Tempted (Tempted #1)

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Tempted (Tempted #1) Page 3

by Heather Doltrice

  “My problem? My problem is you have no business talking to her. “

  “And you have no business telling her who she can talk to. She doesn’t belong to you.”

  “Please tell me you don’t really think you have a shot with her.” Preston asked with an evil smirk on his face.

  “I think that’s for her to decide.”

  “You’re trash. Girls like her are not interested in guys like you. I mean, you’re only 18 and you already have a criminal record.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked looking between them. I was never one for gossip so I had no clue what Preston meant.

  “Oh that’s right. Sweet little innocent Emma Everly doesn’t know about your illegal street racing ring. The cars had stolen parts too. Isn’t that right, Roman?”

  “That is none of your business!” I yelled at Preston and pushed him away.

  He laughed and turned to walk away but not before he rubbed more salt in the wound.

  “We’ll see what you father thinks about your boyfriend tonight. See you at dinner.” He said and then he winked at me. Yeah, he actually had the nerve to wink.

  “Don’t threaten her! She’s done nothing wrong!” He started to walk toward Preston, but his brother Ethan pushed him back.

  “Roman, bro, calm down. He’s not worth it.”

  “You’re right but she is.” He said as he looked at me. “Can I talk to you?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Maddie said.

  “Maddie I’ll be fine. Wait here on me.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  I took Roman’s hand that he offered me and we walked out the door. I had nothing to lose so I went. I mean Preston was probably half way to my house by now. Leaving with him, it just felt right. So, for once, I listened to my heart, not my head.

  Chapter 5

  He unlocked his car and I got in. I had this weird sensation in my stomach. Is this what butterflies felt like? I realized I was sitting there like a weirdo, so I looked up only to be met with those piercing blue eyes again.

  I hated how much I loved those.

  “Are you going to thank me or what?”

  “Um, for what?” I asked, blinking hard.

  “For saving you from that preppie weirdo,” he answered, as though I should have already known.

  “Okay,” I answered. “Thank you for causing a scene that my dad will almost certainly hear about by lunch time.”

  “You’re really into what people think of you, aren’t you?” He asked without looking at me.

  “Me?” I asked, my eyebrows darting up so high that they technically detached from my forehead. “You’re one to talk. Look at you. You’re trying so hard to be James Dean that I’m afraid you’re going to pull a muscle.”

  “Just being me, Pumpkin Girl. Which is more than I can say for you,” he looked over at me, grinning.

  “Do I even want to know what you’re talking about?” I asked.

  “You want everyone to think you’re perfect,” he said.

  “Maybe I just am perfect. Did you ever think of that?” I countered.

  “More than I care to admit,” he said. “I thought about it enough to know you’re not.”

  I flinched. That stung a little.

  “Don’t look so hurt, Pumpkin Girl. Perfect ain’t interesting. It’s no fun. You’ve got a fire inside you and, when you’re ready to let it out, remember who’s standing first in line.”

  “That wasn’t your fault back there,” I admitted. “Preston needs to realize that I don’t want him. Never will.”

  “But he’s right, you know?”

  “About what?” I asked him.

  He hung his head low and took a deep breath.

  “About everything but his haircut. I got arrested last summer for street racing and some of the cars did have stolen parts. He is also right about the fact that I’m not good enough for you. I’m bad news, Emma.”

  My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. Roman Charles was definitely book worthy.

  “You’re not making any sense,” I said. “First you tell me you wanna be first in line when I let my fire out and now you tell me you’re not worth it. Which is it, Roman Charles?”

  “Both,” he said flatly. “I believe in being honest. You’re too good for me, and everybody in town will tell you that. But a guy’s gotta reach for what he wants, no matter how high up it is.” He swallowed hard. “I need to ask you something.”

  “O-okay.” I barely managed to get that out.

  “Would you be the sort of girl who’d want me to ask before I kissed you?”

  All I could do was nod.

  “Too bad,” he answered. He leaned closer to me and I met him halfway. It was sweet and slow, like I had always imagined. He pulled me closer to him so I was seated on his lap. It felt like his lips were full of electricity. Is this what I had been missing my whole high school experience?

  The kiss deepened and it became hungry. His mouth kept moving on mine. Suddenly, he pulled back.

  “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? This was my first kiss, I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

  Oh my God. What did I just say? Why was I still talking? God, am I still talking?

  Why did I ever think I would be enough for him? He could have any girl he wanted.

  “It’s not,” I said, stuffing my hands in my pockets and shaking my head. “My first kiss, I mean. I know that I said it was but, like, it totally wasn’t. Not that I need to tell you.” I shuffled my feet.

  “ I’m sure you could tell.

  “Oh no, Pumpkin Girl. It’s not that. It was good, believe me.” His eyes darted to the floor and back up again. “It’s just that I’m not good at taking things slow and I don’t know if you could handle me. I think we need to get you back to Maddie. Don’t you have a family dinner? That might be more your speed.”

  Was he serious? He thought I couldn’t handle him. And to be honest I wasn’t so sure either.

  “Yeah, I forgot about that. I guess I do need to head back. And for your information I could definitely handle you, you don’t intimidate me.”

  Okay, that was a lie.



  “Of course I do.”

  He shook his head. “Was I really your first kiss?” He asked as he rubbed my leg.

  “I…I don’t remember.”

  “Well, let’s make sure you don’t forget again.” He leaned in and gave me another kiss. It was quick, hard, wet, and perfect.

  Also, it ended way too soon.

  He smiled at me and got out of his car. He opened my door and gently took my hand.

  “When am I gonna see you again?”

  Play hard to get, Emma.

  “Whenever you want to.” I reply breathlessly.

  Well, so much for that.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, squeezing my hand.

  We walked hand and hand to the entrance of the mall. But before he opened the door hepulled his hand away. He never touched me as we walked in the mall. I spotted Maddie and for some reason she looked upset. I had to remember to ask her about that. But it would have to wait till I got off of the cloud I was on.

  “Ems, we need to get you home,” Maddie said, marching up to us with fire in her eyes.” Let’s go. It was nice seeing you Roman.”

  “It usually is,” he answered.

  He nodded at her and then looked at me.

  “I’ll text you later. Try not to miss me too much.”

  Still, he didn’t touch me.

  “You try not to miss me too much.”

  Maddie grabbed my hand and rushed me out of the mall.

  “You have to tell me everything,”

  “He kissed me, Mads.” That was all I could think about.

  The rest of the way back to my house Maddie rambled on. I couldn’t form complete sentences so I just nodded when the conversation called for it. Remembering this stupid din
ner with the Carpenters and my parents, I let out an inward groan.

  She pulled the car in my driveway and I hopped out.

  “Call me later.” She yelled as she pulled out of my driveway.

  I ran up the front steps and opened the door.

  “I’m home!”

  My Mother appeared at the top of the stairs. She was dressed to impress. Her emerald green cocktail dress looked flawless on her just like everything did, and her hair was up in a fancy bun.

  “It’s about time. The Carpenters will be here any minute. Run upstairs and change. I laid your new dress out on the bed and do something with you hair. You look like you’ve been rolling around in dirt.”

  I bristled, ran up the stairs and had to stop myself from slamming my door. Why did they think it was okay to plan my whole life out for me? I didn’t want to be like them. But did I really have a choice?

  I ripped the cream color dress off the hanger. Mom probably thought this was fashionable but, in reality, it looked like she cut a neck hole into a burlap sack. I mean, every inch of my body was covered as I slipped the monstrosity over my head. I had heard of being modest, but this was ridiculous. . I noticed the strappy sandals beside the bed and put them on. Not even a heel? Then I had to something about my hair, so I walked over to my vanity and decided on a slicked back high ponytail. I chose minimal make up because I really did not care how I looked for this stupid dinner, and it seemed insane to be made up in my burlap sack outfit.

  I wished I could’ve worn Roman’s shirt instead of this stuffy expensive dress. That would’ve gotten some strange looks, I knew. But something inside of me was okay with that. Maybe Roman was right about that fire after all.

  Just as I was finishing up, someone knocked on my door.

  “Come in.”

  My dad peeked his head in. My heart tightened as it always did when I saw Dad before events. Would I look okay to him? Would I seem chaste enough? Proper enough for the preacher’s daughter?

  “Preston is here.” He looked me up and down, nodded, and then he shut the door behind him.

  “Yay!” I knew tonight was going to suck. I decided to leave my phone in my room on the off chance Roman decided to text me.

  I made my way down the hallway and stood at the top of the stairs. I could do this. It would only last two hours tops. I wondered what Roman was doing right now? Descending the grand staircase, I made my way to the dining room where everyone was already sitting.

  “I saved you a seat.” Preston pointed to the chair next to him and I swear I died a little inside. And I was not being dramatic. Taking the seat , I faked a huge smile.

  “How lovely of you to join us, Emma.” Mrs. Carpenter said. “Finally.” She, added, mumbling into her napkin.

  “Sorry to have kept you waiting.” I told her. I had to work at breathing in and out to keep myself from lunging at her from across the table.

  I hated that snob. Almost as much as I hated her son.


  “So, Emma. Who was that I saw talking to you and Maddie today at the mall?” Preston said and smirked at me.

  “Just a friend.”

  “When did Roman Charles become your friend?”

  I looked over at my father and saw that he was fuming. Oh great.

  I think I’m officially knocked off of my cloud.

  Chapter 6

  He was going to kill me. No wait, he was going to ground me forever and then he’d kill me after.

  “The Charles boy?” Dad asked, his gaze driving into me like a knife. “Why were you talking to him, Emma?”

  “He just said hey, it was no big deal.”

  “It’s a very big deal. That boy is trouble.” He answered.

  “Dad, we only saw him for a second. He was just being polite.”

  Dad took his napkin and placed it formally across his lap. “Let that be the last interaction you have with him. There’s no point in you wasting time with someone like that when there are more suitable candidates around.”

  “Yes, sir.” I agreed to please my father but I knew there was no way I could stay away from Roman. I was hooked. Preston couldn’t hide his smile and it made me hate him even more.

  Everyone made small talk and ate. Everyone but me. I wasn’t hungry at all and I didn’t want to talk to any of these people. Finally after three plus hours, the Carpenters put on their jackets and left. I said a silent thank you to God.

  I said my goodnights to my parents and I couldn’t get upstairs quick enough. I shut my door and when I turned around I almost let out a scream. Roman was sitting on my bed.

  “What are you doing here?” I whispered yelled.

  “I tried to text you a couple times but got no reply. I just wanted to check on you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Has that jerk left yet?”

  “Yeah. He just left. I left my phone up here. You know this is probably illegal, right?” I asked him trying to hide how nervous I was.

  “I’m used to illegal,” he said “ But that won’t scare away. If you want me to leave then tell me to leave, Emma. But we both know you want me to stay.”

  “You are so full of yourself.”

  He laughed. He knew he was right.

  “I’ll leave if that’s what you really want…” he said as he turned to climb back out the window.


  “You want me, Emma. Admit it.” Walking toward me, he pulled as close to him as I could get.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Imagine all the things I could do to you. The way I could make you feel. Stop hiding behind this good girl façade. It’s not who you really are.”

  “This is way too quick,” I said, looking past him at the crucifix on my wall.

  He was right. I did want him, I just didn’t want to get hurt by him. I knew being with him would feel good but I also knew losing him would hurt like hell.

  “Okay,” he said, and turned to go again. I grabbed his hand, pulling him back to me.

  “What if you’re right?” I asked, blood racing through my veins. “What if I did want you? What are you going to do about it?”

  “I’m going to ruin you for all other men.”

  Electricity coursed through my body.

  “You should go,” I muttered.

  “I should,” he answered. “But you still don’t want me to. Do you?”

  I shook my head.

  He let go of me and started to walk around my room. Oh goodness I hoped he didn’t see my stuffed animals. I need to get rid of those.

  “I like your stuffed animals.”

  Great. Of course he saw them.

  “My dad will kill you if he finds us here. He’ll kill both of us.”

  “Fair enough. Listen, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the county fair with me and a couple friends tomorrow. Maddie can come too, if she wants.”

  It sounded like he was asking me out on a date but I know I had to have heard him wrong.

  “Really? I thought you came here to seduce me in front of my stuffed animals.” I said. I wasn’t sure when I had gotten so brave. But I liked it.

  “I came over for the date, seducing you was just a bonus.” He laughed at me and shook his head.

  “I would love to go with you, but I don’t know if-”

  “I’ll meet you there. No need in giving your dad another reason to scream at me about brimstone.”

  He walked toward me and kissed my lips.

  “I might even win you a stuffed animal to add to your collection.” He joked.

  I playfully slapped his arm.

  “I better get going. It’s late. Goodnight pumpkin. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said as he climbed out of my window.

  “Goodnight.” I said. I’m going on my first date tomorrow night but first I had to convince Maddy to go.

  I tried to sleep but I couldn’t. I was way too excited so I grabbed my kindle from my nightstand. And I read a book about a girl falling in love with a b

  I don’t know what time I fell asleep but I woke up with my kindle laying on my chest. For so long books had been my escape but something kept telling me that was about to change.

  I showered and brushed my teeth. Opening my closet, i pulled out a mint green maxi dress and tan ballet flats. I braided my hair over to the side.

  My mother knocked on my door. “Honey, breakfast is ready and then we need to leave for church.”

  “You can come in mom. I’m ready.”

  She opened the door and I met her there. We made our way to the kitchen. Making small talk, we ate quickly.

  “That was delicious mom. Thank you.”

  She just smiled in response. We cleaned all our dishes and put our leftovers in the fridge. I grabbed my tan fringe cross body bag and put it over my shoulder, making sure to slip my phone inside.

  We got in my Mom’s silver BMW and drove to the church. The ride was quiet. Like always.

  When we pulled up to the church my father was standing on the steps greeting everyone. That’s when I saw Roman, walking up with his family. My heart skipped a beat.

  Mr. Charles has stopped to talk to my dad just as we walked up the cobblestone walk way that led to the steps of the church.

  “Good Morning, Preacher Everly.” Mr. Charles said to my dad.

  “Morning, Tom.” He answered back.

  “Come on boys, let’s meet your mother and sister inside.” He said to Ethan and Roman.

  His little sister looked just like him. Her name was Lucy and she was only five but I could already tell she was going to be a heartbreaker. Just like her brother.

  He didn’t even look at me. Had I done something?

  “Hello sweetheart.” My dad broke me from my thoughts.

  “Hello dad.” I hugged him.

  My parents were in deep conversation, so I told them I was going to go take my seat. I walked in the church and spotted that familiar head of black hair. It was like he felt me looking at him because he turned around and winked at me. I hid my smile and walked to my pew to take my seat.

  I could barely concentrate in church. Everyone got up out of their pews and started to make their way outside. My attention immediately went to the face of the guy who I was supposed to go on my first date with. He was laughing with his brother and few of his friends. Tearing my gaze from him. I scanned the room for Maddie. She was talking to a few girls.


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