Keeping Cambria

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Keeping Cambria Page 2

by Kitty DuCane

  Without thinking, Viper hauled her to him and placed a fast, hard kiss on lips that were soft and sweet, made just for kissing…and what he wouldn’t give to watch his cock slipping between them.

  When he released her, Cambria stood there for a second before she lifted her sword and laid the point against his throat. He crossed his arms over his chest. Even the scent of her anger was delightful. For once in his life, he couldn’t read his opponent’s mind—not that she was an opponent, but since she held the business end of her sword against his throat, she was somewhat of a threat to him.

  “You’re a vampire. I should just run you through anyway. Just kill you for snacking on people.”

  “I do snack on people, but they enjoy it as much as I do.”

  “Oh, puh-leez. I’ve heard that sex with a vampire shit.”

  “Which you use to infiltrate the nest.”

  Her beautiful green eyes flashed surprise. “Damn right.”

  Her confidence astounded him. The fact that she was fearless impressed him. But her stupidity pissed him off. Hell, he couldn’t even implant some common sense into that pretty little head of hers.

  “Well, make up your mind, Cambria. Either kill me or put your plaything away.”

  “How do you know my name?”

  “That’s what the King called you.” She seemed more concerned about her name than anything else. He’d never heard her name mentioned in the killing circles, because he would have remembered. He liked the way it rolled off his tongue.

  “Well, forget you ever heard it.”

  Before he could respond, his men charged the room and aimed their high-powered weapons at her. He had ignored Gabe and should have known it wouldn’t work.

  “Friends of yours?” she asked, pushing the blade into his skin enough for blood to trickle.

  “Yep. Stand down,” he ordered.

  Are you sure? Gabe whispered in his mind.


  The only sound in the room was the rustle of clothing as the men lowered their weapons.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen, boys. I’m walking out that door alone, and no one will follow me. Now move away from the door.”

  As his team did as she asked, she circled to her right, keeping the edge of her blade lodged at his throat. Cambria backed out the door, still holding her sword and daring anyone to rush her.

  “Till me meet again, vampire.” She saluted him and sprinted away.

  His wolf howled and his vamp side hissed at letting their mate walk, but he had victims to heal.

  “You want to tell me what’s going on?” asked Gabe.

  He glared at this right hand man. “Nope.”

  Viper hoped he could survive the war she’d started inside him.

  Chapter Two

  Cambria tried to keep her eyes on the burly man summing up the prostitutes and her weight off her swollen ankle. Last night she’d almost made a mistake that should have cost her her life; instead, she managed to escape with only a twisted ankle. Thank God for whatever scared the piece of shit away. He had looked over her shoulder, then poof, disappeared. Damn shame she didn’t have any of that shit in her arsenal. Of course, whatever had scared the vamp last time wasn’t here, because the monster was here again trolling for food. Ewww.

  But something was up. In the last week, her vampire kills had been too easy, not to mention the news hadn’t said anything about beheaded men. She’d revisited the killing sites, and there were no signs that anyone had died. She’d decapitated them, so she knew they were dead and not up running around sucking on people, but no blood stained the concrete where her victims fell. Damned confusing was what it was.

  The bastard had selected his next victim and was coaxing her to the back alley. Didn’t the girl realize that the shark music was playing? Why couldn’t she hear it? It was dark and scary back there. What the hell had he promised? Sex? No fuck could be that good.

  Cambria slipped around the edge of the building, needing to close the distance without being seen for who she actually was—a killer. This time her sword was on the outside of the back of her coat for an easy reach over her shoulder. She stumbled like a drunk, something she’d perfected over the past months, and her injured ankle made acting easier. These do-me heels weren’t helping.

  When she was within fifteen or so feet, the monster stopped snacking on the girl, and spun to face her. His fangs flashed in the low light of the dim street lamp; his eyes reminded her of something between a wild animal and an escapee from the mental institution. His victim slid down the wall as he advanced on Cambria.

  Come on, shithead. Let’s turn your head into a soccer ball.

  She backed up, feigned fear, ready for him to enter her three feet of slice and dice area.

  The vamp laughed. “You’ll be dessert.”

  Don’t think so, asshole.

  The vampire stopped walking, grabbed his head, and screamed like some prehistoric beast. Damn, she recognized this technique. She pulled her sword from the scabbard on her back, and swung as hard as she could swing. He managed to block her blow, but she could see the bone in his arm.

  The creep grabbed his hair again but staggered toward her. “I’m going to kill you, bitch.”

  Cambria took a step back and, thanks to her ankle, stumbled and fell on her ass. Dirt and asphalt bit into her palms as she tried to break her fall. When she looked up, two men in long black coats stood between her and the beast who was now sailing through the air. One of them advanced on the freak, swinging a blade twice the size of hers. After the head had rolled, he conjured up a fireball in his hand and incinerated the vamp. So this was what had happened to her kills.

  The other man squatted before her and smiled.

  Oh. Fuck. No.

  “Hello, Cambria,” said Viper.

  “Hello, Vamp.”

  “You’ve been a busy little girl.”

  “Oh, well, you know. A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do.”

  “You’re hurt?”

  Shit. How long had these guys been following her? Why couldn’t she have those skills? Of course, she didn’t want to be a detestable vampire, but why couldn’t those nifty little tricks come without the blood sucking?

  “Yeah. Twisted my ankle. Hurts like a bitch.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t you stay at home tonight and rest? It was foolish for you to endanger yourself.” He scowled at her, his jaw clenched.

  “Rest? I missed him last night and knew he’d be dumb enough to show up and kill again.”

  “My brothers, Beast and Bear, have been…”

  “Beast, Bear, Viper? Those are the most absurd names I’ve ever heard. Your mother must have had a warped sense of humor.”

  The vamp glared at her. Hmm, must be a mama’s boy. “They followed you to keep you out of trouble.”

  “Followed me? Why?”

  “I just said. To keep you…”

  “Yeah. I heard you, but I don’t need a sitter.”

  “According to them, you do. And since you were stupid enough to think you could kill this rogue vampire on a bum ankle, I agree with them.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Any time. Any place, sweetheart.”

  Her womb clenched when he said that. She hadn’t forgotten their kiss, had dreamt of them doing the nasty several times. She felt as if she’d been branded. “Never in a million years.”

  Even though she was attracted to him, this guy was crazy if he thought she’d let him feed from her. What was up with vampire men? Every prick she’d killed thought they were put on this earth to fuck. That’s how she’d lured the morons to their death.

  The other vampire approached and squatted down beside the other. Oh, my God. There were two of them. “You’re twins?”

  * * * * *

  “She’s very astute.”

  Venom heard his brother say something, but it didn’t register. He was royally fucked. Viper had been twisted out of shape since he’d met this chick and no one
had had a clue. But Venom knew, and he could see an unprecedented, major clusterfuck looming up ahead.

  “Viper, can I have a word with you?”

  Viper arched a brow because they could converse without speaking, but this needed to be hashed out aloud, and face to face. Venom put Cambria in suspended mode so she couldn’t hear them and they wouldn’t have to chase her if she decided that running was her best option. At least some of his powers worked on her.

  “What?” Viper snarled.

  “I got some bad news, bro.”

  “Just tell me.”

  “I know she’s your mate.”

  His brother’s eyes rounded. “And how the fuck do you know that?”

  “Well, you’ve been acting crazy since you met this lady, but there’s something else.” Venom rolled his lips and then took a deep breath. “She’s my mate too.”

  His brother tensed. The pungent scent of rage filled the air, followed by a fist to his mouth.

  “You son of a bitch. That’s not funny,” Viper said through clenched teeth.

  Venom merely licked the blood off his lip since a punch in the trap was mild to an immortal. With Viper’s temper, his brother could have snatched Venom’s heart out of his chest. “I’m not laughing, bro. My cock is so damn hard I can barely walk.”

  Viper’s eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath through his nose. “I won’t share her.”

  “Neither will I.” Venom didn’t necessarily want a mate, but Cambria defined the word sensual. Beautiful didn’t come close to describing her, and, God, she smelled like wild rain—pure and exciting.

  Bear sauntered up beside them, his eyes darting between the two. “What’s up?”

  “Cambria’s his mate,” said Viper.

  “And his too,” Venom replied.

  Bear’s eyes widen, and he rubbed his chin. “Well, if you two fight over her, make sure you kill each other so I can have dibs on her.”

  “Fuck. Don’t tell me she’s your mate, too,” said Viper.

  “No, but she certainly is a beautiful woman, and you know women can’t resist my teddy bear side.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Bear,” howled Viper.

  “So, what’s it going to be, Viper? Swords or straight up fist fight?”

  “Neither, you two knuckleheads. If you hurt one another, you’ll upset the other brothers. Besides, what’s wrong with a threesome? I know for a fact you’ve tag-teamed before; we all have.”

  “I think we should just walk away,” said Viper.

  Venom’s beasts wailed at that thought. Of course, he wouldn’t unless his brother did. A mate was a gift, one meant to complete the beasts. “We’re mirror twins. It’s only natural that the one is for both of us.” Like the other two sets of twins, Viper’s organs were the opposite of Venom’s. The only external difference was the mirrored blue and brown eyes, and Viper was left-handed, he was right. Viper was the hotheaded one, and he was the tame one. Mirror personalities.

  “Hurry up and make up your minds,” said Bear. “It’s cold as shit out here sitting on the damp, not to mention it’s a disgusting back alley. Can’t be good for your mate.”

  “Bear’s right,” said Venom.

  “Of course, your real problem is convincing your mate. I don’t think she likes you too much,” Bear motioned to Viper, “and I’m sure as hell certain she won’t like two of you.”

  Viper shoved Bear out of the way and squatted in front of Cambria. Venom crouched, too, and then released her mind. They both offered her a hand and said in unison, “Let me help you up.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, brother.” She slapped their hands away and pushed herself up to stand. “Listen, you two. I don’t need any help. Just stay the fuck out of my way.”

  “My name’s Venom, ma’am.” For once, he wished he had picked a normal name, but they were so old, their real names were outdated, and in a drunken stupor this was what their inebriated minds had chosen.

  “Viper and Venom. Cute.”

  “Why don’t we get you inside and take a look at that ankle,” said Venom.

  “No thank you. I have other plans.” His mate turned and hobbled toward the street, pain radiating off her with each step.

  Venom looked at his brother. “I guess we’ll have to follow her.”

  “Or we can just throw her over one of our shoulders and kidnap her.”

  “I don’t recommend that tactic,” interjected Bear.

  They fell instep behind her. When she reached the end of the alley, she turned towards the titty bar, and that was okay with him.

  He needed a stiff shot of something potent.

  * * * * *

  Cambria forced herself into the bar, hiding her limp as best she could considering her ankle was screaming with each step. The twins were following her, along with another guy that was as enormous as a grizzly. The place went eerily quiet when those three walked in, but she couldn’t blame the patrons of this biker bar. There was bad and then there were those three. They were heads taller than everybody else and looked like they would kill you just for breathing.

  And they are vampires.

  Scourge of the earth; her number one enemy.

  For some reason, she wasn’t afraid of them. Just call me stupid.

  She sat at the end of the bar and ordered a double. The twins, who she wanted to call Frick n’ Frack, or maybe Handsome One and Two, stood behind her. She purposely took a seat with losers on each side because she could deal with drunken-old-men-ogling-half-naked-girls-on-poles better than she could the two arrogant V’s.

  She downed the whiskey, enjoyed the burn as it slid down her throat, then spun around to search for any signs of a vampire—present company excluded. Their massive chests were like the freaking wall of China. “You two are blocking my view.”

  “Who do you have your eye on?” asked one of them.

  “Anything that bites.”

  “We bite,” offered the other one.

  He flashed his white canines, prompting her to ask, “Don’t your teeth turn red with all that…you know?”

  “Nope,” they both replied in unison.

  Great. They’re in sync with each other. That thought led to other wicked things involving one in the front and one in the back, and her smack dab in the middle. Where the hell did that idea come from? Her core clenched, and fire flickered around places that were encased in ice and hadn’t been used in a while.

  The vampire on the right arched a brow. Damn. Could they read her mind? She’d heard that vampires were superior, but certainly there had to be a line drawn somewhere.

  They towered above her, arms crossed like warriors guarding a treasure. Their braids were near the length of hers. She didn’t mind men having long hair, as long as it wasn’t prettier than hers. Damn, as hot as these two were, their hair probably was to die for.

  The real question was why she didn’t just run them through with her sword. So they did one noble deed by killing two vampires. Whoop-dee-do. They still drank from people, for fuck’s sake.

  Cambria forcefully moved her eyes around the room—and wouldn’t you know it, they landed on a pair doing the nasty in the hallway. The chick’s legs were wrapped around the male’s waist, and he was humping for all he was worth. Another strange feeling zinged through her.

  Then she saw it, a dark shadow winding through the crowd. The hairs on her neck stood on end. Apparently, the twins felt it, because they turned and looked straight at the shadow.

  The one with the blue eye on the right turned and grabbed her arm. “We need to go.”

  “No, way.” This might be the vermin I’ve been looking for.

  “You don’t have a choice,” he said.

  “Which one are you?”

  “Viper. Now get your pretty ass in gear.”

  Cambria tried to pull her arm from his grip, but his whole hand encircled it with plenty of hand to spare. “Listen, dickhead aka Viper, you don’t own me. In fact, I should kill you just because you’re a vampire. N
ow get the fuck out of my way.” She took two steps, hoping he’d release her, but instead she spun around when she reached the end of his long arm.

  “Cambria,” said Venom. “A very bad vampire has just entered. His mind is damaged, and we need to get you to safety and then handle him.”

  “Killing vampires is what I live for.”

  “There’s also a feral werewolf in here,” offered Viper.

  “Good. You two take the werewolf, and I’ll handle the vamp.”

  “We can’t let you do that,” answered Venom.

  “Listen. He’s here looking for food. I am food. I’ll lead him outside, and then I’ll kill him. You can tag along if you want to. Just stay the fuck out of my way.”

  Viper released her and propped his hands on his hips like a child. “And what if he gives you a brain bleed?” asked Viper.

  “It’s worth it to me.” She almost ran to get away from them. Of course, she couldn't take the time right now to consider that werewolves also existed. What the fuck! Were all scaries from childhood real?

  Cambria cut to her left, and bikers peeled out of her way. She didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know the sea of leather parted for the two very big, very bad-ass vampires behind her. She walked right up to the vampire that stepped out of the dark shadow that had disguised him. She rubbed her body against his, wanting to make sure he thought she was easy. She whispered, “Let’s get out of here.”

  This vamp’s eyes were glassy, unfocused, and she had to agree that this one was feral, which was not a word she’d used before. But now that she thought about it, all the ones she’d killed had this look. Except the King, the one that Viper eliminated. He hadn’t had this wild-ass rabid look; he was just a whole different level of nasty.

  Her prey wrapped his arm around her neck and headed to the door. The twin V’s stood off to the side scowling, and this guy was so far gone he didn’t even see his death in the pair’s eyes. The feral leaned into her and sniffed, which gave her a whiff of something dead. Yuck.


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