Ancient Danger

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Ancient Danger Page 15

by Jo-Ann Carson

  Sadie winked at him and picked up her fork. She would have to do the horizontal mambo. How many sexual favors would it take? The man sealed his mind tighter than a sardine can and was more stubborn than a mule.

  As she ate her steak, she kept her gaze on her food and wine, only looking up occasionally. Every time she did, she found him studying her as if she were a jug of water in a desert. He may as well be drooling.

  She knew that look well. Men had considered her an acquisition since she hit puberty. She smiled to herself. Yes, she would do the nasty with him, but he would pay.

  Sadie put down her fork, leaned back and took a long drink of wine. Its full-bodied flavor meshed perfectly with the meat. Sighing, she pulled a hand through her hair.

  He continued to stare.

  “Are you going to eat?”

  “I’m vegetarian,” he said. “I’d rather watch you.”

  With as much class as she could muster, she lifted the linen napkin to her mouth and dotted her lips. “I get carried away when I have a good steak.”

  “I see that. I’m wondering if you get carried away at other times.”

  She smiled demurely. “You won’t be disappointed.”

  He pushed his plate forward and folded his hands on the table. “Sadie, I want more from you than one night.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m attracted to you sexually. But I want more. I’ve never met a woman like you and I want you to be more than a…”

  “One night stand?”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “How about two?”

  He gave her that warm smile again, that came from a heart she didn’t know he had. “How about we get to know each other first. If things go as well as I think they will, you could be…”

  “Don’t say wife. You behead your wives.”

  His brows shot up. “Only one. And no, you are too American to be one of my wives. I was thinking a mistress.”

  “The mistress of an arms-dealer? Interesting, but too dangerous in more ways than one.”

  “I would do everything in my power to protect you. You would have every luxury you desire. You would live like a queen. My queen.”

  “But I would have to share you.” A little backbone would pull him further in.

  “Not my heart, or even my bed. I would be monogamous if you demanded it.”

  “All this because you like the way I move my hips?”

  “No habibti, though I do like your body. I’m saying that I would be willing to commit to you. The depth of your heart pulls me. With you I could have a relationship unlike any I’ve had before.”

  Relationship? A shiver stole up her spine, but she smiled and let her mouth fall into a provocative pout. With her right hand she took a tendril of her hair and curled it around her finger, keeping his attention and slowing the momentum of the moment.

  “I think you’ll find, as you get to know me better…” She hesitated to capture his eyes in hers. “Many things about me will intrigue you.”

  He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything the door of the dining room opened and Chasisi strode in. His pace was fast and assured like the commander of an army returning from a triumphant battle. Without even acknowledging her presence, he directed his attention to his brother. “Bakari, we have to talk.”


  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Sadie sat alone. Bakari had left the dining room with his brother. Could Chasisi convince him she was up to no good? Could she do anything about it?

  The French Doors had been left open a few inches letting in fresh air and the sounds of the world outside. The wind rustled through the leaves of a beech tree, and a light rain pattered on the window panes. No traffic. Bakari had chosen his neighborhood well. Although they were in the city, it felt like the country.

  Considering the anger in Chasisi’s face, Bakari wouldn’t return right away. She looked at the half-eaten steak on her plate and did her mental calculation of calories in and calories out. The energy would do her good. Taking time, enjoying every bite of the well prepared steak and sip of the perfectly matched wine, she tried to relax, but the tension in her muscles steadily grew. Her body did that when she neared the end of an op.

  How could she gain access to the office? If Bakari turned off the cameras, she could sneak out of his bed during the night and have a good look around. Risky, but doable. He might not turn off all the cameras. Or a security guy might turn them on again. He might not fall asleep. If she knew where he hid his security room, her job would be easier.

  Which led her to another thought: why the hell didn’t the CIA know about this house? Maybe they did and weren’t in the mood for sharing. All that need-to-know baloney. She bit her lip. She’d have to figure it out on her own.

  Elizabeth slid into the room, moving in her creepy soundless way. “Madam would you care for dessert? Perhaps a dessert wine?”

  Of course Bakari knew what she liked, had made it his business to find out. Wonder what else he knew… “I’ll have Madeira with dessert.”

  “Yes madam.” The woman did a one-eighty and left. Could she be a security guard or… something? Interesting. Bakari liked to be surrounded by women, but they seemed to fall into three distinct camps: family, bedmates or… assassins.

  Five minutes later the maid reappeared then once again Sadie was left alone in the big dining room. How could she get Bakari tired enough to fall into a deep sleep? She eyed the plate of cakes and pastries. She could slip him a mickey, which she carried in powder form in the base of the heel on her stiletto, but if he caught her, things would turn ugly fast. Hmm. His powerful hands could snap her neck in a minute.

  She lifted her crystal glass and looked at the dark red port, swirled and sniffed it’s bouquet. The Portuguese Madeira slid down her throat like warm lava and with it came a rush of good memories. Yes, a Mickey would do the trick.

  Why did her drink taste more smokey than usual? Must be her mood.

  Mitch had introduced her to Madeira on their first shoot together. Tucked away in a rundown chalet in the Alps, they damn near froze to death, because the organizer was too cheap to pay for decent lodgings. That first night, they huddled close together by the wood fire, as snow fell in flakes the size of ping pong balls outside and the cold bitter wind blew in between every nook and cranny.

  To get their minds off their crappy situation, they took turns telling each other secrets from their past. The next day she had felt embarrassed about the whole thing. She couldn’t believe she had shared with a guy friend the story of getting her first bra. At first she thought it must be the Madeira, or the cold Swiss wind. Within a week she knew it wasn’t any of that. It was Mitch, his bigger than life personality and even bigger heart.

  Ever since then, they made a point of drinking Madeira together. Aged for several years in wooden casks, it has an amber tone, like dried fruit, caramel and roasted nuts, and yet has a wisp of tartness. On that first night, the high alcohol content helped soothe her tired body after eight hours on their modeling gig. Not to mention the botched cat burglary the night before.

  Madeira. Warm memories filled her mind with a single sip. She took another and silently toasted her absent friend. Men as friends were so much easier to deal with. Once they became lovers, life became a crap shoot. What was she thinking? Not Sebastian again. She had to put her mind back on track.

  Would Bakari visit her tonight? Probably. She knocked back a second drink and headed for her room. On the way up the stairs she could hear the men arguing in the office. Clearly they weren’t in agreement about something.

  Her stomach clutched. She stopped and grabbed the banister beside her. It twinged again. Her gut always responded to her emotions, but this wrenching was… Oh God. Pain. Her whole stomach spasmed. She fell to her knees.

  “Help,” she rasped. Her voice sounded faint even to her. No one will hear me. Her head hit the stairway hard, and the last thing she remembered was that the carpet smelled of disinfectant.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Bakari strode into his office with Chasisi on his heels. How dare the man interrupt his time with Sadie! Heat rushed to his cheeks and he balled his fists. How dare he! Chasisi closed the door behind them and locked it. They faced one another.

  Chasisi raised his hand to caution him. “Hear me out.”

  “It better be good.” Sweat trickled down Bakari’s neck.

  “I don’t trust her.”

  “You’ve already told me that. Your new suspicions can wait until morning. I…”

  “No,” Chasisi interrupted him.

  Bakari hated being interrupted. Rarely allowed it, even from his most beloved brother. He sucked in a breath, but the air didn’t fully reach his lungs. His chest was too damn tight.

  “She’s been snooping around.”

  “She’s a spy. What do you expect?” Had she found anything?

  “Last night while you were away, someone gained access to the back stairway, and when Gahiji chased them, they escaped out the exit tunnel.”

  “Can he confirm it was Sadie?”

  “No, he didn’t get close enough. But I caught up with her outside shortly afterward.”

  “What was she doing?”

  “She claimed to be jogging.”

  Bakari took a step back and turned his head to relieve the tension building in his neck. “It is possible.”

  Chasisi narrowed his eyes, but said nothing.

  “It’s in her dossier, the one you prepared for me. She runs three times a week and keeps herself in excellent physical condition.” But was she running from his security men this time? That was the real question. “What about the dogs?”

  “They weren’t released in time to catch the person. The tunnel is old and full of smells, as is the street. They don’t seem to be picking up one scent.”

  “So you have no proof.”

  Chasisi’s mouth firmed and his face flushed. “Bakari wake up. She’s a whoring spy who intends to stop you. She wants to bring you down. Will you let a woman, an American woman, do that?”

  “How dare you insult my intelligence!” Bakari screamed.

  “You’re being more stubborn than a mule. She’s just a woman. Have another. Have two. Have a hundred virgins. I don’t care, but leave this one alone. She’s deadly,” Chasisi screamed back.

  “I will…” Bakari stopped. What was that? “Did you hear something?”

  Chasisi pulled out his mobile. “It’s the security line on my phone.” He held up a finger. “Yes. On it,” he said to the caller.

  Then he looked up at Bakari and waved for him to follow. “It’s Sadie.”


  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Sounds of swishing and pumping and beeping machines were the first things Sadie registered when she woke. Then came the overwhelming smell of stringent chemicals, mixed with the dank smell of humanity. She opened her eyes slowly. Yup, she was in a hospital.

  Bakari sat on a chair at the end of her bed. She closed her eyes again, hoping he wouldn’t notice that she’d woken up. She needed to get her bearings.

  Woken up? Or returned from the nearly dead. She remembered the fall, the men arguing in the office, the smell of the carpet. And then everything went black. She took an internal check on her body. Her mind worked despite a dull throb between her eyes. Possible concussion? Her eyes felt dry but her sight was fine. She wiggled her shoulders, arms and legs in turn. Everything seemed attached and functioning. But her stomach screamed for attention. Raw, acid… pain. She knew that feeling. They had pumped her stomach.

  Poison. That’s why the sherry tasted a little more of oak than usual. Damn it. How could she let that happen? But who did it? Obviously not Bakari, or he wouldn’t be at her bedside. She moaned dramatically and opened her eyes.

  “You’re awake.” His voice sounded tired and sad.

  “Did you poison me?”

  “No.” He walked to the side of her bed and took her hand. “It wasn’t me.”

  “Then who was it?”

  “My men are working on it.”

  She sighed. “It may have nothing to do with you.”

  “It happened in my home.”

  She screwed up her face. “A man tried to kill me in Venice last week. He committed suicide before he could be questioned. Like you, Bakari, I have enemies.”

  His face darkened. “I will tell Chasisi to contact people we know in Venice. I will find out who did that to you.”

  Sadie tilted her head. What wasn’t he telling her? “You’re wondering if I was the real target?” She wiggled her body up the bed and pushed the button to make the back come up and raise her into a sitting position.

  He shook his head. “I don’t know what to think. It doesn’t make sense. I have the best security systems in place. You would be an easier target outside my house. So maybe you weren’t the intended target.”

  “Unless someone inside your house wants me dead.”

  “Who?” Anger flushed his face red in an instant. Never had she seen a person become so violently angry in such a short time.

  “I’m not exactly popular in your world. There’s Dead Eyes, who strangled me close to death in New York, your brother who hates me, your maid Elizabeth who is odd or…” She didn’t want to say the last name.

  “Dead Eyes?” His coloring faded and stabilized a solid sockeye-salmon color.

  “That creepy guy you sent to the airport for me. He has the deadest eyes I’ve ever looked into.”

  Bakari nodded. “That’s Gahiji. He only does what I tell him to do. He would not cross me. Ever. He’d lay down his life for me. I trust him completely.” He blinked. “But I will talk to him about New York. You should have told me.”

  “Your brother?”

  “No. We were arguing about you when it happened. He wanted me to throw you out, not end your life. We are not as barbaric as you think.”

  The thought of his beheaded fourth wife crossed her mind. He was definitely cruel when it suited him.

  When she didn’t say anything he added, “How are you feeling?”

  “My head hurts and my stomach aches.”

  “Have some water.” He poured her a glass from the pitcher on her side table and handed it to her. “Elizabeth may seem odd to you, but her behavior is understandable. I took her in when she was in trouble. She has no family and is devoted to serving mine. It’s a long story. Because her early life experiences were difficult, she is different, but she is harmless. She would never hurt you.”

  “Maybe she has a crush on you.” Sadie sipped her water, and enjoyed an avalanche of cool relief trickling down her throat.

  He smiled. “Who else is on your list?” His dark eyes searched her face.

  Bakari knew she was an expert liar. Did he really think he’d read her with his eyes? “The unknown man of course. Someone I don’t suspect, possibly don’t even know.” Who’s name just might be Khalid, you idiot. But why would his son want to kill her? Why indeed?

  “That’s always a possibility.

  “Was there enough of the drug in my system to kill me?”

  “No. Just enough to make you very sick. They either wanted to take you out of the way for a while, but not harm you permanently, or they expected you to drink more.” He shifted in his seat as if something prickly stabbed his ass. “You wouldn’t do it to yourself?”

  He’d caught her in the middle of a swallow. Water spurted from her mouth in all directions. “Hell no!”

  “I just thought maybe you wanted to get away from me.”

  “Aren’t I still in your home?”

  “No. I didn’t want to deal with the wrath of the CIA. If they were to hear that you were poisoned and then contained in my house, they would come after me. You’re in a local hospital.”

  “In a very nice private room. Thank you,” she said.

  He nodded. “Under the circumstances, it was the least I could do. My people are checking out all the medical staff t
hat attends to you, and my own personal doctor is conferring with them. How are you feeling?” he asked in a softer tone this time.

  Waving her hand in the air as if how she felt didn’t amount to a hill of beans, she took another sip of water and swallowed it slowly. “They pumped my stomach?”

  “Yes.” His phone buzzed and his face reddened again. “Sadie, I must go. I have business. The man you call Dead Eyes will stand by the door. No one will harm you.”

  He stood and came to her side. First he took her hand. A cold reptilian touch. Then he leaned over and kissed her on her cheek. “I’m so sorry this has happened. It shames me that it happened in my own home. I apologize for not taking better care of you. Rest assured I will find out who did this to you and will show them no mercy.”

  A crazed glint shone in his eyes, sending a chill up her spine. Heads would roll. She’d never seen him look quite so wacko before. She was seeing the man behind the crazy shit that went down. Finally she’d seen his real face. Too bad she had to end up in the hospital. “What time is it?”


  Shit, she’d missed sending messages to Jeremiah and Mitch. They’d be more than worried.

  A tall man with large glasses dressed in green scrubs and with a stethoscope hanging from his neck entered. He nodded at Bakari in a judicious manner and then looked at Sadie. “I’d like to talk to my patient alone,” he said. His voice had a low baritone quality, that undoubtedly put his patients, especially his female patients, at ease, but something about it pricked her bull-shit meter. A little overdone somehow.

  Bakari looked ruffled, like a king out of his domain. He gave her a slight bow and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  “My name is Dr. Mallory.” He put the blood pressure sleeve on her arm and tightened it as if punctuating his sentence. He smelled of soap; just regular old soap.


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