The Thief of Dunmire and the Tear of Astra (The League of Sinister Means Book 1)

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The Thief of Dunmire and the Tear of Astra (The League of Sinister Means Book 1) Page 10

by H. K. MacTavish

  That…that’s not a bad idea Corvina. If they know that a thief is coming to crash the party then I can give them a thief. Who else would have access to this room? It would be too apparent that I planted this crown or even the ruby if I pried it loose that I would just be hanging myself.

  I work my way to the windows and look at the bars protecting them and see that they are solid, but only on the outside. Someone wanted to still be able to open up windows, which swing inward. And, no runes are near the bars or on the floor.

  That doesn’t mean that Veronica can’t cast more once I leave here. I’ll just have to be careful what I touch. I look down into my bucket and see a few coins, a couple of rings, and a small necklace. If I get a few other things I can plant them on some unsuspecting servant. Or hero. But then again they would believe that the hero was framed. They are, you know, a hero. And it is likely that other heroes will know them personally.

  No. It has to be a servant that I plant this on. I’ll pick a few more things and make my way to the basement and stash it near where someone is sleeping. Or where someone is working. Eh, I’ll figure something out.

  I take one last look at the crown, just sitting there. It is a pretty little thing, but no. An obvious trap is obvious. I don’t even dust it; I just clean around it. I leave, smiling, practically skipping. I know the guards are going to look in and see if it is still there. I know Veronica will be told about it. If she has more traps for me I will know I have done something to earn their watchful eye. If they do nothing else, well, I’ll give them the thief that they’re looking for.

  Morning Routine

  “The beds aren’t going to make themselves,” Lady Winters says. She makes me cringe. Jennifer is there to lay a hand on my arm to comfort me. Jennifer is nice. Bridget would be nicer. But that door was blocked.


  I have made enough friends, from little conversations with the other servants and being helpful here and there, but now I’m not sure I can trust them. This is the second part of making friends. Trust and use.

  Heroes are all the same. They live up to standards. They usually won’t torture, they will always try to save you, literally and figuratively. You can trust a hero. Servants on the other hand, well, they aren’t always the heroic types. Jennifer seems nice, but she has a husband and at least one child. They are always more important than you are.

  Using people to get what you want is more difficult. It’s always better to find a hero. You know what a hero will and won’t do. Blaise, Heinrich, even Veronica are easy to read. Jennifer, well, she might be a heroic type. A lot of people are. But if she isn’t, I have to know how to use her. I’ve made a friend, so looking the other way while I snatch some extra food or asking her to cover for me while I ‘run an errand’ is something she might do. But to become an accomplice?

  This whole thing is feeling like a trap. But knowing it is a trap does help in having it not spring in your face. You just have to not get arrogant and assume you are better. I mean, in my case I am better, but still, I have to keep a level head or I’ll prove myself wrong. And sitting in that dungeon, knowing I am there because of my hubris and not the heroics of Blaise and his ilk, well, that kind of humiliation just stings.

  “You seem preoccupied,” Jennifer says.

  “Sorry,” I say. “I didn’t sleep well.”

  “You could have fooled me,” Jennifer says. I turn to look at her but beyond her, in the hall, is Bridget’s room. She is lovely. The way her lovely hair cascades past her soft shoulders, her soft lips, just begging to be kissed, her…

  “Hey!” Lady Winters yells.

  “Sorry,” I say, gathering up the old sheets and putting them in an old wooden tub. Someone else gets to wash those.

  “Pay attention young lady,” Lady Winters says.

  “She’s sorry,” Jennifer says.

  “I am,” I say.

  Not really. Is Bridget still there? Maybe I could go and see her.

  “What is with you this morning?” Jennifer asks as Lady Winters walks off.

  “I don’t know,” I say, looking around. “Has the princess had her sheets cleaned yet?”

  “No, but I…” Jennifer says as I walk off. Jennifer keeps up with me. Why? Go away!

  Bridget is walking up the stairs back to her room. Has she had breakfast yet? I hope she didn’t eat too much. I look around and see if that other woman is here. Nope, no little shadow is nearby to Bridget block me.

  Bridget sees me and smiles but that smile isn’t as strong when she sees my shadow, named Jennifer. Her, hello lover, smile fades into a more general, hello stranger I am passing in the hall, smile.

  “My lady,” I say.

  “Mary,” Bridget says. “How are you this morning?”

  Say something witty Mary.

  “I’m fine,” I say.

  Witty, Mary! Say something witty!

  “I’m glad to hear it. Are you here to change my sheets?”

  I’m here to do more than change your sheets you little vixen.

  “I am. Have they been changed yet?” I ask.

  “Not yet. Seems a waste to change them after a single night of laying on them.”

  “If you would like to get some more use out of them we could leave them on,” I say.

  “Oh really?” Bridget says, smiling. She steps closer to me.

  “Nonsense, my lady. There is no reason for your sheets to not get changed,” Jennifer says.

  Damn it! Is the entire keep trying to come between us?

  Jennifer walks right in between us and into the princess’ chambers. Get out Jennifer! This is a party for two only!

  “I would like for you to attend to me today,” Bridget says.

  “If you can convince Lady Winters, I would be happy to attend to you,” I say, curtseying. I take a step closer to her and whisper. “In any way you need.”

  “Oh, you naughty little girl,” Bridget whispers.

  “Someone needs to show you your place,” I whisper back. She gives a gasp, a sexy gasp. I can see it in her eyes. She wants to tackle me in the hall right…

  “Bridget! What are you doing back up here?” Blaise calls after her.

  “I forgot something from my room,” Bridget says annoyed at her brother’s intrusions.

  “Are you coming along to breakfast?” Blaise calls from down the hall.

  “Yes. I was just…” Bridget says pointing to me.

  “Mary! Are you bothering the princess?” Lady Winters yells at me.

  “What? No. I was just attending…” I say pointing to her.

  “We shouldn’t be late,” Blaise says, coming to collect his sister. “Come on. I said I’d look after you.”

  Bridget looks at me, desperation on her face. No. It’s frustration.

  “Yes, but I need an attendant…” Bridget stammers.

  Yes. She needs me and I need her. We need each other. Go away Blaise!

  “What are you doing? Get in here,” Jennifer says, yanking me into Bridget’s room.

  Damn it! Let me go!

  “Bridget? What’s wrong? Are you still sick?” Blaise asks.

  “No, I…” Bridget stammers. “I’m coming.”

  Sadly no, you are not and neither am I. And that is the true tragedy here.

  “Come on,” Blaise pesters.

  “I said I’m coming!” Bridget yells.

  Bridget and I look at each other, again, as we are forced to go our own way. I look at Jennifer and I guess I look pissed.

  “What are you angry at me for? Do you want to get fired?” Jennifer asks.

  No. I need a cold bath. And so does Bridget I bet.

  “No. I’m fine,” I say.

  “You’ve said that before. What were you thinking?”

  Having hot, passionate, sex with a beautiful princess? Yup, pretty sure that was what I was thinking.

  “Is it wrong to talk to a noble?”

  “That isn’t just any noble. That is Princess Bridget. Blaise’s sister
,” Jennifer says.

  I made that connection, thanks. Oh, and I refuse to say anything on account that the words will sound snippy and snide and I have just enough control to know I shouldn’t say something but not enough to control the words that will fall out of my mouth right now.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” Jennifer asks.

  No. You are blocking me from getting into Bridget’s bloomers! But the blame for that can be spread around to Blaise who won’t leave his sister alone. The two of you are a fine pair!

  “I’m fine. I don’t know what came over me,” I say. Certainly not Bridget.

  “Well, we need to focus,” Jennifer says. “The ceremony will be later today and the Tear of Astra will be given to Melinda.”

  “I hadn’t forgotten,” I say. Jennifer is looking at me weirdly. What is it? Could she be a spy for Blaise or Veronica? Maybe it’s one of the other heroes like Heinrich or Kincaid. “What?”

  “Nothing,” Jennifer says, returning to stripping the bed of the sheets.

  She’s right about needing to focus. I need to focus on the royal jewels not Bridget’s…jewels. I also need to focus on this little trap that they have planned. They expect me to grab the fake Tear of Astra instead of the real…

  Oh my god. What if…what if there isn’t a real Tear of Astra? That would diminish the goal of why I am here in the first place. I mean, I’m still going to be wealthy, but my prize! My trophy! The humiliation of the heroes! Maybe the Tear of Astra will be in that vault upstairs. Maybe Blaise has it hidden in his room.

  Blaise must have it hidden in his room. He’s a hero. The safest place is to have the Tear of Astra right where he can keep an eye on it. The vault is part of the trap. He’ll risk the royal jewels because he knows they can’t truly be fenced. And melted down, well, there are easier sources of gold and jewels than going after the royal jewels.

  “I’m sorry if I seem to snap at you,” Jennifer says. “I’m just looking out for you, you know.”

  “I know,” I say. “I guess I was just so infatuated with meeting the princess that I forgot what I was supposed to be doing.”

  “She is pretty, isn’t she?”

  Pretty? A flower is pretty. A painting is pretty. Bridget is a stunning, gorgeous, beautiful woman.

  “Oh yes,” I say. Jennifer tosses me an inquisitive glance. “What?”

  “Nothing,” she says, smiling to herself.

  Jennifer has to be a spy, right? Why is she smiling? What does she suspect? She…she doesn’t think I’m the thief, does she?

  Ah, maybe she actually is looking out for me. I have been acting oddly for a servant girl, I suppose. Between trying to get close to Bridget and making my plans for the heist like making rope…shit. I need to make more rope.

  “I’ll get some more sheets,” I say. “For the next room.”

  “Lady Winters should have some piled outside,” Jennifer says.

  “Does she? That will make it easy,” I say with a smile. I peer out of the room while Jennifer finishes up Bridget’s bed. Sure enough there are sheets piled up neatly on a stool.

  “Do you see them?” Jennifer asks.

  “I do,” I say. Before I can think of something else Jennifer is right there beside me.

  “Well, come on,” she says with a smile. I smile back. It masks my disdain for having a shadow. I wanted friends, not clingy friends.

  I walk over to get some more sheets while Jennifer waits for me. As I pick them up I see out of the corner of my eye the servants down the hall all standing still, bowing their heads. I look and see Veronica walking down the stairs at the end of the hall towards me. She has a thick key in her hand.

  Only one door could fit a key of that size: the vault door.

  I then turn and see Jennifer and I hurry to her. Veronica will have to wait. I have some beds to make and rooms to clean up. At least someone else has the chamber pots to empty again. Yuck.

  We finish up the next room and as we leave a guard approaches us.

  “Your presence is requested,” the guard says to Jennifer.

  Someone is requesting Jennifer’s presence? That seems odd. Maybe she is someone’s spy.

  “Certainly,” Jennifer says. “I’ll see you later,” she says to me.

  “Of course,” I say. She heads off, at last, and as I turn I see Lady Winters just standing in a doorway, inspecting the work of some of the younger serving women.

  At last, a few minutes without any shadows or watchful eyes. I make my way to the storage room. I need to finish the rope. I might not get another chance. Just a minute or two; that’s all I need. I peer inside and no one is there. Good. As I start on the next sheet I hear a door open.

  Veronica is leaving her room from the sound those expensive shoes she’s wearing. I hurry to the doorway and see her strutting down the hall away from me, minus the key. A few of the servants bow to her but she doesn’t even seem to acknowledge them. She turns the corner, her head held high, and I can still smell the perfume she’s wearing. It’s nice, actually. I wonder if Bridget would like me wearing something like that.

  No. Focus Mary. You’re here for the Tear of Astra. Your head isn’t the only one at risk. I turn back to the storage room. I can hear Lady Winters bellowing down the hall behind me. The other servants are all sweeping up, carrying sheets, old and freshly laundered, a couple unfortunate souls carrying cleaner chamber pots.

  I see some sheets in the back. I race over, pull one out, and knot it. I take a second sheet and knot that. I tie them together and then added them to the crude rope I already have made. I grab a third…

  Those expensive heels again! I walk over to the doorway in time to hear the door to Veronica’s room open. I can make out a bit of their conversation.

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” Veronica says.

  “Then who?” Heinrich asks.

  “How should I know?” Veronica asks.

  “So you think this is all a waste of time then?”

  “Of course not. I don’t think Blaise is wasting his time. Not after last night,” Veronica says as the door closes behind her.

  That was interesting. I look down the corner and see that the situation is the same. I run back and grab another sheet, knotting it and tying it to another sheet. Then I take another sheet, the last one and tie all of them together. The bucket is overflowing but the rope will reach the fourth floor now.

  I turn to leave and hear the door open as I’m about to turn around the corner. I hear the clicking of Veronica’s heels walking quickly down the hall with a heavier set of boots and the shifting of metal plates. I turn my eye around the corner as the door to her room closes behind her, closed by her own private servants no doubt. So much for sneaking into her room and hoping it was unoccupied. There, down the hall, I see Veronica and Heinrich walking, quickly, and speaking in hushed tones to one another. Does she have that vault key on her? Does Heinrich? I can’t see.

  Best to not let anyone hear you speak ill of them in your witch hunt, noble heroes.

  Yeah. Maybe that’s it. It’s a witch hunt. They don’t know that I am the thief that they are hunting. They know a thief is here but they don’t know what she or he looks like. But, most heroes usually assume the Thief of Dunmire is a man. Why assume it is a woman? The only criminal contact I’ve had in Hammerheim is Bernice and…

  Bernice! You dirty rat bastard! You did betray me! And you told them it was a woman that approached you. Figure getting reward money is easier and safer than risking it all for the Tear of Astra, eh? I know, I know. I’ve known that there were rumors that Bernice was betraying thieves to the heroes. Here’s the thing: it is a far different thing to hear something like that and then witness evidence of it in front of you. Part of your mind just clings to that hope; I said the word rumor; rumors aren’t facts all the time. I said he probably was working for the heroes now. Probably isn’t a certainty. Yes, plans may have been made around that and yes, thieves shouldn’t trust fences. However, it is a far cr
y from a fence lying about the worth of something they are buying to screw you and a fence going to the local heroes to get you thrown into a dungeon. What I’m saying is that there is betrayal and then there is betrayal. If Bernice was stealing from thieves, well, they should be better thieves. This…this is an outrage! I just hope you don’t blame me when I make you regret trying to backstab me. Well, not like I needed a reason I suppose, but it makes me feel better about it.

  There really isn’t a lot of honor among thieves, I’ve learned. But if I’m in the clear Bernice must not be good with descriptions. I bet he just gave some vague description of what I look like and the heroes are looking for women in the keep, any woman.

  If that’s true, then they will be testing the other women. Except for Jennifer. I bet if she has a family nearby she is well known to the people in the keep. Trusted. They probably asked her to ask questions among the other women working in the keep for a little extra money. It’s all right. She has a family to support. I certainly support her endeavors.

  And, it is important to not take people stopping you personally all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m going to mess Bernice up for trying to stab me in the back and I will do whatever I can to humiliate the heroes sans Bridget, but some obstacles aren’t meant to be destroyed. They are meant to be avoided. If I try and destroy Jennifer and she has closer ties to Blaise than I realize, it could all backfire in my face and that would put me in the humiliating position of being imprisoned and punished. But, if I just put her fears to rest I not only keep an ally but I avoid suspicion placed on myself. But suspicion must be placed somewhere, and that should be my next task.

  The king should arrive soon. There will be so much fanfare and attention placed on him arriving that it will be easy to create a suitable suspect. Everything for raiding the vault is set, but that won’t be until tonight. Right before the Tear of Astra has been presented. I wonder if Melinda knows she’s getting a glass trinket? What am I saying, of course she knows. She’s probably in on this trap with her future husband. They’re both heroes after all.

  Conspirators Unite


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