Tempted (Tempted #1)

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Tempted (Tempted #1) Page 16

by Heather Doltrice

  Walking over, I peeked through the peep hole and Preston standing on the other side.

  “Be nice.” I said to Maddie as I opened the door.

  When she saw who it was she grabbed her bag and walked quickly to the door.

  “I really hope you made the right decision.”

  “Me too.” I told her as I watched her shut the door.

  Preston cleared his throat and I turned around.

  “Let’s sit down.” I told him.

  “Emma, I can’t sit down. I need to know.”

  I really hoped I was doing the right thing.

  “I’m going to take you up on your offer.”

  His eyes lit up and reached in for a hug. He give my waist a squeeze and my whole body went rigid. I couldn’t stand the thought of his hands on my skin but I had my baby to worry about now. It wasn’t just about me now.

  “This is great! We have to call your parents and my parents. Oh, and we have to get you a ring. The biggest one they have.”

  This was supposed to be one of the best moments of my life but the problem was it was supposed to have a different man.

  It was supposed to be perfect and romantic, like something out of a movie. Not whatever this was, but I had to face the bitter truth. That was as good as it was going to get.

  I watched as Preston sent out text messages and made calls. How long would it take to get to Roman? I wondered how he react. Would he be fine or would he fight for me? Would he fight for us? I used to know but now I wasn’t so sure.

  I should have felt relived but I didn’t. I felt exactly the same. The life I didn’t want was the one I was throwing myself back into. But I knew at this point I didn’t really have a choice.

  My phone beeped, alerting me of a text message. Checking it, I saw it was from Maddie.

  Mads- I guess congrats r n order.

  Me- How do u know? I was just about to call u.

  Mads- Ur fiancé put it on fb. Everyone knows.

  “Your parents want us to come over. Their over the moon.” He told me as he grabbed my coat from the coat rack.

  I couldn’t believe he said over the moon. Oh wait, yes I could.

  “Great.” I said as slipped the coat on. “Let’s go.”

  Getting in Preston’s car, I heard the engine start. The car ride to my parent’s house was silent and filled with awkwardness. Was that going to be my life now?

  Driving up the driveway, he put the car in park. As I got out I plastered the fakest smile on my face. I was in full on pageant girl mode. Preston knocked on the door and my dad opened the door. I could tell by the look on his face he was ecstatic. I wished I could join in on that happiness.

  “The happy couple. Everything is like it should be.” My father beamed.

  No, it wasn’t. Things weren’t at all like they should be. But for my baby, I had to fake it. I needed to at least try to be happy.

  Chapter 36

  I absolutely hated stuffy dinner parties but you could have never told it by looking at me. Preston wouldn’t keep his hands off of me and I was really considering stabbing him in the eye with my fork.

  At least I had managed to escape talking to Mrs. Carpenter, my future monster-in-law. As I picked at the stuffed chicken on the plated in front of me, I heard her annoying voice call my name.

  “Emma, you need to mingle. You are engaged to the future mayor, act like it.” She said as she gave me the best stink eye she possibly could. The Botox was working against her.

  Getting up my chair, I smoothed my red satin gown. It was beautiful but it wasn’t me, it was way too expensive. Preston grabbed my hand and led me to a small group of people. Running my hands over my small baby bump, I immediately thought about Roman. It had been two weeks since I had heard from him but every day I hoped he would come back for me. Stupid, right?

  As Preston talked with the group of older men, I smiled and agreed when the conversation called for it. Something I had gotten good at. From the corner of my eye I saw Luca approaching us. A designer suit replaced his usual jeans and leather jacket.

  “You guys just keep getting cuter and cuter.” Luca said with a condescending smile on his face.

  I swear that thing was permanent, I would have loved nothing more than to knock it off his face.

  “Thanks, I see your still alone.” I shot back challenging him.

  Preston’s father stole him away to talk business leaving me with that jerk.

  “Only by choice, let me assure you. How does it feel, Emma?”

  “How does what feel?” I asked.

  “Being engaged to spend the rest of your life with someone when you’re completely in love with someone else?”

  It felt like I was dying from the heartache but I wouldn’t let him know with that. I wouldn’t let him get in my mind.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Everyone knows, Emma. Preston was a safe choice but what’s life without a little risk?”

  “I’m sorry do you suddenly ship me with Roman? I thought you turned him in because I dumped Preston.”

  “I didn’t care about you breaking Preston’s heart.”

  “Then why would you do that? Are you that evil?”

  “I did it simply because I could. I don’t need a reason.”

  “You’re a sad excuse for a person.”

  “I’ve heard it all before.” He said as he walked away.

  I said a quick prayer for whoever he was off to torture next.

  After slow dancing with half of the old geezers in the room I felt that I had mingled enough. So, I reclaimed my seat. I saw Preston storm out of the room followed by my father. Something was definitely up.

  Jumping up from my seat, I quickly walked to the door. Getting closer, I heard shouting.

  “Let me see Emma!” Someone shouted

  “You don’t deserve to see her!” Preston fired back.

  Did someone say my name? I heard three voices. Preston, my dad, and wait was that Roman?

  Running to the door, I pulled it open. Those blue eyes landed on me and my heart did a somersault.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him completely breathless.

  “Why do you think I’m here?” Roman said.

  “He was just leaving.” Preston told me.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Not this time.”

  “I’m going to call the police.” Preston threatened.

  “Emma, can we please talk?” he said completely ignoring Preston.

  “Yeah.” I said barley above a whisper.

  “Emma, you can’t be serious. Mr. Everly, talk some sense into her.” Preston pleaded with my father.

  “Preston, let’s go inside. Give them some time to talk.” My father said as he lead Preston inside.

  If I didn’t know any better I would have thought my dad actually like Roman.

  We walked until we reached a small bench. Taking a seat, I watched him struggled to find the words to say.

  “Are you happy?” he asked as he stared at the huge rock on my finger.


  “I’m so sorry for doing this to you, the pressure just felt like it was too much to take. I didn’t think I could do it. But I can do it and more than that I want to. I want you and I want our baby. I know you’re engaged and I know I probably blew my chance. But Emma, it’s not too late for us to be happy. You belong with me not with him.”

  He was right I didn’t belong with Preston, I was miserable. But could I trust Roman with my heart again?

  “Why did you wait this long? You’re saying all the right things but at the wrong time.” I told him as I shivered.

  It was staring to get chilly outside and I had forgotten my coat inside. Watching Roman slide his jacket off, I knew what he was going to do. And without even asking he swung it over my shoulders.

  “I was on my way to your apartment the day you got engaged. But West saw it on Facebook and called me. I got angry and turned around. But every day after t
hat got worse. This morning when I woke up I made up my mind that I was going to fight for you. I went to your apartment before I came here. Maddie told me where you would be.”

  “Roman you can’t expect everything to be okay. Why have you had a sudden change of heart? How are you so sure we can do it now?”

  “Because I’m not scared anymore. I’m a man who knows what I want and I want you. I won’t settle for anything other than you. I promise I will do whatever it takes to make sure you’re always happy. I love you and I know you love me. He doesn’t compare to me and you know it.”

  I fought to hold back the tears but it was no use. They flowed freely down my face.

  “Don’t cry, Pumpkin.” He said as he pulled me on his lap.

  “I don’t know what to do.” I told him.

  “Follow your heart. Leave with me. He can’t make you feel the way I can. He can’t love you as much as I do. And you know you want to be in my bed every night moaning my name. Not his.” He said as he nipped my ear.

  His words made my blood run hot. He was right and he knew it. Should I listen to my head or listen to my heart? I wanted the kind of love that wasn’t easy, the kind that kept you guessing. So, I did what any girl would do, I listened to my heart and chose Roman Charles.

  “You have to promise to never run again.”

  “You couldn’t get rid of me if you wanted to.” He said shooting me that panty melting smile of his.

  He ran his fingers through my hair and gave it a little tug, pulling me closer to his lips. His tongue danced around mine and I swear that kiss alone was enough to give me a mind blowing orgasm.

  “I have to tell Preston. It’s not right to leave without him knowing.” I said pulling away from him mouth.

  “Make it quick, I’ve dirty plans for your body.” He said as I walked inside.

  Scanning the room, I found Preston talking to his mother and Luca. I saw Luca nudge his arm, showing him that I had entered the room.

  Watching him walk closer to me, I slipped the ring from my finger.

  “Did you get him to leave?” he asked as he rubbed my arms.

  “I’m leaving with him, he’s waiting outside on me. I just didn’t feel right leaving and not telling you. And I wanted to return the ring.”

  He pulled his hands back quickly as if my skin had burned his hands.

  “What are you thinking? You must love being treated like crap. Is that it?” He shouted.

  “I don’t love you, I could never love you. I’m thinking that I want to be happy. And with you that’s not an option.”

  He flinched as if my words hurt him physically. I heard heels pounding against the marble floor. His mother was walking our way.

  “Your nothing but a little whore. He’s going to leave you again and when he does Preston won’t be there for you. My son is too good for you. You deserve Roman because your trash just like he is.”

  Before I could say anything to defend myself, I heard Roman’s voice from the doorway.

  “She’s too good for your son, not the other way around. Don’t you ever say another bad word about her. I won’t allow it.”

  She scoffed as if she unaffected by his threat.

  “I’m not scared of you. What are you going to do about it.”

  “Whatever he can’t do, I will.” I heard my father say from behind me.

  “Leave my daughter alone. Come on, let’s go.” My mom chimed in.

  Grabbing my hand, Roman led me out of that horrendous party. I was so tired of pretending to be happy for a room full of people who weren’t happy them own selves.

  Chapter 37

  “Maddie and Grace are having movie night.” I told Roman as I kissed his neck. “We can’t go there.”

  “No, your way too loud. You might scare Grace. I know where we can go.” He said as he gripped the steering wheel and sped through town.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “You’ll see, just keep kissing me. It’s been way too long.” He said as he gritted his teeth.

  Feeling the car come to a complete stop, I looked around. And I was beyond shocked at his choice of location.

  “Why are we at your house?” I asked him.

  “We’re not at my house, we’re going to the garage out back. I’ve always wanted to see you get really dirty.”

  “I’m not following.”

  “I want you on top of my car, legs spread, and moaning my name. Are you following me now?” He said with as he got out to open the garage door.

  I nodded frantically.

  Watching him climb back in the car, I squeezed my legs together trying to control the ache between my thighs.

  He pulled the car inside and he wasted no time getting me out on top of it.

  He unzipped my dress, letting it hit the floor. He slowly unhooked my bra and slid my underwear down my legs until they were completely off.

  “I want you to leave the heels on.” He said as his hands roamed my naked body.

  Watching his muscles flex as he removed his clothes, I sucked in a breath. He was like sex on wheels.

  “Tonight it’s all about you. I want to make you feel good.” He said as let his fingers brush my skin. Letting his hand land between my thighs, I moaned. I felt his finger slip inside. He pressed against my walls, putting pressure on them. But pressure never felt so good.

  “You’re so wet for me.” He said as he pulled his fingers out.


  Gabbing my upper thighs, he pulled me closet to him. I watched him grit his teeth as he slipped inside of me. Sex with Roman never got old, it only got better each time.

  “I could worship your body forever.” he said as he rocked his hips against mine.

  “Right there! Oh…” I said as I grabbed his hair.

  He pounded into me like his life depended on it.

  It was raw and electric. The pleasure I felt made my toes curl. Feeling his perfect lips graze my nipples, I had to stifle a moan that his neighbors could hear.

  “Feel good?” he asked me pulling his mouth away from my breast.

  I whimpered at the loss of his lips on my skin.

  “Being needy today, huh?” he said with that devilish smirk on his lips.

  “So needy. Keep going, I’m almost there.”

  He grinded into me with burning passion. And my body started to tremble under his.

  His mouth hit mine and our tongues intertwined. Pulling away, he put his nose to mine and started into my eyes.

  “That’s my girl.” He said he started pull out but I placed my hands on his rock hard chest.

  “I want to make you feel good now.”

  He picked me up with him still inside me. And laid on his back.

  “I want you to sit up.” I commanded him.

  “Whatever you say.” He said he shot straight up.

  Sliding off him, I dropped to my knees. Wrapping my hand around him, I massaged his length. His eyes went wild.

  “I’m the luckiest man in the world.” He said with a huge grin on his face.

  Replacing my hands with my mouth, I moved it up and down. His moans made me know I was doing it right. My lips sucked on him as my hands kept rubbing him.

  “I’m about to…” he said as he body started to shake with pleasure. Moving my mouth away I watched him finish.

  He picked me up from my knees and carried me over to the sink in the corner of the garage. He sat me on the chair next to it. Turing the sink on, he opened the cabinet above it and pulled a cloth from it. Running it under the water, he spread my legs open and cleaned me.

  “I love you, Pumpkin.” He said as he kissed my hair.

  “I love you, more.” I said, stealing his line.

  “Are you ready to get dressed?”

  I nodded as he picked up my clothing and helped me dress.

  “Are you going to spend the night?” I asked sound hopeful.

  “What do you think?” he asked as he got himself dressed.

ing, I got in his car while he opened the garage door. I tried to stop myself from smiling like a love-struck idiot but I couldn’t. Because that’s exactly what I was. Swinging his door open, I watched Roman start the engine. I noticed he had the same love-struck smile on his face. And that made me smile even bigger.

  I listened to the Brian Fallon song and got lost in its lyrics. It felt good knowing that I could finally relax.

  “Are we going to sleep in the car or do you want to go inside?” Roman asked.

  Looking around, I saw that we had arrived at my apartment.

  “Quit being smart.” I said, pretending to be annoyed.

  Laughing under his breath, he opened his door. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. Walking hand and hand, we entered the warm building. I looked at all of the women’s faces as we passed them to get on the elevator. I didn’t blame them. How could they not stare at him? I did it all the time.

  I pulled my key from my clutch and unlocked the door. I saw Maddie and Grace sitting on the couch watching another horror movie.

  “Hey. What are you guys watching now?” I asked, trying to pull their attention away from the half-naked girl running from a big dude in a mask.

  “Friday the thirteenth. How in the hell do you not know who Jason Voorhees is?” Maddie asked, looking over her shoulder.

  “You’ve really never heard of him?” Roman asked looking at me like had grown two heads.

  “No, I haven’t. Why is this such a big thing? Can we go to my room?” I asked, pulling Roman with me to my room

  “Use protection!” Maddie yelled, as we walked away.

  “It’s not like I can get pregnant!” I yelled back.

  Hearing fits of laughter, I slammed the door. I just wanted to cuddle with my boyfriend.

  Quickly undressing, I walked over to my drawers and grabbed my pajamas. Slipping them on, I watched Roman in just his t shirt and boxers, already on my bed. I could get used to that.

  “Come on over here,” he said, patting the bed.

  Walking over, I climbed under the blanket and rested my head on his chest.

  “What do you want?” I asked him.

  “You,” he replied, as he played with my hair.

  “I know that. I meant boy or girl?”


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