A Deepening Knowledge (A Life of Magic)

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A Deepening Knowledge (A Life of Magic) Page 8

by Matthew Mitchell

  Stain walked to the edge of the table, "I understand a few more are running late. I will do introductions and such when they get here." He motioned the three of us to chairs and moved around the table towards a richly dressed mage. As we sat down the conversations slowly restarted among the mages. Some kept an eye on the doorway, watching for the last few mages I would guess. Others seemed to treat our arrival as a minor event. A few had turned and seemed to keep an eye on us. Suzie started to fidget after a minute. Raven pulled out a knife and flicked it through her fingers. This seemed to make the mages close to her slightly nervous. I smiled, knowing that she was just as fidgety as Suzie. Mophar had climbed down on the table and was sitting in front of me, watching the mages.

  The sound of knocking came from beyond the doorway. Margeret moved to the front of the store to return with three more mages. "That is everyone Stain!" She cried out. "The door is locked and sealed."

  Stain stood up and came to stand behind me. "I am going to seal the building, then introductions." I could feel his magic reach out and form a shield around the building. The shield held all four magics and was complex. "Light and sound are now blocked. Let me give some introductions." He put his hand on my shoulder. "This is Ott. He is my apprentice." Stepping to one side. "This is Raven. She is our traveling companion. I am taking over some of her education to provide her some needed insight." He moved behind Suzie. "This is Suzie. Some of you know her. She was once my apprentice and now works with her father Captain Ob Veeuhs. She keeps his ship in fine repair with her magic." He stood behind me again. "Some explanation of what has happened. Bear with me if you already know this. I want everyone caught up." He proceeded to explain about the kidnapping and all that had occurred since. "And now Jim has been stripped of his magic and cast out of the kingdom." He looked around. "I am going to demand two things from each of you tonight. First, I want to know if you know of anything about this evil mage. Secondly, I want each of you to provide whatever you have prepared for both Ott and Suzie. We can do this quickly. If it is a simple spell then let's put them in two stacks. One in front of Ott, another in front of Suzie. If it is something complicated, that needs a greater explanation, or an object, then hold onto it and we can deal with it in a moment." He turned to Margeret. "I need a truth circle." A few of the mages seemed shocked at this.

  One mage stood up. "What need do you have of a truth circle? Surely you can believe anything we have to say without forcing us?" He seemed angry.

  Stain turned and looked at him. "Seth, I would agree, except my apprentice and his friends were kidnapped with the help of mages who swore to serve the kingdom. I have already had to strip one mage of his magic due to his involvement I would have never suspected Jim of being a traitor. So that means everyone is suspect until I know they are innocent. The lives of these young people are the price of my failure. I refuse to pay that price." The steel that flowed through Stain's voice caused every mage to sit back and get still. Like a mouse when faced with a viper. "Now if there are no other objections I can either call on you or have volunteers." The mages sat there for a moment fidgeting, then one stood up and walked to Stain.

  "I will stand in the circle of truth and answer all of your questions. I understand your reasoning and take no offense since you are the protector of these young people. Know that I hold you accountable for the questions you might ask." With that he stepped into the glowing circle that Margeret had cast upon the floor.

  Stain nodded. "I will keep my questions to the subject at hand. Thank you for your trust." He proceeded to ask questions about the evil mage and the kidnapping. After a few minutes he asked the mage to step out of the circle. "Who is next? I would love to finish this in just a few minutes." The mage walked away from Stain and laid some papers before Suzie and a larger stack in front of me.

  He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Not just water magic in that stack young mage. I can detect magical abilities and thought these might be of some use to you." He stood up and walked back to his seat.

  The mages each entered the truth circle and went through the same type of questions. Some information was exposed about possible connections to the evil mage, but all were in passing. No more traitors seemed to be hiding in this group of mages. The last mage took his seat and Stain nodded to Margeret. "Thank you for that. I am done with it." The circle collapsed and Stain stood behind me again. "Thank you for making a bad chore easy my friends. I also thank you for each spell or item with which you have blessed my apprentice. I am going to release the shield for a moment. Any of you who are done may leave. If you need to stay then I will restore the shield and we can talk freely." I could feel the shield collapse into Stain and most of the mages stood up. Some stopped by and dropped more papers in either stack of spells. Then they filed out of the doorway and out of the shop. After a few moments only three other mages sat at the table. Margeret and Stain sat down.

  "I am parched." Margeret sighed. "A truth circle is hard to hold so long Stain." She seemed to be chastising my master. Stain actually blushed.

  "I am sorry. I needed to hold myself in reserve in case of a traitor." He passed Margeret a cold glass. "Perhaps this will help." He turned to the three mages. "I assume since you three are still here there is something more?"

  The three mages looked at one another. They seemed to be trying to decide which one would speak first. Finally one coughed.

  "I guess I will go first. I have a special spell to pass on to both young people but also to you Stain." He stood up and handed out three papers. "This spell is one that might be helpful in the future." We all looked at the papers. It seemed to be some form of movement spell. "What it does is transport any object to a distant destination. Even other towns." He smiled at our reactions. "Basically it taps into the water that flows under all the land and uses that to speed an object to it's destination. It does not work on live creatures. I have tried with a few rodents. Size does not seem to be an issue."

  Stain looked intently. "Have you shared this spell with anyone else?"

  The mage thought for a moment. "I have talked over some basic ideas with other mages and my apprentice. But I have not shared the final spell with any others." He almost seemed to be gloating. The other two mages looked slightly shocked. Obviously they had not heard of this spell.

  "I will need a list of any other mages you know of that might have some idea of this spell." Stain seemed concerned. "I think this spell or one much like it was used during the kidnapping."

  Suddenly the mage looked worried. "How is that possible? How dare he do such a thing?" The indignation was obvious in his voice.

  Stain grinned. "Perhaps he simply stole a copy. Nevertheless we need to talk later. Come by and see me tomorrow morning." This was obviously a dismissal. I could feel Stain's shield open to allow the mage to exit. He was still talking to himself about how dare the evil mage use his spell.

  Stain turned to the other two mages. "Who is next?"

  The mage Stain had called Seth stood. "I have both a spell and a gift." He set a paper before Stain. "I will allow you to decide if such a spell should be passed on to young Ott and Suzie. The gift is this." He held out a pouch. "A small token. Just a few herbs from my collection." With that he left, the shield once more opening.

  Finally the mage who had whispered in my ear was left. He stood and nodded. "Now that we are alone, I have something for all four of you." He pulled out a piece of paper. "Some information I feel you can put to use, perhaps in the next few days." He handed the paper to Stain. Stain's eyebrows crawled up into his hair like caterpillars.

  "Is this accurate?" Stain's voice was strained.

  The mage nodded. "I believe so. You and I are the only ones who are aware of this information." He reached out and touched the paper. Suddenly it flashed and turned to ash. "I think that is enough for now. Anyone else learning of this information might risk everything."

  Stain just sighed and nodded. "Okay, thank you for the knowledge. I will pursue it tonight."<
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  The mage grinned and turned to Suzie. "I give this spell, to the future guardian." He handed her a paper. "It will allow you to tap into the deep wells that lie buried in the earth. No matter how far from the water you find yourself you can find water and use it's power."

  Suzie stared at the paper in amazement. "I have never heard of such a thing." She then looked at the mage. "How do you know about the guardianship?"

  The mage laughed, a deep chuckle from his gut. "I know many things. It is both my gift and my curse." He turned to me. "Young mage, you will face many challenges ahead. I hope that this gift helps you." He pulled out a paper. "No not another spell. I have given you all of my spells already, including the one I just gave young Suzie. This is much more important. A gift that you shall use throughout your whole life."

  I looked at the paper. Suddenly I felt lightheaded, like I had run miles. I leaned against the table. "What did you do to me?"

  Stain looked worried. "Did you just do what I think you did?"

  The mage smiled and nodded. "I gifted to you the same ability I have. It will develop over time, many years. But eventually you will learn things much like I do. The truth, no matter the lies."

  Stain sighed. "I really wish you would discuss things like that with me."

  The mage grinned wider. "Would you have allowed it now? Or asked that I wait? I see that young Ott will be in need of this sooner than later." Turning to Raven. "And to you my young mage. I am sure you are still adjusting to the idea of having magic." He held out a wrapped package. "This gift is from me, but at the insistence of my lovely wife."

  Raven took the package and laid it on the table. Unwrapping it she found a small knife, a short rod of wood that had been carved, and an amulet. "How did you know I am a mage? What good does any of this do me?"

  The mage smiled. "Like I said, I know things. One of those is that you are a harmonic mage. Another is that these tools shall help you gain control of your magic, with some help."

  Stain sat up straight. "My understanding is that harmonic mages can not use their magic."

  The mage chuckled gently. "So was mine. However, my wife discovered that is not always the truth. These tools will help Raven gain control of her magic. The knife will focus your energy into any concoctions you make. The rod will eventually allow you to cast spells like the rest of mages. The amulet will gather your magical energy and allow you to pass that energy to other gems."

  Raven looked shocked. "I will be able to do magic?"

  He laughed loudly, "According to my wife you should be able to do it well. Not as strong as Ott, but you should be able to learn and gain experience."

  Stain asked, "What does your wife have to do with any of this?"

  The mage looked at Stain. "You my old friend are dense at times. She is a harmonic mage. We discovered it long ago, yet it was within the last twenty years we discovered how to control her magic. Mainly her, I simply assisted."

  The look on Stain's face was amazing. The shock there was plain for all to see. "I had no idea."

  The mage laughed. "I am well aware. We all have our own little secrets." He looked around. "Stay true to each other. You future guardian, remember. A guardian guards. She does not attack. Learn to protect, to deflect, to absorb. Your strength will not lie in the offensive but in the ability to outlast those who seek to cause harm." Turning to Raven. "Yes I have words for you also. Remember your life when you lose hope. You have survived so much, even at the hands of those who never valued you. You shall survive all else." Facing me. "Young Ott, your journey is still just beginning. You will replace your master many years from now. That role will be important but always remember those things you were taught by your father. Honor, right and wrong, such are things that make a great man truly great." Finally he turned to Stain. "I fear this is the last time I will see you in person my old friend. Take care in the next year, too many things could happen. There are traitors in our midst and a war is brewing. This first action was simply an opening move in a great game that shall consume us all." He stepped back. "And one last thing, remember. Even your enemies believe themselves to be fighting on the side of right. You are not just fighting against a person, but against someone who thinks you are the evil ones. I hope to see you all again. Hopefully after all this dreadful mess is over."

  I suddenly felt a great surge of magical energy and the mage disappeared A poof of smoke swirling on the floor and a mist in the air was all that remained.

  "Such a dramatic person." Stain sat down. "He loves to do that when there's someone who might be impressed."

  Suzie sat down, "I would say he succeeded."

  Raven nodded, "I feel impressed."

  I agreed, "Did he use the spell the other mage mentioned?"

  Stain grinned, "No. This is a spell specific to him. He turned himself to vapor and the vapor traveled at incredible speeds to his destination. Most likely his home. He is the only mage to work that spell. All others have died." He turned to me. "I would suggest you not try that one. I have heard that usually people fail in a spectacular fashion. Usually with some parts vapor and the rest not so vapor."

  Suzie swallowed loudly, "I think I shall never try that one."

  I leaned back, "He had more than one magic?"

  Stain grinned, "Yes. I am glad you caught that. Now, which magics did he have?"

  I smiled. Stain was always making me learn. "I know water for sure. I want to say he also had fire and air."

  Stain nodded. "Correct. He can work almost any spell in those three families of magic. Earth magic fails every time He once tried to cast the dust collection spell. He passed out and woke up a week later. He also had a headache for a month." Stain's voice was full of laughter. "He was always ambitious."

  I thought a moment. "What did he do to me?"

  Suddenly his humor died. "He did something to you that he did to himself years ago. As he said it is both a gift and a curse." Stain gathered his thoughts. "When he was a young man he desired to know many things. They often escaped him. He made a rash decision and discovered a way to seek the truth in all things. He cast a spell upon himself and now he has the ability to discern the truth of any situation."

  Raven spoke up, "That sounds great. Where does the curse part come into play?"

  Stain sighed, "He also discovered that most people are not who they pretend. He sees the truth that even they hide from themselves. This makes dealing with people more difficult than you would imagine. He is a recluse. I was surprised when he insisted on being here tonight. Although now I understand." He stood up. "Perhaps the spell will work more gently within you Ott. We shall see." With that he wished Margeret goodnight and we left the shop.

  The ride back to the warehouse was quiet as we all pondered what had occurred Arriving at the dock we trudged into the warehouse.

  Suzie stopped and turned. "I have to ask one question, Stain."

  Stain looked up. "He goes by the title of ,'The Recluse'. Perhaps you have heard of him?" He smiled.

  Suzie looked stunned. "That was 'The Recluse'? I figured him to be a fable."

  Stain laughed. "I believe he spread that rumor. He loves dramatic stories and such."

  Raven smiled, "So what is his true name?"

  Stain grinned wide, "I do not know. He has used different names, the last one was Steve, it is always a simple name."

  We all laughed at that. Stain continued down the hall to the dining hall. "I have a few things to do before we eat, I would suggest you each deal with your items you acquired tonight and then we will eat. After I want to introduce you to the herbmaster." With that he walked out.

  "I have to get all of these spells put into my spell book." Suzie walked out carrying her stack of papers.

  "I better put this stuff away in my room." Raven held up the mage tools. She walked off the other direction.

  I stood there a moment.

  "Perhaps you should do both?" Mophar commented into my ear.

  I laughed, he was right. "Well
I guess I will. Then to meet the king's poison master."

  * * *

  At dinner the food was delicious and the juice was cold. The conversation flowed around the table. After the meal everyone settled back and sipped on some juice.

  "So what is the most embarrassing thing you have done?" Suzie was asking everyone this. So far her dad was winning with falling into the water as he stepped onto the first boat he would captain. The entire crew had turned out and he never quite recovered from that.

  Stain was up next, "I accidentally turned myself purple for a month. I was working on a new spell that involved enchanting a salve. The salve was full of purple chemicals and it basically exploded all over me. The only thing that did not turn purple was my hair." Everyone laughed at the image of Stain stained purple.

  "I can just imagine how you looked." Raven was laughing. "You must have been really stained then." This just made everyone laugh harder.

  Once Suzie caught her breath she asked, "So I have to ask you a question. I could never get the nerve to ask when I was an apprentice."

  Stain rolled his eyes, "What my name was before I was 'Stain'?"

  Suzie nodded and giggled. "I have no idea. I have always known you as 'Stain'. I know why you were called that, your arms."

  Stain grinned, "Well it started out as a nickname from that purple accident. My master said I was a stain upon magic. I was not the best student. It eventually stuck."

  Raven tossed in, "Well what is your actual name?"

  Stain shook his head, "I am not going to tell you. You have to figure it out for yourself."

  We all groaned at that. I had wondered what it was but was worried that Stain would be offended if I asked.


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