Flash Bang

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Flash Bang Page 14

by Meghan March

  “Suck the head on the upstroke. You’re going to get me off with nothing but your tits and your tongue, and I’m going to give you an honest-to-god pearl necklace.”

  Ro moaned as he slid his cock back down, and then as he thrust up, she felt his cock tunnel into her mouth. She laved the head with her tongue.

  “Fuck, babe. Just like that,” he groaned.

  His words and their actions had her squirming on her seat. She furtively reached between her legs and found herself soaked—and not from the shower spray. She moaned as she found her clit, and Graham tunneled into her mouth again and again. Zach rolled her nipples, pinching and tugging on them until Ro couldn’t hold still. Graham clutched at her shoulders, stilling her movements, and increased his pace. The head of his cock fucking in and out of her mouth was erotic, and she slid two fingers inside herself, spreading her legs wider. Graham stilled, and Ro looked up to see his gaze glued between her legs where she was finger-fucking herself.

  He groaned, and said, “You’re gonna make yourself come when I say. You got that?”

  Ro nodded, and as Graham resumed his thrusts, she timed her movements to his.

  “Goddamn, now. Come now.”

  Ro pressed down hard on her clit, and Zach tugged and twisted her nipples. She unraveled as the climax rushed over her. Hot jets of semen spurted onto her chest as she rode out her orgasm.

  Zach could feel his own cock jerk as Ro came apart under their hands. When Graham reached out to rub his come into her skin rather than wipe it away, Zach released her breasts and knew he was seeing a claim. A sign of ownership. She was theirs. Whatever else happened, she was theirs.

  Ro slumped back against him, and Graham reached out to shut off the water. Zach felt like he could hammer nails with his cock, it was so goddamn hard. He wasn’t leaving this room without getting inside her. And there was still one place he hadn’t been.

  He looked to Graham, who was gathering Ro up in his arms. Graham met his gaze and jerked his head toward the bench in the locker room. It was great to know that your best friend wasn’t about to leave you with a stiff cock and aching balls. It was Zach’s turn to be buried inside her. And he wanted that gorgeous ass.

  Zach stepped out of the shower area and grabbed a couple towels. One he laid out on the wooden bench, and the other he used to scrub himself dry. Graham sat on the towel, one leg on either side of the bench. He snagged the towel from Zach and dried Ro and himself. He sat her on the bench so she straddled it, facing him. Zach reached into his locker and grabbed the bottle of lube he usually reserved for jacking off in the shower. This was a much better use. Unbelievably better. He straddled the bench and leaned over Ro.

  “You ready for more, baby?”

  She turned to look at him, noticing the bottle of lube in his hand. Zach smiled as her nipples beaded. She nodded.

  “I need words, babe,” Zach reminded her.

  She swallowed. “Yes. But how exactly …” She trailed off as Graham gripped her thighs to lift her onto his lap, impaling her on his already hard cock.

  “Holy shit!” Ro yelled, her head rolling back. “Warn a girl next time, Conan.”

  Graham grunted before rolling backward so he was prone and Ro was laid out on top of him, legs spread wide where they were caught over Graham’s hips. Zach could see her asshole and where Graham was buried balls-deep in her pussy. The sight of a dude’s balls wasn’t his favorite, but when he was about to be buried in Ro’s tight little ass, he didn’t give a fuck.

  Zach trailed his finger from the cleft of her ass down to the whorl he was about to slide into. He drizzled lube, and smoothed it around before breaching the tight muscle of her ass with a finger. Her moan was all the incentive he needed to continue. He slid a second finger in, the hole clenching to try to keep him out.

  “Relax, babe. Push out. I’m just trying to make sure you’re ready for me.” He scissored his fingers, trying to stretch the snug passage, which was made even tighter by the fact that her pussy was full of Graham’s dick.

  He slipped his fingers out and lubed up his cock before pressing the head against her asshole. Gripping the base, he pressed forward until the muscle gave, and the head slid inside.

  “Oh God,” Ro whispered.

  “You good, babe?” Graham asked.

  “Mmhmm. It’s just … full. The pressure is so … good …”

  She trailed off as Zach slid in deeper. Her moan was all the encouragement he needed to continue until he was buried in her ass.

  “Goddamn, woman. You’re so fucking tight. I don’t know how I’m going to last.”

  Zach felt Graham start to pull out, signaling the start of their alternating thrusts. When Graham started to push back inside her pussy, he pulled out of her ass, reveling in the hot, dark clench of muscle. Zach reached around to toy with Ro’s clit, pulling another moan from her.

  Ro’s mutterings of oh god, holy shit and variations of the same kept him pistoning in and out. Her cries got louder right before she clamped down on his cock. Hard. The near stranglehold of her tightening muscle had his orgasm boiling up in his balls and shooting out before he could rein it in. He pinched her clit and felt her bear down again, her cries of pleasure echoing off the tiled walls. A growl from Graham indicated that he’d given in to the hot heaven of this amazing woman.

  “Fuck,” Graham rumbled in Ro’s ear. “That was fucking incredible, babe.”

  Ro slumped against him, unable to summon the strength to move. She’d lost count of the number of orgasms she’d had. She had no idea her body could do that. I guess it just takes adding their bodies. Holy hell. Her eyelids drooped with exhaustion. The last thing she’d felt before she gave up the fight against the descending darkness was a kiss to her temple accompanied by a soft, “Most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

  Ro woke disoriented. She was in Graham’s bed, and the sky was still dark, the first hint of gray dawn breaking through the cloak of night. Graham had his arm thrown over her, and Zach’s hand cupped her hip. The sheet was thrown back, and she’d been kept warm solely by the heat radiating from their bodies. Ro squeezed her eyes shut to stop the tears from falling. She hated what she had to do, but she didn’t see any alternative. Graham was dead set against her leaving alone, and in his dedication to protect the people he’d taken responsibility for, he couldn’t spare the bodies, his included, to see that she made it home safely. She bit her lip, and steeled herself against the clawing ache that was shredding her heart. Whether she wanted to leave or not, she couldn’t bring herself to stay. She was going to prove to her family that they meant everything to her.

  Decision made, Ro paused to make sure both men were sleeping soundly. When all she heard was even breathing, she inched out of their hold and off the end of the bed. Apparently last night’s activities, when added to the crazy events of the day, had rendered them dead to the world. Away from their warmth, the shiver that passed through her was a cold reminder of what she was about to do. She smiled sadly, knowing she’d be reliving the events of the last few days for the rest of her life. Shoving aside the urge to crawl back between them, Ro padded silently across Graham’s room and picked up her folded clothes off the chair in the corner. She clutched her shirt, picturing Zach stacking them neatly. She took a deep breath, and blinked back the tears. After another deep breath she forced the emotions down. She spotted Graham’s M1911 on the nightstand and remembered that he stashed a backup in the drawer. Liberating both guns, she checked to make certain the safeties were engaged. Spying Zach’s and Graham’s t-shirts on the floor, she picked those up, too. She wanted something to remind her that these men hadn’t been just a figment of her imagination. She dressed quickly in the main room of the cabin, stuffing the M1911 in the waistband of her jeans at the small of her back and the other in the pocket of her hoody. She hefted her backpack onto her shoulders from where it sat by the door, and slipped silently out of the cabin.

  Ro’s first stop was the gun range where she raided the cabinets f
or MREs, Power Bars, and bottled water to replenish her supply. It felt wrong to take them, but she couldn’t believe Graham or Zach would begrudge her the supplies. No, they’d be too busy wanting to shake some sense into her for leaving. She crept across the interior of the compound to the bolt hole that she’d seen the men enter and exit when they didn’t want to unlock the main gate.

  Unlike her last escape attempt, it wasn’t her ankle, but her heart that ached. She thought about their reaction to finding her gone. Graham would lose his friggin’ mind, and Zach would be so … disappointed in her.

  Shoving the thoughts aside, she slid the bolt free, and the door swung open on well-oiled hinges. She stepped through the porthole and carefully closed the door, using a stick to prop it shut from the outside. She didn’t like the idea of leaving it unbolted, but from the outside, she had no choice. Ro pulled out her compass, oriented herself, and headed toward the northeast corner of the property. The hidden gate there would be her exit point, and she just needed to avoid whoever was on fire watch. Ro sent thoughts skyward and headed out.

  Dodging the roaming patrol had actually been easier than Ro had expected. Finding the hidden gate and sliding under the laser beam that would trip the perimeter alarm hadn’t been much more difficult. She couldn’t stop looking over her shoulder for the first couple of hours, because she expected Graham and Zach to come rushing out of the woods after her. But that hadn’t happened. And the farther away Ro got from the ranch, the more she had to tamp down her mixed up emotions.

  It was hard not replay the events of the last few days. Jesus. Talk about a freaking roller coaster. Only a week ago, if someone had told Ro that she’d willingly take part in a ménage—and love it—she would’ve punched him in the throat. Seriously, though. Propositioned for two ménages (okay, surprised with and bargained into) within a few weeks? That had to be some kind of a record. At least among twenty-something professional women with almost no social life to speak of. The craziest part was, while the first one—the Evelyn-Charles incident—had felt so utterly and abhorrently wrong, the second one had just felt natural and right. Maybe it was the lack of a silicone strap-on? Whatever the reason, she couldn’t regret her decision. In either case. And she was working really, really hard to not regret her decision to sneak out this morning. Maybe someday, like when the power grid came back up, she’d take a drive back to Castle Creek Whitetail Ranch and see if they’d forgiven her for running out on them.

  Ro’s stomach growled, reminding her that she had missed out on Allison’s excellent breakfast. She paused to unzip the side pouch of her pack and pulled out one of the stash of peanut butter Power Bars she’d “borrowed.” Tearing the wrapper open with her teeth, Rowan heard a branch snap behind her. Expecting to see Graham and Zach’s angry faces, she started to whirl around. But before she caught of a glimpse of whoever was behind her, pain exploded in her skull and everything went black.

  Still half asleep, Graham rolled over and reached for Rowan. When his hand found the cold sheet between him and Zach, his eyes flew open. Sunlight filtered through a slit in the blackout curtains covering the cabin’s high windows. The morning was still. Zach’s even breathing was the only sound interrupting the silence. The icy fingers of dread from yesterday invaded full force, this time gripping his heart and his gut.

  Graham glanced toward the closed bathroom door, hoping against hope she was in there. He rolled off the bed and strode to the bathroom, grabbing up his pants from the floor. He jerked the door open.


  Graham checked the floor for his shirt, but not seeing it, he pulled open his drawer to grab another. He rounded the bed and reached for the gun on his nightstand. It was gone.

  Only his radio sat next to the oil lamp.

  He pulled open the nightstand drawer and reached in for his backup sidearm. It was also gone.

  Yanking his pants on, he said to Zach, “Get the fuck up, man. Ro’s gone.”

  Zach was out of the bed, looking around the room, clearly confused about what the fuck was going on. But Graham wasn’t confused. He was absolutely goddamn certain of what the fuck was going on. She’d run. She’d fucking run. She’d left him. Because that’s what women did. They fucking left. Suddenly he was a seven-year-old boy again, waiting in a trashy motel for his mom to come back for him. Except this time he wasn’t waiting for shit. He was going after her.

  Zach started throwing on clothes as Graham headed into the main room and yanked on his boots. The spot where her backpack had been leaning up against the wall was empty. Further confirmation that she’d run. He strode out of the cabin, slamming the door behind him. First stop, bathhouse. Empty. Second stop, mess hall.

  Allison looked up from the stove when he banged open the door.

  “You seen Ro this morning?” he asked, fighting to keep his tone even.

  “No. She hasn’t yet been in,” Allison replied.

  “Fuck!” Graham slammed back out of the kitchen, heading back to the cabin, where Zach was standing on the porch, shoving his feet into boots.

  “What do you mean she’s gone?” Zach asked.

  “She’s gone,” Graham growled. The pain in his chest intensified as he admitted it. “She fucking left.”

  “She left,” Zach repeated slowly, as if trying to wrap his head around the concept.

  “She took my .45 and my back up. Her backpack is gone. The little fool left. And I have no fucking clue how she got off this property without anyone realizing it. Heads will roll if someone was derelict in his duty last night.”

  “Shit, man. If she’s on her own out there …”

  “When I find that girl I’m going to beat her ass until she can’t sit for a week,” Graham bit out.

  “So you’re going after her?”

  Graham shot him an incredulous look. “Of course I am. As soon as I talk to the jackasses on watch last night to see how they could have possibly missed her.” Graham thought back to their time in the command post. He might as well have drawn her a fucking map to get out. But she had no idea what kind of danger could be waiting for her out there. Fuck.

  He headed to the command post. Ryan was seated at the counter fiddling with the ham radio. He spun when the door cracked against the wall.

  “Who was on watch last night?”

  “Ty, Jamie, and Travis.”

  “They still out there?”

  Ryan looked down at his watch. “Should be back and checking in shortly. They should’ve swapped with Cam, Beau, and Jonah ten minutes ago.”

  Jamie stuck his head in the doorway. “I’m right here. What’s up? I wanna get some grub and some rack time.”

  Graham wanted to lunge at him and throw him up against the wall for letting Ro slip out. Because she had to be long gone by now. She was too damn determined not to be.

  “You see anything but deer last night?”

  “Nah, man. I would have radioed it in, ASAP. The other guys didn’t see anything either,” Jamie replied. “Why? What’s goin’ on?”

  Graham opened the door the led to the armory rather than responding.

  “Ro’s gone,” Zach said, answering Jamie’s question and watching as Graham grabbed one of their go bags off the shelf and unzipped it. Each backpack was stocked with all of the essentials needed to bug out. Or track down an escaped woman. He grabbed an M4 off the wall, checked the magazine, and leaned it up against the bag. Graham shoved a .45 in the waistband of his pants. Extra magazines and stripper clips of ammo were shoved into the bag, followed by a long-distance radio.

  Zach stepped into the armory and mimicked Graham’s actions. Go bag. Rifle. Ammo. Radio. His pistol was already tucked into the holster on his belt. Jamie followed him inside.

  “Gone, gone?” Jamie inquired. “I don’t get it. She should have set off the alarm on the perimeter fence.”

  “Not if she knew to avoid it,” Graham said.

  “How …?” Jamie’s question trailed off at Graham’s glare.

  “Look, it does
n’t matter how she got out,” Zach interrupted. “We just need to get out there and find her. Make sure she’s okay.”

  Jamie paled. “We didn’t get that last fucker. He’s still out there somewhere, and he’s got a hard-on for us.”

  Graham slung the loaded backpack over his shoulders, and Zach followed suit.

  Jamie grabbed a go-bag off the shelf, too, and helped himself to extra magazines and ammo. And the SAW. The M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, which was basically a light machine gun. Then he stuffed a box of linked ammo that fed the SAW into the bag.

  Zach paused when he noted Jamie’s actions. “What are you doing? You’ve been up for almost twenty-four hours already.”

  “Like we haven’t gone without sleep for longer, all the fucking time. Plus, I’m the best goddamn tracker on the team, and you know it. And, you might need another gun.”

  They headed out of the armory to where Graham was standing and speaking with Ryan. “You should take the truck,” Ryan was saying.

  “Can’t,” Graham replied. “She’s on foot. We’d never find her.” He cursed. “And I don’t have a fucking clue where she’s headed, except northeast.”

  When Graham caught sight of Jamie, loaded for bear, he nodded approvingly. Zach figured Graham would have already asked Jamie to come along, but he was a little rattled over Ro’s abrupt thief in the night disappearing act. “You ready to move?”


  “Then let’s go.”

  Graham froze when they reached the bolt hole. Zach came up beside him. It was unlocked.

  “Well, that solves one mystery.”

  “She’s not going to be able to sit for a week when I’m done with her.”

  Jamie and Zach followed him through the opening, and Ryan pulled the door shut from the inside and barred it. Jamie paused. “Looks like it was propped shut with a stick from the outside. She’s pretty smart, your girl.”

  “If she was our girl, she wouldn’t have left,” Graham said.


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