Book Read Free


Page 7

by S. W. Frank

  It was mid-morning, one day after the skirmish in Le Portobello. The media coverage labeled the incident a tragic gas explosion which killed the owner, a member of his family and several employees. Of course, Geovonna knew otherwise. Whatever, concerns Amelda had for her safety fell on stubborn ears. She did not want to be cooped inside with women, talking food and dresses. She preferred the company of men, one man in particular who was the object of her obsession, Giuseppe.

  She had a crush on Giuseppe for many years. He did not pay her any attention during those days. A skinny pig-tail pre-teen was not appealing to a college age man. That changed once she matured. Her figure stopped traffic whenever she ventured outdoors. She was not the skinny, ponytail wearing girl anymore and Giuseppe noticed, too. She was twenty-one when they first slept together. She saved herself for him and the joy of his kisses and introduction to the art of lovemaking were such splendid memories, they made her drunk. His commanding presence brought her to such peaks of wanton lust, she had yet to find a lover since who could compare. In the usual Giuseppe fashion, he moved on to another conquest. In the four years since, they made love many times, yet he maintained his need for independence. She took no offense to his philandering and carousing with other women, after-all, when he’d lost his interest in them, it was to her bed he came. He was a man with a voracious sexual appetite and soon he’d tire of the quest to feed it. Like many addictions, he’d either completely succumb to the indulgences or refrain them all to feed just one.

  Giuseppe was what, thirty-four or five? Geovonna sipped more of the wine, totally consumed in her thoughts as Amelda picked at her delicious chicken salad. Geovonna, had time, she could wait him out. She was but twenty-five. Eventually, Giuseppe would seek a meaningful relationship, one with passion and shared interests. They were kindred spirits and she would make a true mafia wife. She is what he needed and in time he’d discover this for himself. For now, yes, Amelda was right, she’d take the pleasure he provided between her legs without complaint and defend him against even his sister.

  “I’m meeting friends. I cannot suffer being indoors for long. I appreciate the offer Amelda but I am fine.”

  “Geovonna, these Russians will not hesitate because of your large tits and ass. They will kill you then drink their vodka over your corpse without a care.”

  “They sound so mean, but I’m sure they will hesitate and when they do, I will not. My father’s taught me how to shoot since I was seven. I’m an expert markswoman, as you already know. I can handle these Russians, but thank you for the kind offer.”

  “Oh, sheesh, I’m leaving. I do pray you get what you want Geovonna. You are such a groupie; I do believe you’ll take a bullet to impress Giuseppe. My brother’s affections are not worth your life, stupid girl.”

  Geovonna’s shiny red lips formed a sexy smile, “I do not plan on dying. Sex and shopping is my heaven and the bargain basement stuff in hell will make the afterlife unpleasant.”

  Amelda shook her head in disbelief at the young woman’s strange musings. Perhaps, she was the perfect fit for her spoiled wild brother after all. She lowered her face and kissed the annoying girl. She was but a few years older than the young woman, yet the gap of maturity stretched wider. In any event, despite her dislike of Geovonna’s behavior, she did not want harm to come to the vibrant young woman. “Be careful and stay alert. Ciao!”

  When Giuseppe’s annoying sister had gone, Geovonna phoned her love but he did not answer. She pouted like a spoiled child. One day he would become her husband and she would have him every night. Yes, she had ways of keeping him satisfied. She had practiced on many men. Now, many called begging for her, promising to love her and silliness. She didn’t want money or falsity. She wanted Giuseppe!


  The luxurious confines of the private jet were ornaments of a wealthy man. It was one of the many trinkets attained in the course of his ascension to the seat of a life he hadn’t foreseen and a legacy he was unable to denounce.

  Lou sat dozing beside him in the aisle seat, eversince the plane settled in the sky as they flew high over the Atlantic. Nico and his son occupied seats at the far end of the cabin talking and laughing with ease. He marveled at the man’s dual personality. Nico was hard as stone to the world and yet here with his son, he was simply a father, not a seasoned killer but a man. When he looked at Nico, he saw Vincent. The losses of his life struck twofold. First uncle Al, followed by a father he’d never get to know and his friends, Danté and Vincent. Nico’s disloyalty was an acid, it corroded their once strong bond.

  Yeah, he’d taken a lot of hits over the years, too many from this mob life and in the vestibule of his mind, he wondered if the blows would ever end. He didn’t want to battle the people he loved, the war from outside forces increased and he needed iron-clad fidelity in order to proceed. A legal battle loomed, which he expected might turn into a media spectacle. When that occurred, the trials were often lengthy. Law enforcement officials were behind the walls of those bland government structures diligently working to tie him to the murders of Senator Liebowitz, and that stool pigeon guarded by the FBI. Alfonzo proved, there wasn’t a damn place anyone could hide if they got a notion to rat him out. Vincent’s advice a hard lesson to swallow, yet one he digested and would never forget. The dude was right, this was a cut-throat business and the minute he forgot that fact, he’d have steel slicing into his neck.

  He had to do a bit of clean-up, though. Yei left a trail. If it weren’t for Nico he doubt the job would’ve gone down done properly. When he heard about the multiple mishaps, it got him thinking. Alberti was old, but one smart sonovabitch. No more outside contractors. From now on, it was one of the elite enforcers in the circle or he’d do the deed himself.

  Yei’s carelessness was an oversight Alfonzo could not forgive. The possibility of her getting caught posed a risk to his already precarious freedom. He swore to never trust anybody with his money, woman or his life. He especially had zero tolerance for a sloppy job, supposedly done by a professional, and had to immediately correct the problem. In his legitimate business, he would’ve fired Yei on the spot, however this was the business of murder and her expulsion came with an ax.

  She expected payment and received it as promised. New York is a violent place for tourists and visitors. Like many who venture to the city, she had a run-in with a mugger and died from multiple gunshot wounds. The robber took off with the duffle-bag full of money and was never caught. The cash became the compensation to the assassin-thief for a job well done and hopefully he was making a smart investment with it, preferably in an immediate retirement fund.

  He stretched his legs and reached for the bottle of water, drank it down in one gulp, and frowned disapprovingly at Giuseppe and Shanda who were making out most of the flight. He couldn’t discuss strategy with the smitten fool in front of Shanda and bringing her along was a dumb-ass move. Her daddy was a straight-nosed cop. Sheesh, the man didn’t have a clue, did he? Giuseppe vehemently professed his penchant for the single life, yet from the looks of things, there appeared a hot romance brewing. He decided to stop it before it began. Giuseppe required a reality check and so did Selange’s friend. “Congratulations Shanda, heard your dad got a promotion to Deputy Commissioner of Police.”

  Giuseppe slid up in the seat, holding onto Shanda’s waist, “Your father works for the polizei?”

  “Yep, and he’s a stickler for the law, isn’t that right Shanda?”

  “Yeah, but who I’m seeing isn’t any of my dad’s business.”

  “Well, I remember a couple of years ago he wasn’t fond of me seeing Selange. Even went so far as to visit my office to try and scare me off and she wasn’t even his related to him. Imagine what he’d say to the man dating his daughter.”

  “That’s years ago, Alfonzo, why are you rehashing old news?”

  “Doesn’t matter how long ago it is. We don’t keep secrets in our family, right cugino?”

  “Right!” Geo answered st

  “Who my father is has nothing to do with me and you Giuseppe. You’re not screwing him, you’re screwing me.”

  “Hey, he might be screwing himself by messing with you.” Alfonzo interjected.

  “Alfonzo chill, this isn’t cool.”

  “What, I didn’t know I upset you chica, is there a problem with my cousin knowing who your daddy is and who he works for?”

  Giuseppe frowned, “Shanda, do you know what I do?”

  “You’re a businessman who cuts corners.”

  Alfonzo laughed then sat the empty water bottle on the table bolted to the floor. “That’s a nice way of putting it. You sure you hail from the B-K, I thought you recognized hardcore gangster’s and shit. Maybe, you hung around the fake ass killers, so you don’t know the real thing when you see it. There’s nothing romantic about killing chica and that’s what the fuck Geo does, isn’t that right Geo?”

  Giuseppe was proud of who he was. He didn’t hide behind pretenses. In Italy he was a businessman who killed. He set the record straight for the woman who almost robbed his senses, “I cut corners and also men. Any woman with me knows this. It is my family business and has been for generations. An American daughter of a good cop is no woman I can be with.” Giuseppe said.

  Alfonzo’s eyebrow ascended in satisfaction, it was fun playing the Geo role for a change. “That’s right Geo give her the boot with the tip of your oversize shoe.”

  “You are such a fuck Alfonzo.”

  Alfonzo smirked, “Nah, chica, I’m doing you a favor.” Alfonzo’s tone sobered, “Your law abiding papa arrests men like us all the time and I don’t think Geo wants to go to jail anytime soon because of you.” Alfonzo also didn’t want Shanda mixed up in their life and despite the harshness of his words; he was fond of the woman. She was Sal’s godmother and if anything happened to him or Selange he preferred the boy live with someone far removed from organized crime. She had a choice and he wanted the chica to choose a different life-style and a less ruthless man. Alfonzo was bad, hell yes and he acknowledged those flaws; Geo didn’t. He was reared in the mafia life-style and bad…well…let’s only say Geo was far worse.

  The last thing Alfonzo wanted was Shanda’s body on his conscience.

  Shanda looked about to cry as she glared at Alfonzo, “You’re one mean sonovabitch, and I use to think we were cool.”

  Alfonzo flashed his white teeth, “We are cool chica, calmarse.”

  Giuseppe wasn’t smiling. For the first time in days, he found himself speechless. In Italy, he had many associates in law enforcement, which wasn’t a problem because they were relatives of Mafioso or corrupt. Yet, from Alfonzo’s description, this woman’s father was a staunch advocate for the law. He liked Shanda, but her father posed a problem and he didn’t like those sorts of problems. He thought of his long-time friend Roberto. Friend or not, talking to the American police resulted to a dagger in his heart. He frowned unhappily, and leaned forward in his seat to look at the sexy woman, “E 'stato bello, finiamo qui.”

  Alfonzo wanted to laugh. Shanda had no idea what his cousin said, did she? Thank goodness, over the years his Italian improved. He decided to translate for the chica and played Geo again, “What he said Miss Shanda is it’s nice to have hit it, but he isn’t feeling a love connection. You were just a good piece of ass.” Alfonzo embellished of course, but the translation was rather close to Geo’s words, ‘It was nice but we end here’ –eh, to Alfonzo it was all the same. Step off, would have sufficed. Maybe, he’d teach Geo American street lingo.

  Shanda pout; sucked her teeth and sat in the adjoining seat and didn’t mutter a word the remainder of the flight. Alfonzo smirked. Poor Geo and Shanda, guess some things weren’t meant to be, after-all. Good, now he could enjoy the flight without the nauseating show!


  This was in no way a typical family dinner. An ex-mistress and her four children, a very nice and easy-going cook and a grandmother eager to make Ariana feel at home was the most tension-filled meal Ariana ever had. She refused to remain sequestered in the bedroom like a deliberating juror. Heck, she didn’t have anything to deliberate. She hadn’t slept with another woman’s husband. Why the hell should she hide in shame?

  She decided to make Selange uncomfortable and join her at the table and eat like a royal guest. The unease on Selange’s face was priceless!

  Selange tried to cover it by giving etiquette reminders to Allie and chastising Sal for trying to stuff his face without chewing properly. Meanwhile, Ariana carved up her delicious sautéed fish. She found delight in her hostess’ distress and with each piece placed to her mouth, she smiled.

  Sal leaned toward their guest, “When is Aaron coming back?”

  “Um, hopefully soon.” Ariana said covering her mouth with a napkin to answer the cute kid.

  “He said you didn’t want to be here because you don’t like my mom and you think she’s a bitch, did you say that about my mom?”

  The fish suddenly tasted bland and Selange cut her a wicked look. “Aaron shouldn’t have said that,” Ariana said.

  Maria chimed in, “Adults should be careful about what they say around children.”

  “My mom doesn’t say bad things about people.”

  “It must be nice to have a saint for a mom,” was Ariana’s snide remark to the talkative boy. He reminded her of Darren. They were both intuitive children.

  “It’s better than having a vicious one,” Selange quipped.

  Anita cleared her throat; she would not listen to this. “I’m going to check on the babies.”

  “Nana says when you have God in your life, you’ll never be mean to people.”

  “Sí, nino. God is good. He wants us to love each other.” Maria preached.

  “Um-hum, and Selange loves everybody.” Ariana muttered.

  Selange found the woman’s spitefulness unattractive, “Maybe, you need a nap Ariana. I tell that to the children when they get cranky.”

  “Thank goodness, I’m not a child.”

  “Not in stature but in brain capacity.”

  “Coming from a woman who behaves like one, it’s a humorous thought.”

  “I’d think an attorney would have the intelligence to utilize another strategy in lieu of a direct attack in the presence of children.”

  “Unless, the attorney deems it necessary to defend her position, especially when the truth is being compromised.”

  “Okay, enough!” Maria scolded. She stood and began clearing the table. The women should not be under the same roof. This was not a good idea. Alfonzo and Nico should know better. She put the dishes in the sink then gestured to Allie and Sal, “Come, we’re going outside to play.”

  Selange rose, “I’ll take them Maria. I prefer to be around less toxic air.”

  “Enjoy.” Ariana waved as the woman collected her kids and headed for the patio door.

  Maria stood rooted near the sink and once the children and Selange were gone she spoke to the rude guest. “Those are my grandchildren and they have nothing to do with what happened. It’s obvious you are angry but to lash out in front of my grandchildren is not right. I will pray you find forgiveness in your heart, and I will also pray you find peace with the past.”

  With this said, Maria marched upstairs to assist Anita with the babies. Alfonzo must hurry and come home before the tension escalated. Loco, is what it is. Having Selange and the man’s wife she slept with in close proximity was very bad. This entire situation was crazy –crazy –crazy. Oh, Madre de Cristo!


  The limousine carried Alfonzo and the crew down the long stretch of New Jersey Turnpike minus a passenger. Shanda was in a cab on her way home. Her and Giuseppe’s relationship no longer a concern and he finally had an opportunity to bring Giuseppe up to speed on the plan. They were splitting up into two groups. Alfonzo and Geo were going to stay with the money, grab whoever was coming for it, then meet up with Nico and the others on Long Island. They were going in as one
force to find Darren; a simple plan, right? Nope, nothing goes as planned. You learn that every day in life.

  Alfonzo stared out the window, watching buildings in the distance flicker by. His thoughts were elsewhere, on his woman of course. He could see Selange. The image was a vivid and colorful one, similar to a beautiful photograph. The children were in it, but he was not. This caused a tightening to his chest and an invisible fear. His gut fisted into a tight ball. It was another one of those signs which always warned him of danger and this time it brought the sharpest pain. His concentration got hijacked by the lyrics of the song. He grimaced; the sadness of not being with Selange tearing him open. He fought the vision of his death as Steven Tyler’s emotion filled voice permeated his brain with his classic song and Selange reappeared;

  ‘I could stay awake just to hear you breathin’,

  Watch you smile while you are sleeping,

  While you're far away and dreaming,

  I could spend my life in this sweet surrender,

  I could stay lost in this moment forever,

  Cause every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure…

  Don't wanna’ close my eyes,

  I don't wanna’ fall asleep,

  Cause I'd miss you babe,

  And I don't wanna’ miss a thing,

  Cause even when I dream of you,

  The sweetest dream will never do,

  I'd still miss you babe,

  And I don't wanna’ miss a thing…’

  The woman in his oversize shirt with blood pouring from her body as he cradled her in his arms caused him to freeze. The horrific imagery of that day suddenly popped in his head to consume his thoughts. Selange almost died from Freddie’s bullet and the emotion clawing its way from his heart to his skin gave him chills. He promised her, didn’t he? Yes, he promised he’d never leave. Crap, whatever the reason for this foreboding it was certainly making him uneasy. They needed to get this thing done in order for him to go home. He wouldn’t relax until he saw his family. They were his everything; Selange was the ventricles of his heart. Alfonzo pound the petition with his fist, “Change that goddamn song. Put on something upbeat!”


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