Cocky Doc: A Hero Club Novel

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Cocky Doc: A Hero Club Novel Page 17

by Samantha Lind

  “How did you know I was staring at you? Your eyes were closed.”

  “I could feel them on me,” she says, flashing me a sweet smile over her shoulder.

  “Babe, my eyes are almost always on you if you’re in the room, especially when you hardly have any clothes on.”

  “Same can be said about my eyes on you,” she tells me. “I especially like it when you’re like that,” she says, circling her finger as she points at me.

  I look down, only clad in a pair of tight black boxer briefs. “Like what?” I ask, playing dumb. I’m no idiot. I know she likes seeing me naked, or at least, mostly naked.

  “Don’t play dumb with me, you know I’m a weakling when you bring out the big guns and display all those muscles. I might have to take up calling you Dr. Sexy, ooh or better yet, Dr. Cocky. Think you can restart my heart when your sexiness causes it to stop?” she says, closing the distance from her side of the bed where her chair was to where I’m standing at the foot of my side of the bed.

  “I’m not even going to touch the Dr. Sexy or cocky doc names,” I laugh, bending over to kiss her fully on the lips.

  “It has a nice ring to it, don’t ya think?” she teases again.

  “Whatever you say, now go get ready. We’ve got some exploring to do.”

  “THIS IS SO AMAZING!” Megan exclaims as we board the express train to Paris. “I can’t believe we’ll be in Paris in under three hours.”

  “Simon insisted this was the best way for us to get there,” I tell her once we’ve found our seating area and have settled in for the trip. Yesterday’s tour around London was excellent. We hit up all the traditional tourist spots around the city, marking so many amazing things off of Megan’s travel bucket list. I still have to remember that she’s never had the ability to travel around like I have, so to see things through her eyes for the first time has been an amazing experience for me. I love that I’m the one that gets to experience this with her, that I’m able to make this all possible.

  “Are we going to be able to go see the Eiffel Tower tonight?” she asks, practically bouncing in her chair from her excitement as we start to pull away from the train station.

  “Yes, we’ll get to see it light up from the restaurant that I booked us at for dinner, as it overlooks it. I was able to request tower views when making the reservations.”

  “Perfect! Thank you for appeasing me and for making this trip so special.”

  “It’s my pleasure, I promise,” I assure her. We fall into a silence as we watch the world speed past us, as the train speeds down the track at over one hundred miles per hour.

  We make it to Paris and to the hotel I booked for us. I didn’t tell Megan beforehand that our hotel room would also overlook the Eiffel Tower. I knew that seeing the tower, both in the daytime and when it was lit up at night, was on her bucket list, so I figured why not book a room that would give us views of it at all times of the day. If I play my cards right, and everything goes the way I’ve planned it all out, we can make love to the glow of the lights for the first time as an engaged couple.

  “What do you think?” I ask Megan as I hold open the suite door for her to enter. I tip the bellman, who follows us up with the luggage cart, once he’s done offloading the bags and placing them inside our room.

  “Good day, sir, please let us know if we can be of any assistance during your stay.”

  “Thank you, we will,” I assure him before closing the suite door and joining Megan over by the windows.

  “It’s gorgeous. Why didn’t you tell me we’d have a view?” she asks, obviously stunned by the view we have.

  “I wanted to surprise you with it,” I answer her honestly.

  “It’s a great surprise, the best, in fact.” She looks genuinely happy right now.

  “What do you say we freshen up and then go explore, maybe find a light lunch?” I suggest.

  “That sounds perfect!” she agrees. I grab our bags and set them on the luggage stands, making sure they’re out of the way so she doesn’t get caught up on anything with her chair.

  I take our toiletry bags into the bathroom, helping get things set out like I know she prefers them to be, before joining her once again out in the main part of the room.

  “I’m ready when you are.”

  “Then let’s go!” she tells me, turning away from the windows and the view.

  I hold her left hand, her right always controlling her chair, as we make our way down the sidewalk. It’s not always easy navigating spaces such as these side by side, as people don’t always make room for a chair to pass, and with the larger crowds in this touristy area, it’s kind of surprising that I’m able to do so without much stopping.

  “What sounds good to you?” I ask as we start to pass by a few bakeries and street vendors selling everything from kebabs to crepes.

  “I think a sandwich from one of the bakeries would be fine.”

  “Alrighty,” I agree. “That place over there looks like it would be a good place to try.”

  We make our way over to the bakery entrance and inside. We place our order at the counter, and then head out onto the terrace and grab a table that is easy to get to. I pull one of the chairs away from the table, sliding it out of the way, and leaving it against the makeshift wall they created with a short fence that borders the terrace area from the sidewalk that runs along it, as well.

  “What are our plans for tonight?” Megan asks once we’re both settled at the table. I open my bottle of water, taking a hearty drink of it before setting it down on the table.

  “Special dinner reservations, and then whatever we get ourselves into tonight,” I tell her, still attempting to keep where we’ll be eating a secret.

  “You’re really not going to tell me where we’re going, are you?” she asks as I hear them call out our order number.

  “I’ll be right back,” I tell her as I hop up to go grab our food from the counter.

  I set the tray down on our table, then retake my seat across from Megan. We both dig in to our sandwiches, moaning at the amazing freshness and pop of flavor that comes from the food.

  “It’s a good thing that we’re only here for a few days total. I’d gain a ton of weight if I was here much longer and eating all this amazing bread and food all the time,” Megan muses as we continue to eat our lunches.

  Once we’ve both finished, we head back out to explore. We take in all the sites in the area as we walk around for a few hours.

  “We should probably start heading back to the hotel soon to get ready for dinner.” She obviously doesn’t know of my plans for tonight, but on top of the proposal, I’ve also set up to have a photographer in the shadows capturing all of it for us, since none of our family is here to witness what happens.

  “I’m okay with that. I’m getting a little on the tired side, anyways,” Megan tells me as we head in the direction of the hotel.

  “CAN you at least tell me what I should wear tonight?” she calls out to me as I’m showering.

  “Something nice, we’re eating at a five-star restaurant,” I call out to her as she sits in the doorway. She can see all of me on display, as the bathroom has a large glass enclosed shower. The glass isn’t shaded at all, so I catch her wandering eyes taking me in. “Quit looking at me like that or I’ll haul you in here with me and pin you up against the wall and fuck you until you can’t stand for a week.”

  “That doesn’t sound like much of a threat,” she says on a laugh, and I just shrug my shoulders.

  “You just say the word and I’ll make it happen,” I tell her. I watch her reaction to my words. Her cheeks pink, and her thighs rub together. I know I could come out of this shower and have her naked and beneath me in a matter of seconds. But, if I did that, we’d miss out on our dinner and everything else I have planned tonight, so I turn my attention back to finishing up my shower.

  “How does this look?” Megan asks once I’m out of the shower and dried off. I look at her as she stands next to the bed,
leaning against it for support.

  “Amazing. You look fucking phenomenal tonight,” I tell her as I close the distance between the bathroom doorway and where she’s standing. I push my hands along her cheeks, cupping her entire face in my palms. “I’m one lucky bastard to have you on my arm tonight.” Lord, help me have the strength to get through tonight, I think quickly to myself as I press my lips to hers. She hasn’t done her makeup yet, so I don’t have to worry about smearing anything and causing her to have to redo it before we can leave.

  “Drew,” she hums my name as she pushes me away slightly. My dick is at attention, tenting the towel that is tied around my waist.

  “Yes, babe?” I ask.

  “If you don’t stop kissing me right now, we’re never going to make it to dinner on time. You need to get dressed,” she instructs, switching modes to being in charge.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I mock salute her as I step back and head to my suitcase, pulling out the slacks and button-down shirt I packed just for this night.

  A half an hour later, we find ourselves dressed and ready to make our way to the restaurant, which just so happens to be located in our hotel.

  We enter the elevator and I press the button for the top floor, waiting for Megan’s reaction to where we’re having dinner tonight.

  “Drew, are we really eating up on the top?” she asks, the awe in her voice obvious.

  “We are,” I confirm as the doors slide open and reveal the hostess stand in a very elegant entrance to the restaurant.

  “But how? I read that this place fills up like six months in advance, and we didn’t finalize our plans to come until three months ago.”

  “I made a few calls,” I tell her. “Don’t worry so much about the how, just enjoy the night.”

  “Okay, thank you,” she says as we step up to the hostess stand. I give them my name and the hostess enters it into the tablet.

  “Dr. Montgomery, I’ve got a reservation for two. Looks like we’ve got you down for a private table with a view, is that correct?”

  “That’s correct,” I confirm to the hostess.

  “Perfect, right this way, please,” she says, leading the way to our table. As soon as we come around a corner, the wall of windows comes into view and it about takes my breath away. I hear the audible gasp fall from Megan as she is stunned as well by the views we have. The Eiffel Tower is practically right in front of us. So large, I feel like I could reach out and touch it. “Your table,” the hostess states as we stop. They’ve already removed the second seat, allowing Megan to roll right up to it comfortably. “Your servers will be right with you, enjoy your evening,” she says before disappearing. Only a few seconds go by before a server appears. She removes the cloth napkins from the place settings in front of us and lays them across our laps.

  “Good evening and welcome,” she greets us, going on to tell us her name, as well as the specials for tonight. We order an appetizer that she suggests, along with a bottle of wine that the sommelier has chosen to pair with the dish.

  “What do you think so far?” I ask Megan once we’re alone.

  “It’s more than I could have ever dreamed of. You’re spoiling me too much on this trip.”

  “It’s all worth it. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she says as I lean over and kiss her gently.

  So that we both have views out the window, we’re seated next to each other at ninety-degrees, rather than across from each other, so I don’t have to lean too far.

  “I still can’t believe this is my life,” she says when I break the kiss.

  “Believe it, babe. We can come back whenever you want.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” she replies, just as our server returns with the bottle of wine. She pours two small samples for us to taste before pouring us both full servings.

  “That is delicious,” Megan compliments after tasting the wine.

  “It is,” I agree. “We might have to send a bottle back to my grandmother. See if she likes it or wants to stick to her tried and true favorite.”

  “I’m sure she’d enjoy that,” Megan says.

  We fall into conversation about everything we’ve already packed into our short week, and what else we have to still accomplish. Megan didn’t want to leave her department scrambling for too long to cover her shifts, so we only came for nine days total. We spent the first few days in London, sightseeing around before the wedding festivities started, and now we’re ending the trip in Paris for a few days.

  “Can I tempt you into some dessert?” our server asks. “Maybe some crème brûlée with coffee?” she offers. I look at Megan and wait for her reply.

  “Do you want to share some? I don’t think I can eat one by myself,” she says.

  “We’ll take one crème brûlée to share,” I confirm with our server.

  “Right away, anything else I can bring with me?”

  “I think we’re good, thank you.” She turns quickly to go get our dessert order. I’d considered having the restaurant place the ring in the dessert, but then shot that down, not wanting to risk the chance of it getting lost, or worse, stolen. The ring I’m proposing with is a family ring, passed down through multiple generations, or at least, the diamond is. I took it in to my jeweler and had it reset to something a little more modern. And, making sure that it was secure in the setting, as the previous one had cracked years ago when my mother had to quit wearing it.

  So instead, I plan to propose once we’re done eating and outside, with the tower as a backdrop. That also made hiring the photographer easier to do, and keep her somewhat hidden.

  “This is amazing,” Megan moans around a spoonful of dessert, and the sound goes straight to my dick.

  “I’m glad you like it,” I tell her as I take my own taste, and she isn’t lying. It is divine. “It’s sweet, just like you,” I tell her as I set my spoon down, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

  “Such a charmer,” she teases me.

  “Only you. You’re the only one that can bring out my charming side.”

  “And I’m perfectly okay with that,” she says. “Hey, did Tyler ever get back to you on if he’s going to be here later this week and able to have lunch or dinner with us?” she asks, changing the subject.

  “He did and he thinks he’ll be here on Saturday, so as long as he isn’t delayed for any reason, we’ll be able to see him that morning for brunch before we have to head to the airport ourselves.” How ironic is it that we’ll be seeing my brother while on vacation halfway around the world?

  “Oh good, I was hoping that it would work out.”

  “Yeah, I think he made some changes to his travel plans to make it work. It will be good to see him, even if it is only for a short amount of time, and while we’re in Paris.”

  “Do you know if he plans to come back home anytime soon?”

  “Hopefully. I’d like to spend some time with him, if possible, but he’s so busy, as you well know.”

  “That he is. I wonder if he’ll ever find something to keep him busy, but at home,” she says.

  “I doubt it, he’s such a great public speaker, and sought after. Add in the travel opportunities he’s tacked into his already packed schedule, and I don’t see him stopping anytime soon. He thrives on the excitement of going from one place to the next.”

  “It sure is an exciting way for him to live while he’s young enough to enjoy the time on constant go.”

  “Are you finished?” I ask, noticing that we polished off the entire container while discussing my brother.

  “I am, and so full. It’s a good thing I’m already in this chair or else you might have to carry me out, I’m so stuffed,” she jokes.

  The food was amazing, nothing with this restaurant disappointed. It absolutely measured up to the hype.

  “How about a walk outside with the tower all lit up,” I suggest, hoping that she agrees with my suggestion.

  “Yes! I’ve been waiting all day to get to do just that,” she tells me,
and my plan is falling together perfectly. Once I sign the credit card slip, we make our way from the restaurant, and down the elevator. Once finally outside, we head toward the open square that surrounds the tower. I walk us directly to the area I’d discussed with the photographer, knowing that she’s blending in with the people sitting amongst the tables that line the outer edge of the square.

  “What do you think?” I ask Megan as we come to a stop. We both look up at the magnificent scene before us. I notice from the corner of my eye, a woman stands up and comes closer, a camera in her hand. Even if Megan noticed her, she wouldn’t realize that she’s purposely capturing us, as almost every person out here is snapping pictures.

  “It’s absolutely breathtaking. I know I’ve said that about multiple things on this trip, but it’s true. I just can’t explain what it feels like to see something you’ve seen so many times in pictures and movies, but to finally experience it for myself, especially something like this, that I never thought I’d get to experience. It’s just magical, and something I’ll never forget. Thank you for giving me this,” she says, tugging me down and kissing me.

  I break the kiss, knowing that now is the perfect time. I slide my hand into my slacks, wrapping my fingers around the small bag the ring has been in this entire time. I’m able to get it out of the bag and slip it out of my pocket. I grab Megan’s hand with my empty one and turn so that I’m directly in front of her. I drop down onto my haunches, so I’m at her level. Something that isn’t unusual, so she hasn’t caught on yet that anything is happening.

  “Megan,” I say her name, stopping as I clear my throat. The emotions all hit me. I love this woman more than anything in this entire world, and I can’t wait to make her mine forever. “I love that I get to experience so many of your firsts in life. That I’m able to provide the opportunity for those firsts, from galas to flights, nights in London and Paris. There isn’t anyone else in life that I’d want to experience those things with. I might have been the one to trip into your world, but you’ve flipped my world upside down, and all for the better. I love you with everything that I am. You make me a better man. You make me want to reach for the stars and know that I’ll always have your support no matter if I reach them or fall trying. I can’t imagine doing life without you.” I pause, feeling like I’ve just word vomited all over her, and I kind of have. “Megan Lively, will you do me the honor and marry me?” I finally ask, remembering at the last second to hold up the ring.


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