Sacred Thoughts - The Collection

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Sacred Thoughts - The Collection Page 7

by Alana Chappell

  Arriving at the mall, she calls Beth on the cell phone. Ring, ring. “Hello,” Beth answers.

  “Which entrance are you parked at?” Miranda asks.

  “I’m at the north entrance over by Macy’s.”

  “Okay, Hun, I will see you in a minute. I am in the parking lot.”

  “Perfect,” Beth says. Quickly she makes her way over to Miranda’s car. They embrace with a hug and are excited to start their hunt for the perfect outfit. Walking through the mall, they come across this hot, little mini skirt in the window.

  “This is hot,” Beth says with anticipation in her voice. “You have to try this on, especially with these sexy stilettos.” She points to a pair sitting on the shelf behind her.

  “Don’t you think this is a little revealing?” Miranda asks.

  “Absolutely not,” Beth responds, “especially when you see how smoking hot Sarah looks.”

  “Okay then.” Miranda finds her size on the rack and asks to see a pair of the stilettos in her size. “I will be right back,” she says as she enters the dressing room. She slides off her pants and puts on the hot, little black mini skirt and sexy heels.

  Completely surprised at how great she looks, she calls Beth over to view her. “What do you think?” Miranda asks.

  “I think you look so hot like I knew you would. Sarah is going to love it. You have to get it.”

  “I do like it,” Miranda replies. They walk over to the register and purchase this hot little number. “I think I have the perfect shirt at home to go with the rest of this outfit.”

  “Well, I can’t believe how easy that was,” Beth says. “Let’s go grab a bite to eat since the food court is right over there.”

  “I am a little hungry,” Miranda adds. They grab their food and find a table that is available. “So tell me a little bit about Sarah. I really don’t know that much.”

  “Well, she is getting out of a relationship of two years now. They ended on good terms, so there are no hard feelings; they just knew they were not good together.”

  “Wow,” Miranda responds, “it looks like we already have that in common. Our stories sound similar.”

  “I thought they did, and that is why I am anxious for the two of you to get together.”

  “Okay, well, I guess I should be going to make sure I arrive on time to meet Sarah. Thanks for meeting me here and helping me find something sexy to wear.”

  “No problem, that’s what best friends are for. Make sure you call me tonight after your date so I can see how it went.”

  On the way home, Miranda imagines what tonight has in store for her. High hopes of chemistry and companionship consume her mind. Finally arriving at home, she makes her way to the shower. The water beats down on her head as she gently lathers her body, secretly hoping to get lucky tonight. After washing her hair, shaving and rinsing off, she grabs her towel to dry off. “Hmm,” she says as she lotions her body, “I wonder what I did with my sexiest pair of panties? Oh, here they are with the tags still attached.” She grabs the scissors and cuts them off. She throws her brand new panties in the wash on the quickest cycle possible.

  She makes her way to the bathroom and begins to blow dry her shoulder-length hair. Looking in the mirror, she is critical of herself. Feeling a little shy about the blind date has made her anxious. She asks herself the question, “Am I someone she will find attractive?” She attempts to push those feelings aside as she continues to get ready.

  Completely dressed, she takes a final look at herself in the full-length mirror. She observes her long, slender legs and small, perky breasts that barely poke through her shirt. Checking her cell phone for the time, she realizes that she has about a half an hour before she meets this perfect stranger.

  Making her way across the house, she takes one last glance to make sure her home is nice and clean. “Perfect,” she says to herself as she grabs a bottle of cold water out of the fridge. Grabbing her purse, she makes sure she has directions to the sushi bar. As she climbs into the driver’s seat, she takes one last glance at herself in the rearview mirror. The DJ on the radio is playing her favorite song; she turns it up and begins to sing loudly as she makes her way to meet Sarah.

  “This looks like the sushi bar I was looking for. Yep, 1256 West Rover St.” She glances nervously around, looking for someone who fits the description of Sarah. Well, I guess I am a little early, she thinks to herself. She grabs a table toward the middle of the bar, trying not to appear awkward.

  Within moments, Sarah walks through the door. “This has to be her,” Miranda says to herself as she finds herself tongue tied. “Over here.” She motions. “You must be Sarah,” she says politely as she holds out her hand.

  “I am, and you must be Miranda.”

  “I am as well.”

  “It’s really nice to meet you,” they say to each other simultaneously.

  “You’re absolutely stunning,” Miranda adds as she admires Sarah’s thick, beautiful auburn hair flowing down the middle of her back.

  “So are you,” Sarah adds. Taking a seat at the bar, Miranda can’t help but check Sarah out from head to toe. She stands about 5’8” with beautiful, long legs that are exposed underneath her skirt. Beautiful, round breasts lay firmly together, creating the perfect cleavage. You can tell from the blouse she wears that she has a sexy black bra hiding beneath the surface.

  “So,” Miranda says, “I hear we have a lot in common.”

  “How so?” Sarah asks out of curiosity.

  “Well, we both just got out of lengthy relationships that did not benefit us,” Miranda says with a smirk.

  “That would be correct,” Sarah replies. “We definitely don’t want to talk about that.” She laughs.

  “No we don’t,” Miranda adds. “So, tell me, what do you like to do for fun?”

  Sarah sits in deep thought for a moment and says, “I like to go to dance class. Right now I am involved in salsa classes and I love it.”

  The thought of Sarah’s tight body moving to the sexy sounds of salsa really turn Miranda on. “Really,” she replies, “you are going to have to show me some of your moves.”

  “What about you?” Sarah asks.

  “I have always wanted to take dance classes, but never really found the time. I guess you can say I love to paint for fun.”

  “Really,” replies Sarah, “I would love to see some of your work.”

  “I would love to show you some,” replies Miranda. “My house is filled with artwork.”

  “Why don’t we go take a look at some?” Sarah replies with a smile on her face. She reaches over and grabs ahold of Miranda’s hand. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Of course it is.” Miranda’s heart is beating fast as she grabs her purse. “I live about five miles from here. Do you want to ride with me or follow me?”

  “Well, if you don’t mind, I will ride with you and you can just bring me back if you like.”

  Feeling overwhelmed and a little vulnerable, she agrees. She grabs her purse off of the back of the chair and Sarah follows directly behind her. Miranda opens the passenger door for Sarah. Ss she gently leans over to get in the car she catches a sneak peek of her thighs. Climbing back into the driver’s seat, she is taken back by how good Sarah smells.

  “You smell so good,” Miranda says. Sarah turns around and smiles at Miranda. Bouts of emotions consume her. She wants Sarah so badly. Her legs are long and smooth and all she can think about is wrapping them around her. Impulsively, she finds herself with her hands on Sarah’s thighs. “I am sorry, but you are so damn hot,” she says.

  Sarah looks over at Miranda and places her hands on her face. “So are you,” she replies as she gently places her lips on top of hers. As they passionately engage in a soft exchange of tongue, they become highly worked up.

  “Okay,” M
iranda says as she backs away from Sarah’s succulent lips. “We need to make it to my house; this is not the way I want to be with you,” she softly says as she leans in for a soft, small peck on the lips. Miranda starts the car and begins the endless journey to her home. Sarah sits patiently waiting for their arrival. What seems to take an eternity is only a ten minute drive.

  As they arrive at her house, Miranda pulls in to the garage and closes the door behind her. Wanting so badly to have Sarah inside the garage, she waits until they go inside before she makes her move. Expecting that they may engage in having a drink or two, she couldn’t be more wrong. Sarah grabs ahold of Miranda before they even make it to the door. She presses Miranda up against the garage door and begins to roughly suck on her neck, making her way around to her mouth. “I am so fucking turned on,” Sarah whispers as she gently bites Miranda’s bottom lip.

  Miranda swings open the door to her home. She grabs ahold of Sarah’s hand, makes her way to the bedroom and throws her on the bed. She jumps on top of her in a straddling position. “Take your shirt off,” says the voice from underneath her. “I want to see those tits. Show them to me,” Sarah says in a stern voice.

  Miranda pulls her shirt off and helps Sarah take hers off. “Damn, you have some nice tits,” Miranda yells out. “I can get lost in those,” she says as she leans forward to bury her face in them. Her nipples are hard and her breasts are so soft. “Wait here,” Miranda says as she jumps off of Sarah. Looking through her side drawer, she brings out two different dildos, one used for self-play, and the other for double-play. She lays them on the bed next to Sarah and grabs ahold of the self-play dildo. Making her way to the edge of the bed, she watches Sarah lie there looking so sexy. “Fuck,” Miranda replies, “I can’t wait to taste you.” She gently spreads her legs apart. Sarah smiles at her, giving her the okay to continue. “No panties,” Miranda replies, “you like to make it easy on me, don’t you?” She positions herself to be able to lick the very surface of Sarah’s pussy. She pauses and takes a moment to look up at her. Her head thrown to the side, Sarah barely even notices that she is being looked at.

  “Ah.” She lets out a moan as Miranda continues to slide her tongue up and down the crack of her lips. She gently slides her tongue past her clit, causing Sarah to jump a little. Miranda grabs a hold of the 6-inch dildo lying by itself and inserts it inside of Sarah. “Ugh, fuck,” are the words that Sarah mumbles as she thrusts her thighs up and down. Rapidly, Miranda strokes the dildo in and out and you can hear the sound of the wetness clapping in the air. Sarah starts to grip a nearby pillow and shoves it in her face to quiet her screams.

  “You’re a screamer, I like that,” Miranda says out loud. The screams are muffled as Sarah begins to let out an enormous orgasm. Quivering from the convulsions of a multiple orgasm, she collapses completely flat on the bed. Miranda climbs on top of Sarah and whispers in her ear, “I am not done with you yet. Here,” she says as she hands her the double dildo. “Place this inside of me and you get the other end.”

  “Oh, I know how this works, don’t you worry,” she tells her sarcastically. “Bend your ass over,” she tells her with authority. As Sarah grabs the dildo, she makes her way over to Miranda who is bent over doggy style on the bed. Her face is buried into a pillow and her beautiful, sexy pussy is in the air. Sarah takes the head of the dildo and places just the tip of it inside of Miranda. She gently glides it in and out, teasing her ever so gently. Next, she takes her tongue and gently licks around her ass. Making her way to the inside, she lightly penetrates her ass with her tongue.

  “Ah, that feels so good,” Miranda moans.

  “You haven’t felt anything yet,” Sarah whispers to her. She reaches for the single dildo and places a little lube on the end of it. After massaging her asshole, she caresses it with the end of the dildo, slowly inserting the very tip of it inside her.

  “Fuck!” she screams out. “Don’t you stop?”

  As Sarah continues to play with her ass, she gently reaches underneath her and starts to play with her clit, causing her to cum instantly.

  “Oh my God,” she says as she collapses lifelessly to the bed. “Hey, baby, I know you have to have some more stamina left in there,” Miranda says as she laughs. As Sarah gets back up on her knees, Miranda comes around with the double dildo and inserts it into Sarah from behind.

  “Damn!” she yells out. “I forget how big that dildo is.” Miranda joins her on all fours with their asses facing each other. She reaches around in between her legs and places the remaining dildo inside of her. They gently rock back and forth with this massive dildo deeply penetrating their insides. Moans fill the air as they are overwhelmed by the size and girth of this double dildo. Bouncing back and forth, they can feel the tickling sensation of their clits hitting each other. Miranda quickly gives signs of her climaxing.

  “Ah, oh!” Sarah screams, right behind her. The dildo is completely covered in cum and easily slides back and forth. “Please, no more,” Sarah says as she falls forward on the bed. The dildo falls out onto the bed and they roll over to each other to embrace.

  “That was amazing,” Miranda says as she gently caresses Sarah’s hair.

  “Yes, it was,” Sarah replies. “I am actually really hungry. We worked up a good appetite and we never got to eat earlier.”

  “Oh yes,” replies Miranda. “Let’s wash up and go have that dinner and date we were supposed to have.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Sarah whispers in her ear and kisses her gently on her lips.

  Jamaica Vacation

  As the sun fades behind the mountains, the mood becomes romantic and the Stevenson’s enjoy their stolen quiet moment. The reflection that appears like silk off of the sparkling ocean is mesmerizing. It appears as if the ocean and the crashing of the waves are in sync with a magical song that is being played. Dean looks over toward his wife whose beauty surpasses any scenery in Jamaica. He smiles as he leans in for a kiss. “I love you. Happy anniversary, baby.”

  “I love you too,” she replies. “Isn’t this amazing? I can’t believe we are really in Jamaica; it feels surreal.”

  Just at that moment a man dressed in a white dress shirt and tux pants comes over with a bottle of Sandra’s favorite wine. “For you, my lady,” he says as he reaches for her empty wine glass sitting on the table.

  “Oh, that’s my favorite.”

  “I know, baby, this is for you. Thank you for all that you do. I know that these last 10 years have been a little crazy, and I am so blessed to have been able to share them with you.”

  “Babe, thanks so much. That’s so sweet. I feel the same about you.” She picks up her glass and sits back in her seat to enjoy the very end of the sunset. Dean adjusts his chair so that he can place his arm around Sandra.

  “I can’t wait to use our hotel room; I can’t believe there is a swim-up pool in the room. You know I love the water. We will have a good time in there,” she says with a smile. Calypso music begins to fill the air. A feeling of freedom and bliss is felt as Dean grabs a hold of Sandra’s hand. She places her wine on the table as he makes their way to the dance floor where the band is playing. Gently he places his hand around her waist as her hips find a beat to the drums being played. The light cotton see-through dress that drapes her body makes her feel as though she is not wearing a thing at all. The breeze blows through the dress and her hair as she is feeling intoxicated by the music and island.

  Dean pulls his wife closer as if he can’t get enough of her. “There is no place I’d rather be than right here with you right now.” As they continue to grind on the dance floor together, they are surrounded by other couples who are really enjoying themselves.

  “This life feels so freeing,” she tells him as they dance. “No worries and just the island lifestyle. It’s hard to think about going back to Minnesota and the snow storm that waits.”

  “I agree. Let’s
just run away and live the island life,” they say jokingly.

  “I really enjoy this right now, and we should probably make our way back to the room while I feel the wine starting to kick in. And we really want to take advantage of this feeling.” Sandra smirks as she kisses her husband.

  “I will never disagree with that,” he says. “Let’s go and put that pool to use.” Slowly, they make their way through the hotel grounds, full of lush floral and tall palm trees. The sounds of waterfalls fill their ears as they round a corner toward their room.

  “Babe, why don’t you stand in front of this waterfall so I can take a picture of?”

  Sandra sits down on the wooden bench that is placed in front of the falls. Snap! “Perfect,” he says. “We need to take advantage of every photo moment so we never forget these feelings.”

  “Come on, let’s go,” Sandra replies as they make their way back to the hotel room. She can still hear the Calypso music from where they stand as she does seductive little dance in the moonlight on the way to the room. Turned on, he gently runs up behind her and wraps his hands around her waist as they sway back and forth to the music they can hear faintly in the distance. They eventually make their way to the doorstep of their Jamaican suite.

  “Wait here,” he says as he opens the door. Her husband sweeps her off her feet as he carries her through the doorway. “We have to do things the right way,” he says as he lays her down on the bed. He slowly makes his way back to the door and closes it softly. Sandra lies in the middle of the bed glancing over at her husband, completely turned on by his stature and silhouette that reflects off of the wall from the dim light just outside their room.

  “I can’t wait to feel you inside of me,” she whispers as he lies down on top of her. He gently unbuttons the front of her slightly see-through dress. The presence of her breasts overflowing from the top of her bra is intoxicating as she has the most perfect size D breasts. Her nipples barely peeking out of the top of her white lacy bra heightens his senses. He makes his way down to her waist and gently slides the dress off of her perfectly rounded hips. Her skin is as soft as silk as he gently rubs her exposed thighs. “I love the way you touch me,” she says. As he places his hands on her face she leans in to kiss him ever so softly.


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