Spanked by the Vet0613

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Spanked by the Vet0613 Page 2

by Christa Wick

  Why was Cayce doing this?

  To embarrass me?

  I couldn't believe that was it. He may have ignored me for most of the last year, but I hadn't known Cayce to be cruel to anyone.

  Could he have secretly loathed me all those years? Had every kindness been an act?

  His lips brushed my knuckles. I cracked my eyes open the tiniest bit, afraid to meet his gaze. It was a needless worry, his eyes were closed. He gnawed gently at my fingers, pulling the tip of one into his mouth to chew and suck.

  Pleasure spiked through my pussy, spreading like wildfire and tweaking my nipples to rock hard points. For the second time that night, I moaned.

  He didn't seem to hear. Opening his eyes, he pulled the front panel of my panties to the side and stared down a second before his thumb stroked along one edge of my parted labia. My heart stopped while he traced up the other edge then started down the middle.

  Hitting that center line, my clit felt like Cayce had just touched a live wire against it.

  My heart lurched then thumped wildly at the knowledge Cayce was touching me. Not just anywhere, but down there. He had kissed my fingers, sucked at them. This wasn't a mere smack or four on the ass anymore. If Cayce didn't stop immediately, his actions were a prelude to sex. The kind of sex I'd been dreaming about for a good many years. The kind of sex I had to pretend I was having with Howard so I could climax.

  "We...we need to talk about this." Lifting my head, I looked across the swell of my clenched stomach and saw Cayce Gerard dumbstruck for the first time in all the years I've known him.

  His expression lasted half a heartbeat before he gave a dismissive shake of his head and refocused his gaze on my throbbing wet pussy. "Love, a hungry man doesn't talk about eating -- he eats."

  I had less than a second to register Cayce calling me love before his mouth descended onto my sex. His lips and tongue catching and sucking at my clit, he explored the perimeter of my pulsing cunt with his thumb. Each contraction found me wetter and tighter than the last. I sucked a ragged breath in -- sucked and sucked and sucked to keep from exploding all over Cayce in a creamy mess of excitement.

  The air released with a sharp cry.

  Cayce froze then he lifted his head. His gray gaze darkened as tears slid down my cheeks. Hastily, he lowered my skirt then surged up my body.

  "Ash, love. Shh." He smoothed his hand along my arm, trying to calm me. "I'm sorry, baby. I stopped. I won't touch you again--"

  "Don't you dare..." He had no idea why I was crying or that he'd stopped just a few licks shy of my climax.

  "I won't, baby, I promise." His hand cradled my head, his thumb stroking my cheek as he buried his face against my neck. His breath blew hot against my throat, his voice issuing raw and cracked as he tried to reassure me. "I love you. I promised your dad I'd look after you, not do something like this...I just lost it thinking you might get engaged to another man tonight."

  "Just how did you know where I would be?"

  "Your post." Lapsing in his promise not to touch me, he lightly nipped the side of my jaw and growled. "You put your status as 'Ice at Uchi's?' What the hell else could that mean?"

  "The post was supposed to go to Carol," I whispered. "Not to my entire timeline."

  "I wish to hell it had." He buried his face against my neck again. "You would have decked that jackass all on your own and I wouldn't have..."

  He swallowed hard, the motion detectible against my flesh, and then he roughly squeezed my shoulder as his body started to vibrate with tension. "I'll take you home, baby girl. You don't have to worry about my doing something like that again."

  I curled my arms around his head and knotted my fingers in his hair. I couldn't believe he was trembling against me. Cayce, who topped six feet and was packed with muscle. Cayce, who had once wrestled a sick bull to the ground because no one could land a tranquilizer dart in the beast's thick hide.


  Because of me.

  "You don't understand girls very well, do you?" I teased with a broken laugh, still unable to control my breathing.

  "Just parts." He lifted his head, his gaze dead serious.

  Smiling, I blinked away fresh tears. "I was saying, don't you dare stop."

  Understanding crept across his face. His cheeks flushed. Nostrils flared and pupils dilated to crowd the gray irises. Sucking his bottom lip in, Cayce blinked once…twice.

  "You mean..."

  "Yeah," I whispered, my body starting to shake again from so much male arousal hovering on top of me. "Please continue."

  He blinked again, more slowly this time, as if he was the one surrendering. His mouth came down on mine in a fierce kiss that sucked the last bit of oxygen from my lungs. Deft fingers unbuttoned my blouse. The kiss grew more languid. His lips sucked at mine. His tongue traced the edge of my teeth.

  Cayce hooked my blouse's collar and bra straps to ease them down my arms. Reaching the bra's front closure, he groaned and unsnapped it.

  Sucking at his lower lip, he pushed the cups to the side to expose my breasts.

  I held my breath. With full Ds, I was at least two cups larger than any woman I had ever seen Cayce with. The two large globes reminded me all over again that his past lovers were petite women and I was…

  "Perfect." Groaning, Cayce wrapped a hand around each breast and gave a gentle squeeze before he mashed them together. He nosed the line where they met, his breath leaving him in a shaky moan. "Just perfect."

  Nuzzling my flesh, his eyes drifted shut. "I tried so hard not to want you, Ash. Picked women who looked nothing like you so I could forget. But I can't keep you out of my head."

  His mouth slid left, found a nipple and sucked it in. He pulled it taut. The achy bud escaped with a wet pop before he covered it again. A few more drawn out sucks were followed by a kiss along its side.

  "Monday." Smiling, he moved to the other breast and ghosted a circle around the nipple with his top lip. "Tuesday."

  As reverent as he sounded, I had to giggle. "You're naming them? Seriously?"

  Cayce shook his head. "No, love. I'm taking Doc Bailey up on his offer and calling in sick."

  He took the nipple gently between his teeth, the look on his face so intense it made me shiver. "Taking the whole week off and not getting out of bed except to feed and bathe you."

  He swirled and flicked his tongue at the swollen tip, his hands squeezing and tugging at both breasts. His gaze hooking mine, he slid down my belly and pushed my thighs apart. "Wednesday..."

  He covered my clit, his tongue warm and wet against my flesh. He trailed his fingers up the inside of my thighs to find and pinch my labia apart. He laved the length of my clit and then his tongue pushed inside my pussy. One hand moved up to stroke the top split of my mound. The other moved lower until the rough pad of his thumb brushed against the quiver of my ass.

  A soft whimper of "yes" escaped me and Cayce groaned.

  "Two weeks, love. I definitely need two."

  It was a long time before either of us spoke again. We descended into noises, moist smacking sounds. The slurp of his tongue along my clit. Sucking. The wet pop of release. Moans, mostly mine, salted the air. Gasps and deep-throated mewls – all mine -- joined them. I knotted my fingers in his short hair, my hips lifting and grinding as his tongue moved along and inside me.

  Cayce wouldn't let me come, not as quickly as my body begged him for it. He was intent on teasing -- exploring my tight hole first with his lips and tongue then with his fingers. One sluiced inside me to caress the front wall of my cunt. His mouth worked the other side of my flesh. Lipping my clit, his tongue coaxed the small pearl out from where it hid buried within the hood.

  Squirming along the mattress, I tried to control his head, to tug him harder against my pussy in search of the perfect level of pressure to send me bursting into orgasm. He grabbed my wrists and held them tight, showing me who was in control.

  Not me -- not with his tongue taking those delicate licks, gently pushin
g that little pearl around, stroking on its sensitive underside. Helpless and panting, every inch of my flesh aroused, I whimpered, wordlessly begging him to finish me off.

  He wouldn't. Pulling the clit's hood back, he continued tonguing its recesses with feathery, wet strokes. Intensely sensual, his licking felt like molasses dripping down a tree trunk, only it kept moving up, deliciously deliberate. I sucked in air, my body arching and my eyes opening wider and wider as, climaxing, I started to vibrate uncontrollably.

  My moans sharpened to grunts and still Cayce licked -- licked and licked until I went limp, my juices spilling from me to wet the mattress.

  Eyes locked on my pussy, Cayce stood. Wrapping his hands around my calves, he dragged me down the bed and stripped my skirt from me. He reached for his shorts. I sat up, wanting to pull them down his powerful body. Seeing the sideways bulge that ran a hard, diagonal line almost to his hip, my fingers froze.

  Big, big, big.

  A few of his girlfriends had bragged about it, giggling behind their hands when they were sure he was out of hearing range. One of them had even whinnied at me. Looking at the bulge, I could see she hadn't exaggerated by much. His cock jutted thick, hard and long, just like the rest of him.

  The aftershocks running through my pussy deepened as I watched him push his shorts to the floor. He straightened, his hands moving to frame his beautiful cock.

  Like his arms, the veins in his cock stood out in sharp relief along the shaft's length. Infused with blood, the top third was a burnished red. Heavy balls and a thick mat of fur I wanted to bury my face balanced out the bottom.

  Cayce stroked his shaft once then put his hands on my shoulders to push me onto the mattress. I turned sideways, evading him so I could grab hold of his cock. I wanted to lick all up and down it. I needed to hear him moan and feel him quiver from my touch. It was only fair – I had dissolved into a hot puddle of satisfaction under his touch. I wanted him to feel the same way. I wanted to wield the same power.

  "Love." Using gentle pressure against my forehead, he tried to push me away.

  I dodged again then pressed my lips against the thick head. Pre-cum filled the slit. I tongued it.

  "Ashley, I'll pop if you do that." He threaded his fingers in my hair and forced me back a fraction. "I want to be buried inside you when I come."

  I cupped his balls, wrapped my other hand around his shaft and tried to reel him back within sucking distance.

  "Don't make me lay you over my lap again, little girl."

  My pussy twitched at the threat. I looked up, challenging him to do just that as I took another lick of pre-cum and spread it around the head.

  "Behave." Growling, he pushed me onto my back. "You're killing me. I need to fuck this sweet pussy now."

  I couldn't argue with him, not when he had my legs kneed apart, my ass hanging at the edge of the mattress and one of his strong hands over my stomach to pin me in place.

  Cayce slid the head of his cock between my labia, slicking it in my cream and then rubbing the tip up and down my clit. Ecstasy flowed through me. A twinge of need ran from the floor of my cunt all the way up to my navel. I desperately needed him in me, uncovered, flesh on flesh, his seed filling me. My hips flexed, my ass rolled and lifted. My hands traveled up and down my torso, stopping and squeezing at every knob of flesh my ample body offered. I pinched and molded my breasts, bruising the tips when he teased me too long.

  "Cayce, please!"

  "Baby, you're so tight." He rimmed the threshold of my pussy with three fingers. "I need you wetter."

  "I'm drenched." I reached down, dipped my fingers in my juices and smeared them against the head of his dick. "Please. Now."

  Gaze locked on my cunt, he nodded. He pushed my hand away then cupped the back of each of my knees. Lifting my legs, he placed my calves flat along his chest and my ankles up around his neck. Reaching between us, he positioned his cock and gently pushed in.

  Cayce had kept his legs bent while pushing into me. I didn't realize it until he was all the way in and straightened. The new angle flipped my center of balance, forcing all the exquisite tension running through my cunt to eddy around the head of his cock.

  I bit at my lip, pleasure radiating in all directions. When he started to rock his hips, I was certain I would faint from the heavy drag and push of his cock and the way the fat, flared head hooked and tugged my pussy.

  "Love...don't pass out..."

  I offered a weak smile and closed my eyes before they could roll back in my head from the aching perfection of his fucking. I felt every detail of his cock, all the veiny ridges, the broad base and the thick-thick crown knocking against my cervix. He was going to make me come, really really come. Not that rocking sweet climax of a few minutes before but mind splitting, bone shattering nirvana. I could feel the tension mounting beyond anything I could control.

  Cayce pulled out.

  My eyes flew open. "Cayce…"

  "Little girl, I'm going to unload before I can pull out if you come right now."

  "That's okay." I rubbed at his arms. I didn't want him pulling out, I wanted him to come inside me.

  "You're twenty two, Ash." Leaning over me, Cayce kissed the side of my mouth. His big hand covered my mound and gently squeezed. "You have a lot of living to do before you think about babies."

  It hit me hard that I wanted to do all that living with Cayce. The last few years of fantasizing had been about more than his hot body. It had been about his tender concern, his steadfastness. Even with the way things had been between us this last year, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, especially now that I realized why he had stayed away.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I want you in me."

  Cayce shushed me, ignoring my quivering mouth long enough to untangle my arms and find a condom in the top drawer of his nightstand. He placed it on the pillow then wrapped his hands around my face. Bending down, he nibbled at my lips, his hands moving to coax me further up the bed.

  Climbing onto the mattress, he straddled my legs and guided me onto my back, his mouth never leaving mine. Lifted by his soulful kisses, my mind floated, the sensation dizzying. I curled my hands around the sides of his waist, waves of needs washing through me, my breasts and mound rolling to push against him, retreat, and surge upward again.

  Grabbing my hips, he pinned me to the mattress. His head and mouth moved lower, kissing, licking and sucking until he reached my pussy. His nose against the soft fur of my sex, he inhaled. He sealed his lips against my clit and released the air that had been heating inside him. My stomach tightened, my mound pushed up.

  All was forgiven and he knew it, my moans and gentle squirming communicating my readiness.

  Groaning, Cayce moved up my body and rolled the condom on. "I need all of you, love. Every last inch of this sweet, luscious body."

  He pushed my thighs apart then lightly rested his torso against mine. Wrapping a hand around his cock, he teased me with just the tip. The head dipped into my pussy, retreated. His fingers entered me, drawing my cream out to lubricate his cock.

  His torso against mine, he pressed his face at the curve of my neck. A light nip, then a slow sucking kiss as the head of his cock pushed forward. His lips moved up my throat. His cock pushed a little deeper. His teeth grazed my chin and then his mouth claimed mine as he sank deep into my cunt.

  "Damn, baby." He knotted one hand in my hair, his fingers tugging as Cayce gasped, drew back and thrust. Again, both hands wrapped around my head and his weight supported on his elbows. He stared into my eyes, kissed sharply at my mouth. A thrust, another.

  I couldn't breathe. Every last molecule of oxygen raced to fuel the muscles of my cunt. My body twisted, knotted, sucked and swallowed at his cock. I met his thrusts, felt the hard pummel of him inside me. My fingers dented his flesh. My pussy contracted wildly. I gasped, groaned, the thick head continuing to batter my swollen flesh.

  His gaze seared my skin, marked my body as his. His hips dipped and
rolled, grinding against my mound, plundering me more deeply. My nails dug at his flesh as I fought to control the contractions rippling through my cunt.

  I wrapped my legs around his hips, locked my ankles behind his back and forced him to drive deeper and harder with his thick cock.

  "" He dipped his head, sucked a nipple into his mouth as I began to moan deep in the back of my throat. "So fucking tight."

  And only getting tighter. My pussy clamped down, locking him in place as another sharp contraction gripped me.

  "Yes, baby--" He froze then drove hard, all the way, then pulled so far back he popped free before plunging back into me and holding.

  I bucked against him, every muscle squeezed tight as I cried out in climax. He stayed frozen, his body vibrating with strain as I lifted and rode his cock. I arched, slid, hips knocking hips, my pussy a wet, quivering vise.

  Spent, I collapsed onto the mattress. Cayce dropped next to me, dragging me to him and burying his face against my throat. I could feel his heart pounding, feel my own trying to break free from my chest.

  His hands roamed my body, soothing my flesh as he molded me in place. My back against his broad chest, my butt against his hips, the back of my thighs along the front of his. Stretching one arm across me, he turned the bedside lamp off, plunging the room into darkness.

  The red LED display on his alarm clock told me it was a quarter past ten. Relaxing deeper into his embrace, I closed my eyes, opening them again at the whisper of his lips along my neck. Looking at the clock, I saw that fifteen minutes had elapsed in the blink of an eye.

  Hearing me sigh, Cayce gave me a squeeze and nipped lightly at my ear. I felt the thick press of his cock nestled against my bottom. I reached behind me to stroke it, finding it as hard as when he'd first claimed me.

  "Fast recovery." Another sigh slid towards a moan as my pussy started to heat.

  Cayce chuckled, the sound soft and contemplative.

  "What's so funny?"

  He pushed me a little more onto my stomach. His hand dipped between my legs, his thumb entering my cunt while his palm rested flat against my mound. He tugged me closer like he was lifting a bowling ball. He shifted his hips and his dick rubbed between my ass cheeks while his thumb danced circles within my pussy.


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