Courting Justice

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Courting Justice Page 5

by Brenda Jackson

  “Well, if you need anything, let me know. I’m on this floor.”

  She arched her brows. “You are?”


  He smiled again before turning to leave. Her cheeks burned when she realized just how long she’d stared at his backside before hearing the door close behind him. It was only then that she thought about his proposition to avoid Lela Stillwell.

  Truth be told, she couldn’t imagine pretending to be his lover, although it was a tempting idea. But then, she thought as she eased out of bed, how much pretending would she have to do to be enamored with Angelo? She didn’t have a thing for him now, but she could easily see herself getting into character and that was one of the things that bothered her. She had felt something for him at one time. And although it had quickly passed once reality had set in, the feelings were still there. Was it possible that her feelings for Angelo could be rekindled?

  She pushed such thoughts from her mind. That had been years ago. A lot had happened in her life since then. Although she no longer resented those who were wealthy, she still couldn’t get past the fact that sometimes Sam reminded Peyton that she still walked around with a chip on her shoulder, as if she was holding a grudge against anyone lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

  Her thoughts shifted to the likes of the man-hungry, snooty-as-hell Lela Stillwell. At least the Di Meglios with all their money never came across as a family who thought they were better than anyone else. Whenever she spent time with them they had always made her feel welcome, like part of the family. And no one had looked down their ultra-rich nose at her. She had appreciated it, because heaven knows the situation was different than that first time she’d felt like a fish out of water.

  Her thoughts returned to Angelo and his ridiculous proposal as she walked toward the bathroom, pulling down her top to hide the missing bottom. She was hungry, and she couldn’t think on an empty stomach. Peyton wasn’t sure why the thought of what he’d asked her to do intrigued her, but it did. Maybe it was the possibility that going along with his plan meant she might get another kiss out of it, or maybe it was something else.

  Chapter 4

  The corners of Angelo’s lips were still smiling when he entered his own room moments later. As he closed the door behind him, his mind was already contemplating his next move.

  If anyone would have told him a few years ago that he, DeAngelo Antonio Di Meglio, would be in hot pursuit of any woman he would have thought they were crazy. But here he was, at a singles resort filled with women, and he was chomping at the bit for just one. But she wasn’t just any woman. He decided two years ago that she was the woman he wanted. Peyton was the one he intended to spend the rest of his life with. Now if he could only get her to thinking along those same lines.

  Now, for his plan.

  He didn’t consider himself manipulative—far from it. But at this stage of his life he was calculating and determined, and he planned to use every opportunity he could to sway Peyton. Convincing her to go along with his romantic ruse was the first move. If that didn’t work, it was on to Plan B.

  He exhaled and couldn’t help the sly grin that touched his lips. Lela’s presence was a godsend. He of all people knew how close Mac, Sam and Peyton were. So it was obvious that if Sam didn’t care for the woman, Peyton wouldn’t either. Peyton and Sam might disagree on a lot of things, but their friendship and loyalty to one another was rock solid.

  He glanced around his suite thinking that being one of the partners in the resort had its perks. The humongous room was divided into a small kitchen with a bar, a living room and a huge bedroom with a balcony that overlooked the beautiful blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean. He was a Di Meglio so he was used to the finer things in life. Still, it was nice to just take time to appreciate all the things he’d been blessed to have come his way.

  A few years before, an escaped convict—hell-bent on getting even with Angelo’s father—decided to turn his attention to Angelo. He’d never forget the night the man had finally made good on his threats and had forced Angelo off the road.

  Luckily, he had survived. But it had taken coming that close to death to open his eyes and make him realize that tomorrow wasn’t promised, and that there was more to life than partying and women. His cousins couldn’t understand how he could walk away from both. After all, he was only in his mid-thirties and what his cousins called the prime of his bachelorhood. Now his focus had changed. Recently, he along with several businessmen—including his brother-in-law’s cousin, Lee Madaris—had invested in several resorts around the world. In addition to Dunwoody Cove, they also had resorts in London and Paris.

  Being an attorney was his career, but he didn’t intend on making it his life. He hoped his investments would make it possible for him to retire by his fortieth birthday. The last thing he wanted to do was follow in his parents’ footsteps and still be practicing law until his retirement. Although his parents still enjoyed practicing law and were still sharp as tacks, he believed there was a life outside of the Di Meglio law firm. He was content with how things were now, but was already planning his future, and heading the list was Peyton Mahoney.

  Angelo kicked off his shoes and was about to stroll into his kitchen to grab a bottle of water out of the refrigerator when his cell phone rang. He rolled his eyes when he saw it was Sam on his caller ID.

  He connected the call. “This had better be good, Samari.”

  He heard his sister’s soft chuckle. “Mac’s here in the office with me, and we want to know how Peyton is doing.”

  He dropped down on the sofa. Didn’t his sister and Mac have law cases to work on? Babies to take care of? Husbands to keep happy? “And how is she supposed to be doing? I just got here last night.”

  And just in time, he thought, although he wasn’t going to mention anything to Mac and Sam about Peyton almost being taken advantage of. They probably wouldn’t have believed him, knowing Peyton would never let her guard down. Though he was hoping she would continue to let loose, but only with him.

  “Well, just to let you know, we’re beginning to have second thoughts about helping you win over Peyton.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to let the tension settle there. It was too late for them to have second thoughts now, but he was curious as to why. “Is there a reason for this change of heart?”

  “An article in today’s paper might have something to do with it.”

  He lifted his brow. “What article?”

  “Some woman is claiming the two of you are in a hot and heavy affair, but you asked her to keep it secret. She says she has phone records to prove it.”

  “Bring ’em on.” Angelo glanced across the room at the clock to check the time. “When did you start believing everything you read, Sam?”

  “I don’t. We just don’t want Peyton caught up in your madness.”

  He drew in a deep breath, knowing that by we his sister meant both she and Mac. “It’s nothing more than a publicity stunt, Sam. You and Mac should know that.”

  “We do. However, we figure that’s just the beginning, and we’d prefer sparing Peyton any such foolishness.”

  He tensed a bit. He needed his sister and Mac as allies. Wavering support from them was the last thing he needed. He had been upfront with them about his feelings for Peyton and the two hadn’t seemed particularly surprised. He had only confirmed what they had already thought, and like him, they figured it was time to finally let her know how he felt. Because they knew Peyton better than anyone, they thought a subtle approach was better than being more direct.

  He didn’t expect Peyton to suddenly fall head over heels for him in the next two weeks, but he did intend to get something going that would continue after they left the Bahamas. That would give them both time to build the type of relationship that was solid and one that could endure just about any
thing, especially claims like the one that appeared in the newspaper today.

  The thought of a long-distance romance didn’t bother him since he had made it a point to visit Oklahoma often before Sam moved to Houston. And he could visit his good friend Frederick Damon Rowe—nicknamed FDR—another attorney who had worked in their family law firm, had married and moved to Oklahoma.

  “I gave you and Mac my word that everything would work out fine in the end. The two of you are going to have to trust me on this, Sam.”

  There was a pause on the other end, and he understood why. The three had been best of friends since law school and were very protective of each other. Then Sam said in a threatening tone, “I swear, Angelo, if you hurt her in any way, you’re going to have hell to pay when you deal with me and Mac.”

  “Okay, I hear you. Now let me and Peyton have the next two weeks in peace without any more calls from you two. From here on out, I take care of Peyton. And I would never hurt her.”

  There was another pause. “You do care for her, don’t you?” his sister asked, in a voice that sounded like it had finally dawned on her just how much.

  “Yes, I do. More than you know. Now goodbye.”

  He disconnected the phone. Angelo couldn’t recall exactly when he’d fallen for Peyton. He just knew that he had. He began to realize it during his stay with her in Oklahoma, but it had taken him a few years after that to accept what his feelings meant.

  And then it was that kiss they’d shared the night before, a kiss he couldn’t stop thinking about. He sat down and rested his head against the sofa cushion and closed his eyes. Images of Peyton filtered through his mind, how he would stand on the sidelines at parties and family events and watch her. Now was the time to act on that desire.

  And he had just two weeks to get the wheels in motion.

  Chapter 5

  Peyton felt a little uncomfortable standing by herself in the elevator as other women gossiped about men they’d checked out since arriving. She would never have imagined herself coming here on her own, but would have definitely enjoyed it with Mac and Sam. But that was before the husbands and babies. Now they didn’t live the same lifestyle nor have the same freedom they’d had before they were married. Their priorities had changed and understandably so. And although they went out of their way to still include her in most things, it wasn’t the same. They were no longer a part of each other’s lives the way they once were. She knew that and figured they knew it as well.

  “Girl, have you seen that fine brother walking around here? The one they say is part Italian—the same one whose name has been in the news a lot lately after winning that high-profile political corruption case?”

  Peyton’s ears perked up when she heard the woman whispering about Angelo.

  “Yeah, I saw him today at breakfast. He’s fine, fine, fine. I couldn’t eat for checking him out. I wouldn’t mind him being my baby’s daddy.”

  The other women in the group giggled, and Peyton could only shake her head. She understood the women going gaga at the sight of Angelo. Hadn’t she done the same thing herself the first time she’d seen him? But seriously—Angelo being some baby’s daddy? He would undoubtedly be a great catch for any woman, but she didn’t think he was ready to take on a wife or fatherhood.

  She shrugged. Seriously. None of that was any of her business. Angelo was a big boy, and she was certain that he could handle the likes of any wannabe-baby-mamas. Then why had he asked her to help him avoid a certain woman?

  Peyton figured he wasn’t dealing with just any woman. He was dealing with Lela Stillwell. And from the horror stories Sam had painted, the woman could take the description of spoiled, selfish and hellish to a whole other level.

  The elevator reached the lobby, and Peyton waited for the other women to get off. They hurried on their way, probably to enjoy the fun that awaited them.

  Dunwoody Cove was a huge place with lots of activities, if the brochure she’d been given upon arriving was anything to go by. She hadn’t signed up to take part in any special activities, but she planned to attend the nightly parties. And the next time around she would keep her eye out for guys who were trying to take advantage of her.

  Her stomach growled, and she increased her steps to make it to the restaurant. There were other places to eat, but she liked this one. The items on the menu were simple, and she wasn’t tempted to purchase anything she might not like. Upon reaching the café, she glanced around, grateful it wasn’t crowded and that there were several empty tables. She would grab something to eat and then walk around a bit and check things out. Since she liked to swim she thought about hitting the pool later.

  When she moved toward an empty table, a guy passed by her and met her gaze, but then quickly turned away, seemingly picking up his pace as he walked out of the café. She realized they’d met just last night. He’d been the one trying to get her drunk. She wondered if he was in such a hurry because he thought she was going to confront him about last night. Well, he was wrong if he thought so. She was just as much to blame. But like she’d told Angelo, she had come here to have a good time.

  She was studying the menu when a sudden rush of heat suffused her. She glanced up. “Angelo.”

  He slid in the chair across from her. “Glad you finally came down to grab something to eat. And I forgot to mention that I like your new hairstyle.”

  A wave of pleasure skimmed across her skin at the sound of his deep, husky voice. She had just seen him a few hours ago, so why was she reacting to him this way? She was convinced it had everything to do with that kiss from last night, and it was a kiss that she was still trying to figure out.

  She shifted in her chair and slid her fingers through her hair. Usually she wore her dreadlocked hair down her shoulders, but for the trip she had gotten them done up in lush curls that brought out its fullness, body and gloss. She had gotten a lot of compliments and had to admit she liked the style as well.

  “Thanks. The hairstyle was Sam’s idea.”

  He chuckled as he pulled a menu out of the rack on the table. “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  “It shouldn’t. You know your sister. She jumps at the chance to give anyone a makeover.”

  “Yes, and was the dress last night her idea as well?”

  Peyton smiled. “Yes. But I have to admit I like it.”

  “So do I. You looked good in it.” He leaned over the table. “But between us, you looked pretty darn good even before Sam’s makeover.”

  “Thanks.” She tried to fight back how her heartbeat had quickened with his compliment. She took a sip of the water the waitress had placed on the table and then glanced over at him. She could actually breathe in his scent. Whatever cologne he was wearing had his name on it.


  He glanced over his menu and his gaze met hers. “Hmm?”

  She thought he sounded good. Even his hmm had a sexiness that made her shift in her chair and cross her legs. “All this isn’t necessary, you know,” she said.

  An innocent-looking expression appeared on his face. And was there a little mole on the side of his nose? Why hadn’t she noticed it before? Why on earth was she noticing it now?

  “What isn’t necessary?” he asked.

  “Telling me how nice my hair looks and complimenting me on the dress I wore last night, especially since I know you barely had a chance to notice it before whisking me off to my room. And saying I looked good even before my makeover was really pushing it.”

  “I take it you don’t believe I was sincere in what I said.”

  She leaned over closer toward him. “Look, this is Peyton and not some woman you feel you have to impress. Not sure what’s going on with you but—”

  “What do you mean you’re not sure what’s going on with me?” he asked, before taking a sip of his water.

; She shrugged. “I think you feel that by being here you need to practice your player lines. You’re trying to steer clear of Lela, and you think I’m safe. Good old safe and reliable Peyton Mahoney.”

  He set his glass down and leaned back in his chair. “Is that what you think?”

  She decided to come clean. “Honestly, I don’t know what to think. But I believe whatever is going on here started with that kiss last night.”

  A smooth smile touched his lips. “No, it all started when you said you wanted me to remember you weren’t Sam.”

  His words should have kick-started her memory of last night and what she’d said but they didn’t. “I don’t understand.”

  “And you have no idea what that kiss was all about?”

  She frowned, trying to recall if there was any part of last night she had forgotten. She swallowed deeply before saying, “Please tell me that in my delirious state I didn’t come on to you or something.”

  He chuckled. “Or something?”

  She frowned at him. “You know what I mean.”

  He placed his menu back on the table. “No, you didn’t come on to me, but evidently you think I came on to you.”

  No, she really didn’t think that. But they had shared a kiss, and she needed to know why. “I really don’t know what to think,” she said, deliberately keeping her voice low when she saw one of the groups of women from the elevator walking in and taking a table not far away. They gave her a surprised look, as if it was hard to believe someone who looked like Angelo would be spending time with her. She might not be all dolled up like they were, but she didn’t look bad.

  She glanced back over at Angelo and a thought suddenly entered her mind. Maybe the kiss hadn’t been all that hot and heavy like she assumed it had been. Maybe it was nothing more than a brotherly peck, and she had dreamt that it was something else.


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