A Deepening Knowledge (A Life of Magic)

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A Deepening Knowledge (A Life of Magic) Page 6

by Matthew Mitchell

  A voice came from within the hood. "You are within a binding circle. Control yourself. You face a King's tribunal." The disdain of the voice dripped like old honey. "You will face these charges and have a chance to explain your actions. Then we three King's Men shall make a judgment." The other two hooded figures moved to stand beside the first. "Stain. Make your case. We stand waiting to hear the accusations clearly."

  Stain pulled himself up and started, "This mage has betrayed his oath to his kingdom and his king. The oath proclaimed he would take no action against the kingdom, the king, or any of the king's men unless it was out of self-defense of himself or anyone unable to defend themselves. This oath was swore upon his life and his magic."

  The shorter hooded figure twitched, "How has he violated his oath?"

  Stain turned to him, "By knowingly assisting in the kidnapping of these three apprentices he caused harm."

  The chubby hooded figure asked, "What evidence can you produce of his actions?"

  Stain frowned, "He admitted his involvement before kingdom mages, myself, and the three apprentices."

  The tribunal stepped away and whispered for a moment. Returning to their previous places the tall one asked, "Jim Coulter, what have you to say of these accusations?"

  Jim stood tall. "I do not deny that I violated my oath. An oath that I swore under duress. I had no choice on taking the oath."

  Stain looked mad, "All mages have a choice."

  Jim turned to him and sneered, "Sure. The choice to either swear to be the king's lapdog or leave the kingdom. That is no choice when all I have is here."

  The chubby figure spoke. "Enough. The question of your oath is not on trial. Your breaking of the oath is the question. You have admitted that you violated that oath." He turned to the other hooded figures. "We have a confession. Do we need to deliberate?" Both hoods shook their heads. He turned back. "What is the punishment for a kingdom mage violating his oath?" This he addressed to Stain.

  Stain seemed to age. "The tribunal can offer one of three punishments: death, magical reaping and banishment, or magical reaping and servitude."

  Suzie took a deep breath at this point. I looked over and could see she had paled. Evidently she knew something that I did not.

  The tribunal stepped away once more and deliberated for a longer moment. Returning the tall mage spoke. "Jim Coulter, this king's tribunal has found you guilty of violating your sacred oath. We have chosen to allow you to pick your punishment. Three paths lie before you. One ends in death, swift and painless. One a life without magic and no longer able to call the kingdom home. The final one is a life without magic yet allowed to live within the kingdom as a servant to the King you betrayed. Choose wisely."

  Jim glared at the tribunal. "I refuse to choose. I do not agree with this farce of a trial. I did what I felt was needed."

  The tribunal stood a moment and then leaned in to talk again. After a moment the shorter one stood. "Ott, please approach."

  I stood up and walked to the tribunal. I still could not see their faces.

  "Do you understand what has transpired here so far?" The short hood asked.

  I thought a moment. "I believe I do."

  The three hoods nodded. "Good. Then we shall leave it to you as the most offended party to make this decision. Jim has refused to choose. So you shall choose." The taller hood pronounced this.

  I was to choose? How could I do such a thing. "May I ask a few questions?" The hoods nodded. Turning to Jim I asked, "Did anyone die by your hand or magic?" Jim stared at me with hate in his eyes.

  "Answer the question, or we will force you to answer." The short hood delivered this harshly.

  Jim shook his head. "I do not know of any lives that ended because of any of my actions. Only you three being taken and hidden."

  I nodded. "What family do you have?"

  Jim's expression looked condescending. "What use of family do I have? A bunch of hanger-ons and lay-abouts."

  Nodding again I turned to the tribunal. "What is magical reaping?" I saw Suzie twitch.

  Stain motioned. "I can answer this best I fear." He walked around Jim and stood in front of me. "Basically when a mage is subjected to magic reaping, it takes all his magic out of his body. But it also burns out his ability to ever use magic again. It can not be reversed since no magic would affect him again. It turns a mage into a null for all understandings." Raven twitched this time.

  I looked at Stain. "Does it hurt?"

  Stain shook his head. "The actual process is painless. The loss of magic is a whole different type of pain. I have heard it compared to losing both arms and legs."

  I thought a moment and turned to the tribunal. "I think I know which judgment Jim has earned." The three hoods nodded. I turned towards Jim. "Since you did not knowingly take a life I do not feel you deserve death. You used your magic against your oath, so a punishment must occur. The only two left both include you losing your magic. So be it. You will become a null. However, I also think that you should no longer be considered a citizen of the kingdom. You obviously have no good connections within the kingdom. You should be let go outside of the kingdom borders and never allowed back into the place you betrayed."

  The tribunal clapped once, loudly. "So the judgment is spoken, let it become so." The taller hood turned to Stain. "Reap his magic High Mage."

  Stain looked troubled yet I could feel his magic reach out and surround Jim. Suddenly it sank deep into Jim's body, yanking and pulling out huge chunks of magical energy. This energy was thrown outwards, sent floating into the world. Jim fell to his knees, tears rolling down his face. Suddenly the magic withdrew from his body. A single thread of magic sank into his head. It started to glow and wiggle deeper into his body. I could see the amount of energy Stain was having to use. Suddenly the magic stopped. "He is no longer a mage." His voice was choked slightly. I looked at him and realized that a single tear rolled down Stain's cheek.

  The tribunal surrounded Jim. "You will be escorted to your home and allowed one hour to gather whatever possessions you need. No magic items shall be allowed. A single knife, a sword, and a bow shall be allowed if you so desire. Then you shall be taken to the nearest boundary of the kingdom and sent on your way. If you shall ever enter the kingdom again your life shall be forfeit." The three men walked Jim out of the room and down the hallway. I could hear his strangled sobs as they led him away.

  Turning to Stain I asked, "Did I do the right thing?"

  Stain looked at me. "I would have killed him Ott. You showed him mercy beyond what he deserved."

  "Yet you cried?" I had to wonder at that.

  Stain nodded. "I do not hesitate to punish those who deserve it, yet I still feel sorrow at the loss of such a gifted mage. Jim had so many things he could have done with his abilities if he had just stayed true to his oath." With that he turned and sat at the table. "I think we all need to eat and try to enjoy each others company. I know I need it." He motioned Suzie to sit beside him. "Why not share some stories with an old man, my dear?" Suzie grinned and sat beside Stain. Raven sat across from Brooke and I took the seat across from Stain. I sat and thought about all that had just occurred I had yet to swear an oath. Stain looked at me. "Ott, I will discuss anything you desire about tonight with you at a later time. Tonight let's have moments of cheer and companionship." I looked up and sighed.

  "Yes master." I really had no clue how to do such a thing. So much weighed on my mind.

  "Ott, make me glow?" Mophar hopped onto the table.

  I smiled and cast the spell. Mophar lit up like a bonfire, every hair glowing fiercely. The captain jumped backwards. "The bloody animal is glowing!" I guess I startled him. Mophar grinned.

  Everyone started laughing, the tension slowly leaving the room as Mophar danced around glowing brightly.

  "Okay. Time to turn off the glow." Mophar called out.

  I smiled and dropped the spell. Mophar stood there and grinned. "That was fun."

  Raven shook her head. "Ot
t was casting that spell on me this morning. It felt really weird to glow."

  Brooke smiled. "Stain mentioned that. I am happy for you." Brooke looked sad yet resigned. "I think that brings up something. You have learned all I can teach you about performing. We need to discuss what happens now." She leaned forward. "With the discovery that Stain made this morning I feel that you might need to stay with Stain and young Ott for some time. Not as an official apprentice, but as a companion during your journeyman years." She handed Raven a pouch.

  Raven opened the pouch and a medallion fell out. "A performer's seal?" Her voice was just above a whisper.

  Brooke nodded. "You have earned it. Not only have you gained the skills needed to entertain an audience, you have gained the confidence to do it alone." She stood up and hugged Raven. "It has been my pleasure to train you during this time." Raven hugged her back. I could see tears coming to both women's eyes.

  Raven choked out, "What are you going to do now? Where are you going to go?"

  Brooke sat Raven down and sat beside her. "I believe it is time for me to meet with the king. There are things happening that he needs to know. I also need a rest for a short time. With the unrest ahead I imagine I shall be traveling once more."

  Raven nodded, "That sounds about right." She seemed shaken. "Stain, what about you? What do you think about me going with you from now on?" I could hear the nervousness in her voice, like she was afraid of rejection.

  Stain grinned. "Why Brooke already discussed this with me. I see no reason not to enjoy your company for a much longer period of time. Plus you will be able to keep Ott's weapon skills in line. That way I do not end up with bruises." The relief on Raven's face was shocking. She must have really been worried Stain would refuse. I shook my head in disbelief.

  "Do you mind Ott?" Raven's voice was very quiet. "Would it be okay if I traveled with you and your master?" She seemed even more nervous.

  I looked around and realized that everyone was staring at me. "Well I do not see why it would be a problem. I would love to have another friend along for the trip." She smiled and gave me a fierce hug. I think my ribs popped in response.

  "Well that is settled." Brooke stood up. "I will be leaving in two days. I will be traveling quickly." She nodded to us. "I am off to my rest. I have a few things to attend to before bed." With that and a quick hug for Raven she walked out.

  Raven sat there slightly stunned. "I have traveled with her for so long I do not know what I am going to do without her."

  Stain nodded, "Changes are that way. I think you will be just fine. Plus you will see her again, I have no doubt about that." He stood up. "The weapons master should be here. I will go find him and meet you three in the practice room." He walked out.

  The captain looked at all of us. "Well, it seems as if changes are occurring all over the place. The Daphne Spirit will be shipping out in a week. The king has an errand for us." He looked at Suzie. "That includes you missy. You get this week with Stain and Raven and then we leave. Make the most of it to improve your magic and weapon skills." He stood up and grabbed a last roll. "I am going to check the boat and then lay down. I have a lot of work in the morning, provisions to arrange." He walked out leaving us three and Mophar sitting at the table.

  "Well it seems as if everything is changing." Suzie stated. "Raven has become a journeyman and a harmonic mage, Ott is gaining more spells and adding more advanced herb lore, and I am shipping out in a week." Her tone seemed tired.

  Raven hugged her. "We do get a week to drive each other insane." Suzie smiled and hugged her back.

  "You mean to drive Ott insane?" Suzie's tone cheered up.

  I just sat there and watched my friends.

  "You are in trouble." Mophar pointed out to me. I just nodded.

  * * *

  "My name is Sir Knight William Mare." A slender man stood before a rack of weapons.

  Mophar snickered. "Sir Knight Mare? Really?"

  The knight looked at Mophar, "Yes my furry friend. That is my name and my goal. To be my enemies nightmare." His eyes bored into Mophar's.

  Mophar dropped off my shoulders. "I think I will just go ahead and settle for the night." With that he left the room.

  The knight smiled and nodded. "Your young friend needs to be aware that there are other people that know beast tongue, not just mages." He looked at the three of us. "I understand each of you have extensive weapons skills. So we will not be doing any of the basic skills." He turned to Raven. "I understand you are a knife juggler?"

  Raven nodded. "I have learned up to the third tier."

  Sir Mare's expression showed surprise. "Rarely do I find a person as young as you even trying the second tier, much yet the third. You must be a very driven young lady." He turned to a rack. "With that in mind I think we will try to get you into the fourth tier of knives and daggers." He handed her a set of daggers. "These each have to be handled a different way. Full mastery of these daggers awards you the fourth tier."

  Raven looked at the daggers and grinned. "Sounds fun."

  Sir Mare nodded, "I thought you might say that." He grinned and then turned to Suzie. "Now, your father and master has put forth the concern that you need more experience outside of fighting on water. More along the lines of self-defense. So I think we will teach you wrestling techniques along with some very strong throwing manumissions" He handed her a paper. "This is the spell you will use to protect yourself. You will work in a special uniform to protect your skin, they should be in the cabinet over there." He pointed to a large cabinet that seemed to hold all sorts of uniforms. "There should be some your size in there. Your partner will be here shortly to evaluate you and then we will establish what must be improved." Suzie nodded and walked to the cabinet and started pulling out different uniforms, trying to find one her size. I grinned, I bet she was going to have a little trouble doing that, being shorter and curvy.

  Mare turned to me. "Now for you, Ott. I believe you have trained well with the sword under MaPaine. Also with the trident aboard the boat during the trip down here. I want to focus on a few other things." He picked up a few papers, I recognized them as the papers MaPaine had provided to help me continue my weapons training. "Stain has filled me in on what occurred recently and I think there is a skill you need to improve. Your reflexes are good, but they need to be better." He grinned at my puzzled expression. "I understand. You are fast, that I have no doubt. Yet I would push you to become faster. More sure of your actions with less thought. To learn to commit without hesitation." He walked over to the wall. "You will not be training in any particular weapon, instead you will be training in situations. You need to learn to defend yourself no matter where you are. You will learn to use any item in the room as a weapon." He grinned even wider, "Without magic."

  I stared at him and then looked over at Stain in disbelief. Stain nodded, "No magic while you are being trained by Sir Mare unless there is an immediate threat to you from outside his control. If the danger is him you must follow his instructions." I nodded and sighed.

  Mare grinned and clapped me on the shoulder. "You will be okay. You will be sore, but okay after time." With that he walked over to Stain. "If you do not mind I would like to have each student at the end of the day, an hour after dinner. That way we can train and then they can clean up and settle for the night."

  Stain thought a moment. "That would be fine, I just need to rearrange a few meetings." With that he looked at me. "Work a little tonight, I need to send out some messages." He walked out.

  Mare grabbed a mallet and swung it towards me. I instantly threw up a shield. The mallet bounced off the shield. "Good reflex. Wrong one, but fast enough." He smiled. "Remember no magic." He walked around the room. "I want you to learn three things in our time together. Firstly, I want you to learn to use anything you can as a weapon. Secondly, your reflexes must get better. Finally, I want you to be willing to fight without magic. What if you get attacked by a null? Yes there are things you can do against a null with magic,
but it is much more effective to simple smack him with a mallet." He raised the mallet. "The correct use of force can stop anything." He pointed around the room. "I want you to look at anything that is not a traditional weapon and see if you can figure out how you could use it to defend yourself in case of an attack." He then walked over to Suzie, who had finally found a complete uniform that fit her. He proceeded to introduce her to a short man who walked like a rock that had grown legs and decided to take a trip around the country. After a few moments the rock and Suzie were going through the movements of some complex throwing maneuvers Suzie kept flying through the air to stop just short of the floor. I could feel her magic forming a cushion to stop her before she hit the floor. I looked over at Raven. She had pulled a dagger from the set and was doing some complex moves with it. I could tell she struggled with the balance of the weapon, as it weaved and bobbed in ways that seemed unnatural. She grew frustrated and set the dagger down. Picking up a paper she looked at the dagger and compared something on the dagger with the paper. She seemed to be working through how the dagger was to be used. Mare walked over to her and talked to her. She showed him the previous move that had failed. He nodded and asked for the dagger. Performing the same move much slower, he seemed to be almost liquid in his movements. He stopped at one position and pointed at his feet, then his hips. Raven nodded and took the same position. He handed back the dagger and motioned for her to continue.

  "So what have you figured out?" Mare asked me a few moments later.

  I looked up and grinned. "Everything can be used as a weapon if the person is willing to consider that there is always danger around them."

  Mare nodded. "This is a truth that many people can never accept." He picked up a piece of paper. "How would you use this as a weapon?"

  I took the paper and turned it over in my hands. "I have no idea. The way it is now seems to provide no dangerous aspect."


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