Miss Demeanor

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Miss Demeanor Page 11

by Beth Rinyu

  “I got this!” I said, trying to grab the check when the waiter placed it on the table, but Alex beat me to it. He ignored my plea and took out his wallet. “Really, Alex, will you please let me pay! I invited you, remember?”

  He rolled his eyes, and I had to smile. As much as he annoyed me when he did that, I kind of found it cute in an irritating sort of way. He placed the credit card in the check folder and handed it to the waiter as he walked by.

  “Thank you, but you really didn’t have to do that.” I relented.

  “I know.” He smirked, his green eyes looking a little more hazel as they bore into me.

  “Did you know your eyes change colors?”

  “I do. What color are they now?” he asked.

  “Hazel, but the other day they looked blueish.”

  “That ain’t nothing. Sometimes they turn red.”

  It took me a second to catch on, causing him to bust out in laughter. “I wouldn’t doubt it,” I joked.

  “Hey, I haven’t been nasty to you all night. Have I?”

  “With the exception of refusing to answer some of my questions…no.”

  “And what question would that be?” He looked up at the waiter and took the credit card slip from him.

  “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  “I thought we had an agreement where that’s concerned.”

  “Well, I’m relinquishing my end of that agreement…I kinda sort of do. Well, I’m not really sure if I’d call him a boyfriend.”

  “Why is that?” He grinned.

  “We went out on two dates, and I think they went really well, but you never know. That doesn’t qualify him as a boyfriend just yet, does it?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I wouldn’t consider a chick a girlfriend after two dates, but I guess everyone is different.”

  “Yeah, well. He’s really different. Different than all those immature guys I used to date back in college. I just have a feeling about him, and normally I’m right about my feelings. That’s why I’m so good at setting people up. I guarantee Lucy ends up marrying the FedEx guy.”

  He ran his hand down the side of his face and let out a loud chuckle.

  “You’ll see, and if I’m right, you owe me a dance at her wedding.”

  “So, you think you’re gonna marry this guy who you don’t really classify as a boyfriend just yet?”

  “You never know. Maybe this time next year, I’ll be Mrs. Brock Donavan.”

  In an instant, the grin on his face vanished, his amusement turned to anger, and his eyes changed back to their normal shade of green. He stared into space for a few moments before dropping his head and signing the receipt.

  “Ready?” He stood up, threw the pen on the table, and grabbed his credit card.

  I nodded and followed behind him, wondering what the hell had just happened. He had finally lightened up a little and now here he was going back to his old ways. Something had definitely set him off, and I wasn’t sure what it was. Then it dawned on me. Could it be he was jealous that I was seeing someone? It couldn’t be. Not after the way he had treated me these past few months. Then I thought back to Lucy’s comments and how she thought he had a crush on me. I dismissed it, but then I did catch him staring at me in the meeting.

  I was so confused by his odd behavior. He was like a puzzle to which there were no pieces. I just couldn’t take the cold shoulder from him again. As fun as it was to hate on him, it was actually kind of nice to be civil to one another as well. Only time would tell if the bridges we had mended would now collapse all because I spilled my guts to him about something I would’ve probably been better off keeping to myself.

  Chapter 21



  BROCK AND I HAD been seeing quite a bit of one another over the week that passed and were really hitting if off. We were meeting up for drinks with Lucy and her man, who were getting along just as great as Brock and me, and a few others of our coworkers were joining us as well. I still hadn’t told Brock exactly where I worked, so I was a little nervous about someone slipping. That was on my list of things to do, and I knew I had to do it sooner rather than later. I was hoping he would be okay with it and maybe get a good laugh over it. I didn’t want to think of the alternative if he didn’t. Lucy invited Alex, but he declined. He was back to having a major bug up his ass over something, and I was hoping it wasn’t for the reason I was thinking.

  We were moving William into his apartment in the morning, and I was going to come straight out and ask him what his problem was. I was doubtful he’d tell me, but I needed to clear the air, or at least try. Oddly enough I kind of liked the new alliance we had formed before I had to go and share a little too much information about myself.

  I couldn’t worry about it at the moment. I’d deal with that later. For now, I was going to spend my Friday night unwinding with Brock while watching Lucy’s transformation taking flight. I smiled at her across the table from me, hard to believe just a short time ago, she was as timid as a mouse. Now here she was letting her hair down, no longer afraid of makeup, stylish clothes, and apparently PDAs as she and Declan went at it like they were the only ones in the room.

  “Okay, you two, save that for later,” I teased, breaking up their tongue lock.

  Brock laughed and placed his hand on my thigh, skimming my neck with his lips. I closed my eyes, reveling in his touch, wondering just how soon would be too soon for us to take the next step without me looking too easy.

  “Hey, Alex! I thought you weren’t coming,” Lucy exclaimed.

  I took a deep breath when his eyes skimmed past me and focused on Brock. They stared each other down with Brock looking away first, lowering his head, seeming like he was trying to hold back his laughter.

  “Hello, Alex.” I forced a smile.

  He gave me a curt nod and turned his attention back to Lucy and a few of my other coworkers. Why the hell was he acting this way? And more importantly, why did I care?

  “Alex?” I tapped him on the shoulder. “This is Brock, the guy I was telling you about.”

  He narrowed his eyes at him while Brock greeted him with the same sly smirk he had on his face since Alex arrived.

  “Alex…” Brock stood up and extended his hand. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you.”

  Alex rubbed his hand down the side of his face and refused to shake Brock’s hand. “Yeah, whatever, man.”

  Brock sat back down, wrapped his arm around my waist, and lowered his head to mine, taking me a little off guard when he stuck his tongue in my mouth. Clearly, he sensed Alex’s irritation with him and was instigating him even more. I played along because I was a little annoyed over Alex’s rude behavior as well. I didn’t have a problem with his ill-manners with me. After all, we had a mutual agreement—to barely tolerate each other. But he didn’t have any reason to dislike Brock. He’d just met him and was already forming an opinion of him, the same way he had with me.

  I raised my eyebrow at Alex once my kiss with Brock ended. He shot Brock one last dagger before turning his back toward us and joining in on another conversation.

  Brock kissed the top of my head and whispered in my ear, “Let’s get out of here.”

  I was half-paying attention, my mind still focused on Alex as he laughed and joked around with two of the guys from work. How the hell could he go from pissed off to happy-go-lucky at such warp speed?

  “Brock?” an unfamiliar voice beckoned, breaking me from my thoughts.

  Brock’s head shot up from my neck, and he sprang to his feet, coming face-to-face with the attractive redhead glaring at the two of us with tear-filled eyes.

  “Alicia, what are you doing here?” he exclaimed.

  “What am I doing here? I think the question is, what are you doing here with this little slut?”

  I wasn’t sure who gasped louder, Lucy or me. “Excuse me! You don’t even know me, so how dare you call me a slut?” I shouted.

  “Well, isn’t that what you
’d call a girl who’s screwing around with your fiancé?” She crossed her arms, trying her best to appear strong, but it was clear she was visibly shaken.

  “Your fiancé?” I was speechless for a moment. “You told me you dumped her because she was only after your money.” I focused my attention to Brock.

  “I-I—” Brock stuttered, standing in between us like a deer in the headlights.

  “What?” she shouted, and most of the patrons from the bar, including all my coworkers, looked on for the free show. “I was after you for your money? You are unbelievable!”

  “Alicia, I can explain,” Brock pleaded.

  “I don’t want your explanation! You’re a liar and a cheater, and I’m so done with you! Next time you decide to forget your phone, make sure you clear your messages letting me know where you’re meeting your little whore!”

  Another low blow, but I was able to overlook it and understand her anger, even though she was directing it at the wrong person and making me look like a total slut in front of this bar full of people.

  “Brock, is this all true? You’re engaged?” I asked, giving him one last chance to clear this up.

  He looked away and focused back on the redhead. “Alicia, come on, let’s just go somewhere and talk. I promise you I can explain.”

  “I have nothing to say to you!” she shouted, shooting one last glare in my direction before storming off, and some of the onlookers sitting at the bar began to clap.

  I was humiliated beyond words, hoping this was all some big joke. I stared at Brock, searching for some answers.

  “I’m sorry, Rose,” he muttered, avoiding my gaze as he went running off after the girl.

  I was speechless, not knowing if I wanted to run out or cry. All eyes were on me or at least it felt that way, but when I found the courage to finally lift my head from the floor, I realized once the sixty-second show was over all the people seated at the bar who were once so interested were now immersed back into their own little world. The only person who was still paying attention was Alex. I was certain he was getting the most enjoyment out of anyone here, but as his eyes burned into mine, they told a different story.

  Lucy got up and gave me a hug. “Rose, I’m so sorry.”

  “What a douche he turned out to be!” Ryan, one of my coworkers remarked.

  Alex was still mute, not reveling in the drama that had just unfolded and not offering me any comfort from my humiliation. I was mortified, especially because this all unfolded in front of him. Why did I even care, anyway? Alex should’ve been the least of my worries at that moment. I’d been made a total fool of by some guy, pretending to be someone he wasn’t, and I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. I deserved the embarrassment I was enduring for believing Prince Charming could be delivered to my inbox with a big red bow.

  “I think I’m gonna head out,” I whispered to Lucy.

  “Oh, Rose, no. Come on, stay and hang out. Forget about him. He’s a loser and so not worth it,” Lucy pleaded.

  “Come on, Rose, have another drink,” Declan chimed in.

  I managed my best smile. “Thanks, guys, but I’m just gonna be a Debbie Downer for the rest of the night, and I don’t want to ruin the fun. I’ll talk to you over the weekend, Lucy.”

  “Are you sure?” She placed her hand on my shoulder.

  “I am. You guys have fun, and, Declan, have a drink for me.”

  “Will do.” He raised his beer bottle and nodded.

  I walked out of the bar with my head hanging low. Such a stark difference from the way I’d walked in—ready to hop in bed with a pathological liar, just because he was charming, and I thought he had money. I was really no better than him. How could I have been so naïve to it all? I wasn’t stupid…or maybe I was when it came to men and relationships.

  After a few unsuccessful attempts, I was finally able to flag down a taxi. “Why are you leaving so early?” a familiar voice called, just as I was readying to enter the cab.

  “I think you know why.” I turned around and was face-to-face with Alex.

  He approached me with his hands in his pockets, and I gazed into his chameleon eyes, which were favoring blue over green under the dim streetlights.

  “Lady, come on!” The cab driver threw his hands in air when I turned my attention from Alex to him.

  “You know what? You can just go…I’m sorry,” I said.

  He shook his head in frustration and barely let me close the door before speeding off.

  “I’m sure you got a good laugh over what just happened.”

  Overcome with every emotion imaginable, I tried my hardest to fight the burn in my eyes and halt the tears that were just waiting to pour out. He was the last person I felt comfortable confiding in, yet oddly enough standing here on this busy street and seeing some rare compassion in those mysterious eyes of his—he was the only person I felt comfortable confiding in at that moment.

  “I’m just a total idiot. I have a great record when it comes to matching other people…just not myself,” I rambled. He was silent, waiting for me to elaborate. “Turns out, my intuition was wrong and so was what I told you about him the other night. The only feeling I should have had about him was that he was a total…” I stopped myself when the first tear escaped my eye. “I’m humiliated beyond words, and I really don’t know how I’m going to face everyone from work on Monday, who are inside that bar at this very moment and witnessed it all go down.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about.” I wiped my eye with the back of my hand. “If anything, you’ve been nothing but brutally honest about your feelings for me. I like that I know where I stand with you. You hate me. And you know what? I’m okay with that because at least you’re truthful.”

  “I don’t hate you.”

  I looked away and blinked away another bout of tears. I wasn’t sure if he really meant it or if he was just saying it to make me feel better. Whatever the case, I appreciated the rare compassion he was showing me when I needed it most.

  “Let’s get drunk.” He grinned.

  “No, I can’t go back in there.”

  “Who says we have to go in there to get drunk?”

  He flagged down a taxi and we got in.

  “Twenty-nine West Seventeenth Street,” he instructed the driver.

  “No car tonight?” I asked.

  “Not when I know I’m gonna be drinking.”

  I nodded. He was such a rule follower, but I kind of liked that. He showed his maturity, something the guys I was used to being around normally lacked. “So, where exactly are we going?”

  “Since you said you feel humiliated, I thought maybe we’d go watch some other people humiliate themselves to make you feel better about yourself.”

  “And just how are these people going to be humiliating themselves?” I asked.

  “Friday night Karaoke.”

  I nodded and grinned. “I’ve been one of those people a time or two…but not without an adequate supply of alcohol first.”

  “Wow, I’d pay to see that.”

  “Yeah, well, there’s not enough alcohol or money in the world to make that happen for you, pal.”

  Chapter 22



  APPARENTLY, THERE WAS ENOUGH alcohol to get Rose up on stage and belting out the tunes. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough alcohol to drown out her tone deafness. Somewhere between buzzed and totally inebriated, she had texted Lucy and her date to let them know where we were, and for the past hour and a half, we sat at the bar laughing our asses off at Rose’s quest to become a rock star.

  “I’m not sure if she’d be more embarrassed by what happened with that asshole she was dating or this,” Lucy shouted over Rose’s massacre rendition of what I believed to be a Britney Spears song.

  “If I were her…I’d definitely say this.” I grinned and lifted my beer bottle up to my mouth, taking a chug. “Of course, she’s more than likely not
going to have any recollection of this.”

  “Thank God! I wish we wouldn’t either. Singing is not her specialty.” Lucy laughed.

  “It’s bloody awful.” Declan shook his head and flagged down the bartender, ordering us all another beer.

  “We need to be supportive. It’s better she’s here, torturing us all with her singing than at home, thinking about what that jerk did to her,” Lucy said. “And, Alex, I’m very happy and a little shocked that you of all people are here tonight to help her through it.” Lucy squeezed her eyes closed and covered her ears when Rose hit the final high note of her song.

  “You guys! Stop being so boring and get up there and sing!” Rose exclaimed as she came bouncing back over to where we were sitting.

  “That’s okay, we’re just enjoying your lovely voice.” Declan smirked.

  “Excuse me!” Rose shouted to the bartender. “I want to order a round of shots for my friends.”

  I held up my hand. “I’m good.” After losing count of how many beers I had drunk and the few shots of cheap bourbon I had downed earlier in the night, I was at my limit.

  “Oh, come on, you have to at least have one more shot with me,” Rose protested, turning her attention back to the bartender.

  I could handle another shot, but it was clear Rose could not. I was powerless to stop her when the bartender placed the shot glasses in front of us and Rose downed her tequila like it was water. I ignored the shot of bourbon in front of me and was just about to make a plea to call it a night when the person with the mic in their hand requested a duet. Everyone in the place immediately began to chant Rose’s name, since they had all gotten to know her from the serenading she’d been doing all night.

  “Oh my God! They want me to sing again!” She laughed and stood up, barely able to stand as she swayed back and forth.

  “Rose—” I tried to stop her as she staggered off to the mic.

  “We want a duet,” the man with the mic said as Rose approached him.

  “Okay. Do I get to pick who I want to sing with?” Rose spoke into the mic.


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