Blood Faerie

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Blood Faerie Page 16

by India Drummond

  “St Paul’s,” he said, and then continued when Cridhe did not answer. “Where Robert…”

  “Where he what?” Cridhe snapped.

  “Well, sir. Munro is a cop. He found Robert’s body. Could that have caused his abilities to come out? I mean, I keep wondering exactly how it might have happened.”

  Cridhe froze. He sat in perfect stillness as though time had stopped, and all the pieces of the puzzle slid into place. Eilidh. Was Munro the human he saw with her the night he killed Craig Laughlin? The night she chased him? How delightful that had been. If he hadn’t so distracted by his failure with harvesting Craig Laughlin’s heart that night, he would have been tempted to play with her.


  Eilidh must have found Munro and nurtured his talents the same way he had nurtured Jon’s. Suddenly, everything felt perfect and right. “Bring him to me. I’d like to meet this Munro.”

  Chapter 16

  Eilidh and Saor had barely talked since they returned to Beniss’ house. Eilidh had too much on her mind. Her thoughts flooded with possibilities she had never allowed herself to even dream about. Saor, on the other hand, stalked around like a man trapped. Finally, when no word had come from the higher conclave for some time, Saor stopped pacing directly in front of Eilidh. He put a hand on her shoulders and peered into her eyes. “It’s not too late to put this all behind you,” he said. “Nothing has changed.”

  Eilidh stared at him for a moment, disbelieving. “Everything has changed, Saor. How can you not see that?”

  “What would you do? Are you prepared to take the druid, make yourself the most powerful faerie the kingdom has ever seen, and challenge the throne yourself?”

  She stepped back from his touch. “How can you say such a thing? Are you truly so blinded by jealousy that you refuse to understand the truth when it’s laid out for you? Does it so destroy the image you have of me to think I could be something other than a magical cripple? What claim do you have to be jealous anyway?”

  “You were meant for me. You were made for me.”

  “There was a time I would have given anything to hear you say that.”

  Saor gave a bitter laugh. “But no longer. You have been infected with humanity.”

  Eilidh did not answer. She looked at Saor and did not recognise him. He would still ask her to go back to the kingdom and have her talents severed so she could never touch magic again. That realisation was particularly bitter, for since coming to the Isle of Skye, he knew what it felt like to have his connection with the Ways stifled. And now that she was beginning to see what might open up for her in the Path of the Azure, she didn’t want to give it up with her eyes closed.

  For the first time since she’d found the body beneath the church tower, she felt hope. If she learned how to bind Munro to her, she might stand a chance against the blood faerie that threatened her home. Yes, she realised it now, the human city had become her home. She thought about Munro and wondered what it might be like if she didn’t turn him away. She did not know what would happen, but she knew that, unlike Saor, Munro would never ask her to give up herself to please him.

  Beniss’ voice interrupted from the doorway. “I know this must be difficult for both of you.”

  Saor said nothing.

  Eilidh turned to their host. “What did the conclave say?”

  “Come,” Beniss said. “Let us sit.” She led them into the room where they’d talked the first night. They made themselves comfortable, and Beniss began to speak. “There is a ritual. One of my granddaughters heard of it in her travels.” Beniss smiled with pride. “She is a scholarly, intelligent faerie. As far as I know, this ritual has never been successfully performed, but if someone were to unlock the potential within it…” Beniss shuddered and looked away.

  Eilidh waited patiently for Beniss to continue. Saor, on the other hand, was uncharacteristically distracted and uninterested.

  “It is known in the texts as the Krostach Ritual. We cannot be certain this is the rite the blood faerie wishes to complete. I pray to the Great Mother we’re wrong.”

  “What does the ritual do?” Eilidh asked.

  “It is dark, dark magic, and none since its creator have had the talent to cast it successfully. It is surprising that any record of how to fulfil its requirements still exists. Genoa, my granddaughter, found only the most obscure references to it. She is not certain exactly what would be involved, but there is clear reference to harvesting the hearts of four true druids, capturing their essence and with it, their power. When an azuri faerie is bonded with a true druid, the faerie gains access to the Ways of Earth, but would still have to study and learn, as any child would.”

  “Are you saying the blood faerie is trying to replicate that? If that were so, why would he not simply bond with one of the druids himself?” Eilidh asked.

  “Let me finish. First, we’re not talking about the power of one druid, but four. Even if all he wanted was to bond with four, although unnatural, that would not be as dire as what he may actually be trying to accomplish. No, it is much worse than that. The Krostach Ritual would enable him to take their very essence within himself. Any blood faerie who took part in this ritual would not only have the capacity for the Ways of Earth, but would gain command of it. The earth would be at his feet. Every spell, every enchantment, every slight manipulation. He would know it all. Even if the faerie were acting alone, the results would be disastrous for any who tried to challenge him.”

  Saor sat forward and listened for the first time. “The power…”

  Eilidh’s mind raced as she considered the dreadful possibilities. “There would be no stopping him.”

  Beniss gave Saor a penetrating stare. “It is an ancient magic requiring a specific source stone. When unlocked, it grants the power to hold and preserve the hearts. It is extremely dangerous to the one trying to control it. Genoa said she read many warnings about the price to the faerie trying to complete the ritual. It would cost him much of his soul, even if it worked perfectly. The slightest misstep could cause a descent into madness. My only guess is that the blood faerie acquired the stone and with it, the instructions for completing the ritual. Even with the price paid, he could challenge the kingdom. With his own blood power enhanced to four times the strength of an azuri faerie bonded with a druid, plus the knowledge and mastery of every earth spell and incantation, who could stand against him? Even a hundred of your warriors could not defeat one so powerful.”

  Horror dawned on Saor’s face. “Powerful and mad. The conclave must be warned.”

  Eilidh decided not to mention she had tried that already. There had never been much chance they would listen to her. But Saor was right. The ritual must be stopped. “Munro is gifted with stone,” Eilidh said. “It is an uncommon gift. He could be in great danger.” Munro was not the only human who could be in danger. If kingdom faeries were indifferent to humans, the blood faerie seemed to show even less regard for them than he might an insect buzzing around his head. One so powerful and corrupt would devastate the human population.

  “I should hurry for Munro?”

  Eilidh was shocked at the bitterness in his voice. “The death of any true druid is a tragedy, and bonding with him may be my only hope of stopping the ritual. If he will consent, we may stand a chance. Otherwise, I’m not sure how much I can do.”

  Saor looked at Beniss. “What of the higher conclave? How far are they willing to go to stop this from happening?”

  “We’re not without sympathy, but it is not safe for those gifted with the forbidden talents to travel through the kingdom lands, as you well know. Every one of us would forfeit our lives. Until we have some assurance that our children and grandchildren would not be at risk, we will not leave Skye.”

  Saor’s eyes flashed with anger. “If the kingdom falls, do you think you would find a place in the new regime with the blood faerie?”

  Beniss ignored his insults and did not answer him.

  Eilidh understood, but it paine
d her that Saor could not. The kingdom rejected her kind, so what loyalty did any who followed the Path of the Azure owe them? It was unlikely the fae here were in any danger from the blood faerie. If she was going to stop this faerie, and she had every intention of doing so, it was not to save the kingdom, their society, or even the Faerie Queen herself. Eilidh would stop him because what he was doing was wrong. He took lives he had no right to, and he threatened those she loved. As she’d said to Imire, evil must be challenged.

  Saor snorted at Eilidh. “You too would turn your back on your people?”

  How could he be so blind to what they all faced?

  “You have forgotten who you are,” he said.

  “No, Saor. You, my friend, have forgotten who I am.” Eilidh reached out and placed her hand gently over his. “My gift is in the Path of the Azure. It always has been, from the moment I was born. This is not what I chose, but what I am. You would ask me to give it up, to become less, so you could maintain the fantasy that I am what you had hoped I would be. There was never a reality in that dream.”

  Saor stirred, and without another word, he went to gather his things from the room they’d shared the night before. He left the house without speaking to Beniss or thanking her for the hospitality. Eilidh understood his pain and silently spoke a prayer to the Great Mother for his safety. She hoped he would reach the conclave quickly and that they would listen to reason. But in her heart, she did not hold much hope.

  To Beniss she said, “You will not aid me in my quest to stop this ritual? What of the deaths of the druids? Do you not at least have an interest in seeing those tragedies ended?”

  “As I have said, I will not have my family cross into kingdom lands as long as it would mean their deaths. A group of us, even a small one, moving through the forests could be seen as an invading army. The kingdom fae watch our borders closely.” She smiled sadly. “You crossed well and safely, but you were fortunate, and you had your earth Watcher to guide you. Others of our kind have not been so lucky. Even the death of a druid will not cause me to risk my children and grandchildren. What small security we have has cost us dearly. I would not have you face this thing alone and unprepared, however, so I will come with you myself.”

  Relief spread over Eilidh.

  “I cannot teach you everything you need to know, but I can give you a small chance. I wish you had come here decades ago. Even a year or a month would have made an enormous difference. I will try, but I cannot guarantee you will be prepared for what we are about to face, or that we two even stand a chance. There is some good news though.”

  “I would like to hear some good news,” Eilidh said with a wry smile.

  “You have thought all your life that you are weak, but I can assure you this is not the case. You’re strong, Eilidh. Stronger than most of our kind I have seen, both in your gifts and in your character. With time, and practice, and your stubborn determination, you will be strong enough to challenge anyone.”

  “If only we had time.”

  “Time I cannot provide. But what small benefit my years of experience can give you, I gladly offer.” Beniss put her hand to her freckled human face. Slowly the sun-dotted skin paled and became nearly translucent. Deep wrinkles slid into her face, and her rounded ears began to curl and spiral. It took only seconds for the illusion to disappear, but the effects were striking. Beniss had to be at least as ancient as Oron.

  Although Eilidh didn’t like to admit it, she felt an awe and respect that must’ve shown on her face, because Beniss responded with a laugh. “The first thing you should learn, my dear, is not to put so much trust in what you see. I will teach you to reliably cast an illusion, and then I will teach you to dispel one. Our gifts lie with the mind, and there is much more the mind can do than perhaps you realise. But most important, I will help you bind the true druid to yourself. As soon as you do that, all those decades of lessons in the Ways of Earth will bear fruit. We should start now. You have a long and dangerous journey ahead. And without your protection, your druid could be in great danger. He must survive.”


  In the days that passed since he’d met with Frankie and the other druids, Munro didn’t have much time to himself. Frankie invited him more than once to meet his mentor, Cridhe, to learn about his new-found power. But nearly every person in the Tayside Police was working overtime these days, and Munro was no exception. The national media had gotten hold of the story, and some of the more sensational details had leaked out. The DI in charge of the case, Boyle, was apoplectic. He vowed to keep them all so busy that no one would have time to think, much less talk to a reporter. He’d been true to his word, and police visibility was at an all-time high.

  In addition to searches, interviewing, and re-interviewing witnesses, part of the job became crowd control. Media outlets from all over set up at various points, including the crime scenes, and that drew even more crowds. The small city of Perth, Scotland had turned into a media hive.

  Munro wouldn’t have expected to have a moment to think about Eilidh, but he hardly thought about anything else. She had been gone a full week. Although he wanted to trust her, he had a sinking feeling she might not come back. To be fair, why should she? That other faerie, Saor, certainly didn’t seem to give a toss about the deaths of a few lowly humans. Munro got the impression Saor’s attitude was usual for their kind. He contemplated Saor, who seemed to think he had a claim on Eilidh, and whether he’d been an idiot to let Eilidh go off to the Isle of Skye alone with him. It wasn’t the best time to ask for leave, but with his recent medical issues, it wouldn’t have been a stretch. Plus, Munro knew the police efforts weren’t going to achieve anything. No amount of overtime would lead them to a faerie killing druids. All the hard graft and boots on the ground amounted to pointless hours that stretched an already taxed police force.

  Munro was thinking this through as he came to the end of another double shift. Without warning, he felt a familiar tug. Eilidh. If the intensity of the sensation was anything to go by, she was coming back and moving quickly. He had no way of knowing how long she would take, but it made his heart lighter to know he would see her soon.

  The rest of his boring, tedious day went much slower because of the anticipation, but the relief made it bearable. He had to admit he’d been afraid the kingdom fae had found her. If that had happened, she might not have been able to return, even if she wanted to.

  As he was about to leave for home, his mobile rang. It was Frankie, once again inviting him out. “You sure have been a hard man to get a hold of lately, Eastwood.”

  “Aye. You wouldn’t believe everything that’s been going on at work because of these murders.”

  “I would. Me and the others are getting nervous, you know.” Frankie’s tone sounded strained and worried.

  “Has something happened?” Frankie had not admitted to Munro that all three of the victims had been druids, and one more had been fae. Over the past couple of days, Munro had only been able to talk to his cousin on the phone. Even in those conversations, Frankie hadn’t changed his story or given up any helpful information. Of course, the task force hadn’t discovered the connection between the four victims. Knowing didn’t make it easier for Munro, who worried his cousin might be next.

  “Not exactly. I don’t really want to talk about this on the phone. I’m at work. Can we meet up later? I think I might have some idea of what’s going on.”

  “Sure.” Bingo. “When do you get off?”

  “Nine. Come see me around ten?”

  “I’ll be there.” They said goodbye, and a sense of uneasiness settled over Munro. Frankie was scared of something, and Munro didn’t know if he could protect him. Maybe if they worked together. He didn’t know how strong a blood faerie would be. Hell, he didn’t even know what Eilidh could do beyond drying her own hair. But he had seen those druids with their hearts ripped out. Anyone who could do something like that, whether faerie or human, was not to be taken lightly. His eyes drifted to the north and he
silently wished Eilidh would hurry.

  Chapter 17

  Eilidh clenched her fists on her lap. She did not know how Beniss had talked her into this. Riding in this machine was slower than running. This thing—this bus—rocked and screeched and growled. But Beniss insisted, claiming it would be safer and allow them time to talk. Beniss was concerned about encountering kingdom faeries, pointing out that kingdom fae would not go anywhere near a human vehicle.

  During the journey, few humans joined them on the bus. One or two got on in one town and off in another, but for the most part, they were not disturbed. Yet the uncomfortable sensations made it difficult for Eilidh to concentrate on what Beniss was saying. Over the years, Eilidh wondered what it would be like to be in one of these motorised machines. But she never thought she would actually do it, and certainly not at the request of another faerie.

  Despite her vague sense of motion sickness, Eilidh felt an underlying emotional calm. In the previous two days, she had come to understand more about magic than she had in her entire life of trying unsuccessfully to learn the Ways of Earth. Throughout her childhood, her father and other mentors attempted to teach her something alien to the way her mind naturally worked. Now that she had her first taste of what astral magic should feel like, she gained confidence. Beneath it twinged a layer of regret for all the wasted years, frustration, and deeply ingrained belief that she was somehow less than the other kingdom fae.


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