Hunted Love Box Set: Big Game, Bounty, Captured

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Hunted Love Box Set: Big Game, Bounty, Captured Page 30

by Lowe, Aden

  But Jakob pushed them ruthlessly and the sound of running water soon covered the noise they created, as well as the commotion of the men searching for them in the forest.

  Down a steep bank, she wrenched her bad leg and nearly fell, but righted herself at the last instant. They ran along the water's edge, the swift stream waiting to swallow anyone who fell in.

  Jakob stopped again and climbed partway up the bank and prodded at something. He gave a satisfied grunt and a big pull brought him and a cascade of dirt out of the creek side. And a canoe.

  "No time to be sure it's worthy. Climb in, we're out of here." He held the canoe at the creek's edge for them to get in. Rita found a pair of paddles in the bottom and pulled them out. Jakob gave the boat a shove and jumped in at the last second.

  The current carried them almost to the other side before it propelled them downstream. Jakob used the paddles to steer them through a series of boulders, and suddenly, they reached calm water.

  Jakob heaved a sigh. "We're not clear yet, but in a couple miles, we'll be in town. We can get help there."

  A heavy tremor ran through Kate's body, leaving her cold and weak. She couldn't believe they'd managed to survive that. Alexander's presence said loud and clear that this whole thing came from him. All to get her land.

  The rest of the trip to town went smoothly and Jakob tied up at a small dock. Falon was barely conscious and his wound had bled more, so Jakob had to lift him out of the canoe and onto solid ground. They managed the climb up the bank and reached a small park. Beyond, a sidewalk led into a small town.

  "We have about a half-mile to go."

  Falon leaned on Jakob heavily, and Kate and Rita supported each other, but they made it. At a twenty-four hour convenience store, Jakob directed them inside.

  "Hey kid, call Chief Bellamy."

  The young man behind the counter hustled to follow the order while Jakob lowered Falon to the floor.

  "Better call the ambulance while you're at it."

  Kate collapsed to the floor as well, and leaned back against the counter. "Is it over? Really over?" She felt like she'd been running for a hundred years.

  Jakob sat at her side, but kept an eye on the door. "Yeah, I think it is."

  Flashing blue lights nearly blinded her just outside the door. A fat, blustering cop pushed in, gun drawn and pointed directly at Jakob's head. "Barger. I should have known. You're under arrest."

  Alarm raced along her nerve endings. "Wait! Sir, Jakob saved us."

  Rita hurried to confirm. "Bikers kidnapped us. He rescued us."

  "Who the hell are you?"

  Kate took a deep breath and explained in detail.

  Finally, understanding dawned on the cop's face. "That gang that rode through here early this evening."

  "Yeah. Tom Kellen and the Hell Raiders. He's a felon and the rest probably are too." Jakob explained in more detail than Kate managed. "They might still be out at Uncle Frank's place."

  The cop nodded. "I'll call the state boys in. We're not equipped to handle anything like that."

  A rescue squad pulled, lights and siren blaring, and two uniformed medics raced in with a gurney. From there, everything turned into a blur.

  The next thing Kate was really conscious of was the damn hospital gown annoying her while Jakob sat in a chair beside the bed they'd made her get into. "I hate hospitals."

  He grinned. "I know, baby, but we're safe. A few minutes here won't hurt you."

  She sighed. "I guess not."

  Chapter Twenty Three: Jakob

  Jakob parked the rental car by Kate's house, grateful to have the long drive behind them. The damn thing was more like a toy than a car, and also the only car available at the rental place when the hospital finally released Falon. At least the three-day wait had given him time to repair things at Uncle Frank's place and get everything closed up nice and safe.

  Hopefully Kellen wouldn't return, now that Blackwell was a guest of the state. The Hell Raiders had disappeared long before the state patrol arrived at Uncle Frank's, but in his arrogance, Blackwell had assumed no one could touch him.

  The sun had set a short time earlier, and Jakob had pushed the little four-cylinder engine as hard as it would go to reach Kate's home before full dark. The idea of driving that thing in full dark gave him chills. Happy to have the trip done and over, he climbed out from behind the wheel, and went around to open Kate's door and help her out.

  Falon made it out of the backseat under his own power, even with Rita's watchful eye noting every movement. The way the woman worried over his old friend might have been funny, if Jakob hadn't felt that same apprehension for Kate. Even though the doctor at the emergency room gave her a clean bill of health, she still had some trouble with her hip. After a night of observation and some tests, the doctor determined she'd simply over-worked the leg during the flight from Kellen. A few days rest would bring her back to perfect.

  He helped her into the house while Rita followed with Falon. He would have offered to carry her, except she had already refused that offer once when they stopped for food. She said as long as she could move under her own power, she would. She'd had enough of being treated like an invalid as a child. He didn't need to be told twice.

  Inside, everything remained just as they'd left it when they rode out to track down whoever had hurt Kate's horses. After the destruction the Hell Raiders had left in their wake at Uncle Frank's place, relief rolled over Jakob. He'd feared they might have done something similar at Kate's house, even with her crew around to keep an eye on things.

  Kate started for the fridge. "Who's ready to eat something other than fast food?"

  Jakob's stomach growled in answer, but he caught her hand. "Oh, no you don't. The doctor said rest and that's what you're going to do. You hit the couch and catch something on TV. I'll handle the food."

  "I'm okay, Jakob. Really."

  "Of course you are. But you still put your body through a lot that night and it needs rest. The more you rest right now, the sooner you'll be back to normal."

  He had her with that argument. Kate shrugged and turned for the living room. "Okay then. But Falon has to sit around, too. The doctors told him to get plenty of rest."

  Rita agreed and pointed Falon toward the recliner in Kate's living room. "I'll help with dinner. It won't take long at all."

  Working together, Jakob and Rita quickly managed a quick stove-top version of chicken parmesan, pasta, and a salad. They all ate, and as Jakob finished clearing the table, Ray's tell-tale knock sounded at the door. Kate called for him to come in.

  "Hi, Miss Kate. The boys asked me to tell you how glad we all are that you're okay." He turned to face Jakob and offered a hand. "Thank you for taking care of her."

  Jakob accepted the handshake. "Thanks, Ray. And thank you for looking after things here until we could get back."

  The older man nodded and turned his hat nervously in his hands. "I thought you might want to know about Ol' Devil's herd."

  Kate sat up straighter. "I do want to know. How many did we lose?"

  Ray smiled a little. "None. Doc Tara went out there to tend them. She got them patched up enough for the boys to bring them in. We spent yesterday working on them, checking for permanent damage. Physically, it looks like they'll all recover nicely. We've already started working on their heads." His smile turned to a full-fledged grin. "That boy Kyle has the touch. He's got the younger ones calmed down already, and several of the old mares are showing progress. Ol' Devil…well, he's himself, ready to kill anything that gets within range."

  Kate wiped away tears while Jakob took a relieved breath. "God, I was afraid we'd lose them all."

  Ray shook his head. "It looks like with time they'll all be okay. I just wanted to let you know." He turned for the door, then looked back. "Oh, and Miss Kate? I think that ornery blood bay missed you. He's been watching for you." He said goodnight and let himself out.

  Kate shook her head, wiping more tears. "I honestly can't believe it.
The shape they were in, I thought we would have to destroy the entire herd."

  Jakob sat back down and pulled his chair close. "I'm glad they're going to be okay."

  Falon nodded. "And I'm glad Blackwell is going to be charged for ordering that."

  "What on earth was the man thinking, to do something like that? He surely couldn't have thought Kate would marry him after." Rita headed for the sink and started loading the dishwasher. "He must not be right."

  "He isn't. He's been after my land since my father died. Kept insisting this place was too much for a mere woman, that I couldn't possibly protect my own interests. I guess he thought all that would prove his point." Kate gingerly got to her feet. "If no one minds, I'm really tired. I think I'll get a quick shower and get to bed."

  Rita assured her she would finish the cleanup and wished her a good night.

  Jakob wanted nothing more than to accompany Kate for that shower. But that would be selfish. She needed rest, not him pestering him. He excused himself and went for a quick walk in the dark on the pretext of making sure none of Kellen's men lurked around nearby. Falon gave him a knowing grin and offered to come along. Jakob scowled a little and refused.

  Outside, in the cool evening air, he felt a little better. But by the time he'd made it halfway around the house, visions of Kate in the shower tormented him. Damn, he acted like a kid with his first girlfriend. He had to get himself under control. She didn't need a guy pawing over her right now. Rest. She needed rest.

  When he finally felt like he might have the raw need slightly reined in, he went back inside and said goodnight. Just in time to meet Kate, all soft and vulnerable, leaving the bathroom in a cloud of fragrant steam. Mentally kicking himself for the way his hard-on twitched every time she looked his way, Jakob tucked her into bed with a gentle kiss and a promise to return soon. He needed a shower. A very cold shower.

  Kate slept by the time he returned, her breathing deep and even. He slid into the bed behind her, careful to not wake her. She sighed and moved back against him, nestling into his arms. Her warm flesh tormented him, but finally he slept, sheer exhaustion taking over.

  Later, some sound roused him. Kate's shoulders shook a little and after a moment, he realized she was crying.

  "Hey, hey, what's wrong? Are you hurting?" He propped himself on his elbow and swept her hair away from her face.

  She refused to answer but her shoulders shook harder.

  Damn. Feeling helpless, all he knew to do was hold her. He kissed along her neck and shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. Finally, she seemed to calm a little.

  "I'm sorry." Her voice cracked, making him fear she would start crying again.

  "What's wrong, baby? Can you tell me?" Worry shook his hand and he swept the tears from her cheek with one finger.

  "It's nothing, really. Just that I came so close to losing you." She made that helpless little sound again.

  Jakob sat and drew her up to cradle in his lap. "No, you didn't." He rained little kisses over her face. "I wasn't going to let that happen, Kate. I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you."

  "Jakob, you could have been killed." The last word turned into a plaintive wail and tears flowed again.

  He sighed. "Kate, I've taken on far worse than a bunch of bikers. I love you. I'm not going to let anything keep us apart."

  She trembled in his arms but didn't argue. After a bit, she seemed to calm again. Should he do it now? For the past three days, he'd thought of nothing else, planning the perfect time. This wasn't it, but she seemed to need some reassurance.

  "Wait here." He disentangled himself and left the bed, searching for his jeans. Perfect or not, the time had come. He found the jeans and fished the little package from the pocket, and peeled away the wrapper on his way back to the bed. "Come here." He took her hand and drew her to her feet.

  "What is it?"

  Jakob took a deep breath and dropped to one knee, popping the lid of the little box. "Kate Holt, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He held the ring box up, almost in supplication.

  She took a deep breath.

  God help him, she couldn't refuse. Surely she couldn't.

  "Yes." The word was barely audible, but he heard it.

  "Really?" Elation set in. He stood and swept her into his arms. "You really will?"

  She laughed a little. "Yes, I will." She lay a finger on his cheek. "I love you."

  He groaned. "I love you." Unable to hold off any longer, he leaned down to claim her mouth in a deep kiss.

  When she suddenly pulled back, his heart plummeted. Had she changed her mind so quickly?

  "My ring. Where's my ring?"

  A relieved laugh burst forth and he slid the ring onto her finger. "Better?"

  "Oh, yeah." She stood on tiptoe and drew his head back down. "I love you, Jakob Barger." She brushed her lips across his.

  Jakob gathered her gently into his arms and bore them both to the bed where he deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue over her lips. She opened for him with a little moan. In an involuntary movement, his hips surged, his hard-on seeking contact. Shame immediately made him draw back. What the hell was wrong with him? She was hurting.

  Her lips clung to his, and she slid her hand between them and into his underwear. She grasped his cock and slid her fingers up the shaft.

  He groaned. "You're killing me, Kate."

  "No, I'm not. I'm making love to you." Her fingers smoothed over the head. "I want you to make love to me."

  "Kate, I want you. I want nothing more than to be inside you. But we can't. You need to recover." Turning her down had to be the hardest thing he'd ever done in his life.

  "Jakob, I need you. Yeah, I'll have to be a little careful, but if you don't make love to me right now, I...I don't know." She slid her fingers back down and up again. "Now, Jakob. Please."

  How could a man resist that? "Promise you'll tell me if you need to stop?"

  "I promise."

  He groaned and took her mouth, exploring deep, stroking her tongue with his. He came up for breath and kissed along her jaw and licked his way down her neck. Her shirt was in the way, and he didn't have the patience to take it off her. Instead he grasped the neckline with both hands and pulled, ripping the worn fabric down the front. With her breasts revealed, he devoured first one and then the other.

  Kate moaned and shifted restlessly, pulling him over her. The nails of one hand clutched at his ass. With a small sound of frustration, she dragged his underwear down over his hips, freeing his cock.

  His hips rolled again, desperate need pounding through his veins.

  "Now, Jakob…" Kate arched her hips, and pulling him to her.

  He paused, breathing hard. "Are you sure, Kate?"

  "Yes, now." She panted and her legs tightened around him.

  He surrendered and slid inside her. Strong muscles rippled around him, compelling him deeper and deeper. His control hung by a thread, and when she pulled again, nails scoring his back, he lost it. He drove into her, shattered by his overpowering need.

  She met every thrust and helped propel them toward something new, something he hadn't even known existed. She cried out, clinging to him, and her teeth sank into his shoulder. His orgasm struck hard and fast, leaving him powerless in her grasp.

  Jakob had to admit, this woman owned him, body, heart and soul. He had to be with her forever.

  Chapter Twenty Four: Falon

  Falon stretched, automatically testing his tolerance for movement. The bullet wound was mostly healed, but still tender. Didn't matter, though. He and Rita were hitting the road. She needed to get back to her responsibilities at the Rattlesnake. And he still needed to bring Kellen in.

  After the last few days, he almost dreaded to head back to their lives. They'd had time to get to know each other, and his earlier respect and like for her had grown into something completely different. Back in the real world, she would be busy, with no time to explore what might have grown between them.

Falon had no intention of giving up on Rita. Once he finished up with Kellen, he was going back to Stags Leap to stay. He would pester her until she either...well, he didn't know what the options might be. Yet.

  Rita came out of Kate's house and the morning sun struck the black silk of her hair and his hands ached to sink into the mass and pull her to him. She wore the blue corset again, the one that begged him to open it and find the treasures it hid. This time, she'd left the denim vest off. He needed to taste the silky contours of her shoulders.

  He took a deep breath, struggling to bring his urges back under control.

  She approached, smiling up at him. "We all ready?"

  He slipped one arm around her waist and stole a quick kiss. "Yeah, we are. You're anxious to get home?"

  "In a way. But the last couple of days have been really nice, with nothing to do but spend time with you."

  "Yeah, it has been nice." He swung onto the bike and waited while she took her position. Only minutes later, they were back on the road, headed for home.

  The way her thighs hugged his hips proved to be a constant distraction. He couldn't help but remember the way they held him when he made love to her. He could spend the rest of his life searching, and he would never find another woman who made him feel the way Rita did.

  The miles fell behind them and Falon sank deeper into his thoughts. The past reared its ugly head, reminding him what had happened the last time he thought he wanted a woman in his life forever. The pain of Chelsea's betrayal had dulled with time, but he would never have the strength to go through something like that again.

  What did he really know about Rita? Sure, she'd shared the details of her past with him, and she seemed to want a future with him. At least, that's what he told himself when her body quaked in his arms. But she never mentioned it. She said nothing about the two of them together beyond the time they returned to Stags Leap. Of course, she never said anything about them apart, either.

  More than anything, he wanted to trust her, wanted to tell her how he felt. But fear kept him silent.


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