The Demogorge fought magnificently. He must surely have known that it was a suicide mission. Perhaps he hoped that his own death would serve to satisfy the Star Ravagers. But it was not to be.
Upon the death of the Demogorge, the Star Ravagers began feeding, from the edge of our star system, upon the energies and the mass of our sun. It was if the life blood of our sun was being sucked through a giant straw, thousands of miles in diameter and billions of miles in length at speeds beyond that of light.
At that self same instant, the Multiverse’s most powerful god struck back.
Very close to our sun the mighty Thor looked on at the massive worm hole through which a constant stream of energy, plasma, and superheated gases was being siphoned off and teleported to the Star Ravagers. It was a fearsome sight to behold, even for a god.
With seemingly comparative ease the son of Odin shut down the wormhole stopping the teleportation before the sun became unbalanced. Before doing so though he directed a massive sky father level god blast through the wormhole and directly at his adversaries.
The god blast was just as awesomely powerful as it was unexpected. Both as individuals, and as the temporarily formed composite being, every one of the mature adult Star Ravagers felt pain. Hitherto only a theoretical concept of not even vague interest to them.
The aggregated Star Ravager entity had been absorbing direct and converted energies from our sun at a frightening rate. Still it was only at a rate commensurate with feeding. They had not been prepared for the godblast overload.
The composite entity separated into its twenty individual sentient entities and began moving menacingly into our star system at high sub light speed. Occasionally taking very short teleportation jumps.
One of the entities, for reasons unknown but possibly sheer petulance, vaporized the rocky mass of Pluto further demoting it in status.
As the Star Ravagers moved further into our system they were at their very highest state of awareness fully ready now to absorb even a multiple godblast type attack. Instead they were confronted with permanent cosmic storms at a level hitherto beyond their experience. Even with their very short teleportation jumps the Star Ravagers could not seem to avoid the storms. Unquestionably the storms were interfering with energy flows within each of the individual Star Ravager energy configurations. At least one among the Star Ravager postulated that they might be entering some form of entrapment.
As a precaution against the energy disruption effects of the cosmic storms some of the incoming Star Ravagers took on powerful physical forms while yet others retained their energy form.
Of a partially mystical nature the disruptive storms seemed too powerful to be the creation of any single being, even of he who is the god of storms himself. The Star Ravagers, but vaguely, sensed the contribution of other beings – other skyfathers, other storm gods, yet others with power over storms, and yet other beings of considerable mystical power.
The storms only increased in intensity the as the Star Ravagers moved inwards toward Earth and the Sun.
All seemed quiet on the blue green world of Earth now devoid of humanity. The home of man seemed peaceful and very vulnerable as it lay seemingly unprotected. Nothing could have been further from the truth.
The father and yes even the mother of the now dead Atum/Demogorge lay awaiting vengeance. The earth mother Gaea and the Demiurge were in good company as great Zeus of Olympus, Vishnu and the other skyfathers of the Earth pantheons stood with them. The Demiurge having returned from a higher plane of existence for the confrontation. While the Earth Mother was not naturally given to destructive acts, who is to say how a mother may react to the loss of a son? Even when that mother is an elder god.
Eventually, their task of harassing and harrowing the Star Ravager intruders done, the cosmic storms weakened and abated. Then, just as Orikal had predicted to Thor, the Star Ravagers broke into three groups eight individuals proceeding to Earth, six individuals making the dimensional leap to Asgard, and another six individuals proceeding directly sunward.
As Orikal had predicted the dimensional jump to Asgard had not proven so simple. With the rainbow bridge removed, Thor had “hardened” the dimensional barriers between Earth and Asgard. The Star Ravagers, though accomplished interdimensional travellers, only just succeeded in crossing the dimensional rift and were weakened and disoriented upon arrival. An arrival that found them facing the All Asgard Destroyer construct supported by the most powerful heroes of Earth and a burning star that could only have been Balder the Brave, the Lord of Light, in full enraged flight.
But not all events went as predicted by Orikal. Two individual Star Ravagers broke away from the group heading toward Earth. By means unknown they had perceived and then entered the alternate reality construct wherein lay not only humanity but all living things of the Earth. Seemingly defenceless.
But appearances can be deceiving. In this alternate reality, Thor had entrusted the defence of humanity to most capable hands. The mighty Beta Ray Bill armed with the shield and sword of Odin, led as mighty a group of warrior gods as the major god pantheons of the Multiverse could provide. Pantheon Skyfathers, Gods of War, Thunder Gods, Gods of Strength and among them, and not at all out of place, stood the warriors three, lady Sif and her brother Heimdall.
As the Star Ravager group heading for Earth came close they felt the full force of skyfather level god blasts from all of the leaders of Earths pantheons. Powerful though this was the Star Ravagers seemed readied for it. What they were not ready for was the powers of creation of a grief stricken father now to be used solely for an act of destruction as the Demiurge lit up the heavens.
The Star Ravagers heading sunward had a simple mission of revenge. To expunge our sun and thereby end our star system. It mattered not whether any sought to bar their path.
Only one person stood in their way.
At that self same moment, other Star Ravagers began arriving at the edge of our star system.
As the Star Ravagers approached even closer to Earth, multiple god blasts from all of the pantheon skyfathers, save the mightiest skyfather of all, seemed to have no effect on the intruders. Despite their having been weakened by the intense cosmic storms visited upon them during their journey inwards through our star system.
It did not bode well for the small blue green world.
Then the grieving father, the Demiurge, let loose. Where once, long, long ago great seeds of creation had been sown upon the Earth now the seeds of unparalled destruction were visited upon the intruders. If anything, having returned from a higher plane of existence, the Demiurge was even more powerful now than he was then. Somehow too, the Earth mother Gaea added her own power to that of the Demiurge.
A massive coruscating god energy force net descended upon and fully encased two of the Star Ravagers. The force net started slowly contracting in size. There was nothing they could do about it. They were crushed within just as assuredly as if they ha been physical beings. Even energy must have some space in which to exist.
The remaining four Star Ravagers involved in the attack on Earth strove desperately to absorb the inconceivably powerful energies directed at them. To no avail. The energies were too alien, to fundamentally different from anything in their long prior experience. The energy configurations struck back attempting, and nearly succeeding, in drawing out and feeding on the god power of Zeus. But the wrath of the Demiurge was not to be denied.
Writhing, contorting, their entire energy flows distorted, the Star Ravagers moved variously between physical and energy and other forms, back and forth, in their attempts to escape the overwhelming torrent of elder god force.
Eventually the power of the Demiurge ran its course. The four Star Ravagers yet lived though but barely. Two of them were so weakened as to be now locked in grotesque physical forms and unable to return to their true energy configuration form. These two were no longer able to maintain high Earth orbit and plummeted to the waiting and not so welcoming arms of Mother Earth. Gaea h
ad her revenge and in truth if you knew what the Earth Mother did that day, you would never think of her in the same way again.
The remaining two Star Ravagers now greatly weakened were destroyed by final godblasts from all skyfathers assembled.
Alternate Reality One
In another reality entirely, a place intended to shelter humankind, Beta Ray Bill, brother to Thor in all ways but one, directed the defence of humanity. Here while several of the multiverse skyfathers held their own, war gods and thunder gods from a dozen pantheons had their very skin fried from their bodies and their bones disintegrated to less than dust. Fortunately the Warriors Three, Heimdall, and Lady Sif were mot among them.
The two Star Ravagers though, seemed to reserve their most savage energy thrusts for the Korbonite. Only the shield of Odin saved him from certain death that day and even that began to heave and buckle and eventually melt. Staring defeat and death in the face Bill threw aside both the shield and sword of Odin and drew the mighty stormbreaker unto himself. Seeing that the death of the human race and of all other living things of the Earth was imminent.
Bill twirled his awesome hammer, cousin to mighty Mjolnir itself, faster and with more purpose than he ever had before. And with this action he succeeded, as he and his mighty brother had intended, in transporting all six of the still attacking Star Ravagers to another reality. A type of battlefield removal, if you will, but this reality was worse, by far, than the most mind numbing nightmares imaginable. Of all the Star Ravagers that attacked this day these unfortunates faced the most dreadful fate of all.
It was not a place that anyone from our reality ever returned from. Some time ago Bill and Thor had glimpsed it, but barely, from the very edge of our Multiverse.
Bill had held off this manoeuvre, and rightly so, for there had been a very real danger that all combatants, and those who were being protected, might also have suffered the same fate. Praise be to Thor that it did not!
The third group of Star Ravagers, the six entities attacking Asgard, were weakened after overcoming Thor’s hardened dimensional barriers to the realm eternal. Confronting them lay the All Asgard Destroyer brandishing the Odinsword, certain of the heroes of Earth and Balder the Brave. The god of light, appearing as a small but brilliant star above Asgard City.
Two of the Star Ravagers struck out at the noble one placing him first in time stasis then, for reasons unfathomable, removing his godhood. As a merely mortal man the bravest Asgardian of them all plummeted earthward. The lady Storm caught him in flight and brought him to Earth. While she in turn was struck, Captain America spirited the noble one away and inside Asgard’s walls. For whatever temporary protection that might offer.
The Destroyer construct levitated into the Asgardian sky and thrust the Odinsword directly into what appeared to be the maw of one of the entities. Energies vast and unfamiliar crackled first along the length and breadth of the sword and then over the entire body of the huge Destroyer construct. Almost unthinkably the Destroyer dropped the OdinSword.
Still Odin’s creation was not to be gain said. Though lacking the additional empowerment of the life force of Odin or Thor it waded among the Star Ravagers. Fists lashing out before the construct allowed energies to gather atop the visor of its most feared weapon. Two of the Star Ravagers fell before its disintegration beam.
Two of the remaining Star Ravagers surrounded the Destroyer and moved in to smother it with their body energies moving over it and penetrating its armour. In the process partially melting its legs. The Destroyer crashed to Asgard below but was not yet done.
For a time Earth’s heroes seem to mill about as if they were minnows among titans. But they gathered themselves and through a coordinated attack involving Iron Man, the Hulk, the Sentry, the Silver Surfer, Cyclops of the X-men, and the Human Torch they were able to destroy one of the weakened Ravagers. Loki added his own mystical contribution.
At that same moment Hercules, who now counted himself more of Earth than of Olympus, lifted the monstrous Odinsword from the ground. As he prepared to throw it, energies from the very land of Asgard arose unbidden to strengthen and support him. The son of Zeus threw the sword with a force and power that surprised even him. As it sliced into the Star Ravager, totally irreconcilable energies met head on resulting in an implosion of the first order of magnitude. Sword and Ravager were gone.
One more Star Ravager weakened, yet attacking to the last, fell before a combination of anti-energy particle beams from the Destroyer, the power cosmic of the Silver Surfer, Iron Mans repulsor rays and mystical blasts from Loki and Karnilla.
The final Ravager retreated from the field of battle.
A few million miles from The Sun
The final group of Star Ravagers, six in all, moved sunward. Only one entity barred their way.
The architects of the cosmic storms, that had harried the Star Ravagers, had bid them cease. Yet some persisted. In truth Odin, Zeus, Vishnu and yet others such as Dr Strange had unleashed ancient arcane forces that had been contained since even Odin was a boy. The genie was out of the bottle and could not be immediately put back in.
The mighty Thor took full advantage. He gathered into the head of Mjolnir the force of many of the storms still raging about.
To the oncoming Star Ravagers it appeared as if Thor was preparing for another of his troublesome god blasts. Yet it was something even more ferocious.
The mighty Thor did not become as one with his hammer, rather he became one with it. God and hammer a single living entity. The god hammer. An attack only ever used once before. When he turned aside the Celestial sixth host. .
The built up energies and power within the god hammer cannot be contained for more than a few moments and thus Thor lashed into the Star Ravagers. Cutting a swathe of destruction across them.
Feeling outmatched the six entities formed into a single unit which only served to hasten their demise. Thor completely disrupted the energies within the configuration casting them out among solar winds, eddies and vortices across the length and breadth of the Multiverse.
At the edge of our star system - Sol
As the conflicts in the inner part of our star system came towards their, not necessarily inevitable, conclusion, reinforcement Star Ravagers entered our star system heading for the inner planets. They found they could not teleport in. The swirling, sworling cosmic storms and ancient mystical forces, the genie that had escaped the bottle, would not allow of it.
Not all of these unleashed forces looked kindly upon men and gods. But, if so, at least men and gods had their place here, whereas these Star Ravager intruders assuredly did not.
As the new Star Ravagers, struggled onwards through the mystical and physical storms and towards the inner system, they were met part way by a recovered Demiurge, the extra-terrestrial form of Gae, Earth Mother, the recovered All Asgard Destroyer, gods of an array of Multiversal pantheons, and all of the skyfathers of the Earth. Not least among them Allfather Thor, bristling to attack and still in his godhammer form.
In an event that will be talked about until times end, and perhaps beyond, the Star Ravagers turned and ran outwards from Sol eventually teleporting away. The unleashed mystical and physical cosmic storms that had so hindered them finally ceased. The genie back in the bottle of its own volition.
It came to pass that every last one of the valiant and noble souls that perished that day, distant pantheon gods and mortals alike, found their way to their own versions of Valhalla.
Some among them swore that they saw the ghost of great Odin gathering the fallen in and returning them whence they came.
Only the mighty Thor himself knew the truth.
What if Thor met up with Star Trek Voyager
Very Deep Space
Several Centuries in the Future
The starship had lost all defensive shields, its warp drive was off line and it lacked even impulse drive. For the moment, thankfully, it had lost its pursuers.
A few hundred meters sun side of the ship lay a remarkable sight. What appeared to be a humanoid form encased in a crystalline structure drifting slowly through space. Light from the distant sun played on the crystalline structure with a prismatic effect. The ships sensors gave a magnified view of the humanoid form. Captain Janeway gasped “what is that?’ she asked. “ It looks like some sort of Viking warrior or Norse Deity” responded Chakkotay “very well preserved.”
Ordered to analyse the humanoid form the ships computer responded: “The entity appears to be the Norse Deity – Thor God of Thunder – last seen on Earth or anywhere else very early in the 21st century.” “The entity is surrounded by some type of stasis field and a considerable volume of ice crystals has formed around that stasis field.”
“Computer” said Janeway “give us a summary of the information in your data banks on Thor Norse God of Thunder.” The computer responded relatively succinctly.
“We could have done with one of those when we were up against the Borg” said Belanna Torres. “We still could” replied Janeway.” ‘What do you think Captain” said Chakkotay. “I think we should bring it, rather I mean him, on board” said Janeway.
With all reasonable precautions taken Voyager locked on to the human form with one of its tractor beams and slowly and gently pulled it into the ships heavily secured main hold and to a well armed reception committee including the ships holographic doctor.
At close quarters the entity (the ships crew still couldn’t quite call it Thor) was quite formidable. Not far short of 2 meters tall it/he was very handsome and with a powerful physique that would impress even a Klingon. In its perfectly preserved warriors garments it/he seemed all the more imposing. Seven of Nine looked on, uncharacteristically bemused by the sight.” “I don’t think you will find anything in your Borg data bases about this” smiled Janeway almost laughing.
For Odin, for Thor, for Asgard Page 8