The Zombie Principle

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The Zombie Principle Page 5

by David R Vosburgh

  The ranger on duty was not supposed to leave his post until he was relieved or in case of an emergency. As Chester climbed back into his truck he was just in time to hear the emergency broadcast tones coming across the radio. As he adjusted the volume the broadcast began.

  “This is a reversal of our previous announcement. Charlotte and Raleigh are no longer safe zones. Repeat: Charlotte and Raleigh are no longer safe zones. All citizens are directed to stay indoors and wait until evacuation zones are established. This message will repeat until new information is available. Please stay tuned to this station, details to follow.”

  As promised, the radio broadcast began to repeat as Chester sat in his truck in a state of complete confusion.

  “What in the world is happenin’ out there?” he thought. “I’ve been gone less than a week. There is no way all that riotin’ and violence spread this far north. This is why I live alone in the woods, away from these idiots.”

  Starting his truck and pulling away from the Ranger station Chester headed off to the “Blue Ridge Wilderness B&B” to get some answers about the man who had attacked him and what was going on in the world outside of his woods.

  Pulling up to the large lodge house at the bed and breakfast, Chester could immediately tell something was very wrong. The door to the lodge was open and a body lay in the doorway. To the left of the lodge, smoldering logs was all that was left of one of the cabins. There were two cars in the gravel parking lot but Chester could see from the tire tracks that there had been one more that left in a hurry.

  Leaving his truck running Chester got out and grabbed his hunting rifle off of the gun rack in the cab of his truck. As he carefully approached the body at the open lodge door, he noticed that it was mutilated and covered in blood. It looked as if something had ripped out the back of the man’s neck. Wincing at the sight and smell of the man he poked his head in the open door.

  “Hello, anyone here?” Chester called.

  After receiving no answer, he moved slowly through the door with his rifle at the ready and began to search the lodge. It was a single floor building consisting of a great room with dining tables and a buffet line behind which was a kitchen. In the back of the building was an office and bathroom, both of which were empty.

  Finally moving around the buffet line and into the kitchen, Chester was surprised to see another man lying dead on the floor covered in bite marks and with the back of his neck ripped out as well. Covering this mouth and nose from the smell, Chester quickly backed out of the kitchen and ran out of the lodge and to his truck. Resting his hands on the hood of his truck while he regained his composure, Chester heard a sound behind him. Turning, he saw that he was not alone after all.

  Chapter 5

  The Walkers

  Since purchasing the house nearly three and a half years ago, Marcus Walker has spent precious little time in the basement. He was planning to remodel it and use it as a second living space. Those plans were now on hold; indefinitely. After finding what he come down here for, two Coleman heavy duty flashlights with handles and extra D cell batteries, he headed back upstairs.

  Closing the basement door and turning off the light, he headed into the den where his wife was finishing her packing. The power had actually gone out for good the night before but Marcus had purchased a generator a few years back for just such an emergency.

  “Found ‘em,” he said proudly.

  “Will wonders never cease?” she responded before considering the current implications of that statement.

  Kimberly Walker and her husband were childhood sweethearts. Growing up in the same Richmond, Virginia neighborhood, they first met in middle school but did not date until junior year. After high school, he went on to J. Sargent Reynolds Community College and studied engineering with hopes of transferring to a four year college after graduation. Unfortunately, his mother got sick and he had to stay around the house to help his mom because his dad worked two jobs. His education on hold, he got a job at Berger’s Department store as a cashier. After his mom passed, he decided that he liked retail and took a head cashier’s job.

  The Walkers were married twelve years ago almost to the day. She started working as a dental assistant and Marcus worked his way up the management ladder. Management opportunities without a degree can be hard to find, but four years ago the expanding Berger’s opened a new location in Petersburg and asked Marcus to manage it for them. He saw this as an opportunity to get his family out of the city and to the suburbs so he happily took it. They purchased this house conveniently located near the store and have lived happily here ever since. That is until a few days ago.

  “Are the kids ready?” Marcus asked.

  “I’ll go check on them,” she answered.

  As her husband headed outside to finish loading the car, she went upstairs to see about the kids. Heading up to the second floor bedrooms, she thought back to how this all started. Initial news reports started about a week ago. Unusual stories about large groups of people suddenly turning violent. There was destruction of property, looting, and people hurting others for no apparent reason. It originally started in the southern cities like Miami, Orlando, and Atlanta.

  The government first said it was some sort of mass hysteria brought on by an unknown condition. Then they said it may have been a terrorist attack; a coordinated event where local water supplies were contaminated causing people to become delusional. It was recommended only drinking bottled water or boiling your tap water. They started referring to these unfortunate soles who had succumbed to this kind of madness as “infected”. It was suggested that these people be avoided and not try to help them. Symptoms and characteristics of those infected were announced; a blank unresponsive stare and a staggered gait were two of the conditions to look for.

  That all changed when the first city became overrun. People were then advised to stay in their homes until further instructions could be issued. Everyone was thirsting for information. Every television, computer, Uni-phone, and mobile device was tuned to the various news outlets. The last piece of information that was disseminated before the networks and servers began to crash was to pack only essential belongings and head north or west. Evacuation zones were being established near cities that were overrun; a list that was growing daily. Short wave radios were recommended as they were still a reliable source of information.

  “So… here we are,” thought Kimberly, “packing to head north.”

  She entered Jason’s bedroom first. He was sitting cross legged in the middle of the room staring at a fish bowl. A small goldfish swam back and forth. Next to him was a gym bag filled with clothes.

  “Why can’t we take Oscar with us?” he asked.

  “We don’t have the room honey,” she offered, “he’ll be fine. We’ll be back soon,” she lied, “after we get back from Nanny and Grampa’s house. Put a little extra food in his bowl, just in case.”

  Jason got up from his seated position and reached for the fish flakes adding a few pieces of food for Oscar. She hated lying to an eleven year old but, unfortunately, she felt she had no other choice.

  “Grab your bag and bring it to your father downstairs,” she instructed.


  “I’m going to check on your sister,” she said as he bent down to retrieve his bag. She saw the disappointed look on his face and grabbed his shoulder as he walked by.

  “He’s starting to get so tall,” she thought.

  “Hey,” she said, “I love you.”

  “Yea, love you too,” he said looking away and heading downstairs.

  Moving down the hall she turned right into Danielle’s bedroom. The precocious eight year old was standing in front of her bed with one doll in her left hand and another in her right and staring at the pink suitcase on the bed.

  “Can’t decide on Miss Molly or Sandra,” Kim asked.

  Danielle turned quickly around and said, “Mom, you scared me half to death.”

  “I’m sorry. Are you just about r

  “What do you think?” Danielle asked her mom showing her the two dolls, “Which one?”

  “Personally, I think Miss Molly, but it’s your decision.”

  “I think you’re right,” Danielle decided.

  Kim grabbed her daughter’s suitcase. Danielle, deciding not to pack Miss Molly but hold on to her, followed her mother out the bedroom door. They headed downstairs where Marcus was standing in the middle of the foyer with Jason by his side. He had finished packing their Honda Accord as full as it could get. The trunk was full of blankets, flashlights, camping gear, as well as a cooler filled with food. Also, in the back of the trunk, was something that Kim was unaware of. Marcus had purchased a hand gun before all this started. Now that they had belongings and a house to protect, he felt it was something they needed. Also, in the back seat, was a short wave radio he had purchased at Berger’s. It was the last one they had. He also had an extra supply of batteries.

  “Are we all set?” Marcus asked.

  “I believe so,” Kim replied as she looked down at her two children, waiting for any objections. None came.

  Marcus grabbed the pink suitcase from Kim and said, “Let’s go then.”

  They walked out the front door and down a sidewalk that curved to the right where it met the driveway about halfway down. Marcus opened the trunk and put Danielle’s suitcase inside and slammed the door shut. They all turned around to look at the house they were leaving behind. The children were told they were going to visit Kim’s parents in Burtonsville, Maryland and that they would be back in a few days. Kids being smarter than most parents give them credit for knew something was going on.

  “Last chance,” Marcus said, “anyone have to go to the bathroom before I lock up?”

  “Not me,” said Danielle.

  Jason stood there looking like he might have something to say.


  “Maybe I should,” he finally said.

  Jason and Marcus started heading back into the house when Kim came up from behind and said, “I forgot my medication.”

  For about the last year, she has been taking Synthroid for a hypothyroid condition. She still forgot to take it from time to time and had forgotten to pack it.

  She turned back around as she approached the front door and shouted to Danielle, “Stay right there, we’ll be right back.”

  Marcus double checked the windows on the lower floor and that the generator was off while Jason went to the downstairs bathroom and Kim went to the upstairs bathroom where her medicine was. He was satisfied that the house was going to be as secure as possible while they were away and headed back to the foyer. He was fishing for the house keys in his pocket to lock the front door when he heard a loud scream coming from outside. It sounded like his daughter.

  Marcus raced to the open front door and looked out. At the end of the driveway he spotted his daughter leaning against the passenger’s side back door. She was clutching Miss Molly and screaming at the top of her lungs. She was frozen and looking away from the house toward a row of trees that separated their property from the Burton’s next door.

  Emerging from the trees were three … no four … four people heading in the direction of the Honda. Marcus immediately noticed a fifth coming up from the end of the driveway and finally a sixth person moving across the lawn and coming towards the house. The strangers exhibited all the characteristics the news reports said would help identify those who were infected.

  There was no way Marcus could get to Danielle before at least one of the infected people reached her. He thought quickly, as he did, Kim and Jason came up from behind him and stood on either side of him in the doorway. The intruders had cleared the trees and were now in full view. Kim let out a scream of her own and Jason grabbed his father’s left leg.

  Marcus reached in his pocket and pulled out his keychain and yelled to Danielle.

  “Danielle, sweetheart … open the car door and get inside.”

  Her father’s voice snapped Danielle out of her stupor. She turned around and looked in the direction of her father. He repeated his request. She quickly turned back around and fumbled for the door handle. Finally getting it opened she dove inside and slammed the car door shut with all her might. Marcus used the auto lock on his keychain to lock the doors just ahead of the first infected. Safe for the moment, Marcus turned his attention to getting the rest of his family into the car.

  He quickly stepped back into the house, opened the sliding door on the hallway closet where his new set of Taylor Made golf clubs sat. He reached in and pulled out two irons. He handed his son the three iron and kept the five for himself. The initial group of infected people had all reached the car and started banging on the windows. The last person, a female, was still heading up the lawn and had nearly reached the sidewalk.

  Marcus turned to his son and said, “Listen to me Jason, I need you to go with your mother and head for the car. Take this club and swing it at anything that moves.”

  Jason, trying to be brave, shook his head up and down.

  Marcus then looked at Kimberly and said, “I’ll go ahead and distract them. Try to get them away from the car.” He handed her the car keys. “When there is an opening, run for the car and get in.”

  “What about you?”

  Marcus had already done the math. It was unlikely he would be able to fend them all off and get back to the car. He would, of course, try, but sometimes life is filled with sacrifices that you have to make as a man, as a father, and as a husband. Sometimes those sacrifices are bigger than others.

  “Just get yourself and the kids to your mother’s house. I’ll find you there,” he said.

  Marcus realized he was running out of time and was about to run when he stopped, turned back around, kissed his wife and whispered, “I love you,” and then said, “oh, it’s 2-3-6-6,” and then took off at a run.

  He ran toward the closest ... person … swinging the five iron. It was the woman coming up the sidewalk. His first two blows to the head seemed to have little effect. He backed up a step and regrouped. He then swung at the knee and was able to snap the woman’s leg at the knee collapsing her to the ground. He turned around and waved for Kim and Jason to move up behind him. The woman was on the ground now only able to crawl and was not as much a threat as those surrounding the car with two good legs.

  Marcus approached the Honda making wild gestures and waving his club in the air. The group surrounding the car took little notice. He moved closer and noticed his daughter looking out of the back window at him, scared but hopeful; her daddy was coming to save her. He was now close enough to bludgeon the nearest person. He tried the same trick as before, swinging the five iron into the back of the leg. The infected man started to go down but caught himself on the trunk of the car. It turned to face Marcus and for the first time he had a good look into the eyes of an infected person. They were empty and soulless.

  He raised his weapon and swung the club backwards this time and connected with the man’s chin. This knocked him back a step or two. More importantly, it seemed to get the attention of the others. Slowly, each turned away from the car and moved toward Marcus.

  Marcus turned and sprinted a few steps away from the car hoping they would follow him. When he turned back around, he saw that his plan appeared to be working. The group of five had turned their full attention to Marcus. He looked over to his left to see his wife and son halfway between the house and the car. Jason was poised with the club ready to smash the infected woman on the ground if she got any closer.

  When the car was clear of trouble, Marcus yelled over to his wife, “Go! Now!”

  Kim ran as fast as she could, keeping Jason by her side. She got to the car and tried to open the driver’s side door while Jason went for the passenger’s door.

  “Oh no!” she thought “forgot to unlock the door.”

  She fumbled with the keychain in her hand and pushed the unlock button. The click from inside the vehicle confirmed the doors wer
e now open. She grabbed the handle and pulled the door open quickly getting inside. Once inside, she turned to the backseat to make sure Jason made it safely inside and to check on Danielle. Both were safe and sound for the moment. Kim then looked past the kids, out the back window to check on her husband. She did not like what she saw.

  Marcus saw his wife and children make it safely to the Honda. A brief feeling of relief came over him. That feeling quickly vanished as he realized the predicament he now found himself in. The five of the infected verses the one of him. He had noticed a few things about them in the past several minutes. First, they were determined but slow. Second, they seemed impervious to pain. Third, they stunk to high heaven. That last observation would not help him much but the other two led him to a decision.

  He would not be able to slug himself out of this but he may be able to outrun them. All he needed was a couple of swings to give him some space and then an end around towards the car. As he brought the club up behind his head to let loose with a couple of whacks, he froze. The last of the intruders, the one that had come up the driveway, was now directly in front of him. Looking at his face Marcus realized it was, or more accurately, used to be Benjamin King, his sporting goods department manager at Berger’s.

  As he was getting over the shock of seeing someone he knew, and liked very much in such a condition, he did not see or feel the two additional people come up from behind him. These new intruders had come from behind the house and grabbed Marcus’ arms in mid swing. The surprise was too much for him and he lost his balance as the new people pulled him down from behind. The rest of the infected were quickly on top of him. He tried to fight them off but it was useless. As they tore at his clothing and the one who used to be Ben King knelt down to take a bite out of his arm, he could see the faces of his children looking out the rear window of the Honda.

  Kim noticed the two people coming from the back of the house too late. Now that she was in the car, she thought about turning the car around and running these bastards over but there would be no way to make sure she did not hit Marcus in the process. She saw her husband go down and knew that there was nothing she or anyone else could do now.


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