Unchartered Territory

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Unchartered Territory Page 3

by Ann Cory

  Briefly, she recalled the ballroom with its crystal chandeliers, velvet rugs, professional orchestra, and all the food one could ever want. She shrugged. “They went a little over the top, actually. Contrary to your opinion, my idea of a fancy dinner is sitting in front of the television wearing my pink fuzzy slippers and comfy sweats."

  The moment the words were out, her face burned. Pink fuzzy slippers, could she sound anymore childish? If he noticed her blush, he didn't comment. She thought it strange that he had an opportunity to make fun of her, but he kept quiet.

  Charlotte tried to think up something to fill the silence. “So um, wow, you probably don't know what a television is, do you?"

  He gave a sexy little snort and folded his arms. “Of course I know what television is, lass. I'm a pirate, not an alien. I can't imagine anything as stimulating on a square box as sailing around the world."

  Charlotte couldn't remember the last time she'd gone anywhere exciting. The cruise was supposed to be her big adventure, and that ended in a disaster. “You've got me there. It doesn't really interest me much; just something I do to pass the time. I can certainly live without television."

  "Aye, but can you live without your fuzzy pink slippers?"

  Damn, he got in the jab after all.

  They shared a laugh and it helped to relax her. “Before I forget, I wanted to thank you for taking me in and being so generous."

  He'd gone back to staring at the corner of the room and then whipped his neck around, nearly losing his balance. “What did you say, lass?"

  "Nothing really, just I appreciate you giving me food and a place to rest until I'm better."


  They both turned and nodded at the stout man holding a tray of food.

  "Aye, Bart. You may enter."

  She noticed Phineas was flustered. Or maybe it was annoyance at her. Had she said something wrong?

  "I've brought her supper, sir."

  "Very well, set it on the crate in front of her."

  "Aye, sir. Will she be requiring anything else?"

  Charlotte watched the vein in the captain's head throb. “No, Bart. Go join the men. I'll be there in a moment."

  When Bart left, Phineas stood over her with his lips downward and chest puffed out. The thought of running her tongue along his golden flesh brought warmth between her thighs. Pirate or not, she was attracted to him, enforced more when he got angry.

  Innocently, she asked, “Did I say something to upset you?"

  Charlotte could only imagine how many times he cursed her since they met. It seemed she pushed his buttons every time she spoke.

  "Let's get one thing straight, lassie. I haven't rescued you and I haven't taken you in. I'm being hospitable, but yer not here as a guest."

  Just once, she wished she didn't need a decoder to try and understand him. “Then what am I to you?"

  "My prisoner and a possible threat. Now eat, drink, and rest up. There's a nightshirt and extra blankets on the barrel behind you.” Charlotte followed the direction of his finger. “You're not to leave this room or go wandering around the ship. This is no place for you."

  She couldn't help herself. “What will you do if I disobey?"

  His eyes blazed so strongly she felt the temperature of the room change. “One step out from this room and I'll..."

  "You'll what?” she challenged.

  "I'll tie you up meself."

  She enjoyed the image and the heated exchange. They both seemed to push each other's buttons with relative ease. Charlotte turned her attention to the large plate of food and generous goblet of wine. Her stomach rumbled again. She unfolded the napkin and smoothed it along her lap. “Looks tasty."

  The corner of his eyes softened. “Yes, yes it does. Enjoy."

  Before she could say another word, Phineas walked out of the room, muttering to himself.

  Pirates were a strange breed. And when it came to the captain, devastatingly handsome.

  Unable to resist the smell of food any longer, she stuffed herself in a very unladylike fashion. Now if she could do something to take care of the sexual appetite brewing between her thighs.

  * * * *

  Phineas stormed into the eating quarters and glanced around the table at his crew. Oblivious to his presence, they sat around eating and laughing with gusto. He plopped onto the bench at the head of the table and noisily filled his plate, but his hunger for food had subsided.

  Charlotte. The name sounded sweet and she'd looked very tasty with her voluptuous figure, playing him for a fool. What happened to reminding her who was in charge? He was in a world of hurt for inviting her onboard. Even the smell of her clung to him. She might have been out tossing in the water through the night, but her womanly musk remained strong. It taunted him. Played games with his mind. Threatened to undo all he'd spent forty years to build. A reputation as a fearless pirate whom no one would want to cross.

  A string of sweat broke out along his forehead and he groaned.

  "You all right, Cap'n?"

  "Of course I am.” He swung his head toward Bart and then banged his fists on top of the table. “I'm the captain here. I tell people what to do and how to do it."

  The men stopped eating and stared at him wide-eyed. Adrenaline surged through his veins. “People fear me."

  "Aye, aye, sir,” his crew agreed.

  "I don't think anyone at this table questions your authority, Cap'n."

  Phineas took a deep breath and plastered on his best attempt at a smile. “Bart, old friend, you're right. My head's in a weird place is all. It's this damn island.” He brought a jug of rum to his lips and started to take a sip.

  "If you pardon my opinion, sir, I think it's the lady getting to ya."

  Rum spewed from Parr's lips as he sputtered. That was the last straw. He stood and sent his chair flying back. “I said it's the island. Don't mock me, mate; you're way outta line."

  He grabbed the rum and stalked back to his quarters. Anger surged through his veins. What a thing for Bart to say, his only friend, and he'd said it in front of the crew, no less. Why would his head be a mess because of a beautiful wench? She didn't have any hold over him. He was still in control here. Or was he being punished? Had he angered the sea and was she getting back at him? Sending him a siren to lure him to his death? To go so stir-crazy that by the time they set sail again he would willingly walk the plank and drown himself?

  Parr sat at the edge of his cot and guzzled back half the jug of rum before taking a breath. “You're losing yer mind here. Get a grip, man."

  He raised the jug back to his lips and paused. The hourglass shape of a woman appeared in his doorway. The most perfect thing he'd ever seen in his entire life.

  Without thinking, he rasped, “What are you doing here?"

  Charlotte strolled in, exaggerating the sway of her curvaceous hips. A hot wind rushed through his mouth and throat, making it difficult for him to swallow.

  "Tell me you're happy to see me,” she coaxed, her voice soft as an angel's.

  "I—” He didn't know how to respond. His cock didn't have a problem, though. It strained against the fabric of his pants, demanding to have a say in the matter.

  She snatched the rum from his hands and took a deliberate swig. His gaze swept over her body. He never knew how sexy a plain old nightshirt could look. The buttons were undone partway, her nipples highly visible through the material. Almost like they were playing peek-a-boo with him. Taunting him. Begging him to reach out and pinch them. He tried to take the jug from her, but she tilted it further. A light stream of liquid ran down her chin and neck, and trailed between her breasts.

  A wicked smile breached her lips. “Whoops. It seems I've made something of a mess. Do you think you can help me?"

  Ah the sweet, sweet torture of it all. Her feminine charms were too damn strong to resist. Phineas unbuttoned the rest of the shirt and balked at the way he was all fingers and thumbs. The trail of rum streaked along the slight curve of her belly and
made a beeline for the space between her legs. She poured a little more rum along her skin and burst out in a girlish giggle. Overcome with need, he cupped her breasts and swirled his tongue along the saturated nipples. He felt the heat from her sex rise, the feral scent of her desire mingling in the air. Intoxicating.

  Phineas paused and looked into her beautiful eyes. “Lass, yer playing with fire."

  Her fingers traipsed through his hair and made his head fuzzy.

  "I think I'm a big enough girl to handle it."

  That would remain to be seen. She had no idea the level of lust he held for her, magnified further by her close proximity to him. His mind filled with fantasies of his face against her pussy, and how sweet she would taste. “I warned you what would happen if you stepped foot out of that room."

  She teased her nipple along his lips and he nibbled roughly. Her face flushed, eyelashes fluttering.

  "Yes, you said you'd tie me up. I didn't consider that a bad thing."

  Phineas wanted nothing more than to bring her onto his lap and shove his cock straight into her. Fuck her until she cried out his name, her cheeks stained pink and skin moist. But he couldn't. He just couldn't.

  "Aye, I said I'd tie you up."

  He picked her up and flung her over his shoulder. In the guest's quarters, he laid her on the cot and held her hands over her head. From the floor, he pulled up a rope and wrapped it around both her wrists and the cot. She smiled and watched him with a smoldering look. Daring him to take her while restrained. The scent of her sex tortured him. He could have his way at that very moment, but he was afraid. Phineas feared she'd been sent to seduce him. His head hadn't been right since he'd laid eyes on her. There had to be something to her showing up out of nowhere. Since when did a dream wash up on shore?

  No, he had to start thinking with the right head. Irresistible as she was, he couldn't give in.

  Phineas bent over and kissed her forehead. “There you go; I've kept to me word."

  Her lips turned down as he backed away to the doorway.

  "Wait,” she cried. “Where are you going?"

  He sighed and shook his head. “I'm sorry, lass. I'll be bidding you good night."

  She screwed her face up and pursed her lips tight. “You bastard, how dare you!"

  * * * *

  The jug of rum fell to the ground and made a terrible thud. Phineas sat straight up, his clothes plastered to his body with sweat. Had it only been a dream? Nay, more like a nightmare. The kind he wouldn't shake anytime soon. As if she would throw herself at him. The angel in the other room was too sophisticated for the likes of a pirate. What could he possibly offer her? Life on a battered old ship with an unsightly group of men who rarely showered? No, this wasn't a place for a woman of her stature and beauty. The sooner he put his feelings into check, the better off he'd be.

  He undressed quickly, very much aware of his painful erection, and flopped onto the cot. His sleep would be restless tonight.

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  Chapter 4

  Charlotte awoke from an all too realistic dream of the pirate's tongue teasing her nipples. She squeezed her legs together, feeling the dampness of her panties. If she didn't think someone could walk by at any time, she'd get herself off just to relieve the urgent need. Twice now, she was on the brink of a sensational orgasm, with no one to aid her.

  With a sigh, she turned to her side. All the sleep she'd gotten earlier now left her aching to walk around.

  The moon shone like a beacon through the porthole window on the far wall, gently lighting the small room. Had no one from the cruise ship seen or heard what happened? Would they continue onto the next port without checking her whereabouts? Her imagination ran wild. She wondered if the man who robbed her had somehow paid someone off. Strange incidences occurred on cruises, though she never imagined herself involved in one. How would she ever get home? She couldn't stay on a pirate ship, with nothing but the ocean stretched as far as the eye could see. Could she?

  To her surprise, a figure stood in the doorway. It was Phineas. Naked. But he didn't seem like his usual self. Charlotte pulled the cover up to her chin and watched with interest. He shuffled into the light, his movement slow and somewhat disjointed. At closer look, she noticed his dazed expression. Ah, so the bloodthirsty pirate walked in his sleep. She bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from laughing.

  The captain continued in, taking little more than baby steps until he stopped in front of her. She enjoyed the heady sensation of him being so near. For a pirate, he was well built. Sturdy, in a run her hands all over his body, kind of way. She'd been eyeing his chest since the morning, but now, seeing him in the buff, with the moonlight illuminating his body, she wanted to touch him even more. From his muscled shoulders down to his ... Charlotte gulped. It took all her strength not to look down. Instead, she noted the strong lines of his face, firm chin, and eyes that depicted sadness behind them. His lips parted and he mumbled words she couldn't understand.

  Transfixed, she focused on his mouth and wondered how he kissed. Forceful, or with restraint. Would he notice if she pressed her lips to his? Charlotte had never been around a sleepwalker and didn't know what to do. She watched and waited, her breath held tight.

  Phineas turned and walked toward the corner where three large barrels were stacked up, one on top of the other. From the top barrel, he removed a brown box adorned with five gold hoops and set it on a table. He clasped the gold coin from his necklace and slid it into the tiny keyhole. A faint creak accompanied the opening of the lid and he removed a red cloth.

  Curious to see what lay inside, Charlotte slipped off the cot and walked up behind him. She almost caught an eyeful when he took a step back, crushing two of her toes. Biting her lip, she kept from crying out, but the lid of the box slammed shut. Before she knew what happened, Phineas turned around, eyes wide open, with mouth pulled back in a scowl, and wrapped his hands tight around her arms.

  "What are you doing here, wench!"

  The tip of his cock pressed against her thigh and left her flustered. “I-I, this is where you told me to stay."

  His grip loosened immediately and his expression softened. “Aye, so it is.” He didn't realize he was naked yet, and she didn't want to be the one to point that out.

  "I didn't mean to startle you, I swear. It appears you were sleepwalking."

  For the moment it seemed he'd forgotten about the box altogether. “The crew says I do that, but I never believed them. Apologies if I frightened you, lass, that would be the last thing I would want to do."

  Charlotte found it difficult to pay attention to his words. He was pressed so damn tight against her. If she moved just so, he'd hit her sweet spot. She had half a mind to wrap her fist around his cock to see his reaction. Much as she ached for him to free her of the pent-up sexual energy, she shifted away from him. Something had to be said. “It's hard to be frightened when you, well, because you're naked."

  Even in the moonlight, she could see his face turn a deep shade of red. He glanced down, gave a chuckle, and reached for the bedcover. “My sincere apologies if I offended you."

  "No, uh, not at all. Not offended at all,” she stammered.

  He remained close. His breath blew warm against her skin. “Here I was naked and you didn't take advantage of me?"

  "Well, I—"

  His fingers pressed against her lips. “I know. It's because you're a lady."

  Charlotte wanted to say the thoughts in her head since awakening on his ship were anything but ladylike. Clearly, he didn't have the same illicit thoughts for her as she did for him. She recalled the way his eyes lit up when he spoke of gold and treasures. They were his seducers. If only he looked at her with the same excitement, the same passion.

  Phineas removed his fingers from her lips and swept a strand of hair from her face.

  Her nipples were tight and near piercing the nightshirt. Didn't he see the desire in her eyes? Couldn't he smell the lust between her thighs? How s
he wished he would read her mind and have his way with her. He leaned in a fraction of an inch and her face relaxed. She readied her lips and tilted her chin. Oh God, he had read her mind. This was it! Charlotte's lids lowered halfway and she dared not breathe. At the last possible second before their lips touched, he pulled away. A cool draft quickly replaced his heat.

  "Tell me the truth, lass, why did you come to this island?"

  "Unbelievable,” she groaned. Were they back to square one again? Impatience weaved into her words. “I told you exactly what happened. I was thrown overboard. I swam until the ocean had its way and brought me here. I don't have a hidden agenda and I have no reason to lie to you.” When would he get it through his thick head?

  He walked toward the window and put a finger to his chin. “But how can I be sure? If you were sent here to trick me, you'd say anything."

  Charlotte wasn't sure what upset her more. That he wouldn't believe her, or how she'd never had to work this hard to capture a man's attention. “I suppose you're right, but what does it matter? You've made up your mind to distrust me. There's not much more to be said."

  "I'm driven by greed, lass. I'm afraid it's something I cannot change."

  "There's more to life than treasure, you know.” She expected him to bust a gut with laughter. Instead, he glanced back at her, his face stone serious.

  "Such as?"

  Charlotte took several steps forward and let the nightshirt fall open, baring her breasts. Maybe by exposing herself it would help him see she didn't pose a threat. “I hardly know you, but I trust you. I even trust you with my body."

  "Lass, please, whatever you've built up in your mind about me, I'm afraid I'll only disappoint you."

  She moved in closer until the moonlight fully lit up her breasts. “I'd rather come to that conclusion on my own. Don't you want to touch me?"


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