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Julia's Second Collection

Page 25

by Bridy McAvoy

  When Max leaned toward her for a kiss, her mouth met his with equal ferocity, their tongues entwining even as her hand dropped down to stroke his rapidly emerging hardness.

  “Someone’s pleased to see me.”

  “I’m always pleased to see you, even if I’m the one naked and you’re not.”

  She chuckled then kissed him again. When his hands found her breasts, she shivered again and pressed herself into his hands. Her own hand hadn’t let go of its claimed prize. She let him play through the thin material of the T-shirt for a few more seconds then abruptly dropped to her knees. “Oo…this looks like it could do with some relief that might get painful if I didn’t nurse it better.”

  Max didn’t say a word. There again, she didn’t expect him to. His cock was clean and it was hard, and above all, it was right in front of her face. “I’m thinking five minutes, six tops.”


  Julia chuckled but didn’t say anything else. She lifted up a little, then angled her head down and engulfed the whole of his cock head in one go. She couldn’t look up at him, not with the shower running—the water would sting her eyes—so instead she concentrated on pleasing one particular part of him. She hollowed her cheeks as she sucked, holding her lips sealed just past the ridge behind the cock head. She used her tongue to brush against the bottom side of his cock, then bit down softly.

  Max hissed somewhere above her head. “No teeth.”

  She had no intention of using her teeth other than to tease, and he knew that. His words, though, were automatic, a habit he hadn’t kicked in six years of marriage. After just holding him there for a few seconds, she started bobbing her head up and down, on each down stroke taking a little more of him into her mouth. She kept one hand wrapped around his shaft and used the other to brace herself against the tiled surface of the wall.

  As she continued to jack him into her mouth, she felt him lean back against the other wall and lower his hands to the top of her head. She knew he wouldn’t push down, not intentionally, and the occasional slip was allowed, even encouraged if she was in the mood. She couldn’t take him too deep without tilting her head back and getting a face-full from the shower. She was busy, so didn’t stop to tell him to turn it off. That was his problem, not hers. If he wanted deeper, he’d have to remember.

  She sucked harder still, pulling him in until he was touching the back end of her tongue, pressing the whole of her tongue flat against the floor of her mouth. She gagged slightly and he went to lift her up, but she tightened her hand around his cock, squeezing until he desisted. She wanted this one her way. He’d return the favor—he always did, although if they used the bed, he’d have to let her dry her long red hair first.

  Above her, he groaned as she worked harder on his cock. She backed off a little, leaving just the tip inside her mouth. That allowed her to move her hand more, jacking him harder, stretching and pulling on his sensitive foreskin. At the same time, she could use her tongue to tickle the tiny hole at the end of his cock, which was already leaking pre-cum like there was no tomorrow. She could feel his prick pulsing in her hand and took him back deeper.

  A minute or so later he grabbed hold of her head again. “I’m gonna cum…”

  She smiled around his cock, closed her eyes and pushed down as far as she could. She gagged again but held it there as she jacked him harder still, her hand caught between her face and his loins. The cock expanded in her mouth, pulsing rapidly.

  The first string still took her by surprise and she swallowed by reflex, then again as he continued to fire off into her mouth, having given up on his attempt to pull her off.

  He stopping shooting and she swallowed the rest, then as he slowly pulled away, she swirled her tongue around the end once more. He shuddered and groaned, hyper-sensitive in the moments after cumming, and she took pity on him and let him fall from her mouth, already wilting. She swallowed a further time then tilted her head back and opened her mouth, let some of the water from the shower run in, used it like mouthwash, and spat it out.

  By then Max had recovered, and this time when he hooked his hands under her armpits, she didn’t object as he pulled her upright. His kiss was fierce, claiming her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Max had never been shy about kissing her immediately after he’d cum in her mouth, just as she had none about kissing him after going down on him. They kissed, making out like teenagers in the shower for a couple of minutes before breaking the embrace, both breathless. Max helped her pull off and discard the soaking wet T-shirt and she kicked it into the corner. He held her at arm’s length, or at least as far away as he could while he studied her body, naked now except for the scrap of soaking wet lace that clung to her hips.

  “Fuck. You look good, honey.”

  “Did I crack the six minutes?”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  She smiled. “In that case…”

  “No, you still have to pay off the bet.”

  Julia pouted and he laughed. Well, at least it had been worth a try.

  She watched wide-eyed as Max dropped to his knees, his hands rising to her waist, yanking the panties down and off her. She stepped out of them and kicked them over to drop on top of her shirt as Max pushed her legs open and started to kiss her stomach. She let out a little squeal of delight. She wasn’t going to have to wait until she’d dried her hair before she got hers after all.

  * * * *

  As soon as Julia walked into the kitchen on Monday morning, Max handed her a mug of coffee.

  “Thank you.”

  “I was up, and I know how much you like your coffee.”

  She smiled as he leaned forward to kiss her. Just as their lips touched, she felt him cup her breast.


  “Bra inspection, honey.”

  She frowned at him. “Don’t you trust me?”

  “In this, no, I don’t. Now give me your purse.”

  “My purse?”

  “As I said, bra inspection. I know you’re not wearing one, but I wouldn’t put it past you to sneak one out in your purse and then slip it on in the car.”

  Julia’s good mood vanished. “I would not do that.”

  “Wouldn’t you? I think you would if you thought you could get away with it.”

  His steady gaze held her and she swallowed hard, then without another word handed over her purse. As he kept his eyes trained on her, she could feel the slow heat build in her cheeks. If she was honest with herself, she had thought about doing exactly that. Her husband knew her too well.

  He clicked the catch open, gave the inside a cursory inspection and, closing it, handed it back to her. “Thank you.”

  “I pay up on bets.”

  “I know, but such payments can always be fudged a little. By the way, I checked the glove compartment and under the seats in your car last night, so I know you haven’t stashed one there.”

  “You…” Words failed her and she had a real urge to throw her coffee mug at him.

  He just laughed. “Joking, honey.”

  “Not funny!”

  “I thought it was.”

  “I’m going to work.”

  She slammed the coffee mug down on the worktop and turned on her heel, without giving him the customary kiss. Normally Max would leave five minutes before her, but today she was just mad enough not to care. Besides, she had a good reason for getting to work early this week. The car park was being resurfaced so they all had to park on the street. If she was early she might get close enough to the building. She didn’t fancy having to walk several hundred yards in this heat twice a day.

  She didn’t look around as she marched out the front door and hit the garage door opener in her purse. As the door slid upward, she half-expected Max to come rushing out of the house to apologize, but he didn’t. She wasn’t really mad with him, just irritated.

  As she pulled off the drive, her phone buzzed with a text. She glanced down at it, just three letters followed by three x’s.

  ILU xxx

  She didn’t need to look at the sender to know it was from him. Pulling over to the side she quickly texted back, then continued on her way

  IK ILUT xxx

  Being ten minutes early turned out to be a Godsend. She managed to park on the street right opposite the office, pulling up right behind Simon, her boss.


  She chuckled. “I guess you had the same thought.”


  “Get here early to park closer.”

  He shrugged. “I’m always here early.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  He had the grace to look sheepish. If anything, he was usually late in the mornings, not early, but he did work late almost every night, so she couldn’t really call him on it.

  They crossed the road together. “By the way, I was going to tell you later, we got the Jamison contract.”

  “We did?”


  “Yes!” She punched the air, startling a driver waiting at a side street as they crossed the road.

  As she brought her arm down, she could see Simon was peering at her chest and she realized she’d just done the one thing that would have confirmed to her boss that she was unfettered underneath her blouse. A slight blush rose to her face, but she didn’t say anything. Nor, thankfully, did he.

  “There’s also a larger than expected initial order too. Their factory fire was worse than they thought. So that in total pushes us over our targets with a month to spare.”

  “Great news!”

  “So you’re in line for a nice little bonus.”

  “I am?”

  He shrugged. “You helped clinch the deal that day, so yes, you get a small commission on the deal. Cleared that with the board last week.”

  “Oh, wow. Thank you.”

  “Mind you, I might only authorize payment if you answer a question.”

  She chuckled. “Okay, I give. What question?”

  “Where’s your bra, young lady?” He laughed and walked off in front of her.

  As she headed for the elevator, he headed for the stairs. Simon was proud of how trim he kept himself so rarely used the elevator. Even so, despite being left on her own, by the time the elevator arrived, she was blushing furiously.

  Nobody else commented at all during the day. Even Josie over coffee at lunchtime didn’t mention it, although it was obvious to Julia that her friend had noticed.

  After work, she walked into the house, and as soon as she shut the door she could hear Max’s voice talking to someone on the phone. She walked past the open door to the study and waved hi, but he had his back to the door as he talked. Heading for the kitchen, she grabbed the orange juice and poured a glass. Moving over to the window, she gazed out over the garden as she sipped the refreshing cold drink.

  After a few seconds, she giggled. “I can actually see you sneaking up on me. Just enough of a reflection, so you’re busted.”

  Max came right up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Hello, honey.”

  She leaned back into his comforting arms. “Hello there to you too.”

  He nuzzled into her hair, pushing it apart with his nose to find some skin. Once there, he kissed it, and she sighed.

  “What are we going to have for dinner?”

  “Well…seeing as my wife is braless, and will remain braless, I thought a nice mini skirt, a see-through top and a biker bar might be a good idea.”

  She snorted and tilted her head back so he could leave her neck and give her a proper kiss. “I don’t think so. I might last five minutes, but not a second more.”

  “Okay, then. How about a pool hall?”

  “Get bent.”

  He chuckled and hugged her tighter. “Well, you would be, over a pool table.”

  “We’re supposed to be a married couple and you’re supposed to protect me, not take me out to get me either molested or arrested.”

  “I’d be the one doing the molesting.”

  She laughed and let him kiss her again, longer this time. “You’re going to take me out to do that?”

  “Not if you don’t want me to.” Max was suddenly all action, his thigh pressing between her legs from behind as he used his body weight to hold her against the sink unit. His hands, previously just passive on her stomach, slid up to cup her breasts through her blouse. She caught her breath, mentally kicking herself. She hadn’t seen that trap and had walked straight into it.

  Max squeezed her breasts, his hands hot through the cotton of her blouse, then he started moving the thigh he’d nimbly inserted between her legs. Her skirt had been rucked up by the movement so the fabric of his jeans rubbed against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. As it had been so hot, she’d gone to work bare-legged. Now that skin was exposed to him and he was taking every possible advantage. She let out a soft moan, unable to stop herself reacting as her husband’s seduction of her progressed.

  His lips returned to her skin as she tilted her head to one side. Setting the glass of orange juice down, she moved her hands to hold his—not to drag them away from her breasts but to hold him in place, the feel of her soft fingers on the backs of his more work-roughened skin sending a shudder down her back.

  “Let me turn around, Max.”

  She could even feel him grin in response. “No. I’m going to take you right where you are, bent over the sink.”

  Julia gasped. “Max, the window!”

  “So, let them look. I love my wife, and I’m demonstrating that fact.” His hands left her breasts, travelling down and out to the sides. His left hand found what he was looking for—the catch and zip at the top of her skirt. As he drew the tab down, she shivered.

  “Undo your blouse. Let me look at those luscious tits of yours.”


  The skirt undone, he pushed it down over her hips. Not far, but enough to confirm his intention. She felt her panties sliding down with it, only confirming he meant what he said. She grabbed the edge of the worktop, bracing herself as he pulled back away from her lower body and pulled her stomach away from the counter. His hands grasped the waistband of her skirt and underwear and yanked hard. She gave a yelp as they pulled past her butt, then dropped to the floor. He didn’t stop there. Not happy with exposing her, he wanted them out of the way. She stood still as he crouched behind her then softly tapped her left ankle. Lifting her foot, she allowed him to move her clothes out from underneath it, then as soon as he was clear she stood on that leg while he repeated the process on the right side.

  As he straightened she felt him press against her, and the heat from his cock told her he’d used the time to slip his own trousers down. Remembering his instruction, she brought her hands up to her neck and started undoing the blouse. The heat in her loins was now so hot she wasn’t bothered about the world outside the window anymore. All she wanted was to feel the searing heat as he pushed into her. She finished undoing her blouse but left it hanging to her sides as he pulled and pushed at her hips to get her into position.

  She felt his cock slide between her legs and whimpered as he just brushed against her outer folds with it.

  “Stop teasing me.”

  “Why? It’s more fun this way.”

  She shuddered and spread her legs wider. She could feel her outer lips unfurling as he pressed against them, just running along the line of her slit, not attempting to change the angle and enter her. Her body was reacting to it as well, her slit well lubricated, enough juices leaking out to coat her inner thighs. She moaned again, feeling the heat continuing to build.

  “Please… Please…”

  He nuzzled into the back of her neck, whispering to her through the tangled web of her hair. “Please, what?”

  “Please fuck me!”

  “Your wish is my command, honey.” He stopped his movements, and stopped teasing her. She felt him crouch a little behind her. His cock was no longer slipping along her lubrication. She felt it drag itself to a more upright
position along her slit and as soon as she felt it at her opening she sighed and slowly pushed down, trapping it. It sank between her outer lips, still tantalizingly slow. She groaned as sensations ripped through her, then his cock pushed between her inner lips and the head started to pass into her now slick channel.

  She groaned and pushed her butt back, grinding into him as the ridge slipped into her. Her pussy closed behind it, sealing around the shaft.

  “So hot, so hot…”

  “Don’t talk to me, Max. Just fuck me.”

  His hands came up to pull the blouse out of the way, completely baring her breasts, then cupped them, his palms grazing over her nipples as she panted. She let her head fall forward, gripping the edge of the counter as he started to plunge in and out of her. With each thrust and withdrawal she ground back against him, little moans and mewls of pleasure escaping her lips with each thrust. Bending over further, she dropped her elbows to the counter, allowing her breasts to, literally, fall into his hands.

  “Fuck me… Fuck me… Fuck me…!”

  She was almost chanting as her climax rose within her. Her sight blurred and then Max moved his hands, changing from squeezing her breasts to pulling on and pinching her nipples. She squealed and shook as the orgasm hit, then her legs stiffened. Max held her upright using his body weight to stop her sagging down, but didn’t stop his fucking movement. As she came down from the high, he pinched her nipples again, and then again, until she straightened her legs again and started fucking him back once more.

  “I’m going to cum…” His warning was almost too late as she felt him swell inside her. She squeezed down on his cock, trying to almost lock him inside her. The first spurt splashed against the insides of her pussy and she groaned with each successive spasm as he emptied himself in her.

  As he finished, she pushed herself upright, suddenly aware of the pain in her elbows from carrying her weight, the hard line across her stomach from the edge of the counter and the stiff muscles in her legs.

  “Let me up, darling.”


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