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Flight Page 4

by Jason Cheek

  Tonight it was he, Scourgebane, who had held the waves of wolves at bay again and again, stopping their assault as they sought to crush them. Yet, it was Silvermane who broke the waves, slaughtering the wolves like nafda.

  He was the shield that protected while she was the blade that dealt out death!

  The energy in the air released suddenly as the circle of Brokenfang wolves decided to attack, before the Scourge could steal their prey away from them. Leaping as one for the kill, they rushed forward in a wave of gray.

  They would take their prey down now!

  Feeling the same energy, Silvermane leapt into the air as Scourgebane muscular arms lifted her from the ground. Using his whole body, Scourgebane threw her into the air above the attacking wolves’ heads, further up the valley’s steep sides. For a second, the assault wave faltered as Brokenfang wolves followed Silvermane’s arching flight.

  With a howling growl, Scourgebane slammed into the wolves like a battering ram!

  All thoughts of defense gone, he ignoring the wolves pouncing onto his unprotected back as his massive claws reaped death before him. His attack lasted for only several seconds before he was buried under a mass of gray bodies, but in that short time he slaughtered wolves by the dozen.

  Enraged beyond thought, the rest of the Brokenfang wolves attacked as one tearing Scourgebane apart, but his death gave Silvermane the time she needed to sprint for the rim of the valley.

  Not all of the Brokenfang Pack was distracted by Scourgebane’s attack. Seeing Silvermane suddenly rushing for the rim, they tried to chase after her, but they were too far away to stop her from reaching the top of the valley.

  Reaching the ridge, Silverman threw her head back howling in the ancient tongue of the Pack into the cold winter night.

  Her first notes froze the wolves tearing Scourgebane’s corpse apart, as they suddenly realized their mistake. Reverberating over Shadowfang’s Winter Den, her howl warned the Pack of the betrayal of the Brokenfangs and the Scourge that ran with them.

  Lastly it called the Pack to Winter Fang Heart.

  The Brokenfang wolves that reached Silvermane first ripped her throat out as she finished her first message, but they were too late. The main force of the Brokenfang Pack yapped anxiously as seconds later the valley below them began ringing out with the answering howls of the Shadowfang Werewolves.

  Mangecoat followed his wolves to the rim of the valley where several wolves still tore apart Silvermane’s corpse.

  Angrily, he snapped the neck of the nearest wolf. As the dying cries of their Pack Brother filled the air, the rest of the wolves stepped away from Silvermane’s corpse warily as their Pack Leader listened to the howls coming from the valley below.

  True, not all of the valley answered back in response to Silvermane’s call, the other hunting groups had managed to penetrate deep into Shadowfang’s territory before the first warning had been given. Still, there were too many Shadowfang howls ringing from the valley below to make him feel confident about the success of the invasion, but that was not his concern. He had only agreed that his Pack would take out the Shadowfang Werewolves guarding the passes into the valley, and kill any Werewolves trying to escape.

  Looking back at his dead Pack Brothers carpeting the hillside below him, an angry growl rumbled deep in his chest. His Pack had more than paid their share of blood in this night’s massacre. It would take many seasons for his Pack to recover from this night’s battle.

  His wolves moved aside, making way as the main assault force of Scourge Slashers began flooding into the valley below. The need for silence was now past.

  Lifting his misshapen head, Mangecoat warbling call rang out across the valley, directing his wolves back to guarding the passes. In response, the warbling howls of the Brokenfang Pack cried back in answer.

  Chapter 3

  Location Irlendria / Pack Shadowfang’s Winter Den / Werewolves:

  < I’m hungry>, Starfire complained once again.

  , Frostbrand quipped back to her twin.

  Lying on her back, she happily yawned holding her round belly.

  , Starfire grumbled, sighing into her paws unhappily.

  Picking up Frostbrand, Luthar cradled his daughter in his arms, rubbing her swollen belly gently.

  “How is Papa’s little fatty doing tonight?”

  < Frostbrand is a fatty … Frostbrand is a fatty>

  Starfire’s teasing broadcast stopped abruptly as she dodged their mother’s playful swat.

  Stretching out, Frostbrand yawned tiredly in her father’s arms.


  Gently, Luthar slid Silvermane’s pups, Quicksilver and Pathfinder, sleeping little bodies to the side, as he leaned back onto the plush bearskin blanket lying on the snow. Resting his head in his wife’s lap, he ran his fingers through her white mane of hair that practically glowed in the moonlight. Smiling lovingly, he gazed into her yellow eyes.

  “God I’ve missed you, my love.”

  Moonglow kissed her husband, nipping him lightly on the cheek. Her smile promising more once their daughters fell asleep.

  “As I have you, my mate.”

  For a moment, she regarded her husband sternly, “I do not care for it when you travel into danger without me. The next time we will travel together, with half of the Pack at our backs if need be!”

  The sternness left her eyes, as she stroked his face gently. “I will not lose you to the same type of betrayal that killed my Pack Sister and Ilmarinen Ironwolf at the hands of Loviatar and her ilk!”

  Luthar clasped her hand gently. “I will not try again without you at my side, my love.” Looking into the night’s sky, anger flashed across his face. “There are rumors that Loviatar stirs in Tuonela, and that Scourge have been seen moving in the shadows. Something’s is happening, even if I can’t put my finger on it. In every land, there were whispers behind closed doors of a growing evil. Rumors of whole families being ripped apart, even in the largest of cities, were talked about wherever I went, but every time I broached the subject. I was sent away by those in charge.”

  Moonglow frowned, deep in thought for a moment. “I have heard what you speak of in some of the oldest stories of the Pack. Tomorrow, we must speak of this with Cloudwalker. If anyone can find the connection between the now and then, it will be her.”

  Smiling again, Moonglow stroked the worry away between his eyes continuing.

  “For now, my man, we will enjoy your first night home.”

  Turning to Starfire, who sat listened intently to her parents talk. Moonglow scooped her daughter into her lap.

  “Aren’t you tired my little Star?”


  Opening up a leather pouch at her waist, Moonglow pulled out a large strip of raw meat. “Would this help you to find sleep?”


  Jumping onto her hind legs, Starfire caught the first piece of meat slurping it down in one gulp, before diving head first into the pouch at her mother’s waist.

  Finishing the whole bag in short order, Starfire climbed back onto her mother’s lap before falling into a comatose sleep. Amazed, Moonglow looked at her husband questioningly as she began stroking her daughter’s swollen belly.

  “I don’t know where she puts it all. Even for a Werewolf pup of the Pack, her hunger is unheard of.”

  Luthar smiled knowingly.

  “She will be a sorceress of the flame. Even at this young of an age the fire within her burns.”

  “Wouldn’t Frostbrand have this same burning you speak of?”

  “No, she will be a sorceress of ice. Of course, as she uses her magic her body will require more food like any sorceress, but nothing like the needs of her sister.”

  Smiling, Moonglow pulled her mate’s head back nipping his ear. “Talking about needs, it has been much too long since I have
been with my husband!”

  Grabbing his wife’s hair roughly, he pulled her in for a hard kiss when suddenly a loud howl rang across the valley. Even after all of this time, Luthar couldn’t follow the Pack’s Ululate-loqui speech, not that he hadn’t tried time after time to learn it. Unfortunately, Damarien audio ranges were simply nowhere near that of a Werewolf’s to be able to distinguish all of the complex sounds that made up the howling cry. What he did understand was his wife’s reaction. Concerned, he watched her head jerked upright as she immediately focused entirely on the message.





  Shifting Starfire to the crook of her arm, Moonglow sprang to her feet, knocking Luthar from her lap in her haste as the howl cut off as suddenly as it had begun. Cradling Frostbrand in his arms, Luthar jumped to his feet next to his wife, who was already scanning the edge of the forest nearest to them intently.

  Luthar followed her gaze with growing apprehension. Looking back to Moonglow worriedly, he saw that the change was upon her. Already, her face was beginning to lengthen into a wolf muzzle as fangs began to grow from her mouth. Silver course hair began sprouting all over her body as her neck began to thicken and her shoulders started to swell. Her clothes ripped apart as her legs and arms began stretching, filling out with thick corded muscle. In a matter of seconds, she towered above him in her Werewolf form.

  “What’s wrong Moonglow?”

  Werewolf form was solely used for fighting. He had never heard a Werewolf using speech while transformed, but in her anger. Moonglow managed to form words in a deep guttural growl.

  “We have been betrayed by the Brokenfang Pack, and Scourgebane and Silvermane are dead!” Before she could finish translating the rest of the message, a pack of worgs burst from the tree line heading straight for them.

  Reacting instantly, Luthar stepped forward protectively standing over Quicksilver and Pathfinder, still asleep on the blanket. Gathering his Will, he lifted his free hand before him, palm opened, yelling.


  Four searing bright purple stars shot out of his palm. Streaking out, they slammed into the front line of the attacking worgs. As the stars impacted, the first four Wereworgs burst into purple flames as the magical fire consumed them in seconds. The surviving worgs, not slowing down, ran around their burning Packmates as they closed in for the kill.

  There just wasn’t enough time to stop them all! Yelling in anguish, Luthar shielded the pups with his own body as Moonglow sprang over his head. Stretching her arms out wide, she hit the Wereworgs head first like a giant war hammer, slamming the pack of worgs to the ground.

  For a second, there was an explosion of growls and fur as Wereworgs met enraged Werewolf Mother. Razor sharp claws shredded as fangs ripped out chunks of flesh and throats. In a matter of seconds, eight Brokenfang worgs laid strewn in bloody pieces across the ground.

  Bleeding heavily from dozens of wounds, Moonglow came back to Luthar. Her sides heaving as she switched to Mentem-loqui speech.


  Not arguing, Luthar gave Moonglow their daughter before helping his wife gather up Frostbrand, Quicksilver and Pathfinder into her massive arms. Waking up groggily, the puppies looked around confused.

  Frostbrand’s and Starfire’s eyes opened wide, in shock, at the sight of their bleeding mother.





  Hugging the pups to her chest tightly, Moonglow set out at a fast lope for Winter Fang Rocks.

  Luthar hadn’t argued with his wife over taking the pups. They both knew that if it came down to outrunning pursuit that she was better suited for the task. Moonglow could run much faster than he ever could hope to and unless they cut off her head or physically tore her apart. She was virtually indestructible to physical attacks.

  Already, the blood had stopped flowing, and her gaping wounds were already starting to heal. By morning, there would be nothing left of the injuries but scars.

  Most importantly, Luthar hadn’t argued with his wife, because it left him free to protect his family if needed.

  Loosening his tunic and winter cloak, he followed after Moonglow as fast as he could in the deep snow. If they came under attack, he would need to remove the heavy clothing as quickly as possible before he could fight effectively.

  Sorcerers took in magical energy through their skin. Not to mention, any type of clothing or armor blocked their ability to focus their magic power through that area of their body, which was why most sorcerers entered combat wearing little to no clothing.

  Before they had reached the safety of trees on the other side of the meadow, they heard the screeching calls of Scourge Slashers erupting behind them. The sound rose to a loud frenzy as the Slashers saw their prey escaping.

  Looking back over his shoulder, Luthar stopped in horror at gray monstrous shapes clawing their way out of the woods. Running on all fours, the creatures’ fang filled jaws gnashed in anticipation at seeing their prey. There were so many of the creatures that it looked like a flood pouring out into the meadow behind them.

  With sudden clarity, he understood the Tuonellian objective.

  Looking once again towards Moonglow and their daughters, he realized that, with her injuries and the extra weight she carried, there was no way even she could outrun the Scourge. Not when she was in her fighting form, and they were this close. Knowing what needed to be done, he came to a sudden stop.

  Hearing Luthar’s footfalls halt behind her, Moonglow turned back to her mate. Looking into his eyes, she called out to him as his intent became clear to her.


  Tears streaming down his face, Luthar looked across the distance into Moonglow’s yellow eyes, yelling to be heard over the oncoming horde of Scourge.

  “There is no other choice, my love. They have come for our daughters. You must not allow them be taken!”

  Looking back once more at the approaching horde, he turned one last time back to his wife and daughters.

  “Now, you must go my love!”


  Howling in anguish, Moonglow turned away from her mate, clutching their pups tightly to her chest. For now, there was no time for thoughts of loss, only for the need to protect their children. In wolf form, she could have easily outrun the Scourge pursuing them, but not in her fighting form. It would take every trick she could think of to reach the safety of Winter Fang Rocks.

  Turning away from his family, Luthar faced the approaching Scourge once more. Ripping off his cloak and tunic, he faced the oncoming horde bare-chested as his wife’s cry of anguish rang out behind him.

  Focusing his Will, Luthar reached through his connection for the raw source of energy that powered his magic. Concentrating, he opened his soul commanding the power to flow into him. As if understanding his need, the magical energy rushed into him like never before. Power thrummed through his body, so much that it drowned out all sound from its intensity. Feeling as if he were going to explode, Luthar sank to his knees to keep from falling over as he reached out for even more power. At the very limit of his talent, he waited for the enemy to come.

  When the first Scourge was within arm’s reach, Luthar jumped to his feet flinging his arms wide.


  Purple energy exploded out from his outstretched arms in an explosive arc in front of him, incinerating everything across the meadow in a wave of pure destruction. Turning around, he ran after his wife.

  Reaching once again for that raw source of power as the Scourge continued pouring out of the woods behind him. He had almost reached the tree line, when the next wave of Scourge caught up to him to tear him apart.<
br />
  Turning around, Luthar lashed out with his right arm.


  Once again a purple wave of energy slashed out incinerating everything in its path, but this time the magical flames died out before covering even half of the distance to the forest on the other side of the meadow. Luthar saw the frenzied Scourge already clearing the distance to him as soon as the flames dissipated from his spell’s blast.

  Not bothering to run anymore, he just backed up slowly as he called his power to him. Within seconds, the next wave of Scourge was on top of him.

  Slashing out one last time, Luthar screamed at the top of his lungs.


  This time, the swath of destruction lasted just seconds before dissipating away as Luthar collapsed to his knees, from exhaustion. Lifting his head up as the lead Scourge leapt on top of him, Luthar reached for the very last of his power.


  A shower of little purple stars blasted into the Scourge on top of him, killing another handful of the foul creatures, before he was cut down by their slashing claws. Luthar died knowing that he had slaughtered thousands of the wicked creatures, but most importantly.

  He had given his wife a chance to get their daughters to the safety of the Pack.

  * * *

  When the link in her soul suddenly blinked out, Moonglow knew that Luthar had died.

  Even before she heard the triumphant screeches of the Scourge ring out behind her. Ignoring the tears streaming down her face, Moonglow plowed through the waist high snow. Heading for the ribs of Winter Fang, she heard the sounds of pursuit spreading out behind her in the forest.

  In the deeper snow of the woods, the Scourge would easily catch up to her. She needed to get to firmer ground if she were going to have any chance of outrunning them.

  Cutting south, Moonglow headed for the thinnest part of the forest as she heard the laboring breath of the creatures closing in from behind. Cursing in frustration, she realized they were catching up to her too soon.

  Moments later, she heard the sounds of other groups circling ahead, trying to cut off her flight. Listening intently, she ran silently through the thinning woods. She heard the closing of the trap as the Scourge in front of her suddenly changed direction, charging directly at her.


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