Better Off Without Her (Book One of the Western Serial Killer series)

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Better Off Without Her (Book One of the Western Serial Killer series) Page 22

by Hestand, Rita

  "You mean you are willin' to come along and help us?" John T. asked.

  "Why not…I love kids…and I have none of my own. It'd be good to have a family again."

  John T. smiled. "Pepper would love that…"

  "Si, I should hope so." Antonio grinned.

  "Let's just get one little thing straight now. She's my wife…" John T. announced.

  "Oh of course…I wouldn't dream of….." he let that drift off.

  John T. laughed. "Let's get home…"

  Chapter Seventeen

  They had stopped off to tell Michael about Victor. The kid was silent a long time.

  Then before they rode off he looked at John T. "Thanks for stopping and letting me know."

  John T. stared him a minute, "You take care, we'll look you up from time to time."

  "What happened to the other two men that were with you?"

  John T. hung his head. "They didn't make it."

  "Then I'm glad you killed him. My ma will rest easy now." He nodded to them and waved until they were out of sight.

  Antonio looked at John T. "Victor killed his Mother?"


  "There were so many…" Antonio shook his head. "Now I understand why his death was so necessary. And…I'm a peace with it, at last."

  John T. glanced at him and nodded."

  "Good, how do you feel about bein' a deputy?" John T. asked.

  "A deputy. Are you serious my friend?"

  "Very, I hear the town of Round Rock needs a new Sheriff." John T. cast Pepper a slight smile.

  "You just can't stay out of trouble, can you, John T.?" She insisted, and then spurred her horse ahead of them.

  * * *

  The children were playing in the yard. Pepper glanced out the window and smiled as she hemmed a dress for Sally.

  She couldn't help but reflect on the past when John T. and Antonio were on a hunt for a man. It never stopped. John T. had gone and got himself elected Sheriff here in Round Rock, Antonio unable to leave his side, became his deputy. Pepper had all the confidence in the world in both of them and knew that as long as they were together, they would be safe. But she looked back on Wesley's death and tears still sprang to her eyes. She had been devastated by Wesley and Rascal's death. Even though she had visited their graves many times since, she missed them dearly as though they had gone yesterday.

  Today she had three children and another growing inside her. Her first child with John T. They had made a loving family for Rascal's children. The kids fit right in and were happy; especially that Antonio was now a part of the family too.

  John T. and Antonio came home that night and Pepper had their meal on the table for them all. Although Antonio had bought a beautiful adobe house on the edge of town, he took his meals with John T. and Pepper. They didn’t' talk of the manhunt because John T. didn't like upsetting Pepper in her condition. The kids had been very helpful and very respectful of Pepper as the baby would come soon. They all couldn't wait for a little brother or sister either.

  But tonight the men looked tired as they sat at the table. "Okay, want to tell me what's up?"

  John T. frowned, knowing he couldn't keep a secret from her long. "Not much…we just had a bad situation happen and we are trying to figure out what we can do about it."

  "Well…what is it?" Pepper insisted on knowing the details.

  "Aw gee Pepper, we weren't going to worry you with it, right now…"

  "Might as well tell me as sit here and fret all night…besides, you know I'll get it out of you sooner or later…" she chuckled.

  Antonio frowned. "It is Ralph Sanchez….and his father Miguel."

  "Oh…yes, I remember him…he was in town a few days ago when I bought some material. Well, what about him?"

  John T. frowned, "His daddy beat the hell out of him last night."

  "Whipped him?"

  "Si…with a whip. Someone brought him into town. He was all bloodied up and not awake. They thought he was dying….We had to go after Miguel, he was killed, as he resisted arrest."

  "What about Ralph?"

  "Almost…I mean…I ain't seen anything like it….since…"

  "Victor Frank…" Pepper's eyes widened.


  She stood up…"Well…we have to do something…We can't let this go on…"

  "What are we gonna do…..?" Antonio asked "He has a family of sorts…"

  "Who brought him in to town?"

  "A neighbor…." Antonio furnished.

  "What kind of family?" Pepper asked.

  "A bunch of renegade Uncles, is what. Not fit for any child to be with."

  "Then he has no family…" Pepper cried out, tears close to falling.

  After a long silence, she lifted her head, "You must go to him, and offer to take him in, John T."

  John T. stood up. "Wait a minute Pepper…we got three, nearly four kids now…we can't do this…"

  "Of course we can…" Pepper explained. "I'll not have another Victor Frank among us. You go fetch that boy. And if he's willin' we'll take him in."

  Antonio got to his feet. "It is an excellent idea…only I wish to offer him my home."

  "But you're not married!" John T. shook his head.

  "That can be changed. Chakita and I have been talkin…" Antonio smiled.

  "Are you sure?" John T. asked knowing he didn't have to ask.

  "About Chakita, or the kid?" Anotonio smiled.

  "Both!" Pepper smiled. "I knew there was something going on. I seen you making eyes at her."

  "She has the most beautiful…."

  John T. cleared his throat.

  "Excuse me, I'm sure…" Antonio smiled.

  John T. kissed the top of Pepper's head. "We won't be long…"

  Antonio winked at her.

  "Now off with you two and take care of this."

  No sooner had they left and Pepper began to have cramps. She was due in a week or two but she hadn't planned on having it now. She still had some sewing she wanted to finish.

  She bent over with pain just as one of the kids came running in, "Mama, what's wrong," Sally asked.

  Then her water broke and she knew it was time.

  "Nothin' honey, but….I think the baby has decided he's ready to come out and meet you." Pepper cried, letting a tear escape down her cheek. "Can you go fetch daddy over at the doc's office."

  "No, I want to stay with you. I'll send Bren…" she cried. "Bren…Bren….come here."

  Bren came running in and saw his Ma bent over in pain. "Where's dad?"

  "Over at the doc's." she smiled at him.

  "I'll be right back…you stay with Mama," He ordered Salley.

  "I won't leave her…" Sally promised.

  "Joel's outside, let him play till they get back." Pepper instructed.

  Bren ran over to the doc's. They were busy with the boy on the cot in the doc's office. Bren saw the wounds and cringed. His heart going out to the other kid.

  "Pa…" he called.

  John T. saw him and closed the door. "What do you need, Bren?"

  "It's Mama, she's havin' the baby."

  "Now?" John T. yelled. "Good grief, thanks son. You did good. Tell you what. You stay here with Antonio, and help get the boy to his house. I'll take doc with me." John T. instructed.

  "Okay, he's going to Antonio's house?" Bren asked.

  "He's going to live with Antonio, guess you'll have a new friend." John T. smiled.

  Bren looked up at his Pa and was never happier to call this man his Pa. "That's okay with me…sir."

  John T. smiled, "My God, Rascal would have been so proud of you…" he said aloud then wondered if it bothered Bren.

  "I hope he is…I hope he is…" Bren smiled back.

  "Okay, hey Doc…." John T. hollered. He left instructions for them to carry the boy over to Antonio's and the Doc followed John T. home immediately.

  Pepper was already in bed, and Sally was seeing to her. The Doc smiled and took over, "Your Ma is gonna be fine, youn
g lady, but thank you for all the help." He looked about, "Could you fetch me a spittoon, honey."

  Sally brought the one on the back porch to the Doc.

  "Is that to catch the baby in?" she shrieked.

  "Naw….jest my tobacco…" he chuckled.

  "Can I help?" she cried.

  "Would you want to do that…?" the Doc asked wide-eyed at the child's enthusiasm.

  "Yes sir, I'd like to learn…I think we're gonna have a lot of them in our house…" she laughed.

  The Doc laughed too. "I wouldn't be surprised. Okay little missy, I guess you can stay as long as you can stand it…."

  "Thanks, what can I do?"

  Sally was precocious the Doc realized and for such a young lady he was shocked she was interested in helping.

  "Well, for one thing, we'll need a little blanket for the baby when it comes. Do you know where you could find one?" he asked.

  "Sure, Mama made one special for that…" she chuckled.

  "Good girl, go fetch that for me then…"

  When she returned she looked puzzled. "Where's the baby?"

  "Oh we got to wait fer a while. Yes sir, babies take their time and they don't get here till the Good Lord is ready fer 'em to."

  "Oh-h. That makes sense." Sally nodded.

  The Doctor looked at her and smiled then nodded. "Now, the best thing you can do, is go over there on the other side and hold her hand. Sometimes she might squeeze it, because havin' a baby is tolerable painful and she might even scream. But don't let that scare ya because it's natural. Okay."


  Hours passed and the boy from the doctor's office had already been taken to Antonio's. But since the baby was coming, Antonio brought the boy with him and sat with John T. in the next room waiting.

  "This is hard business waiting for a child to be born…" Antonio frowned.

  "Yes….it is…." John T. gulped.

  "Want some coffee?" Antonio offered.

  "That might help keep us awake. Looks like this is gonna take some time, don't it?" John T. fretted.

  Antonio poured a cup for John T. and himself and both sat glued to the door to the bedroom.

  They could hear nothing. Even Sally hadn't peaked out to say a word to them.

  Bren and Joel were awake too. They sat on the edge of their bed, waiting.

  "Dad…what happened to that boy?" Bren asked standing up and coming closer.

  "Well son….he was beaten. Beaten badly. Almost died." John T. explained.

  "I know his old man; he's a drunk and a no good. Ralph used to come to school kinda bent over before. I didn't know why…I guess I do now…though." Bren said.

  "It won't happen again. We're gonna all see to that…."

  "But how can we, he don't belong to us…"

  "That's just a matter of papers. Once the judge here's the story, he'll let Antonio adopt him. Then he'll be a real part of the family."

  Bren nodded, and started back towards the bed when they all heard a cry in the next room.

  Bren smiled at his dad.

  Antonio got to his feet and slapped John T. on his shoulder. "Looks like we have a baby."

  Sally came out with a bundle in her arms, her face was beaming proudly. "It's a girl…" she announced.

  "A girl…?" John T. choked on the word.

  "Her name is Ruby; I got to name her on account I was the first…'cept for Doc, who saw her."

  "Ruby," John T. cried as he took the baby from Sally's arms. "What a little angel, she is…"

  "Aw…what are we gonna do with another girl?" Joel asked with disappointment.

  John T. glanced at him and smiled. "Well, we got someone who will be around for you guys to play with. Anotonio here is fixin' to get married and adopt Ralph as his own."

  Joel immediately snapped to. "Yes sir…can he come over a lot?"

  John T. smiled. "Yes, I'm sure he'll be here as much as at home."

  John T. showed Antonio the baby and let him hold her for a minute.

  "She is mucho beautiful, with her pink cheeks and blue eyes."

  He handed her back to John T.

  "Well Ruby, welcome home, darlin'." John T. whispered as he kissed his baby's forehead.

  Antonio smiled, made the sign of the cross and glanced about. "Bless this child and all the others. We are now a big family…"

  The Doc came out and nodded. "You can go in, she's fine…"

  John T. joined Pepper. Handing the baby over to her, he smiled down into her weary but happy face. "Our baby is beautiful like her mother."

  "So…what did you think of her…?"

  "She's beautiful…like her mother…" he kissed her on the lips this time. "She's got the most beautiful head of hair too."

  Pepper squirmed as John T. bent to touch his lips to hers once more.

  "That's how we had a baby, you kissing me like that. Now stop, it's not the time. Did you bring Ralph home?"

  "Yes we did. He's in the other bedroom, resting . Doc says he'll be okay with rest. Antonio is pretty excited about all of this, but he has forgotten one thing."

  "Oh what?"

  "To ask Chakita to marry him. And if she is ready for a family."

  "You tell him to get out of here right this minute and go talk to her."

  "Yeah, I figured you say that…" John T. headed for the door. "God I love you woman."

  Pepper grinned. "I know. And we love you too, daddy."

  John T. went back to the bedside and grabbed her hand, and squeezed it. "I thought a lot about it. And I don't want to see another Victor Frank as long as I live. I don't care if I have to take in half the town's children…."

  "And you would wouldn't you?"

  "If I had to, yes…"

  Pepper stared into John T.'s eyes, "Are you sorry it wasn't a boy?"

  "Are you kidding me. I could never be sorry about a baby in the house. But little girls are so easy to love."

  Pepper looked at him seriously now and squeezed his hand…"Wesley would be so proud of you…"

  "Of me…what did I do? I've done nothing…"

  "Yes you have. You married me, kept your promise to Rascal, invited Antonio to be a part of our family, and created your own. Not only that but you protect the entire town now. He'd have been walkin' tall in his boots and you know it."

  John T. firmed his lips and there was a tear in his eye when he said it. "I got a feelin' no matter what we do, or where we go, he'll always be lookin' down on us. Why, it's almost like havin' an angel lookin' after us."

  "I know you're right…" she cried into his arms.

  "Now stop it, we got some celebratin' to do, Mrs. Cole. We just got a bigger family. Soon as you are ready I'll carry you out there and sit you up so you can be a part of it. I kinda feel like dancin'."

  Pepper laughed out loud.

  But Antonio summed it up later that evening with a toast. "To all the Victor Frank's of the World…may there never be another…" his toast was a mere whisper as the three of them stared at each other.


  "Now you better go talk to Chakita before she hears of your plans before you tell her." John T. slapped him on the back.

  Antonio smiled at his friend. "Chakita has a heart of gold. She loves children, and wants many in her home. She will love the idea." Antonio moved toward the door. "That's part of why I love her so much."

  He turned to look at his friend. "You know, Victor Frank was wrong. We, you and I are not, 'Better off without her.'"

  John T. looked sadly at his friend, remembering Wesley, Rascal, and the long trail to find Victor Frank. He also thought of his new friend, his new family and his life. "We are rich beyond words, my friend."

  John T. smiled at him and went back in to see his new baby…

  The End

  About the Author

  Rita Hestand is a native born Texan, she was born in Corpus Christi. Her mother was a hairdresser, and her dad was a pipeliner. She traveled extensively as a child, and truly was the new kid on t
he block, most of her life.

  Although she has traveled many states, Texas has always been her home. She married, had two daughters, and now has seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

  The movies played a big part in her life, as she dreamed of being a singer, an actress, and then finally…a writer.

  Rita writes a variety of works for your reading pleasure. She has written contemporary, historical, and western romance. She even wrote a western serial killer series. She dabbles in children's books too. She likes to try new things that she thinks fits her own special brand.

  Visit Rita's books on line at many fine retailers.

  God bless

  Rita's Other Books

  The Travers Brother's Series

  Chief Cook & Bottle Washer

  Courting Abby

  Hannah's Man

  Along Came Love

  Avalanche of the Heart

  The McKay Series

  Raining In My Heart

  Ring of Fire

  Twelfth of Never

  Stand By Me

  The Amory's

  Heart of the Wild

  Sweeter Than Wine

  Mail Order Nanny

  Red River Valley Brides

  Heart of a Lady

  Dancing With the Preacherman

  Last Bride, Last Man

  Winning the Lady

  Maggie's Dreams

  Brides of the West

  Heart of a Woman

  Delivering the Bride

  Heart of a Woman

  Wanted Bride

  This Side of Forever

  Shotgun Bride

  A Love As Big as Texas

  Heart of a Captive

  Wherever My Heart Roams

  In The Arms of an Angel

  Bride from Shenandoah

  Falling for the Bride

  Be Free My Heart

  A Desperado's Bride

  An Unexpected Welcome

  A Promised Heart

  (There will be four more to this series)

  The Dream Catcher Series

  Beyond the Dream Catcher


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