Miss Demeanor

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Miss Demeanor Page 18

by Beth Rinyu

  “Let’s see, Kent…” She continued naming names of my coworkers, but she may as well have been speaking Greek because not one of them was the one I wanted to hear. I was just about to decline, when she redirected my thoughts. “Oh, and Alex had said he was gonna try and make it.”

  “Oh, umm…yeah, I’ll probably be there.” I tried my hardest to play it off as if that new tidbit of info wasn’t the only reason for my reply, but I was pretty sure she was on to me. “What?” I asked as she gazed at me with a huge smirk on her face.

  “Nothing…nothing at all.” She giggled. “I’ll meet ya there.”

  “Okay, sounds good!”


  I was just about to enter the bar when my phone rang with an unknown number flashing across the screen. It was more than likely another annoying telemarketer, but I decided to answer instead of sending it to voicemail like I usually did.

  “Hi, is this Rose?” the female voice on the other end inquired.

  “Yes, this is she.”

  “It’s Audra Miller.”

  “Audra. Hey, how are you?” Shocked didn’t even begin to describe how I was feeling. I thought for sure she had taken my information and tossed it. Alex had been to visit William several times over the past week but never mentioned our visit to his daughter because we both figured it was a lost cause.

  “I’m catching a flight up on Sunday morning, and I’d like it if maybe you could arrange some time on Sunday afternoon so I could meet with William.”

  “Consider it done!” I couldn’t hold back my smile.

  After agreeing on a time and place to meet on Sunday, I hung up the phone, feeling like I had won the lottery. William was going to get his dying wish after all. I walked into the bar, bursting to tell the news to Alex, but when I located the group of familiar faces, he wasn’t one of them. My happy moment quickly turned back to dread.

  “There she is!” Kent shouted as I came closer.

  “Hey, guys!” I flashed a faux smile, scanning the bar while still holding out hope. “Is Alex here? I’ve got some really good news I wanted to share with him.”

  “No, he’s not. I was in the afternoon meeting with him, and he got a phone call just as we were getting ready to head here. Turns out, he had made plans for tonight he forgot about,” Kent replied.

  “Oh,” I whispered, staring into space, trying to soften the blow that had just been delivered to my gut. This was all my fault for insisting he meet her. Of course, she was going to find him undeniably gorgeous and vice versa. I had led them to one another, so what right did I have to pout over it now? I needed to pull it together. I needed for things to be like they were B.S.—Before Sex. I could totally do this. I took my phone from my purse and sent him a text.

  Me: Call me when you can. I have some great news!

  I stared at the message I had just sent, wishing I could drop the phony façade and text him how I was really feeling. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, so please don’t meet her for drinks and please don’t sleep with her because it will break my heart.

  Chapter 33



  I SAT AT THE bar, feeling even shittier than I had before for what I had done to Rose. She didn’t deserve it, but in my defense, I was only trying to teach her a lesson. How was I supposed to know she was a great person once you got to know her?

  “My man.” I choked on my gin and tonic from the blow of his hand to my shoulder. “A few years out of the Corps and you’re getting soft on me.”

  I stood up, and he pulled me into a hug. I patted him on the back with a little extra vigor, letting him know I had gotten anything but soft.

  “Well, well, well. You finally made time for the guy who saved your ass more times than I care to remember.”

  He signaled the bartender and ordered a drink, then turned his attention back to me with a sly grin stretched across his face. “Yeah, well, I’ve been trying to smooth things over since you’re the guy who got my ass in hot water this time.”

  I held my hands up in defense. “You’ve got nobody but yourself to blame for that one. That wasn’t part of the plan, remember? Shaming her in the middle of the coffee shop for being a gold digger was.”

  “Yeah, but you didn’t warn me about how fuckin’ gorgeous she was.”

  The bartender placed his vodka and cranberry in front of him and he took a gulp.

  “I know it was stupid. I hurt the poor girl and almost jeopardized what I have with Alicia.”

  “You mean to tell me she took you back after that?”

  He nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

  “Man, you really do have nine lives.”

  Brock was one of the best friends a guy could ever ask for, but he was a shitty boyfriend. I wasn’t sure why he even tried having a commitment with any of them when he knew it was impossible. Women were not only drawn to his good looks, but they were also enticed by the fact he was a Marine in a Special Forces unit. A fact he definitely used to his advantage when it came to picking up the ladies. He had met the girl he was currently with the last time he was here visiting. I was shocked they were still together after several deployments and no doubt several women, and even more shocked when he told me they were engaged. I had never been formally introduced to her. He had been planning on doing that while he was on leave this time around, but given the circumstances, I wasn’t sure it would be happening.

  “Yeah, but now she’s on my case more than ever to set a date.”

  “What? No offense, dude, but given your track record, you’d be the last person I’d want to marry.”

  “I know, that’s what I’m sayin’!” He chuckled.

  “Look, the whole thing with Rose. Just leave it, okay? She showed me the text you sent her…and—”

  He held up his hand to stop me. “Wait, hold up. You didn’t tell her how this all went down?”

  “No,” I replied, ashamed to admit it.

  “I don’t get it. Why didn’t…” His eyes widened, and I could see it all coming together in his mind. “You’ve got a thing for her, don’t you?”

  I shook my head, not quite sure how to answer that. “I don’t…I don’t know.”

  Letting out a loud, boisterous laugh he banged on the bar. “Yeah, you do! That’s pretty awesome. She’s a great girl. At least one of us will be hittin’ that.”

  “Just stop talking about her like that!”

  “Whoa…touchy! You really do like this chick.”

  “She’s just a totally different person than I had her pegged out to be.”

  “You mean, she’s nothing like that bitch you’re married to?”

  “Was married to. My divorce was final last week.”

  “Wow, finally! Congratulations! Allow me to buy you another drink. We need to celebrate that!” Brock hated Vanessa almost as much as I did. “So, how does Rose feel about the two of you potentially hooking up? Because I gotta tell you…when she’d mention you in conversation when I was with her, it seemed like she despised you. But I don’t know, I sensed a change in her that night she introduced me to you, and she saw how pissed you were…which, by the way, you could’ve won an academy award for the way you acted toward me. No one would have ever guessed we’re like brothers.”

  The truth was, I wasn’t acting that night. I was genuinely pissed. Pissed at myself for playing that game with her and pissed at him for taking it to another level. My silence gave it away.

  “Wait, don’t even tell me you guys already…”

  I nodded.

  “Wow! You can thank me for that.”

  “What? Get the fuck out of here. You had nothing to do with it.”

  “Of course I did. She was obviously so distraught over losing me, she ran into the arms of the first available man she saw.” He smirked.

  “Yeah, whatever.” My phone vibrated from my pocket with a text. I was hoping it wasn’t Tina Wellington again. I had texted her earlier in the day to let her
know drinks were out for tonight, and she texted me back to set up a rescheduled date. I didn’t have any intentions of rescheduling. I didn’t even have any intentions of meeting up with her tonight. I just knew it got under Rose’s skin to think I was, and I wanted to mess with her a little. I couldn’t hold back my smile when I saw the message that had come through was from Rose and not Tina.

  Rose: Call me when you can. I have some great news!

  “Aww, is that from her? Oh, Alex, I love you. Do me harder, Alex,” Brock teased, gyrating back and forth in his barstool.

  I tried my hardest not to laugh as the people next to him took notice and looked at him strangely. I put my phone back in my pocket, deciding to get back to her after I was done meeting up with Brock.

  After a few more drinks and a lot of reminiscing, we decided to call it a night. His phone had been blowing up all night with messages from Alicia wanting him to check in with her. I didn’t get how either one of them could want to be in a relationship like that, but I kept my mouth shut and didn’t say a word, hoping he’d come to his senses and realize he wasn’t the marrying type or relationship type for that matter. We walked outside and embraced in a hug. He was leaving for Africa for several months. I was no longer privy to the details of his mission, but I knew it was dangerous. And as crazy as it was, I was jealous, wishing I could be going with him instead of stuck in an office, trying to figure out exactly what it was I wanted to do with my life.

  “You be safe, man.”

  “I’m gonna try my hardest,” he replied, his jokester personality from inside completely gone. “I’ll be in touch as soon as I can.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He turned around to face me just before entering the cab. “Alex, if you really are serious about her, you need to tell her. Don’t go into it with any secrets between you.”

  I almost didn’t recognize the somberness of his tone. It was so out of the norm for him.

  “Especially if you guys end up getting married. How are you gonna explain your best man to her on your wedding day?” He chuckled, morphing back into the Brock I was used to.

  I shook my head and smiled. “See ya later, bro.”

  “See ya later,” he responded before ducking into the cab.

  I stood on that busy sidewalk for some time after the taxi pulled away, feeling myself getting a little choked up. I was hoping I would see him later, but I knew firsthand that nothing in life was ever guaranteed.

  Chapter 34



  I MANAGED TO HANG out with my coworkers long enough to make it appear like I wasn’t pining over the fact Alex was probably in bed with Tina Wellington, but inside my head, I was obsessing big-time. So, after having a couple drinks, feigning a few laughs, and pretending to be interested in their conversation, I decided to call it a night. I hadn’t looked at my phone since I’d sent him that text, hoping when I finally did, I would have a reply.

  When I stepped outside the bar and finally found the courage to pull my phone from my purse, disappointment washed over me once again. I walked a few blocks and tried to shake it off. Why was I feeling so distraught? This never happened to me, but the truth was, there was never any other guy I really cared enough about…until now. Maybe I should have laid it all on the line with him and told him how I was feeling instead of leading him right into bed with Tina big boobs Wellington. After walking too many blocks to remember and not going in any particular direction, I finally flagged down a taxi. I got in and was just about to blurt out my aunt’s address, but instead Alex’s rolled off my tongue.

  I didn’t think about how insane I was behaving until I was standing in front of his apartment building and the taxi had pulled away, but I had come this far, I wasn’t going to turn back now.

  I was thankful for the lack of security when I managed to blend in with another couple as they entered the building. I took the elevator up with them, pretending like I belonged there, giving them a quick smile when I reached his floor. My stomach was on the upward descent of a roller coaster, and the closer I got to his door, the closer I was to going down that hill. I wasn’t even sure what I would say if he answered, but I was running on pure adrenaline, unable to stop myself from tapping on the door. My face heated and my legs trembled, thinking the worst—what if he brought her back to his place? I was out of my mind, setting myself up for a double dose of humiliation and heartbreak. I had to get out of there. I wasn’t going to do this to myself. I heard the elevator heading up and walked as fast as my two feet could carry me, waiting to step inside and have it take me back to some form of sanity.

  “Alex!” I wasn’t sure which of us was more stunned when the doors opened up and he stepped out.

  “Rose? What are you doing here?”

  My throat tightened, and my eyes burned as I looked him over and surmised what had just happened. His undone tie hanging loosely around his neck and the unfastened top button on his shirt were a good indication.

  “I…umm…I…” I battled the tears. I couldn’t do this to him. I wouldn’t make him feel guilty, just because I decided to change the rules. I cleared my throat and pulled it together. “I texted you earlier—”

  “Oh yeah, I was gonna text you back, but my battery died. What’s up?”

  My eyes studied him, inflicting torture on myself once again as I imagined his lips on hers, wondering if his kiss was intoxicating to her as it was to me. Did she even notice how beautiful his eyes were and how they changed colors based on his mood? Did she find his sexy sarcastic side, the one I loved to hate as adorable as I did? Did she hear the way his Southern drawl became more prominent when he was angry or upset? All these things I had learned in the short time of knowing him that may have seemed so insignificant to others were big things to me. Tina Wellington, the woman I idolized for her multimillion-dollar business, now had something much more valuable. I pulled in my bottom lip, wanting to tell him the premise of the text and be on my way, but my heart betrayed me.

  “I’m too late, aren’t I?”

  “What?” He creased his eyebrows in confusion.

  “You slept with her, didn’t you?” My voice faltered.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Tina Wellington.” I slowly snapped out of it. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here, and I shouldn’t be questioning you. I’ve got to go.” I stepped on the elevator, turning my back as the tears streamed down my face.

  “Rose!” he shouted, pushing his way in just as the doors were about to close. He placed his hand under my chin, tilting my head up, forcing me to look at him.

  “I’m sorry, Alex. I didn’t mean to come here and—”

  “I didn’t sleep with her. I didn’t even meet up with her.”

  “You didn’t?”

  He shook his head and moved my hair from my face, never taking his eyes from mine.

  “I lied. I can’t go back to the way things were before because I really do like you…a lot. I know I’m totally going back on my word to you, and I’m so sorry. I just needed to get it out. Please don’t feel like you have to—”

  He placed his finger over my lips. “Rose, will you please stop talking so I can kiss you?”

  “Really? You…you want to kiss me?”

  My heart soared from my chest over the depth of the smile that spread across his face just before his lips crashed into mine and our tongues clashed together. I was so turned on when his hands explored my body that I was ready, willing, and able to do it right there on that elevator. That was until the doors came open, and we broke ourselves from our embrace just long enough to come face-to-face with his next-door neighbors and their obnoxious little dog. If the woman didn’t already hate me enough from our last encounter, I was pretty sure she did now.

  “Oh my God! Really?” She looked me over with pure and utter disdain as their little yippy dog carried on like it wanted to rip our heads off.

  “Have a great night.” Alex smirked and p
ut his head down, grabbing my hand as we stepped off the elevator and maneuvered around her little beast on the leash.

  “Such a lack of class these days,” the woman remarked to her husband, but loud enough so I could hear.

  Alex tugged at my arm, trying his best to make me move forward and halt me from replying, but I couldn’t control myself. Stopping dead in my tracks, I turned back around to face her just as she and her husband were readying to enter the elevator.

  “And just so you know, he’ll have no problem getting it up tonight…and we will be having sex!”

  I turned my attention back to Alex, and we both busted out with laughter.

  “I like the sound of your plans.” He grinned.

  “Me too.”

  The short time it took him to unlock his apartment door seemed like eternity. I was longing for him more and more with each passing second. He kicked the door closed and pushed me against it while our tongues continued with their familiar dance. I unbuttoned his pants and they dropped to the ground along with his boxers. Both of us wasting no time, needing to put the cat and mouse pursuit that had been going on for the past week to an end.

  “We have all night to take it slow, but I need to feel you inside of me now.”

  My admission seemed to turn him on even more. He lifted my skirt and pulled down my panties, pausing for a brief moment as I waited in angst. “I need to get—”

  “No,” I whispered.

  “I thought you just said—”

  “I do more than anything, but you don’t need to get anything. I’m on the pill.”

  He seemed deep in thought, having an internal moral battle with himself, no doubt.

  “Trust me, Alex, I am. The last thing I want is to get pregnant. So, will you please stop killing the mood with your doubts and get on with it?”

  All of a sudden, the switch flipped, and any reservation on his part faded away. He grabbed the back of my thigh and eased himself inside of me. I closed my eyes and threw my head back against the wall, concentrating on the moment. Each movement became a little deeper and more intense, taking my body into a pleasurable realm from which I never wanted to leave. My hands worked feverishly through his hair, both of us pacing ourselves to make it last a little longer, until it became impossible to hold out anymore. With one final thrust, we both reached our breaking point, leaving us breathless and satisfied—yet still wanting more.


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