Broken Pieces

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Broken Pieces Page 8

by Toni Aleo

  As I leave, the room is silent. But when I reach the hall, I hear Rebekah fly off the handle. She yells that I shouldn’t have to go, JJ agrees, as do my brothers. I, too, agree, but it is what it is. I have to do what my family wants, or I’ll never get the rightful spot I need.

  While I appreciate their wanting to protect me, I wish Rebekah hadn’t. She’s giving my father more power than he deserves, and I hate him for it. For the first time, I hate my father. I hate that he can make me go to a wedding that will slowly but surely kill me. I hate that he won’t let me be with Taegan and that he now has my siblings trying to fight for me. Am I that pathetic? Am I weak now to them? Because of love?

  Reaching the sparring room, I need to beat the fuck out of something. I need to get the frustration out of me. Need to feel something other than this fucking pain consuming me.


  The sound of my sister’s voice makes me pause, my head leaning into the door as I suck in a breath. Not looking at her, I scold, “Rebekah, I heard you. Don’t do that.”

  “It isn’t fair.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” I shoot back, opening the door wider. “Let it go.”

  She stops me, grabbing my arm, but when I look back at her, her eyes widen. She looks scared of me, and I don’t understand that. I would never hurt her. I go to say that, but she asks, “Wanna throw down some?”

  I laugh. Really? “You sure? I’ve got some steam to blow off.”

  “As do I.”

  I don’t know what is wrong with her, but I don’t ask. Instead, I nod, getting undressed as she does the same, both of us in our workout gear beneath our clothes. I know she is just trying to help me, trying to get me to talk. But I have nothing to say. I don’t want to talk about it, not to her, at least.

  Lining up, I hold her gaze as she walks around me, her eyes intent on mine.

  When she pauses, though, I almost swing on her, but then she whispers, “When you’re the leader of this family, change the rules.”

  Shaking out my arms, I hold her gaze. I know what she is saying, but still, I ask, “What? What rules?”

  “That we can’t mix these families. Change it, Osh.”

  I laugh with no humor, my eyes darkening with the pain eating me alive. “By then, it would be too late.” I swing, but she ducks, her gaze locked with mine, pleading with me. “My love would be gone,” I add before kicking her in the gut.

  She wheezes only for a second before she backs away, hopping on the balls of her feet. “Then run.”

  Before I can answer her, though, she is rushing me. She slams her fist into my chest, then her forearm into my jaw before turning quickly, swinging her leg into my abdomen.

  It doesn’t faze me, though, and I shake my head. “As much as you think that’s a good idea, I wouldn’t be able to give her the life she deserves.”

  “But you’ll be in love.”

  I scoff. She is so innocent. She doesn’t know what would happen. How lives could be ruined. How people could die. Shaking my head, I whisper, “Love isn’t everything, my dear Rebekah.”

  I swing then, but she dodges me, her gaze searching mine. “Do you really believe that?”

  I swing my fist once more, and this time, I connect with the side of her head, knocking her to the mat. She looks up at me and I nod. “I have to,” I say, averting my gaze to the side because I know that’s all I can say. I can’t unload on her. It wouldn’t be fair to her. In her world, love cures all.

  But that’s not reality.

  Shaking my head, I look to her and direct her to get up. “Now get up and come on.”

  Because I need a fucking distraction.

  I hear her before I see her.

  Looking up, I watch as Taegan leans into the bar in front of my sister, her eyes wild and full of panic as she says, “Please tell me Oceanus is not coming to the wedding. Please tell me your father is not that cruel.”

  Rebekah appears stricken as she looks up at Taegan. My sister sputters with an answer, and I can see Taegan’s eyes are pleading as I slowly stand. I wish she would have come to me, but she must not have seen me. I had just sat down when I heard her.

  “Oh, Lord,” JJ says then from beside me, and I nod. It’s our night on shift for Rebekah. I had planned on telling Taegan what my father had demanded later tonight when I saw her, but apparently, that is going to happen now.


  Rebekah starts to apologize as I slowly head toward them, though why, I’m not sure. She doesn’t need to apologize; it isn’t her fault. It’s all my father’s. He’s a fucking monster, and I don’t understand how he can be the person who made us. In pure disgust, I head toward Taegan, her name coming from my lips very low and defeated. “Taegan.”

  Both of them look to me, along with the vampire, as I stop in front of her. “It’s fine.”

  “No. It’s not,” she demands, her eyes filling with tears. I look to my sister, and she too looks as if she might start crying. Shaking my head, I take Taegan by her arm, bringing her to a dark corner of the Clandestine. I know I should take her outside, but I know she won’t make it. She needs answers, and I don’t blame her. I’ve been trying to think of everything and anything to get out of going to her wedding. It isn’t fair to both of us, but my father doesn’t care about being fair. He only cares about what he wants. What he demands.

  His power over everyone.

  His power over me.

  “I know it’s not, my love, but you can’t come in here, freaking out. Especially to Rebekah, she doesn’t need to deal with our issues. Plus, people can hear you,” I remind her, and Taegan shakes her head, a lone tear running down her stunning face.

  Tonight, her hair is in a beautiful long braid that lays gently on her chest. She’s wearing a very tight, low-cut shirt, one that has my mouth watering. But then I drink in her tight jeans, and I’m really unsure how I am to go on seeing her around the Works without being able to touch her. She’ll be a married woman. Not my woman, either.

  “And what are you wearing?” I ask, my lips curving, and her eyes widen as my hands take her hips.

  “Osh, focus.”

  I smile, looking deep into her eyes. “However am I to function with you looking so gorgeous all the time and not being mine?”

  As she holds my gaze, her eyes glisten with tears as she whispers, “You won’t have to. I’ll be going back with him to Chicago.”

  As if my world wasn’t crushed before, it’s demolished now. “Oh.”

  I’ll never see her again. In a month’s time.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize, it isn’t your fault.”

  She looks away, her tears falling ever so slowly down her perfectly pink face. “Still, I’m sorry, Osh. I hate that this is happening, but I can’t even deal with your father. My da just told me you’re coming, and that can’t happen. It isn’t fair to you—or me. I don’t want to marry this man as it is, and now I have to do it in front of you?”

  Trying to gather myself, I nod. “I know, I don’t want to go, and I’m trying to get out of it. But he is being unreasonable, pushing my buttons, looking for a reason to never give me my rightful spot. I’m going to figure it out. I will, even if it’s only to come in so Kurt sees me and then leave, that’s what I’ll do. I won’t ruin your wedding.”

  Her lip wobbles. “It was ruined the moment the groom was not you.”

  My heart melts as I reach out, taking her face in my hands. I know I should be careful, that people can see us, but I just don’t fucking care. I need her to know that we will get through this. Even if the end means we won’t be together. “I love you, Taegan. I do.”

  “I love you too, it’s so not fair. Please don’t come, but if you do, come to rescue me,” she says before flashing me a winning smile that I grin back to.

  “That’s a solid plan, right there.”

  “Agreed, you can run up and throw me over your shoulder, claiming me as yours.”

  “I like this
idea of yours,” I say with a wink, my thumb moving along her cheek. “I’ll even wait till the moment they ask for someone to object to the union.”

  “Yes! And make it all dramatic as you run up, claiming your love, and that we are meant to be together. I’ll punch him, and you tell my dad to fuck off.” She dissolves into a pathetic sounding giggle, but still, I love it. I love to see her smile, even if it is just due to a plan that has had failure written all over it since the moment we thought it.

  “I’m there,” I joke as her arms come up and around my neck.

  “Don’t tease me,” she says sadly, leaning her head to mine.

  “I know,” I whisper, my lips moving along her forehead. I cradle her against me, and her lips press into my jaw, causing my eyes to close.

  I love having her in my arms, feeling her body next to mine. I could stay here all night, just us, in this dark little corner. But unfortunately, it’s only for a split second before I hear, “But I love you, Rebekah. Tell me you love me too.”

  Looking behind me, I see Taegan’s little brother, Colin, standing on the couch, drunk, as he hollers at my sister. His fiancée is sitting beside him, looking extremely infuriated, but I guess he doesn’t care. “Why is your brother proclaiming his love for my sister?”

  Taegan looks past me and then rolls her eyes. “Aw, shite, he’s drunk.”


  When Colin goes to the bar, grabbing for my sister, I’m moving as Taegan says, “Let’s get him out of here.”

  That was my plan, even before he was screaming for my sister to run away with him, but now, I know he needs to go before he does something dumb. Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to get him out of here. He doesn’t go quietly, though, screaming for Rebekah. And while it’s annoying as hell, love does make you a bit stupid. I know that firsthand. After I push him into the car, he promptly passes out, causing Taegan to laugh.

  A sound I will forever miss.

  Turning to me, she has soft eyes as she laces her fingers with mine. “Thanks for helping me.”

  I shrug. “Anytime. You going with him?”

  “Yeah, gotta make sure he gets home okay,” she says slowly, exhaling loudly as she stands between the car door and the seat. “When will I see you next? Tonight?”

  “You’re always welcome,” I say, a grin pulling at my lips. “But maybe I can take you out?”

  Her lips curve sinfully as she leans into me, kissing my lips softly. Pulling back, she holds my face as she says, “I would love that, probably as much as I love you.”

  “I love you more,” I whisper before placing a little kiss to her lips then helping her back into the car. Tapping the window once she is in, I watch as they pull away, and I feel like my heart went along with her. Man, it will suck more than I can imagine when she is gone. To Chicago. Hours from here. But then, it doesn’t matter. She won’t be mine. I think I had hoped she would be here so I could admire her from afar.

  Exhaling loudly, I turn and walk back into the Clandestine, hoping that my sister is in one piece and that JJ hasn’t killed anyone. Once inside, I see that everything is good, that everyone has moved on from my love’s brother acting an ass. It’s as if no one cares. When I see there is a beer with my name on it right by my chair, I think maybe the night is looking up.

  Probably not, though.

  As I sit down, taking a long pull, I see that Killian and Rebekah are really close, speaking in hushed tones. And as much as I want her to have fun, play around, I worry about that guy.

  I don’t trust him.

  “We should just fire this guy,” I say then, and JJ nods.

  “I considered that. But this way, he’s right under my nose, and I can see what he is doing,” he says, and I agree, though I wish he would just disappear. “Keep your enemies close, Oceanus. Always.”


  JJ nods, both of us watching Rebekah and Killian as they talk and flirt. I hear JJ breathing harder and getting madder, but he doesn’t say much, just sends daggers with his eyes. I love seeing my sister smile, and I wish she was always happy like that. I just hope she isn’t falling for this guy because he won’t ever be able to be anything for her. I wish she’d learn from my actions, but apparently, she isn’t.

  As the night progresses, I see them getting closer and closer. I want to say something, warn her, but then I know you have to make your own mistakes or you’ll never learn. Though, when Killian sends her a very sinful grin, I know they are up to something.

  As she turns slowly, looking back at him, I shake my head. “You’ll need to follow her.”

  JJ looks at me. “What?”

  “They’re gonna meet in the kitchen, I bet.”

  “No,” he says, almost in disbelief, but I can tell. Their body language is out of this world. They’re feeling each other, almost as if they’ve known each other their whole lives. If that were Taegan and me, I’d take her to the kitchen to do her against the wall.

  “Bet you they are,” I say as Rebekah comes toward me, a little grin on her face. “What are you doing?”

  “Heading to the back for ice,” she says simply, a grin playing on her lips. She doesn’t have the ice bucket in her hand, so I know she’s lying. Reaching for me, though, her hand on my bicep, she asks, “Are you okay?”

  “Fine. Rebekah, don’t worry about me,” I say, wishing like hell she wouldn’t ask me that. I don’t want her worrying for me. I really don’t. But then, is she worrying for me? Because her eyes seem very playful. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Grinning, she whispers, “You never told me you dated Christiana Kelley.”

  What the fuck? “H-how do you know that?”

  She shrugs, and again, she’s lying as she says, “I don’t know.”

  “Don’t you lie, Rebekah.”

  Looking away, she bites into her lip. “Killian told me.”

  I look past her, Killian’s gaze meeting mine as I glare. “How did he know?”

  “He went to school with you.” One, vampires aren’t allowed in our schools, and two, no, that kid didn’t. My blood runs cold as she goes on. “Don’t be mad at him. I kind of pressed for the info.”

  Unable to tell my sister that her little friend is a lying asshole, I only nod. “It’s fine, Rebekah. Go on now, get the ice.”

  She doesn’t move, though. Her eyes are locked on mine, pleading. “Promise me you won’t say anything to him. Or start a fight.”

  Oh, I won’t start a fight. Or say anything to him. I can promise her that, but I won’t promise that I won’t kill him because that guy is not who he says he is. Looking to my sister, though, I smile as I say, “Promise.”

  She doesn’t go right away, but finally, she turns, heading to the back, and I stand, tapping JJ’s arm. “That fucker isn’t who he says.”

  “What?” JJ asks, standing up too as I text Cyrus and Jonas to get down to the Clandestine ASAP.

  “The only person who knows I dated Christiana Kelley is her brother Ryland who caught us screwing around in her room. He’s dead, so how does this guy know that? Especially when he is supposed to be a vampire. Why would he know shifter business?”

  “You dated Christiana?” JJ asks as Killian moves around the bar, cleaning and straightening things, but I notice he is watching us too.

  “I did, but no one knew, which is my point. We gotta take this guy out of here and question him.”

  “Okay,” JJ agrees just as Jonas and Cyrus come up beside us, neither of them out of breath, though I know they both ran hard to get here. Extra lungs do a body good.

  “Cy, stay down here and watch Rebekah. Jo, I need your help getting this guy out of here.”

  They agree just as Killian comes toward us, trying not to make eye contact, but I stop him. “Hey, Killian.”


  “Why don’t you come with me?”

  His eyes are cautious, looking from me to JJ to Jonas and then Cyrus. “Why?” he asks, and I smile.

I need to ask you some questions,” I say, but he doesn’t move.

  “Is that right?”

  “Yup, so come on.”

  “I rather not. I have things to do,” Killian says coyly, and I glare.

  “You can go easy, or you can go bloody. Either way is fine by JJ here.”

  JJ glares at him, and I can tell Killian’s mind is running a thousand miles an hour. A minute passes, no one moves, and I know he is thinking of running. I go to ask him once more, but then he jumps on the bar with ease. When he tries to jump off, JJ grabs him, twisting him around and pressing Killian’s back into his own chest before his knife appears at the base of Killian’s throat. Jonas and I grab him quickly, trying not to make a scene before we take him out the side door of the Clandestine.

  Once in the hall, JJ scoffs, “Told you.”

  I nod. “You certainly did, but I’m pretty sure this guy isn’t going to tell us who he is.”

  When Killian looks up at me, his eyes are challenging, and I know I’m in for a long night.

  And it doesn’t involve Taegan.

  “Who are you?”

  Killian looks up at JJ, his eyes red and swollen from where he has been hit one too many times. The air around me is thick with tension, but also with the smell of burning flesh. JJ’s assumptions of Killian being a shifter were right because as soon as we slapped on the silver shackles, his skin started burning and sizzling. Unlike most shifters, though, he hadn’t changed back to his true form when the silver hit his skin like it would any others of his kind. Instead, he is still a vampire, and that makes everyone in the room uneasy.

  Especially my father.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Killian says back, his eyes bright and his pride still intact. If I didn’t think he was sent here to kill my sister, I would be impressed because JJ doesn’t hit softly. It hurts. Speaking of his punches, he lands one on Killian’s jaw once more, just as my father stands.

  “Why hasn’t he changed back?”

  None of us has the answer, and all I can do is watch as JJ stalks him, glaring and asking who he is.

  “I won’t say,” Killian says, but when JJ pulls back to hit him, I stop him.


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