Redemption in Love (Hearts on the Line)

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Redemption in Love (Hearts on the Line) Page 10

by Lee, Nadia

  Gavin considered. Amandine was kind, sweet and patient. Most importantly she was loyal, and loyalty was everything. “She’s a good wife,” he told Craig. “Do I need any other reason?”

  Craig’s brow creased but he didn’t ask any more questions, which was a relief. It wasn’t his job to understand. It was his job to make sure Gavin got what he wanted.

  Gavin had hoped Amandine wouldn’t insist on sole custody of the child, but if he hadn’t agreed to it, she would’ve walked.

  Why couldn’t he himself, as a man, be enough?

  Gavin hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d told her the stakes were too high for him. People thought he was reckless with his trades, leveraged to the point of suicide. But he never bet more than he could afford on any trade.

  Amandine wanted to be convinced to stay married to him? She’d get some convincing. For the next four months he’d devote his full attention to the matter, until she couldn’t remember why she’d wanted a divorce in the first place.

  Adrenaline pumped through his veins, his body tight like a boxer before the bell. He’d win, by fair means or foul.

  But first, he needed to make a call. He dialed as soon as he was in the privacy of his car.

  “Uncle Tony.”

  “Hey there, favorite nephew!” came a booming voice.

  Gavin chuckled. “You say that to all of us.”

  “Not all of you.” The voice became cool. “Not anymore.”

  He winced. “Well…Jacob screwed up.”

  “Should’ve thought about his mother before marrying that stripper. Poor Stella. Catherine too, of course.”

  “Yeah.” They shared a moment of silence. “Listen, I need a favor.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I heard you were going to stay at the family vacation home in Thailand this month. Is that true?”

  “Yup. We’re on the Betsy Doll. Her maiden voyage. We’re already in Asia.”

  Aw, shit. He’d forgotten about his uncle’s new yacht. There was nothing Uncle Tony loved more than cruising in style. “Do you mind delaying your arrival by…say, about six weeks or so? I’m thinking about staying at the vacation home with Amandine.”

  “The place is plenty big enough. I don’t see why we can’t share.”

  “She and I have some delicate issues to work through. She might not feel comfortable with relatives around.”

  “You in trouble with your wife?”

  “Sort of.”

  “A jet couldn’t get you out of jail for free?”

  “How do you know about the jet?”

  “Some of us bet on what you’d give to top the pink Mercedes, so we checked with Hilary.”

  Though she usually kept her mouth shut, Gavin’s trusty executive admin probably saw no reason to keep that information secret from his family once the anniversary was over. “Who won?”

  “No one. None of us came even close.” He laughed. “I’m just glad you weren’t around when I was young. Martha loves pricey toys.”

  “I can imagine.” Tony had married a woman who loved to spend money as much as he did.

  “Anyway, how come you’re in trouble with Amandine? A jet isn’t enough to make up for whatever you did wrong?”

  “I gave it to her before the…incident.”

  “Bad timing.”

  “Uh-huh,” Gavin said noncommittally. Amandine would’ve been even more furious if he’d given it to her after. The situation needed a delicate touch…which reminded him, he needed to tell Hilary to forget about the yacht. “I wouldn’t normally ask this of you, but there’s no way I can rent out an entire resort on just one day’s notice. And a resort full of other guests won’t work.”

  “Too many people, too little privacy.”

  “I’m glad you understand. Even if I could somehow manage to book an entire resort to myself, it would mean some families would have their vacations ruined.” A total dick move he didn’t intend to make. He might have achieved “more” status in life—more money or whatever—but that didn’t mean he had a license to be an asshole.

  “Gotcha. Well, I suppose we could stop by some other places for a while. I hear the Maldives are nice this time of year.”

  “They are. Thanks, Uncle Tony. I owe you one.”

  “No problem. Just remember—getting out of trouble with women is all about the approach. Taking Amandine to a private tropical paradise? Great first move. You’re a smart kid, Gavin. I’m sure you’ll be able to work it out.”

  * * *

  Amandine sighed when she was alone in the room with Samantha. “Four months of pointless attempts. He won’t be able to change anything.” It’d be just like before. Him working, her staying home, and more crews and people hovering over her in case she needed anything. “Did you notice how he didn’t have his wedding band?”

  “Yes, I did,” Samantha said. “But he seemed…sincere.”

  “He threatened to take the baby last week. I’m sure the sincerity he felt at that time carried over.”

  “Well.” Samantha leaned closer. “Listen, things look bad now because you didn’t immediately get the divorce you wanted, but consider a few things. One, your husband didn’t cheat on you, he didn’t beat you or verbally abuse you, he doesn’t drink or do drugs, and he’s always been very generous. Two, with the kind of resources and connections he has, he can make the divorce proceedings extremely unpleasant, costly and time consuming. But instead of fighting you, he’s trying to reconcile. Rejecting his offer outright may work against you, so I want you to think about it. It’s only for four months. If he’s as busy as you say, he’s probably not going to do anything except send you more presents, which you can keep as per your prenup. After the four months are up, we’ll have solid proof that he’s too busy and unavailable for what any wife would reasonably expect in marriage—even after he promised to convince you otherwise—and we can go from there.”

  “I can’t believe I have to have a reason to divorce him.” The fact that he didn’t love her wasn’t something she could say. It was too humiliating.

  “You don’t. But are you willing to go through the stress of an expensive and messy divorce while you’re pregnant?”

  Amandine put both her hands over her belly protectively.

  Gavin would do whatever he had to in order to get what he wanted. She couldn’t hope to match what he could unleash against her.

  “Gavin was also right about the money. Ten thousand isn’t a lot, especially with a baby on the way. Your child deserves the best opportunities in life, right? I don’t think you should turn down anything Gavin offers just out of spite. We should aim high, and I’m going to see if there’s any way we can squeeze some more from him.”

  Amandine rested her face in a hand. “You’re right. I’m not thinking about this very logically. Okay, let’s go ahead and agree to this…farce. I guess I can put up with anything for four months.”

  “Great. Okay, so… First thing is, you should move back home. ASAP,” Samantha said. “That way, he can’t say you didn’t cooperate fully.”

  She sighed. “Everything has to be done properly, doesn’t it?”

  “It does. And we can say that the clock started the minute you moved back home.”

  * * *

  Amandine stopped by Brooke’s apartment to pick up her things. Brooke searched her face and said, “So how did it go?”

  “Not exactly the way I expected.” She told her best friend about Gavin’s attempt at reconciliation.

  “At least he didn’t threaten to take the baby outright,” Brooke said. “Although that just proves he’s not a total monster, not necessarily a good husband.”

  Amandine sighed, dumped her toiletries and toothbrush into a small bag and went to the living room.

  “That’s all you’re taking?” Brooke asked.

  “If I need anything else, Gavin’s going to have to buy it. He probably won’t want me wearing any of my ‘hobo outfits’ around his friends and family. Besides, it’s no
t like I’m going to be with him for that long.”

  “You don’t think it’s going to work.”

  “Nope. He never has any time for me. But at least this way I’ll have something to show for three years of my life with him.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Brooke said, in a sad attempt at cheeriness.

  “I have to be practical. I’d rather have his love, but if it’s not meant for me…” She stiffened her spine. “Well, it’s not meant for me, and there’s nothing to be done about it.”

  “What happened to my romantic artiste friend?”

  “She got pregnant.” She pointed to her belly. “I can’t reject money out of pride. It’s not easy to get a job with a new baby in this economy, and my résumé is a big blank for the past couple of years. I can’t go back to working for Art4Kids as an art teacher since Gavin’s the one funding it, and flipping burgers won’t be enough for me and my baby.”

  “Awww…” Brooke gave her a tight hug. “I’m so sorry, but you’ll be all right. You have me, Pete and my family rooting for you and your baby.”

  “Thanks,” Amandine said, drawing comfort from Brooke’s support. “Anyway, take today off. Comp time for my mooching off of you twenty-four seven.”

  “Pssshh,” Brooke said, waving a hand. “What are friends for? You better run to me even when you can’t afford my rate anymore.”

  Amandine smiled. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Call any time if you need me.”

  The drive back to the mansion was uneventful. Maybe the world was trying to be kind to her today, compensation after her husband had rammed his heavy-handed reconciliation attempt down her throat. He’d promised a lot to get her to stay…everything but love.

  Was she that unlovable?

  The moment Amandine stepped into the grand foyer, she saw staff bustling about with suitcases. Was Gavin moving out after telling her he wanted them to be together?

  Luna appeared, dragging a giant surfboard. Where in the world had that come from?

  “Welcome back.” She beamed. “I think I got almost everything you need, but can you take a look in your closet and bathroom and tell me if I missed anything?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “It’s so romantic to have a second honeymoon.” Luna sighed dreamily.

  Amandine stared at the housekeeper. “Second honeymoon?” she said faintly.

  “Uh oh.” Luna put a hand over her bosom, her mouth puckering. “Did I ruin a surprise?”

  “No, no you didn’t.” More like a…shock.

  Walking away from the staff for privacy, Amandine called her husband and steeled herself. He better not tell her he’d talk to her later and hang up like he normally did. Not if he wanted to convince her to stay.

  “Yes, dear?” he said on the fifth ring.

  “What’s all this about a second honeymoon? What the hell are you doing?”


  “I never said I’d go on a second honeymoon with you,” she hissed.

  “You never said you wouldn’t.”

  “Gavin, you’re supposed to be nice to me, remember? You’re supposed to make me want to stay with you.”

  “If you can tell me why taking you on a second honeymoon is not ‘being nice to you,’ I’ll cancel it.”

  “I… I…” She clamped her mouth shut. A romantic time in seclusion with her husband was not what she wanted, not when she expected their marriage to end anyway.

  “‘I’ doesn’t tell me anything. You’ve never been to the family vacation home in Thailand, and I think you’ll enjoy it. We’ll have the entire house to ourselves. Besides, we can break in your jet.”

  “I said you could have it.”

  “What am I going to do with a jet with a pink bathroom? It’s yours, no matter what happens.”

  She rubbed her temples. “What if Dr. Silverman says I shouldn’t be flying in my condition?”

  “Already cleared it with her.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Not for something this important. See you at the hangar. Have Thomas drive you.”

  “What about Brooke?”

  “Leave her behind. The place in Thailand is fully staffed. We aren’t taking anybody from L.A.”

  A soft click and he was gone. She stared at the phone for a long time, trying to process what the hell the point of a second honeymoon was.

  She couldn’t think of one. Giving up, she called Brooke.

  “Um, about your schedule. You won’t have to come in for a few days. Just stay home and chill until I call you. I’ll make sure you get paid since it’s Gavin’s idea.”

  “Uh… What’s going on?”

  “Gavin’s insisting on a second honeymoon.”

  “That’s pretty sudden.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  Luna appeared again, making urgent hand-signals that Amandine should go check her bedroom.

  “Hold on.” Amandine went upstairs and stared at the empty room. “Good lord, they packed everything.”

  “What do you mean everything?”

  “All our clothes and stuff. I can’t believe it.”

  “Can you load all of them on one jet?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe we’re taking two.” Staring at the empty room made the honeymoon even more real. Amandine sat on the bed. “I don’t understand. Why is Gavin doing this? How in the world did he find the time?”

  “It is a little weird. You guys’ve had, what, two vacations or something since the ceremony?”

  “It’s not just that. He never has a non-working vacation. In the Maldives he spent at least three to four hours a day on business. And that was a planned vacation.” She imagined the most likely scenario this time: him working nine-to-nine, while she sucked down one tropical fruit smoothie after another on the beach.

  “Where are you going?”


  “Well that’s great, right? I thought you always wanted to go.”

  “I do. I’ve heard so much about the family vacation home there…everyone says it’s fabulous.” Catherine also had been there a few times and posted some shots on Facebook. Unfortunately, Amandine never had an opportunity to go. Gavin was always too busy, and she’d never felt comfortable going there by herself or just with friends, though Catherine didn’t seem to have any such inhibition.

  If she could just be as confident as Catherine that she belonged with Gavin and people like him…

  “I know it bugs you that Gavin’s acting out of character, but he’s trying to convince you not to divorce him. So give him a chance. See what happens,” Brooke said.

  “You think so?”

  “You love him, right? So I’m trying to be open-minded…even though he did stand you up on your anniversary. But who knows? He might surprise you.”

  Brooke was right. Instead of thinking about the worst-case scenario, Amandine should wait and see.

  But she was afraid a sweet and solicitous Gavin would be impossible to resist. If she fell in love with him even more deeply, how was she going to bear it if their marriage dissolved because he didn’t feel the same way about her? Would she cling out of unrequited love, or have the pride and self-respect to walk away even if he wanted her to stay for reasons other than love?

  Don’t think about failures. They won’t happen, Gavin had said once. But she was afraid she wasn’t as confident or worldly as he was.

  Chapter Ten

  AMANDINE SETTLED HERSELF, sinking into the leather couch. Gavin sat across from her with bourbon on a small mahogany drink stand.

  This jet was a lot more comfortable than anything else she’d ever flown in, including Gavin’s own personal aircraft. His was designed for productivity, while hers was all for pleasure and relaxation.

  He pulled one of her legs up and rested it on his lap. She raised an eyebrow, but smoothed her knee-length skirt and continued to sip her apple and ginger cider.

  Carefully he slipped her flat sandal off. It hit the floor next to
his wing-tipped feet. He hadn’t bothered to change before hopping on the plane, and his business suit and dark masculinity were a counterpoint to her bright new jet. The five o’clock shadow on his jaw would feel deliciously scratchy against her skin if she had the courage to reach over and touch him.

  She curled her hands and waited for him to make his move. Wooing her was his project. He’d said it was his job to make her interested in sex—she only had to stay receptive.

  Except sex wasn’t the core of their problem, was it?

  His thumb dug firmly into her insole, and Amandine bit her lower lip to contain a moan rising deep from her chest. Oh wow. She’d always known he had great hands, but this was unexpected.

  He continued his ministrations, his fingers firm and confident, like they knew all the spots hurting from years of wearing heels. She was glad she’d had a pedicure done a couple of days before. Not that she wanted to impress him—she emphatically did not. But she wanted to look pretty. For herself, of course.

  She eyed his right pocket. His phone hadn’t buzzed once in the last four hours. Ditto for his other toys.

  “The market must be really slow today,” she said.

  He gave her a quizzical look.

  “Your phone and tablet are quiet.”

  “They’re off.”

  She must have misheard. “They’re what?”

  “Off. We’re flying, you know.”

  “You never turn them off though. You said that was one of the main benefits of owning your own jet.”

  “This isn’t my jet, is it?”

  She scoffed. “It is for all intents and purposes.”

  “Do you want me to check messages and alerts?” he asked with a frown.

  “No. Actually yes.” She shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  “You’re supposed to choose one.”

  Why did he have to sound so calm and reasonable? “I don’t want you to check, but I know you need to.”


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