandridge Chronicle
Radio Times
New Scientist
Country Life
BBC Olive magazine
Journal of Sexual Medicine
Adult Learners’ Week
Focus magazine
Cambria magazine
Dogs Today
BBC News
Surrey Online
About the Author
Jack Crossley spent some 40 years in Fleet Street, first as a reporter on the Daily Mail and later as news editor/assistant editor on the Mail, the Observer, the Herald (Glasgow), the Daily Express, The Times and, for two crazy months, the National Enquirer in Florida.
He also edited the Sunday Standard, a short-lived quality broadsheet in Scotland, and was briefly a reporter on the Quincy Patriot Ledger in Massachusetts.
He is now retired – sort of – but still regularly provides news and investigation ideas to newspapers and magazines. Jack lives in London with his wife, Kate, and they spend much of their time fishing and messing about in boats on the Thames at Henley and off the coast of Cornwall.
Published by John Blake Publishing Ltd,
3 Bramber Court, 2 Bramber Road,
London W14 9PB, England
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ePub ISBN 978 1 85782 924 2
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First published in paperback in 2008
ISBN: 978 1 84454 682 4
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