Breaking The Mold

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Breaking The Mold Page 21

by Drew Sera

  “What the fuck, Paul?” Anthony said while he held Sydney behind his back.

  “You and Everett don’t get her all to yourselves unless she’s your slave. And if I’m not mistaken, her neck is bare. You have no ownership or rights. I’m looking to negotiate a scene with her. She might enjoy whips or my style of play. You can watch a man play with her, Graves.” I threw the whip again and warned him, “Out of the way, Graves.” It was as if the whip traveled in slow motion towards him and when it made contact, my body came to life. I hit Graves, and yet, I was surprised when he yelled “red” to get the attention of anyone nearby. So fucking smart. And now my time was very limited.

  “Graves you’re such a pussy!”

  He turned his back to me and focused on Sydney, which wasn’t very smart of him. I taught him a lesson about turning his back on the man with a whip and hit him again. Mmm, watching his body jerk because of something I was doing to him was making me hard.

  “Come on, Graves! Don’t you turn your back on me, you obnoxious asshole!”

  I tossed the whip on the ground behind me and walked towards Anthony. I intended to grab him by his shoulders, but I was surprised when he spun around and shoved me into a nearby stall.

  Yes! Come on Graves! Let me see the fire! Let it out…erupt…and then let me calm you. Come on!

  Fuck! He shoved me against the wall. God, his hands held fistfuls of my shirt. He was so strong, just as I expected.

  “You keep the fuck away from Sydney and Colin! Do you hear me, you sick fuck?”

  Yes! Keep it coming, Graves! Give me the fire!

  He was burning now. I could see it. Plus, he wasn’t paying close attention to what I was doing because my hand was able to wrap around his neck in the blink of an eye. His thick neck felt warm and firm on the sides as he squirmed. When his hands flew to my hand around his neck and my forearm, I was so hard that I could have come right then and there.

  “Graves, Graves, Graves. Ever since you joined the club all those years ago, I’ve wanted to have you in my grip. I could have taken you in our threesome. It’s not too late. Come on, let me take you in the jail theme room. Sydney can watch me make a man out of you.”

  He was starting to freeze up on me, which surprised me a little. I thought he’d be swinging and clawing at me the entire time. He was going to lose consciousness if he didn’t come around and react. I narrowed my eyes at him. Why wasn’t he fighting? I grabbed his crotch roughly and then let go of his neck and reached for his sacred side scar. That did it. He punched me in the face and then had me against the wall in his steel grip.

  Fuck, yes, Graves! Get angry, you little rich fuck!

  Just when I thought he was going to hit me again in my face, some of the guys pulled him away from me. But I wasn’t done. I lunged off the wall toward him, but a few of the guys stopped me and kept us separated. Matt and Seth pulled Anthony out of our cell as Blake was entering the dungeon stall.

  My time with Graves was over.


  “Get back here, Graves! Come on! Show me what you’re fucking made of you goddamn pussy! Graves! I could have helped you when you lost your daddy! You still burn! I just saw the flames and felt the fire flowing through your system! You need me! Get back here and let me show you!”

  “ENOUGH, Paul!” Blake yelled as he put his hands on his hips and glared at me. “Enough.”

  I was breathing hard and shaking. I felt sick inside. Anthony rejected me. As it sunk in, I felt sluggish and like I might pass out. I slumped against the wall as Will and a Dungeon Monitor each held my arms tightly.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  November 2013


  I waited a few moments to make sure Anthony was away from the dungeon. It also gave me a few minutes to gather myself because I was livid.

  Will and the Dungeon Monitor had released their grip on Paul’s arms. I glanced at Will and the Dungeon Monitor and asked that they leave us alone.

  “What did you do?” I asked Paul.

  His smirk pissed me off. It was as if I were staring at a deranged lunatic.

  “Nothing he didn’t need,” came his response.

  “I swear to God, Paul. You tell me what you did.”

  “Me? I tried to help him! Colin’s not here. He wanted to fuck Sydney, but you know how he is. The guy needs a third. I was offering to be the third so he could bang that little doe.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think this was just a verbal negotiation. I get down here, and four people are keeping the two of you separated.”

  “Yeah, look,” Paul turned his head sideways, exposing a mark on his face. “Your little fucking prince hit me.”

  “You didn’t touch him?” I shrugged. “He looked pretty tousled.”

  Paul stared at me before looking downward. He was siding with silence. I motioned for him to follow me and we went to the security booth behind the check-in station in the lobby.

  “Sit down,” I demanded as I cued up the security footage for the dungeon hallway and the cell they were in.

  For nearly six minutes I watched in shock and disgust at what transpired between Paul and Anthony.

  “You hit him with a whip?” I asked, even though the security footage clearly showed that’s what happened. “God, Paul, that was in an open area. You could have hit anyone in the hall.”

  “No one was down there by us. He told me that he didn’t want to scene with me. I was devastated. And then he started to run that fucking mouth of his.”

  “You used an implement as a weapon with the intent to harm.” I paused hoping it would sink in but his vacant expression told me otherwise.

  “He rejected me.”

  I stared dumbfounded at Paul. His justification didn’t even make sense. There was no logic behind it, and that was greatly concerning to me. I heard what Anthony had said. Nothing warranted Paul’s behavior. Certainly, nothing justified Paul hitting him with a whip.

  After I saw what happened in the dungeon, I knew what needed to be done.

  “Your membership with Irons is permanently severed. You are a liability and a danger to my members. And I will not stand for what you did.”

  “You can’t do this, Blake. We’ve been friends for years. Long before that little prince joined. You’re kicking me out in preference for him.”

  “I am removing you from this club because of what you did! It wouldn’t have mattered who you did it to. People come here to enjoy their kinks in a safe environment. You whipping someone out of anger for not accepting your offer to scene with, is not safe and it’s not going to be tolerated.”

  I motioned for him to get up, but of course he didn’t budge. I folded my arms across my chest.

  “You’re going to make this difficult.”

  “You’re fucking right. Throw me out then,” Paul said.


  I called the front desk to send me security, and within moments, three security guards appeared.

  “Gentlemen, please show Mr. Fielding off the property,” I said to the security team.

  “Fuck, seriously, Blake?” Paul said in an annoyed tone. “And it’s Master Paul!”

  “The title, Master, is reserved for those who have earned the respect of other like-minded individuals. You lost that title today and your membership to Irons.” I motioned for security to remove Paul.

  As I trailed behind security and Paul, I stopped at the check-in desk and got into the computer and made sure his account was flagged as terminated.

  With that task done, I headed upstairs to my office to see how Anthony and Sydney were doing. While I made my way down the hall to my office, I tucked the anger away. Anthony and Sydney needed people around them to be calm. If we were panicked, they would be too.

  I entered my office and looked right at Anthony. Right away, I could tell he was probably in shock and Matt confirmed it. Anthony’s eyes were focused, but I could tell that it was just a zoned-out look. I’ve seen this expression on his face before. It
was during the mentorship weekend when he was applying for a spot in the mentoring program. Paul used him as an example lesson for a group of applicants. He ended up hitting him with a belt in their mock scene. He gave Anthony no indication as to what he was doing and made no attempt to check for triggers. It was reckless back then, though I had no idea an obsession had already started in his head. That scene knocked the wind out of him, just as tonight had.

  “I’m fine, Blake,” Anthony said to me.

  He was always “fine.” He was never one to admit that he wasn’t fine.

  “Clearly, you’re fine,” I teased him as I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently to remind him that I was here for him.

  He always seemed to calm down when I put my hand on his shoulder. Perhaps his biological father did that for him a lot.

  “I stopped and watched the security footage. I saw and heard everything. I terminated his membership and had him escorted off the premises. I’m sorry, Anthony.”

  “Important thing is that Sydney is okay,” he replied.

  I glanced at Matt again. Anthony always shifted concern for him to someone else. Anthony was riled up now and stood saying they needed to go. He wasn’t going anywhere for a while. Not like this. Matt ended up taking him outside to the hallway. I watched Sydney as her eyes followed Anthony.

  “Sydney, sweetheart,” I said gently to get her attention.

  She looked at me and gave me a small smile. She reminded me of my little Kelsie in a way. Wary and cautious, just as Kelsie had been at first.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded quickly and turned her head to look at the door. She’s a very sweet girl with a terrible past, but she clung to Anthony. He obviously made her feel safe.

  “Sydney, did you get hit by anything down in the dungeon?”

  Sydney turned her head away from the door to look at me again. “No, sir. Just Anthony,” she said and looked at the door. “He’s coming back, right?”

  I nodded and reached for the sleeve of her sweater that had fallen off her tiny shoulders.

  “Relax, Sydney. He’s just talking to Matt. They’ll be back in a moment.”

  She nodded at me but her lips were in a tight line. I turned to look at Seth and let him know I’d be right back. Sydney needed Anthony right now, and my guess was that he’d do a little better having her to focus on and to help get his mind off the shit with Paul.

  I grabbed a clean shirt from my wardrobe in the office and headed to the hallway with it. Anthony changed into the clean shirt while Matt showed me the text he got from Colin earlier. I was piecing it together, time-wise.

  Paul sends Colin a text to get him worried on purpose and then proposes a scene to Anthony that he gets shut down for. Was his goal really to scene with Anthony and Sydney? He had to have known that Anthony would never go for it or was he that delusional? Either way, Paul ended up in a physical altercation with Anthony anyhow.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  November 2013


  Graves rejected me.

  It was all I could think about. I tried, and it wasn’t good enough for him. I’ve tried with him ever since he was twenty-two. And it never was good enough for him. He never understood.

  Blake brainwashed him.

  Colin poisoned his mind.

  They both took him from me and now I’ve lost everything.

  “EVERYTHING!” I yelled.

  I leaned against the counter in my kitchen holding ice over my cheek where Anthony hit me. Fucker was still strong. I was surprised by how much he wanted to hit me.

  Grabbing a bottle of whiskey and a glass, I headed to my den. I poured myself glass after glass after glass of the whiskey until it was all gone.

  As much as I tried, I couldn’t get the events of tonight out of my head. Graves wouldn’t even negotiate with me. Everett was out of the picture tonight, and Anthony still wanted nothing to do with me.

  “Fuck you, Graves!” I yelled and threw the empty bottle across the room sending glass everywhere.

  I didn’t fucking care anymore. I felt as though I’ve had knives continually being poked in and out of my stomach all month. My brother was getting worse, I lost Amy, Graves rejected me, and I lost Irons.


  I booted up my computer and got on Tor to get to my dark corner of the world. I had several new messages all originating from the Caribbean. There was a lot of interest in Tammie. I replied to all of them and said I’d be in the area with two girls in mid-January. That gave me time to get the two bitches and get over there.

  I also sent a message to the person who seemed most inquisitive. After many back and forth messages, he and I secured a deal. If I could make a mid-January delivery, he would wire me half by Christmas. This made me feel better knowing that I’d be able to give Johnny another $50,000 by the end of the year.

  I already had a buyer secured for one of the two girls. The other I would show off a bit and let the bastards place their bets. Highest bidder could take Tammie. Sydney was definitely the docile doe, and she’s the one I already had the sale for.

  I decided to text Tammie and keep her interested.

  Paul: When is the next flight?

  That’s been my way of asking her when her useless pilot husband will be out of town. She’d sometimes say things at work like, “the next flight is in a few days,” and we would arrange to see one another.

  I’ve probably fucked that woman more times in their bed than the pilot has. Tammie was starving for attention and she’d eat up anything I say.

  All I had right now was my focus on Johnny. I just needed to secure and deliver the girls and, in the process, destroy Colin fucking Everett and Anthony fucking Graves.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  December 2013


  I’m sometimes surprised at how easy it was to have Tammie eating out of my hand. She practically begged for me. I got out of her bed and retrieved my pants from the chair in the room. Tammie laid in her post-fucking bliss as she stared at me. Time to start planting a seed.

  “Tammie, you make me feel so good,” I said as I sat down and began putting on my shoes.

  “You make me feel good too, Paul.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. You know—” I started but stopped on purpose. I wanted her to push me to tell her. And just as I had hoped, she encouraged me to say what was on my mind.

  “What, Paul? Please tell me what you were going to say.”

  “No, it’s kind of far-fetched,” I replied and waved my hand in the air.

  “Please, Paul.”

  I waited a few moments and then slowly delivered my speech.

  “I’m falling for you, Tammie.” I held my hand to my heart. “Don’t worry, I know you’re married and all. If something ever happened to your husband, God forbid, please know that I would take care of you. My place isn’t as big as this, but you’d have everything you’d need, plus all of the attention you could ever want.” I stared into her eyes and could tell that she believed me. “I love you, Tammie.”

  She hurled herself off the bed and onto my lap, wrapping her arms around me. With her head buried in my neck, I knew she couldn’t see me rolling my eyes.

  “Baby, I’ve got to go. Your husband will be home in a few hours.”

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  “Tammie, we both know it won’t be good if I’m here when he gets home.”

  “He wouldn’t kill you. I wouldn’t let him,” she said with confidence.

  It was almost too easy, but she was confused. I smiled at her innocence and worry about my safety. She had no clue.

  “Oh, I wasn’t worried about him killing me, Tammie. I was more concerned with me killing him. He leaves you all alone. He doesn’t pay attention to you...not like you deserve.” I stroked her cheek. I gave her a kiss and stood up with her in my arms. “Now, I need to be going. I’ll see you at work.”

  As I walked to my truck, I couldn’t help but smile. T
he seed had been planted with Tammie, and now I needed to start following the little doe.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Blake with Matt’s slut and Everett’s tease. Fucking Everett. The girls have become easy to watch, and they’re so predictable. They would arrive at the shopping mall around the same time, park in the same spot, and go to the same stores. I’d see if the pattern continued. Sydney would order the same thing each time; a soda, a bowl of soup and half of a sandwich.

  I didn’t know why Everett wouldn’t let me play with her. She’s probably a good fuck though if he’s kept her all to himself. I wanted a scene just to get her out of my system. Hear her scream at least once and beg me to stop. But fucking Everett had to embarrass me in front of other Masters, fucking spoiled prick that he was.

  I even tried getting Golden Boy Graves to let me partake in a threesome with him and Sydney while Everett was away. I figured he would possibly go for it. I assumed he was lost without a threesome partner. Maybe he needed that second dick around. Everett most certainly was a dick.

  I shook my head while I watched those two fucking girls sitting there with Blake. I used to respect Blake but after he terminated my membership that went right out the door. He and I had been friends for close to thirty years. He threw away thirty years because of the altercation I had with Graves. I hated Blake just like I hated Everett and the Golden Boy. On second thought, I couldn’t hate anyone more than Everett.

  It disgusted me to watch Blake with the little prick tease. I used to have respect for him and his club. Since he banned me, the word that best describes my feelings toward Blake was “hate.”

  It was about a week ago that I stumbled upon the little slut of Colin fucking Everett’s shopping. Or was she the little slut of Anthony fucking Graves? Didn’t matter to me. She’d be quite the toy for me. Revenge would be sweet.


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