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Grand Slam

Page 16

by Tracie Delaney

  He slipped his hands around her waist. He couldn’t get as near to her these days. Her pregnant belly kept him at a distance, but he nestled as close as he could.

  “I knew that first day you were different. Special. And I think that’s why I was never able to forgive her for what she did. She knew, deep down, there was no chance for me and her. And she also knew how important you were to me and that, after years of fucking around, I’d finally found the one. You made me so happy, yet still she tried to split us up, knowing it would break me.” He shrugged. “It made me question how much she really thought of me if she could stand by and watch me in pain.”

  “God, Cash.” Natalia brushed his lips with hers. “We need to be completely honest with each other from now on. If we’d been truthful from the start, no one would have been able to split us up. I can stand anything, except being apart from you.”

  Cash touched his forehead to hers. “I hear you, baby.”

  “Come on, ace. Let’s go and join Rupe and Em. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

  Cash laughed. “You’re always hungry.”

  “I know,” she groaned. “I’m going to have to be on a diet for a hundred years after I’ve had this baby.”

  “That looked deep,” Rupe said as Cash slipped into the seat next to his.

  “You’re a nosy bastard.”

  “I prefer to say that I’m interested in the well-being of my best friends.”

  “Bullshit,” Cash said. “If you must know, I’ve put the ring back on her finger.”

  Rupe punched his arm. “About fucking time. Hey, darling,” he said to Natalia, holding his hand out. “Let’s see it.”

  Natalia frowned and then realised what Rupe was going on about. She held out her left hand, drawing a loud gasp from Emmalee.

  “Are you sure, babes?” Emmalee said.

  Cash clenched his jaw and took hold of Natalia’s hand. “She’s sure,” he said with a glare in Emmalee’s direction.

  “I am,” Natalia said, backing him up. “It’s what I want.”

  Cash flashed a triumphant look at Emmalee.

  She met his gaze with a stern face, and then she smiled. “Then I’m happy for you both.”

  Cash tried to hide his amazement, but Emmalee’s wry smile in his direction said he’d failed. He and Emmalee had always had a tricky relationship, moving along the spectrum from almost friends to definitely enemies. She only had Natalia’s best interests at heart, but it grated that she sometimes thought he didn’t.

  “Can we keep this between us for now though?” Natalia said. “This is Kinga’s special day. I don’t want anything to detract from her being the centre of attention.”

  “Good call,” Cash said. “Today should be about Kinga.”

  The wedding reception went off without a hitch, and as soon as the tables were cleared away, revealing a dance floor, Cash tugged on Natalia’s arm. “Come and dance with me,” he said, rising from his chair.

  She immediately stood and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor. He pulled her into his arms and stared into her eyes. She giggled as he whirled her around. “I never did thank Rachael for teaching you to dance.”

  “And I never thanked her either. Having that first dance with you is the reason we are together now.”

  “Even if you were furious at the time.”

  Cash chuckled. “Never has anyone been able to make me as furious as you. Nor as happy,” he added as he bent to kiss her.

  “Can I cut in?”

  Rupe appeared from his right, and although Cash almost told him to sod off, Natalia’s enthusiastic nod changed his mind.

  “If you must,” Cash said with a grin that looked more like a grimace.

  He wandered back to their table, where Emmalee was knocking back copious amounts of wine. Her eyes were glazed, a sign she was well on her way to being pissed. But in his experience, pissed Emmalee had a less vicious tongue than sober Emmalee.

  “How’re you doing?” he said, slipping into the seat next to her. “Are we friends yet?”

  She gave him a tight smile. “Do we have a choice?”

  He looked over at Natalia in the arms of his best friend. “I guess not.”

  Emmalee hesitated as if considering her next move, and then she scraped her chair back, rose from her seat, and held out her hand. “Come on, then, stud. Show me some of those dance moves.”

  Cash laughed as he took her hand. It felt strange having his arms around Emmalee, but at least they were putting the past behind them. Emmalee was Natalia’s best friend, and she wasn’t going anywhere. He wasn’t either, which meant they had to find a way to get along—for Natalia’s sake.


  Natalia’s panicked voice reached him. He let go of Emmalee and spun around. Rupe was on the other side of the dance floor holding Natalia’s hand, his face aghast. Natalia was clutching her stomach. She was wildly looking around, and when she spotted him heading over, her face crumpled.

  “What’s the matter?” he said, catching her as she half fell into his arms.

  “My waters broke. Oh God, Cash, the baby’s coming.”


  “Isaac,” Cash barked into his phone. “Get the fucking car around the front, now.”

  “What’s happening?” Kinga dashed over with William in tow.

  “Natalia’s in labour,” Cash said, trying desperately to keep panic out of his voice. “The baby’s coming.”

  “Now? But it’s too early.”

  He glared at Kinga. “Fucking genius,” he said through gritted teeth as fear flashed across Natalia’s face. “Come on, baby. Isaac will be waiting outside. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  Her whole body shook as he put his arm around her. He glanced over his shoulder and began snapping out orders. “Emmalee, Rupe, follow us there, yeah? Em, call the hospital and tell them we’re on our way. And call Pete.”

  She nodded. “Leave it with me. We’re right behind you, babes.”

  Natalia barely acknowledged Emmalee. Her face was pale, far too pale. “I’m scared, Cash.”

  He pulled her closer. “I know, baby. I’m scared too. Let’s get you to the hospital. I’m right here.”

  Isaac had the back door open, and as soon as Cash had helped Natalia inside and climbed in after her, Isaac floored the accelerator. As he turned a corner a little too fast and they were jostled, Cash tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Fast, but in one piece, okay, Isaac?” Cash said.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Natalia groped for his hand, her fingers curving around his.

  “Any pain? Or contractions?” he said.

  She looked up at him, her eyes wide and fearful. “I haven’t felt the baby move.”

  Cash swallowed hard. He could not let her see how terrified he was for both her and their child. He couldn’t allow anything to happen to Natalia, and his mind was running useless scenarios about what he’d do if he were asked to choose. It wasn’t a choice. He’d pick Natalia every time, but if that happened, would she ever forgive him?

  “We’ll be there soon.”

  Isaac worked miracles, getting them to the hospital in twenty minutes when thirty had been much more likely. Her contractions had started on the way, and she’d spent most of the journey gripping his hand and trying to control her breathing.

  He helped Natalia from the car. He wanted to run ahead, to shout for someone to come and help them, but he forced himself to stay calm and walked at her pace into the hospital.

  “Sit down,” he said, pointing to a row of chairs. “I’ll get someone.”

  He strode over to the reception desk. “We need help,” he said to the nurse with a glance over his shoulder. “My fiancée’s waters have broken. She’s almost thirty-three weeks pregnant. We were booked in for July.”

  “Okay, sir,” the nurse said, moving at a fucking snail’s pace. She handed him some forms. “Can you fill these in?”

  “Did you hear what I said?” he sn
apped. “She’s in labour. Can you fucking get someone?”

  The nurse peered over the top of her glasses. “There is no need for profanities. I am getting someone. Now, I suggest you calm down, fill in the forms and allow me to do my job.”

  Cash snatched the clipboard off the counter. “Make it quick.” He sat beside Natalia and began to fill in the bloody form.

  She placed a hand on his arm. “I need you to keep calm, ace. I’m panicking enough for both of us.”

  He scrubbed a hand over his face, his smile weak as he looked at her. “Sorry, sweetness.”

  His writing was barely legible as he wrote answers on the form. He had to ask Natalia one or two questions, and by the time he’d scrawled his signature at the bottom, a wheelchair had appeared.

  “Thank you.” The nurse took the clipboard from him and gave it a cursory glance. “Okay, Natalia, pop yourself in here, my darling. Let’s go and take a look at you.”

  “It’s Tally,” Natalia managed to gasp out as another contraction hit her. She doubled over, taking short, sharp breaths. Once it had passed, Cash helped her into the wheelchair.

  “Tally it is, then.” The nurse scribbled something on the clipboard then tucked it into a slot at the back of the wheelchair. She began pushing Natalia down the corridor and then glanced over her shoulder. “Are you coming, Daddy?”

  Cash bolted after them, feeling like a complete dick. This was so far out of his comfort zone, and the reality of having a baby was hitting home. He’d never thought about how dangerous it might be for Natalia. He’d assumed everything would be fine, never thinking for a second there might be complications.

  He wasn’t prepared.

  The nurse ushered them into a private room and settled Natalia into bed. A few minutes later, a doctor appeared. He was at least forty years old, which weirdly gave Cash some comfort. Surely a medical professional of his age would have the right level of experience to give Natalia the best care.

  The doctor took the clipboard from the nurse and glanced at it. Satisfied, he attached it to the bottom of the bed and peered over the top of his glasses.

  “Tally, I’m Dr Saunders. I’m going to be looking after you.” He turned to Cash. “Are you the father?”

  Mute, Cash nodded.

  He turned back to Natalia. “Try not to worry. I know it’s scary, especially as you’re early. I’m going to examine you, okay?”

  Natalia nodded and waved her hand. “Cash.”

  “I’m here, baby,” he said, finding his voice. He clung tightly to her hand as the doctor examined his girl. He’d never felt so fucking inadequate in his entire life.

  “Right, Tally. I don’t want you to worry, but you’re definitely in labour. You’re already four centimetres dilated.”

  “Oh God,” she muttered as the remaining blood in her face drained away, leaving her pale and gaunt. “Can you stop it?”

  Dr Saunders shook his head. “Your waters broke. That means we have to let the labour play out.” He made some notes on the clipboard and handed it to the nurse. “This is Louise. She’s going to be with you the whole time. We’ll get a foetal monitor on you so we can monitor the baby’s heartbeat, and I’ll be back to check on you shortly.”

  “Wait, you’re leaving?” Cash thrust his arm out, making Dr Saunders draw to a halt.

  “She’s in good hands. Louise is a very experienced midwife.”

  “But she’s not a fucking doctor, is she?”

  Dr Saunders frowned. “Mr Gallagher, please stay calm. I’m aware you’re concerned, but let us do our job. Neither the baby nor Tally are in any immediate danger. I’ll be back soon. I do have other patients.”

  Cash’s hands curled into fists. “Is this a joke?”

  “Cash,” Natalia snapped. “Stop it. Just stop, okay? I don’t need you going postal on me. I need you here. Man up, for fuck’s sake.”

  “Shit.” He dragged a hand through his hair. “Sorry,” he muttered to the doctor, stepping out of his way. He pulled up a chair next to Natalia’s bed and ignored the disapproving glance from Louise.

  “Don’t lose it, okay? I need you.”

  He pressed the back of her hand to his forehead. “I’m not going to lose it.” He met her gaze. “I’m here, baby.”

  “Good. Because I can’t do this alone.”

  “You’re not alone.”

  Louise attached the monitor to Natalia’s stomach. A thudding sound, like horses galloping, flooded the room. His heart leaped with relief.

  “A nice strong heartbeat, Tally,” Louise said with a warm smile. “No signs of baby being in distress.”

  “Thank God,” she whispered, her hand flexing inside his.

  He squeezed back then released her hand when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He glanced at the screen.

  “Emmalee and Rupe are here, and Pete’s on his way. Do you want me to get them?”

  Natalia shook her head. “I only want you.”

  He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “Okay, baby. Shall I go and tell them you’re all right?”

  She nodded. “But come straight back.”

  He closed the hospital door behind him and strode back to reception. He didn’t want to be away from Natalia a moment more than necessary. Emmalee jumped to her feet the minute she saw him.

  “Is she okay? What’s happening?”

  “She’s definitely in labour, so one way or another, the baby’s coming. I’ll let you know more as soon as I know anything.”

  “I want to see her.” Emmalee took a step towards the door, but Cash gripped her arm.

  “No. She doesn’t need crowding.”


  “For fuck’s sake, Emmalee. She doesn’t want anyone in the room apart from me, okay? Now, sit down and wait it out. Or better still, go home. It’s going to be a while.”

  Emmalee jutted out her chin. “I’m not leaving.”

  “Up to you.” He signalled to Rupe and then pointed at Emmalee. “Stay with her.”

  Rupe nodded. “Sure thing. Give Tally our love.”

  When he returned, Natalia was sitting up in bed, sipping a cup of tea. A little more colour had flooded her cheeks, and she definitely appeared calmer.

  “That’s better,” he said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Did you tell them?”

  “Yes. Emmalee is an annoying bitch at times.”

  Natalia gave a small smile. “She can be.” As her face twisted in pain, the smile fell, and she thrust the cup of tea at him. Her hands curled around the bedcovers. “Ow, ow, ow,” she said, doubling over.

  “What can I do?” Cash put the tea down and started wringing his hands. God, he felt fucking useless, surplus to requirements.

  Louise bustled over and clutched Natalia’s hand. “Okay, sweetie, breathe. In, out. Come on now, deep breaths.”

  Cash began to pace. He didn’t like this. Not one bit. He hated seeing Natalia in pain when there wasn’t a fucking thing he could do about it.

  Hours passed, and as each one did, his girl became more and more exhausted.

  “I can’t do this anymore,” she said when she’d been in labour for seven hours. “I’m tired.”

  Cash leaned forward in his chair and held her hand. “You can, baby. You’re the strongest person I know.”

  “I can’t.” She began to cry.

  A fist closed around his heart and squeezed. He nestled next to her on the bed and pressed a cool cloth to her damp forehead.

  “How much longer?” he asked Louise.

  “It could be minutes, or it could be hours.” When Cash gave her a horrified stare, she smiled and patted his shoulder. “Everything is going well. The baby is doing great, and Mum is doing great. It’ll happen.”

  Late evening became night, and night became dawn. Natalia’s contractions grew longer and more painful, and he was about to insist on a caesarean when Louise, during yet another fucking examination, looked at them both and smiled.

  “Ten c
entimetres. Are you ready to meet your baby?”

  The news had an immediate impact on Natalia. She perked up, a steely determination appearing on her face as she reached for his hand. “Let’s do this.”

  The staff wheeled her down the corridor to the delivery suite that had the equipment they’d need when the baby was born. That fact alone made him feel sick. Everyone was behaving as though this was completely normal, but it wasn’t. The baby shouldn’t have been there for another seven weeks. He was no expert, but he knew that wasn’t good. How would he cope if things went wrong?

  Whatever happened in the future, he would never forget what Natalia went through in that room. He stood by, helpless, as her face turned redder and redder and she pushed and heaved and screamed. Whoever said childbirth was a miracle was a fucking idiot.

  After she’d been pushing for two hours, two goddamn awful fucking hours, she turned to him, sweat pouring down her face even though he’d been mopping it every ten seconds.

  “I can’t. I can’t,” she sobbed. “No more.”

  Agony scored a fucking big cut in Cash’s heart. “You’re amazing,” he said, kissing her hand. “You’re doing amazing.”

  Dr Saunders smiled encouragingly. “Almost there, Tally. Next contraction, big push, okay?”

  She clung to Cash’s hand as another contraction tore into her. “Oh God, no,” she yelled, pushing with every ounce of energy she had left. At that moment, he hated the baby, hated what it was doing to her. She wasn’t ever doing this again.

  “Okay, the head’s out,” the doctor said with a bright smile. “Stop pushing for me, Tally, just a second.”

  “Is it okay?” Cash said with an anxious glance at Louise.

  She ignored him, instead passing the doctor a couple of horrific-looking medieval silver things. Natalia seemed out of it, as though whatever he was doing with those instruments didn’t matter.

  When Saunders finished messing about, he looked up. “Ready? Big push.”

  Natalia grimaced and gritted her teeth. With Cash lifting her up, she pushed once more, and out came the baby with a whoosh.


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