The Billionaire's Kiss (Scandal, Inc)

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The Billionaire's Kiss (Scandal, Inc) Page 10

by James, Avery

  Logan's laugh echoed through the empty upstairs rooms. "You're quick on your feet, aren't you? Let's see if you can keep up." Logan headed down the stairs and pushed open the door to the mansion's massive library. The outer wall of the room was covered in ceiling to floor windows, with doors that opened out to the veranda, and the other three walls were completely covered in bookshelves that reached almost two stories into the air. Callie marveled at the sheer number of books and the intricate woodwork on the shelves themselves. Logan walked across the parquet floor to a set of switches and turned on the sconces that lined the walls, bathing the room in soft light. "It was originally built to double as a ballroom."

  "I'm trying to imagine you ballroom dancing."

  "It's not hard," Logan said. He stepped up to her, slid one hand over her back and winked. "Just follow my lead."

  After fumbling her feet against his for a moment, Callie started to laugh. "You actually know how to dance?"

  "Dance lessons, music lessons, sailing, horseback riding: if it was taught, my mother signed me up for lessons. She was old money. My father let me run free, sports, snowmobiles, skiing, that kind of stuff. I didn't stick with dancing for very long, but once you've learned it, it's hard to forget. Plus it's won me points on occasion. Of course, dancing is easier if you have music," Logan said. "La da dee, la da daa, la da dee,” he hummed as he showed her the basic steps of a waltz. “Dance with me Callie."

  As they danced across the room, Callie occasionally stepped on Logan's foot, but soon she got the hang of it. Logan kept his hand firmly on her back and his eyes locked on hers. "See, you're a natural."

  "You're just saying that because you can't resist me."

  "Well, if the temptation becomes too great, I'll just ask you to dance."

  "I'm beginning to see how you get so many women," Callie said as Logan spun her around one last time. "You disorient them."

  "Want to know my real trick? Beer and an acoustic guitar. I don't know about the guitar, but I'd bet my life that there's beer in the fridge. The kitchen comes at the end of the tour. First I need to show you my favorite part of the house."

  "I take back what I said earlier. You make an excellent tour guide. Who knew you had a soft side?"

  Logan winked at her. "Just don't tell anyone, ok? I don't want to ruin my sterling reputation." He slid his arm over her shoulder and led Callie out into the main hall. "Would you like to see a secret room?"


  Logan grabbed Callie's hand and led her down the hall. He hadn't set foot in the secret room for years, but he wanted to show it to her. He wanted to share it with her. It might have been dumb, but it felt like a way to share more about himself with her without getting overly sentimental. "Come check out the study with me. It's over here." Logan led Callie down the hall and then turned the corner to another hallway. He motioned to a wood paneled wall and slid his hand across the dark mahogany, looking for the seam. He knew exactly where the handle was, but he wanted to put on a show for Callie. What good was a secret room without a little suspense? He couldn't just walk over and open it. No, he had to take his time. As soon as his fingers reached the seam in the wood, he slid them down the opening toward the latch. Then he stepped back. "Why don't you do the honors?"

  Callie looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He could tell that she wasn't sure if he was joking about there being a secret door. "This house was owned by a bootlegger, Eldridge Colt, a distant relative of the man who invented the revolver. He built a series of hidden passages and rooms throughout the house in case he needed to hide or flee. Over the years, most of them, like closets with false walls and hidden compartments, were opened up or closed off. By the time my parents bought the house, almost all of the passages and rooms had been removed during renovations and remodels, except for one. Give me your hand."

  Callie stepped up to Logan and placed her hand on the wall. With his guidance, she pushed in, and the panel before her opened to a tiny hallway. "It's a hidden study. Supposedly, Colt kept his secret books in here, but my father kept it as a study. Go on, do the honors." Callie stepped forward and opened the next door. As she pushed it open, light from the windows spilled onto her face, and Logan watched as she looked around the room. The storm had broken, and sun filtered through the clouds outside.

  When he was little, Logan had loved this room more than any other. It was where his mother had read to him. It was where his father would take him after finishing a business deal. It was the place where he felt closest to having a normal life and a normal family. Inside the room, with the big mahogany pocket doors pulled shut and a small fire crackling in the fireplace, he felt like an ordinary kid in an ordinary family, together in a small room, happy and content.

  Even at that young age, Logan had known that most families didn't have libraries or secret rooms or many of the things his family had. For a while, the room had served as his father's office during the summer months. It was easy to see why. It was hidden away from the rest of the house, and with two rambunctious sons and a parade of houseguests, it was one of the few places where he could get away and just work. At night, when Hank was finishing up his work for the day, Logan would sneak in and plop down in one of the leather chairs and watch him.

  Sometimes, Logan would pull a book off the shelf and start reading. His father hadn't explained to him how many of the books in that room were rare first editions, but he had taken every care to remind him that these things were special, that they were the result of hard work and good luck. His father had done a good job of instilling that lesson. Logan had taken it to heart. He hadn't earned any of this. It had been given to him, and it was his responsibility to live up to that.

  "I've always loved this room," Logan said as he stepped into the library. He walked over to a wall of bookshelves that reached from the floor to the ceiling and ran his hand over the spines of the books.

  "I thought you were the man who didn't love anything or anyone," Callie said.

  "I loved this place when I was a kid, probably more than any other. Every detail of it seemed so magical. The ornate detail in all of the woodwork, the tall bookcases, the way the sunlight filtered through the dusty air in the morning. Whenever the room wasn't in use, I used to come down here before breakfast and take a book down from the shelf and just start reading. Half the time, I had no idea what the books said. I don't think it really mattered. You're the first person outside of my family to step foot in this room in twenty years."

  "That's incredible," Callie said. She sat down in one of the leather chairs and ran her hand over the arm rest. Against the oversized chair, her body looked even more delicate and feminine. Logan wanted to lean in and wrap his arms around her.

  "Come on, we should get going while the weather's still good," he offered.

  He watched Callie pull herself up from the chair. Bright golden afternoon light lit up her lovely face and her blonde hair, making her seem even more beautiful, like she was a vision, a dream of what an angel would be. As she moved towards him, his desire for her overtook him and he stepped forward to kiss her.

  He leaned in and kissed her, slow and hard. She tasted sweet and pure, and he needed her. Logan pressed Callie against the wall and kissed her cheek and her neck as a wave of desire rolled through his body. He wanted to take her there and then.

  Callie moaned in surprise and ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him tighter against herself. He breathed in her scent, her delicate floral perfume mixed with the cool scent of rain. Her breath was hot and humid against his ear, and each heavy, hurried breath told him that she wanted him, too. He raised his lips back against hers and kissed her, running his hands over her hips, and leaning into her.

  Logan felt like he was losing control of himself. With each kiss, he wanted Callie more and more, and he didn't know what to think. There was just something about her, something different. He usually had a bit more self control than this. As he kissed Callie's wonderfully sweet lips one more time, he decided he needed t
o act. He pushed back from the wall and pulled away from her, leaving a safe space between his body and hers. She deserved something more than a quick romp on the floor, something more than a simple wave of passion, and he wanted to be the kind of man who could give her what she deserved.

  He held out his hand. "We should really get going," he said. He just needed a few minutes to regain control, a chance to figure out just what the hell it was about her that made him feel this way. This wasn't just the thrill of running off with someone. This was something else, something new. Now, if only he could figure out what it meant.

  "And here I was thinking we just had," Callie replied.

  You have no idea, he thought. If he didn't figure out some way to get over Callie Haven, he was going to be in trouble fast.


  The sun lit the remaining clouds in brilliant pinks and reds, and Callie leaned back and took a slow sip of wine while she admired the view. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said. "I hadn't expected the rain to break like that." After a quick stop back at her guesthouse to shower and find some appropriate, dry attire, a light summer dress, she had accepted Logan's invitation to dinner on his yacht. The whole thing had felt like a dream. Her head was still hazy from the unbelievable rush she had felt in Logan's arms earlier that day, and she couldn't help but wonder when she could feel it again.

  Logan's invitation hadn't simply been an excuse to get her on his boat. He really had made her dinner, steak to be exact, grilled on one of the three rear decks of his enormous yacht. Each bite of steak was buttery and tender and melted away in her mouth. Each sip of wine only accentuated the flavors. Even if Logan didn't want to sleep with her again, she wouldn't object to him cooking for her. This day had been full of surprises.

  "Today's been full of surprises," Logan said.

  "Somehow, I have a hard time believing that this isn't exactly how you planned the day."

  Logan grinned. "As fun as it was, I hadn't planned on you jumping me in the bedroom."

  "I was almost naked and standing in your bedroom, and I saw the way you were looking at me. Am I really supposed to believe that you had completely innocent intentions?"

  Logan laughed and his wicked grin widened. "You had me at undressed. By the way, I never said anything about being innocent. I just thought I'd be the one to make the first move."

  "Maybe I thought I'd save us both some time. You don't have to play coy with me, Logan. You're not going to hurt my feelings or offend me."

  "Maybe I was just taking my time. Did you ever think of that?" Logan said.

  "So is that your vaunted skill with women?" Callie asked.

  Logan shook his head. "What?"

  "Show them a little bit of your soft side. Make them think that maybe, just maybe they can be the one to change your bad boy ways, then go in for the kill?"

  Logan laughed. "First, you were the one who 'went in for the kill.' Second, when I decide to make a move, it will be something better than standing there, mouth breathing as I try to figure out how you are as beautiful as you are interesting." He placed his fork down on his plate and walked over to the edge of the deck. He leaned back against a railing and crossed his arms.

  "I thought those two things were one and the same for you. And you don't have to tell me I'm beautiful to try to get me to sleep with you again."

  "Believe it or not, I'm not always trying to get you to sleep with me."

  "BS. You've been thinking about it since before we left the house. I'm not blind. You haven't been able to keep your eyes off of me." Well, Callie thought, there was that moment in the hidden study. She knew he had felt what she had felt. The electric rush as they kissed, the rising heat as he pressed himself against her. If he wanted her so badly, why hadn't he kept going then?

  "Then you can appreciate why I can't stop looking at you. Like I said, when I decide to make my move, you'll know."

  Callie pushed her chair back and stood up. "Oh I get it. You want everything on your terms."

  "If I wanted to have it my way, we wouldn't be talking right now."

  "Is that right? That's a bit cocky, even for you. Then again, if I wanted to wrap my legs around you, I'd hope you'd do something more than stand there like you'd never even spoken to a woman before."

  "Hey, two can play this game. Remember, you're the one who's thrown herself at me multiple times. Face it, you like me a lot more than you're letting on."

  "No, I just don't want to rush things. I like you a lot, and I'd like to enjoy the sunset before throwing myself at you."

  "You're not even facing the sunset," Callie said.

  "I'm watching the soft glow of the sun on your face. Trust me when I say it's a better view than some clouds and some water, but maybe I should take a closer look." He walked up to Callie and placed his hands on her hips. "So much better." Callie could smell his cologne and the hint of wine on his breath. His breaths were slow and measured, but there was a hint of rasp to them, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was trying to hide his excitement. Her heart was racing, and if he felt anything close to what she felt, he wanted her. She could feel his heat as he held himself tantalizingly close. She looked at his lips, the slight stain of wine on them, and she thought of what it had felt like to kiss him, to feel his rough stubble against her skin as he slid his tongue against hers. She looked into his eyes, and tried to figure out what he was thinking. She knew this was a bad idea. Sleeping together once in a fit of passion, that was one thing, but giving in again would make their relationship something else, something more. What if she couldn't control that something else? What if she let herself fall for him?

  Before she could answer her own questions, Logan leaned in and planted a searing kiss on her lips, and the whole world felt like it tilted on edge as she melted into his arms. The first pass of his tongue against hers sent a thrill up and down her spine, and she knew she had to give in. She pressed herself harder against him and gasped for air before sealing her mouth against his again. Who knew when she'd come back up for air? Each movement of his hand against her sent new thrills through her body. His hand on her hips, on her back, on her breasts. His hands moving with wild abandon as Callie kissed him again and again. She didn't just want him. She needed him. She ached to feel him again.

  They kissed against the railing on the benches that looked out over the expansive ocean views and finally on the hard wooden deck. They tangled their bodies against each other and gasped and moaned with delight as they kissed. Logan reached up and slid the strap of her dress down off of her shoulder, leaning in to kiss the bare skin before he turned his attention back to her neck. Callie closed her eyes and ground herself against him. She wanted to tear his clothes off and take him right there outside. She could feel his excitement through the thin fabric of his clothing, and she wanted to feel the rush of sliding him inside herself again.

  "Bedroom," Logan said, "let's go to my bedroom." He grabbed Callie's hand and pulled her up to lead her inside. As they raced inside, they tossed off their clothing, leaving a trail from each state of undress leading to the bed. By the time they reached it, they were both in their underwear. Callie couldn't wait to throw herself at Logan, but he stopped just short of the bed and turned around to look at her. Still holding her hand, he looked up and down the length of her body. "You're perfect," he said, "Every inch of you is perfect."

  Callie looked at him, his tight muscles and his broad frame. He didn't have an ounce of fat on his body, and his physique looked like it had been carved from marble. She reached out and ran her fingers over his abs. "You don't have to say that," she said.

  "I know," he replied, "which is why I wanted to tell you."

  For the guy who supposedly liked to love ‘em and leave 'em, Logan was surprisingly tender. "Well, you're not so bad either," Callie said.

  He ran his hand over her shoulder again. "Besides, if you decide you hate me, I want to remember this moment."

  "Hopefully the next ones will be even more unforgettable."
r />   "Those, too," Logan said. He wrapped his arms around Callie's waist and pulled her in, kissing her again, pressing his lips against hers as he stepped back toward the bed. Callie let herself fall into him as his kiss rang through her, weakening her knees and making her want him that much more. She loved the way she fit against him, the way his arms wrapped around her in just the right way. It all felt so natural even though it felt like falling. She had expected to feel badly about giving in to her desire so easily, but everything just felt so right.

  Logan held her against himself as he leaned back into bed. As they fell into place, he kissed her chest, and Callie felt new thrills. He unclasped her bra and slid the straps off as he kissed her. Callie felt a jolt of pleasure and a rush of arousal as Logan sealed his lips against her chest and kissed her nipple. A gasp escaped her lips as he licked and kissed and cupped her breasts. Then he placed her hands on her waist and spun her over, positioning himself on top of her before kissing her neck and moving his way back down over her chest. Callie felt an extra thrill as Logan kissed the top of her stomach and hooked his fingers back under her panties, slowly pulling them down her thighs as he kissed her navel.

  "You don't have to do that," she said, but Logan didn't reply, he just kept working his way lower, kissing the sensitive skin of her lower abdomen, then her hip, and then her thigh, slowly moving closer and closer to her sex. Each kiss sent a paroxysm of pleasure through her core, and she tensed her muscles as her anticipation and excitement grew stronger. Then he slid his hands between her legs and spread them apart. Callie felt his hot breath against her skin as he moved in closer and closer until finally, he pressed his lips against her and she moaned.

  Callie ran her fingers through Logan's hair as he teased her with his tongue. He ran his hands over her body, allowing himself to grab her as she trembled, and moaned. Her heart raced as the warmth and the pressure of the pleasure grew stronger and stronger. The excitement was more than she could bear, and she curled her toes into the blanket and cried out in delight again and again until climax stole her breath. Callie sighed as she reveled in the pleasure. How can he possibly top that? she wondered.


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