Torn (Jay Gunner, #1)

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Torn (Jay Gunner, #1) Page 7

by Gerald Greene

  A few head bobbing strokes and I was close to release; but not yet, not yet. Joy rose and pressed her body against my hardness. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. I found a nipple with tongue and sucked, delighted with the taste. It was so good. I wanted more.

  Joy smiled and backed up to the conference table. Lying on her back long legs dangled off the edge with feet touching floor. I took the hint and pulled black panties off burying my mouth in her trimmed landing strip. I nibbled at soft pubic hair along her slit. She gasped and grabbed my shaggy hair with both hands; guiding my tongue to her most sensitive wetness.

  I started to speak; to tell Joy I loved her.

  Joy interrupted, “Don’t say anything. It’s not necessary.”

  I spread wet folds with thumb and index finger and flicked tongue to clit. Waves of pre orgasm pleasure radiated throughout her body. I thought my hair would be pulled out by the roots.

  “Jay, it’s like my dream.”

  I placed my free hand on her breast marveling at how firm and hard the nipple in contrast to the rounded contours of creamy breast. Convulsions of pure pleasure transferred to my manhood. I thought I would explode.

  I felt foolish for not having a condom hidden in my wallet. Fear of Amanda’s snooping and the unexpected attention of Joy caused that awful mistake.

  I wanted to bring her to orgasm. She had earned it. I sucked on her clit, then swirled my tongue hard against her pebble head. I felt her whole body trembling. Joy cried out, screams of pleasure reverberating through the room. Her back arched as pleasure waves of orgasmic spasms surged through her.

  Joy gasped, “I’ve never felt such pleasure. I want more. Much more. I want you inside me.”

  My cell phone rang. I looked at my watch. My God, 1:30 AM. It could only be Amanda.

  16 – MMA Training

  Two weeks after the apartment break in Amanda returned to work. I felt a little guilty as I told her a lie.

  “I’ll miss you honey.”

  Amanda gave me a skeptical look and said, “I bet you’re ready for a break. Be honest.”

  “No baby. I’m just glad you’re on your feet again without yelling out with pain. And your eye looks fine. The scar is completely covered by your eyebrow. Feeling OK?”

  “I’m fine. See you in two days.”

  I watched her walk to the pickup van. I still loved her sweet ass, but was ready for a break. As Amanda reached the curb, her best girlfriend Noi jumped out of the van to hug her. After embracing Noi, she turned, gave a quick wave, and entered the vehicle. As the van pulled away I felt a sense of relief. It was early Monday morning. I’ll ask Joy to dinner tonight.

  I started my short walk from the condo to the Star Ferry pier. A black van with black shaded windows pulled to the curb beside me. Two Chinese guys jumped out, leaving the van door open.

  “Get in.” one of them ordered.

  “Who are you guys? What do you want?”

  “No questions. Get in before we hurt you.” The guy looked tough, but I thought I could take him. I wasn’t sure about two at one time.

  “Fuck you guys. I don’t get into vans with strangers.”

  The men moved in. One grabbed my arm. I smashed him in the face with an elbow, and then took his legs out with a vicious sweeping inside kick. He went down hard. The other thug looked surprised, but determined. He took a big swing at my face. It was easy to block.

  In return, I threw a right hook to his kidney. He collapsed to his knees, face contorted with pain. Striking is something I worked hard at. Under the circumstances, I had a weird thought. I owed my trainer thanks for pushing and torturing me.

  The first guy rose to one knee. I followed the first rule of street fighting. Never give your opponent a break. I smashed his face with a powerful leg kick. Blood squirted from a broken nose. They had enough and with the big man supporting the other staggered to the van. The driver was glad to speed away into traffic. No way had he wanted a piece of that action.

  I yelled after them, “Fuck you bastards. I’m just getting warmed up.”

  I hadn’t even worked up a sweat. But who were those guys? What did they want? Did they expect like some pussy I’ll get in the van? I could only think of the stolen computer. Whoever these low lives worked for must have examined my computer, and found nothing but trading software. They must know there’s another computer with classified top secret files.

  By the time I entered the office, I worried about another attack. If they knew about the computer, they must know about my contact with Brian. Had he sold out to some foreign government? Could he be a prisoner? Was the Hong Kong Triad involved? These creeps knew where I lived. Next time they’d be better prepared to get what they wanted. What about Amanda? They might use her to get at me. Shit. This is bad.

  17 – Sucked In

  As usual Joy beat me to the office. A fresh pot of brewed coffee was waiting. After my unexpected workout I was disturbed, but didn’t want to alarm Joy.

  “Good morning, Jay. Amanda working today?” Joy was wearing one of her smashing silk dresses. And that perfume. The combination never failed to arouse me. I was under her spell.

  “Yup, a two day trip. That gives me a needed break. How about dinner tonight?”

  “Only if you promise to take me someplace nice after dinner. My fantasy of making love on the conference table was best left a fantasy. My clit loved it, but my ass is still sore from living my dream.”

  “I promise. Love making will be better. We’ll take our time in comfortable surroundings. You’ll enjoy special treatment.”

  “How can I turn that down? I’ll need to leave early to change clothes and freshen up.”

  I looked at Joy and smiled, “I love your dress. No need to change. You look fantastic in silk.”

  “I’m glad you approve. Why do you think I have so many? But a shower is a must, so I need to go home. I wouldn’t feel comfortable at your place. Believe me, Amanda would somehow know.”

  “We can shower at the hotel. Designer toiletries come with the room.”

  “A hotel sounds great. Make sure it has a spa. I’d love a massage.”

  “I’ll make reservations at a five star hotel. No matter the damn markets. We’ll leave the office early, visit the spa, freshen up in our room and dine late at the hotel. That’ll be special and convenient. Cool with you?”

  “Sounds fantastic to me. Hope my cat will be OK. Can you find a hotel that accepts pets?”

  “No way Joy. Sorry, but your cat is not invited. I’ve been meaning to tell you. I’m allergic to furry animals.”

  “That’s not good. Could be a game changer. Pussy will have her feelings hurt.” Joy looked at me with dark chocolate eyes. She was pouting. I wasn’t sure if she was serious.

  “Is your cat really named pussy?”

  “She is. It’s a great name. I hate you’re allergic to pussy. I may have to choose between you.”

  “You’d dump me for your cat? Does pussy give you such powerful orgasms?”

  “Hmmmm no. But she’s a good kisser. Her tongue is a little rough, but so sensuous.” Joy licked her lips, as if she was becoming aroused just thinking of her cat’s advances. She then broke out laughing.

  Until we became intimate she’d never shown this side. At the office her demeanor had always been stiff and formal. Now she relaxed and enjoyed kidding around. Mind blowing sex was only part of the attraction. Joy was sucking me in. I knew it, but no longer cared.

  I made reservations at Hotel Icon, Tsim Sha Tsui. We’d leave the office early and visit the spa before dinner. After taking a couple’s massage we’d dine late. Then we’d enjoy a full night of lovemaking in a romantic room, overlooking the harbor.

  I’d worry later about the attack. I’ll tell Joy about the thugs another time.

  Tonight would be a good night. To be sure, I made a mental note to turn off my cell phone. Only Joy and I would share the night. I soon found out things weren’t that simple.

  18 – Fight

  Joy and I left the office early, eager to begin our intimate night. Joy was wearing a body revealing clinging silk dress. Excitement built as I thought of the curvy body under the silk, and the pleasure soon to come. We told our receptionist we were to meet a client in Kowloon. She just looked at us and smiled. I wondered if she knew.

  Rather than taking a taxi through the tunnel we crossed the harbor on the scenic Star Ferry. I often wondered why I bought a new BMW. I seldom took it out of the assigned parking space at my condo. I never tired of looking at the dynamic Hong Kong skyline from the ferry. I found the easy commute by foot and ferry exhilarating.

  Half way across the harbor I surprised myself by blurting out what I was thinking. “Joy, I love my life in Hong Kong and I love you.”

  “Jay, I don’t doubt you love Hong Kong. That’s obvious. But please. Don’t tell me you love me while you’re still living with Amanda. It’s not cool. As long as we enjoy time together, you don’t have to say anything.”

  “But that’s how I feel.”

  “How do you feel about Amanda?”

  “I love her. But I think I love you more.”

  “That statement sounds childish. Let’s drop it. I want to enjoy the evening, not have conversations about whom and how much we love. Let’s feel and not think. If love is there, it will consume us. We’ll soon know.”

  It was a short walk from the Star Ferry Kowloon dock to The Icon Hotel. We approached the entrance jabbering away about foreign exchange markets. Joy was right. No need to get bogged down and spoil the evening by discussing my triangular relationship. That would ruin the fucking mood. In time, all would become clear. I couldn’t love two women at the same time. Or could I?

  A black van pulled up to the entrance. It was a mean looking sucker with black tinted windows. The kind favored by government agencies and big shots everywhere. Oh shit. Three muscular Chinese guys hopped out of the sliding side door and approached. The driver stayed behind the wheel ready to go.

  The largest, meanest looking one yelled. “Jay! Jay Gunner! “

  He looked familiar. Now I remembered. He was the guy I sent to the pavement in front of my condo building with a kidney punch. His sidekick was the ugly brute I elbowed in the face and dumped with a vicious kick. No wonder they brought a third rough looking thug with them. I kicked their ass at the encounter outside my condo.

  I answered, “Want some more you fuckers? Bring it on.”

  The three thugs opened light summer jackets. It was obvious all were packing heat. Damn. In Hong Kong, only seriously bad guys or the police had access to weapons. And these fuckers didn’t look like police. The big guy puts his hand on the pistol grip, and motioned with his head toward the van.

  “Jay we better get in. Don’t know what this is about, but doesn’t look good.” Joy surprised me. Her voice was a whisper, but calm.

  “Ok guys, I get the message. Just let my friend go. She’s just a dinner date.”

  The leader of the thugs said in a deep raspy voice. “We know all about the bitch. You’re partners. Get in the van now.” His hand pulled the weapon into a more threatening position.

  I don’t know if I was brave or foolish. But no way was I going to let them take us anywhere. They’d torture the shit out of me, until I told them about the safety deposit box and withdrew the computer. No telling what they’d do with Joy. I was sure their dirty hands would be all over her. They’d use her to get to me. I couldn’t let that happen.

  I said in a loud voice. “Joy, we better do as they say. Let’s get in the van before someone gets hurt.”

  I motioned for Joy to go first. As soon as she was two steps in front of me, I pivoted 180 degrees and kicked the big guy in the nuts. As he bent over in pain his hand came away from the gun. As fast as greased lighting, I smashed his face with a brutal uppercut. As he fell to the pavement, I grabbed the gun tucked under his belt. The safety was off.

  I fired at his buddy who was reaching for his gun and hit the fucker’s heart, right where I aimed. Squirting a red fountain of blood, he collapsed to the pavement, his weapon still in baggy pants.

  I heard Joy scream, “Take that motherfucker.” She delivered a karate blow at a pressure point on the third guy’s neck that put his lights out. As he tried to regain his feet, and draw his weapon, I put a round between his eyes. With shots fired, and three thugs down, the driver peeled rubber and took off.

  The big guy was on hands and knees puking. “OK fucker. Flat on your belly or you’ll be dead like your pals. Don’t even think of getting up.”

  Joy came to my side pistol in hand. She’d taken it off the dead motherfucker. Joy said, “You damn bastard. You've ruined our evening. The police will be asking questions all night.”

  I looked at Joy in amazement, “Damn Joy. Where in the world did you learn to fight like that?”

  “I told dad at thirteen, I wanted to attend university in the US. He said only if I learn how to defend myself. Mum and dad worried about school shootings and violence in America. They enrolled me in Karate and shooting classes. Looks like it paid off.”

  One of the doormen saw the entire fight. Good thing too, as by the end of the violent encounter Joy and I killed two men, and crippled another. We were taken to a nearby police station. We were in luck. The doorman’s statement matched ours. To top it off, one of the hotel’s surveillance cameras had the incident on video from start to finish.

  An examination of tape recorded by the surveillance camera showed we were being forced into the van and acted in self-defense. Police detective Chen still asked a few questions.

  “What the hell was that all about? Kidnappings and gun violence are rare in Hong Kong. What were those guys after?”

  I answered, “I don’t know, Sir. Maybe a kidnapping and ransom attempt. Joy and I work for a Chinese Forex firm, owned by wealthy local businessmen. The bad guys might have thought they would pay plenty for our return. We make a lot of money for our forex company.”

  “You're forex traders? Where did you learn to fight like that? We ran fingerprints on those guys. Those were hard core thugs you did in. We don’t know who they were working for, but we’ll find out. I’m still marveling at that tape. You looked like superheroes.”

  “I work out at the Hard Body Gym. I’m not an MMA fighter but train like one. My coach is a mean, tough, son of a bitch. He’s a former light heavyweight MMA champion. ”

  The detective grinned. “I love MMA. Go to every event. Hell, man. You should be in the Octagon.”

  “I’d consider it, if I ever want to get killed. I may be good, but I’m not that good. The top fighters in MMA are wild, crazy men.”

  Detective Chen looked at Joy. “What’s your story Ms. Lee? That karate blow requires special training. You didn’t learn that by watching Bruce Lee movies.”

  Joy grinned as she said, “Believe it or not, I was a teenage karate champion. Tonight I was a little rusty, but remembered some stuff.”

  Detective Chen shook his head in dismay. “That tape should be on YouTube. It’s bloody amazing. I bet any bad guys that see that video would think twice before trying to kidnap citizens.”

  I wondered if he was serious. “Go ahead and post it.”

  “Wish I could, but that tape is evidence. We have to keep it private for the courtroom. After the hearing, I’ll be back in touch.”

  I looked at the time. Damnation. Already 9:45PM. No relaxed trip to the spa and elaborate dinner for us tonight. I asked, “Anything else?”

  “You’re free to go. We’ll call you when we learn who those thugs worked for. Records show they’re muscle men. They’ve always worked for others. Please call me if you think of any reason for the attack.”

  Detective Chen gave us both a card. He started running the tape again, shaking his head in dismay.

  19 – Quick One

  By the time we checked into the hotel and reached our room it was 10:25 PM. Joy still had her heart set on a massage, so I called to make an appointm
ent. The spa was open until midnight. If we hurried a one hour massage was not a problem.

  I turned to Joy, “Don’t worry about a shower. We’ll take a quick one at the spa and go right to massage tables.”

  “Fine, I’m ready now. Let’s go.”

  “Hope you don’t mind a couple’s massage. I like knowing you’re near. I can hold your hand.”

  “Do I Mind? No way. That’s great. I’ll let my imagination run wild and think of the wonderful things we’ll do later. One important thing though. I’m ready to eat.”

  “I know you’re starving, but it’s no good to eat just before a massage. We’ll order room service afterwards. They serve around the clock.”

  “I can wait. A couple’s massage sounds great. Playing super hero made me tense. So far, we’ve had a hell of an evening.”

  It was 11:50 PM by the time the full body massages were over. Back in the room we relaxed and called room service.

  I ordered a whole steamed red snapper with ginger, rice of course, and Bok Choy with garlic sauce. I thought a bottle of Chardonnay would be a good companion. At 12:15 the waiter arrived. With a flourish, he set up a table for two and poured glasses of wine.

  Even before the waiter left the room Joy offered a toast, “To my super hero.”

  I took a sip and said, “I had good help. Amazing we’re so calm after the kidnap attempt.”

  “That’s because it’s so unreal and hasn’t sunk in. I’ll be crying over it tomorrow. Two men died.”

  “They deserved it. If we’d let then take us, we’d be the dead ones.”

  Joy looked at me with pleading big amber eyes. “Jay, for now let’s try to forget it. That flame under the fish dish won’t last forever. Let’s eat.”

  It was 1:00 AM by the time the snapper was reduced to bones. We were on the last glass of wine. We needed to be at the office in six hours.


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