The Heart of the Matter

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The Heart of the Matter Page 15

by P Nelson

  “There’s obviously more to him than meets the eye if Calla didn’t spot the fact he was a raving lunatic.” Eric’s voice was hard, and Elizabeth shivered at the thought of what he might do to Jerry if he ever got his hands on him.

  “Jerry wasn’t always an asshole,” Elizabeth started to say and stopped as she remembered how it had been when they first met. “He was a nice guy to start off with, but we broke up originally when I wanted to explore the BDSM stuff.”

  “What made you get back together with him?” The question was one of curiosity without a hint of judgement that would have made Elizabeth get her back up.

  “I don’t know.” Elizabeth thought for a long minute about the girl she had been and how much had changed in only the past few days. She would never accept a man like Jerry back into her life now she had tasted submission from a real Dom. The realisation startled her and Elizabeth wondered what she would do when their contract ended.


  Elizabeth’s body stiffened when she saw the black SUV and black van sitting in Eric’s driveway as they turned towards his house. She was just about to tell him to reverse out of there when a friendly face appeared from around the corner of the house.

  “Linkin. I should have known.” Eric sounded relieved as he parked his car in the drive and got out leaving Elizabeth to follow in his wake.

  “Hey, man, thought you could use some extra security.” Linkin said as he walked down the drive towards them. Eric walked right up to the other man, and they pounded each other on the back in the universally accepted man hug.

  “Yeah, I could.” Eric reached behind him and pulled Elizabeth to stand beside him. “This is Elizabeth, my sub.” Elizabeth’s heart raced at the introduction. He had said she was his sub.

  “Nice to meet you, Elizabeth.” Linkin nodded his head at her. “Those pictures really don’t do you justice,” he said, as he looked her up and down. “I look forward to seeing you scene at the club.” Elizabeth’s face went bright red as Eric coughed.

  “I would like to apologise for Linkin. No filter.” Eric looked as if he was trying to warn Linkin from saying anything further, but it was totally lost on the other man.

  “Why do I need a filter? I’m a Dom and I like to see beautiful naked ladies get tied up. Elizabeth is a beautiful lady.” Linkin shrugged as he stared at Eric.

  “Linkin already has a sub,” Eric interjected and was about to say something more when she remembered something.

  “Delaney is your sub,” she blurted out. The satisfied smile that broke out over his face said everything Elizabeth needed to know about how he felt about Delaney despite the woman’s worries the other night.

  “Yes, and my partner Martin and I share her. She likes two cocks,” Linkin stated without any preamble or indication the preference to engage in threesomes would be anything but normal.

  “Maybe she’d like a third one day,” Eric said slyly as he gave Elizabeth a slow wink out of the corner of his eye.

  “No. Delaney only likes two, Martin’s and mine. No other cock will ever penetrate her body.” Linkin stared Eric down as if he might bite him if the other man didn’t agree.

  “All my hopes are ruined,” Eric said as he turned around and went to the trunk of his car, Linkin following him.

  “Elizabeth looks like she could take two cocks,” he supplied as Eric handed him an armful of groceries. Elizabeth knew her face had gone bright red again, but there was little she could do about it.

  “If she does, it will be something she discusses with her Dom.” Eric slammed the trunk of his car down and glanced at Elizabeth before giving Linkin his full attention. “What do you think I need to protect her?” Elizabeth listened with half an ear as she took the house keys from Eric and let them into front foyer. She had a glimpse of a couple of other guys wearing all black moving around the gardens.

  “Some lights with sensors around the perimeter of the forested area. Even if they get set off by the occasional bear or racoon would be better than letting some asshole with a camera get the jump on you.” Linkin was obviously in full techie guy mode as he continued to outline his strategy for wiring Eric’s house with the fullest security measures. Eric’s phone rang as they got to the kitchen, and he excused himself to take the call.

  Feeling slightly uncomfortable being alone with the other man for some reason, Elizabeth began to put away the groceries they had bought. Eric had insisted on doing a whole shopping trip since he didn’t normally eat at home much. Elizabeth liked to cook and had been more than happy to walk up and down the aisles with him and pretend they were a normal couple.

  “You’re good for him,” Linkin said as he watched her with an even gaze, unblinking.

  “He’s just my training Dom,” Elizabeth repeated the words she had said enough to herself until hopefully she believed them.

  “No.” Linkin voice was direct, and Elizabeth wondered how Delaney coped with Linkin as one of her Doms.

  “What do you mean?” Elizabeth asked as she reached into another grocery bag for more items to put away.

  “Even with the other one, he didn’t look at her the way he looks at you.” Linkin continued to watch her.

  “That was Thea. The West Vancouver PD says they’re going to keep a look out for Jerry in the area, but if he had switched vehicles, then it will be much harder for them to find him. He might be hiding in the woods. Camping out to hide from them and spy on us,” Eric explained as he came back into the kitchen.

  “Jerry wouldn’t be caught dead camping.” Elizabeth remembered the only time she had suggested it to Jerry. He had shut her down fast. Not everyone who lived in the Vancouver enjoyed the great outdoors. “No, he hates nature. No way would he voluntarily camp out in the woods just to scare me.”

  “Before today would you have believed he was capable of taking pictures of you and sending them to all your co-workers?” Eric asked.

  “Not before today,” Elizabeth said, reminded of everything that had happened to her this morning.

  “Exactly, so we had better be cautious. None of us knows what that ass wipe is thinking,” Eric muttered before turning his attention to Linkin and discussing their plans to upgrade the security.

  Elizabeth wanted to ask Linkin about the other sub he was talking about; instead, she finished putting the groceries away and told them she was having a nap. She suddenly felt exhausted and didn’t want to deal with the world anymore.

  Chapter 13

  By the end of the week Elizabeth was starting to feel as if she had some control over her life again. As promised, Flynn refunded her the portion of fees relating to Jerry’s membership at the club, and it had taken some of the pressure off her financially.

  Eric had helped her decide about her basement flat. After what Jerry had done to it, she couldn’t see herself feeling safe there ever again. She had packed up anything left of value and given the keys back to the landlord. It had been an emotional moment for Elizabeth because she felt as if she gave up a part of her independence she worked so hard for.

  Determined to get on with her life even though the whole Jerry situation was not resolved, Elizabeth with Eric’s help had bought herself a new laptop and had spent most of her week searching for a new job. He wanted her to wait until she had a couple of paycheques before she started looking for another place to live, but she searched anyway. A part of her worried he might feel she was a burden, and she had no intention of ruining what they had together.

  Elizabeth heard a car in driveway and checked the time. Eric was finally home from work, and they had the whole weekend to play together. She shut the lid of her laptop and picked it up to put it away. Like a good houseguest, she put everything together for dinner tonight and was only waiting for Eric to return. Giggling to herself, Elizabeth made sure all the blinds were closed in the kitchen and living room before undoing the sash of the robe she was wearing. Quickly discarding it, she sunk down into her slave pose. Downstairs, Eric disengaged the alarm with a beep.

  Doing her best to control her breathing and appear calm, Elizabeth waited for Eric to find her at the top of the stairs. This was a game they had started playing after Eric went back to work on Tuesday. Elizabeth had spoken to Calla about how uncomfortable she felt about playing in the house again after what had happened. The good shrink had admonished her for playing outside the club before her thirty days of her training contract were up, but now the rule was broken. Calla suggested Elizabeth try to get over my fear by going in small steps.

  All the previous nights, Elizabeth had waited for Eric in his big master bedroom upstairs, but tonight she felt comfortable to greet him here at the top of the stairs. Hopefully, it wouldn’t take her too long before she could be waiting down by the door when he first came inside. His heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs and Elizabeth waited, holding her breath.

  “A man could get very used to seeing his sub greet him every night like this.” Eric’s voice sounded as he came up the rest of the steps. It made Elizabeth shiver in anticipation. Her nipples automatically going hard at the thought of whatever Eric might have planned for the rest of the night.

  “Good evening, Master.” Elizabeth greeted him as he stood in front of her and rested a hand on her head.

  “A very good evening, I think.” Eric disappeared behind her, and she heard him shuffling around in the kitchen. “You’ve made dinner again? I don’t think I’m ever going to let you leave.” Elizabeth heard the oven door open and shut. “The fish looks amazing, Elizabeth,” Eric commented as the sounds of him serving up dinner and pouring wine filled the room. “Come, Elizabeth,” Eric ordered and she stood up and turned around to walk slowly through the kitchen to the living room.

  “Stop.” He ordered as she entered the dining room. Elizabeth felt her pulse begin to race. “Turn around and let me get a good look at you.”

  “Yes, Master,” Elizabeth replied as she looked at Eric sitting at the head of the table. Legs spread before him in lazy decadence, wine glass in hand. She turned slowly; letting him take in the deep burgundy half corset he bought her last weekend. It was the most daring of the outfits he had chosen, and it had taken all week for her to work up to wearing it. She was facing away from him when he spoke again.

  “Stop, sub.” The words were a harsh command. She did as he demanded and heard clothes rustle behind her. “Spread your legs and bend over.” Elizabeth hesitated for a minute before complying. They hadn’t played together outside the bedroom since last weekend. Had she closed all the blinds? What if one of them was open and Jerry or whoever it was who had taken those pictures last weekend was lurking outside? A hand meeting her ass sounded throughout the kitchen. Elizabeth hadn’t even heard him leave his chair.

  “Obey, sub, or use your safe word.” Eric’s voice sounded in her ear before he licked the shell with his tongue. Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth bent forward and spread her legs as wide as they could go. “Good girl.” Eric praised as he ran a hand down one of her ass cheeks. “I’m going to take this fine ass with my cock tonight.” A shiver went down Elizabeth’s spine, and electricity sizzled in her pussy as Eric pressed a finger to her asshole.

  “I want to feel Master’s cock in my ass,” Elizabeth replied obediently. Feeling the tip of Eric’s finger enter her hole made her moan. The muscles of his ass clenched around the digit, her nerve endings tingling. Eric had properly stretched the muscles all week with different-sized plugs. “But not yet,” he cautioned as he removed the finger and walked around her to wash his hands in the kitchen sink.

  “Let me feed you, sub,” he said as he gently lifted her into a standing position holding her hips while she let the blood flow out of her head.

  “Yes, Master.” Elizabeth smiled as he led her over to the chair he had vacated and sat down, making a place for her on his lap. He had fed her every night. At first, Elizabeth was embarrassed by the extra attention, but memories of the way he had fed her strawberries on their first date had crept into her thoughts. It felt as if they knew each other for so long, the date was almost a distant memory.

  She let her ass sink down onto his lap and felt his erection poking between her ass cheeks. Eric was always hard for her and it made her feel warm inside to know he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Wrapping one of his arms around her, forcing her back against part of his chest and shoulder, he licked up her neck. Elizabeth moaned and wiggled her ass. Eric responded by biting down on her earlobe hard enough to make her yelp.

  “Stay still, or we will begin tonight with disciplinary spankings,” Eric warned, and Elizabeth went still immediately. It seemed she was a very naughty sub. In fact, tonight had been the first time all week she hadn’t started out draped across his lap with her ass in the air preparing for his discipline.

  “Yes, Master.” Elizabeth’s voice had already turned breathy, and she felt her stomach flutter. Eric always drove her to the point of heady desire quickly. Unfortunately, it meant he could torture her like this for hours before giving in to his own needs.

  Eric reached around her and picked up his fork. Piling it high with the delicate white fish crusted in herbs she had baked in the oven, he held it to her lips. “Open, beautiful.” Elizabeth complied and allowed him to feed her the morsel. Eric went back to the plate and scooped up some of the fish for himself. “This is wonderful, Elizabeth. You’re spoiling me.”

  “You spoil me, Master,” Elizabeth replied before taking another bite of the fish.

  “At this point, I may never let you move out of my lair,” Eric murmured as he nuzzled her neck.

  “I may forget how to feed myself soon,” Elizabeth joked, and Eric laughed. The easy relationship they shared had begun to grow all week until the point where Elizabeth thought of Eric as a permanent fixture in her life, even though she knew she couldn’t keep him. He was her training Dom and an amazing man. Guys like him went on to marry girls without the kind of baggage Elizabeth was hustling around.

  “Where did you just go?” Eric asked as he picked up the wine glass and set it to her lips. They would only drink the one glass before they played as per Eric’s rules. Once they were done, however, they would finish the bottle, talking late into the night. She had also learned to try and tell as much as the truth as she could.

  “Do you play with lots of subs at the club?” Elizabeth asked. She was still curious about the sub Linkin mentioned on Monday while he and his crew fitted Eric’s house out with the new security system.

  “Is that a question you really want the answer to, sub?” Eric set the wine glass on the table and rearranged her in his lap. Elizabeth thought about it and decided it didn’t matter. He was hers for at least the next few weeks.

  “Actually, no. Please don’t answer,” Elizabeth said, and Eric frowned at her.

  “I don’t want you to be thinking about my past sexual partners while we’re together.” Eric inhaled deeply as he searched her face. “You’re new to the scene and new to The Cage. The fact is I haven’t run into this problem for a long time because it’s such a close-knit community and everyone knows each other. The subs talk and even if they didn’t, they have eyes in their heads. We’ve all watched each other fuck at some point.” He paused for a second. “I suppose what I’m trying to say is. Yes, I’ve played with my fair share of subs. Probably not as many as your pretty boy porn star Dillon, but I’ve never wanted for scene partners.”

  His honesty was refreshing as it was disheartening. Thinking of all the beautiful women she had seen at the club, her heart sank. How could she hope to hold a man like Eric’s interest with all those women parading around wanting his attention? Again, Delaney’s warning sprang to mind, and she was happy they couldn’t go to the club. Eric wouldn’t have a chance to be tempted away from her.

  “There isn’t much I can do to change my past, Elizabeth, but I feel like something is changing now, and things will be different for me in the future.” Eric’s words ignited a tiny light of hope inside her heart, and she smiled at him.

“I feel like things are changing for me, too,” she responded and held her breath as Eric leaned forward and captured her lips in a hot kiss, his tongue pushing ruthlessly into her mouth. Eric wasn’t going to get to dessert tonight. Even though she had made his favourite, caramel pudding. The way his cock branded her through his slacks meant he was more than ready to play and her wet pussy strung with lace and silk of the thong she was wearing wanting to feel him plunging inside of her.

  “Stand up and walk up to our room.” Eric’s voice purred, and it sent jolts of awareness to her nipples and pussy. Her legs went weak when he called his master suite, their room.

  “Yes, Master,” she said as he licked her lips in temptation. Eric swatted her ass as she stood up.

  “Naughty subs get spankings and orgasm denial.” Elizabeth wasn’t sure exactly what was involved with orgasm denial, but just the thought of being kept on the edge of pleasure for hours on end with no relief sounded like one of the circles in Dante’s hell. Elizabeth moved her feet a little faster as Eric gave her another swat on the ass until she was almost running up the stairs with him trailing behind her.

  Eric began to undo his silk tie as he continued to chase Elizabeth up the stairs of his house. Her laughter floated behind her in the most feminine way, making his balls hurt. The only downside of having Elizabeth living here with him was knowing she was here at the house, waiting to pleasure him in any way he could imagine. And during the past few days he imagined many, many ways for that to happen. He stopped at the threshold of the door and watched as she sank down once again into her slave pose.

  Holding his tie in one hand, he undid the buttons on his shirt and pulled it off while kicking his shoes and socks off his feet. Eric dug his toes into the lush carpet and regulated his breathing. He was going to sink his throbbing cock into her perfect ass tonight and whether she realised it or not, Eric had decided he was claiming her. Approaching Elizabeth with the silk tie in hand he hunched down in front of her and lifted her chin with one finger. She didn’t know it yet, but he was going to be her full-time Dom. When all this shit with her ex got cleared away and she felt independent again, he was going to take great pleasure in showing her how much better it was to submit.


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