For Fox Sake: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (The Chaos of Foxes Book 1)

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For Fox Sake: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (The Chaos of Foxes Book 1) Page 14

by Emma Dean

  For a split-second Kenzie was very annoyed at the thought of another woman on the back of his bike, holding him like she had. She shook her head. She was being ridiculous.

  Then Kenzie grinned when she realized what he had planned. “I’d heard they started doing this in the park, but I never got around to checking it out.”

  Finnick gave her a mischievous smile. “I’ve wanted to see what it was about too. Although giving you a weapon on our first date is probably not the smartest idea I’ve ever had.”

  Kenzie laughed and the store clerk gave them a polite smile.

  “What can I help you with?”

  “We need rentals for the archery range in the park,” Finnick told him.

  It was the first time she’d heard him say something with so much authority. It made Kenzie shiver as she realized how powerful he truly was. And then she shivered again when it occurred to her how powerful Hunter had to be for both Finnick and Ash to defer to him.

  Holy shit. What exactly had the Fates gotten her into?

  Finnick gave her a look like he knew what she was thinking. It made her blood boil and her breath get short. Fates, she wanted him bad. How could he be so weird and goofy, yet still have such a sharp edge?

  She didn’t know, but she really liked it.

  “Choose your weapon, babe,” Finnick said, releasing her hand. But he didn’t let her stray far. He stayed close enough Kenzie kept bumping into him and she could feel the heat from his body.

  “Do you have a Lithium?” Kenzie asked.

  The clerk’s eyebrows rose so high they almost disappeared into his hairline. “We sell it, but we don’t rent that one out. I could rent you the Rage though.”

  Kenzie nodded and pulled her cardigan tighter around her body against the air conditioning as the clerk disappeared into the back.

  Finnick chuckled. “I take it you’re not a beginner then?”

  She quirked a smile at him. “Private school had its advantages. I can give you a lesson if you want.”

  Finnick’s smile didn’t waver but somehow it turned molten. “I think I’d like that little role reversal for our first date. The man-shows-woman-how-to-shoot-pool trope is so tired.”

  Kenzie burst out laughing as the clerk came out and handed her the bow. “I couldn’t agree more. Could we get two arm and finger guards as well?”

  “I’ll use the same brand as the lady,” Finnick told the clerk. “She knows her shit.”

  The clerk disappeared again and Kenzie checked the bow over, pleased that they kept it in such good condition. “I’m not a pro Finnick, the school just happened to have an archery team.”

  “Of course they did,” he teased. “You didn’t choose a more violent sport? I’m a bit disappointed.”

  She pulled the string back and aimed at the wall to test the feel. It was hard not to smile into the string. “I was also on the wrestling team.”

  Finnick laughed long and hard. “Any other teams?”

  Her smile dropped as she remembered that year like it had just happened. “Gymnastics.”

  The fox sensed something was off when she dropped the bow. “Was this a witch school?”

  “No, I wasn’t allowed in the witch one. Selene and I were separated while I went to high school, and then again when she was shipped off to the best witch boarding school money could pay for.”

  The clerk came back and they kept quiet as Finnick got everything settled. Kenzie handed over her card before he could pay. Might as well take the role reversal as far as he would let her. Neither of them broke the silence as they trudged across the street to the archery range in the park.

  They had to walk to the designated area and Kenzie felt the cloud of her past hang over their happy date. This shit always happened to her with paranormals. It was why she’d only dated humans. There was nothing about her that could possibly disappoint them.

  “What happened?” Finnick finally asked. “Why does gymnastics make you so mad?”


  He chuckled which only annoyed her more. “That’s a terrible reason.”

  “Because I qualified for the Olympics and no one cared!” she shouted, whirling around to glare at him. “And I hate bringing that shit up because it makes me sound like a whiny little bitch. Oh, boohoo you gave up on the Olympics because your family is trash. How selfish of you.”

  They stopped walking and the sky was more purple than orange now. The view of the bay was breathtaking but Kenzie didn’t care, she just wanted to go back home now and dredge the dark web for anything she could ruin Brad with.

  Vengeance was always more fun than real life and feelings.

  “Well, your family is pretty awful so I’m not surprised,” Finnick said. “But I’ve still got you beat.”

  Confusion stopped her fury in its tracks. “What?”

  “Well my parents abandoned me so obviously I had it much worse than you.”

  Her mouth dropped open in shock and the only thing she could think to say was, “What?”

  Finnick actually chuckled. Like this was a funny game they were playing. “Yeah, I won the lottery and they took it from me since I was underage. Then eventually told me to leave. My life is totally worse than yours, though not coming to the Olympics is almost as bad. You have to have something better.” He took a step closer and grabbed the hem of her cardigan, pulling her forward.

  Kenzie had no idea what to think, let alone come up with words to say.

  “My cousin tried to poison me once,” she finally said. “But she’s terrible at potions and turned me into a cat instead. It took Selene two days to figure out how to turn me back. It was easier for my parents when I was a cat and no one else wanted to deal with it. Edith used it as a learning opportunity. I still don’t know if she’d have turned me human again or just made me into her familiar.”

  “At least they fed you.” He grinned at her. “I ate nothing but adorable little bunnies for years.”

  “You were feral?” Kenzie tried to step back, but he was still holding onto her cardigan. Finnick yanked her forward and then wrapped one arm around her waist, the other occupied with the bow.

  She was pressed up against him and had one hand on his chest like she was going to push him away, but instead Kenzie looked up into his green eyes. It felt too good to touch him. “Why doesn’t that bother you?”

  “It was the best ten years of my life until I turned back and discovered alcohol. Does it bother you?”

  Kenzie thought about it for a moment. “It bothers me more you were alone and your family didn’t love you. How are you so normal?”

  He leaned down and brushed his nose against her cheek. “But I’m not. Isn’t that what you like about me? How fucked up I am? I’m hilarious and you love it.”

  His sharp teeth nipped her neck and she gasped, nearly dropping the bow.

  “You like that you have no idea what I’m capable of,” he whispered into her ear. Then his lips trailed across her cheek to her mouth and Kenzie’s heart beat hard enough she knew he could feel it against his own chest.

  When he kissed her it was so soft she barely felt it. Then suddenly he was gone and she blinked.

  “Feel better?” he asked. “Good enough to go shoot some targets?” Finnick waved pictures at her and she laughed when she saw Martha’s face.

  “Yeah, I feel better,” she admitted. “Though I don’t know why.”

  They started walking again and Finnick shrugged. “It’s the game. Competing always takes you out of your head.”

  “It’s a fucked up game.”

  “They all are,” he grinned at her.

  Kenzie couldn’t argue with him as he pulled her towards the range. Everything was a game if you squinted hard enough.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Widen your stance,” Kenzie murmured, pushing his back leg out with her foot. “Now make sure your weight is evenly distributed.”

  Finnick’s grin was wide enough to split his fa
ce, but he couldn’t bring himself to give a shit. Her hands were on his hips as she adjusted him ever so slightly when they both knew his stance was perfect. But he let her play the game because he wanted her to touch him. He even pushed his ass out a little like he’d seen women do on romantic comedies.

  “All right now nock the arrow, and pull back.” Kenzie placed one hand over his and they drew back together until the string pressed into his lips.

  Finnick didn’t like when she stepped away, but he held the position as she circled him. Kenzie’s fingers pushed his shooting elbow up and his smile widened when she went around, pulling the other out ever so slightly.

  She knew what she was doing and he liked it. Finnick didn’t care that he could shoot a bullseye every time, letting her touch him was worth it.

  “Don’t flick the string, just release.”

  Finnick did exactly as she instructed and relished her reaction at the perfect shot. “Whoops,” he teased, giving her a little shrug. “Think you could do better?”

  “I know I can.” She glared at him, tucking her watch and bracelets in her pockets. Then Kenzie took off her cardigan and yanked her gear on while he watched every motion closely.

  When he’d first picked her up from her house Finnick had been on the edge of murdering her whole family. And he would have done it with a smile. They deserved it after what they’d done to her. The things he could scent in that place…if he wasn’t used to horror he’d have nightmares.

  But Kenzie diffused the situation like she always did, by making it worse and redirecting attention to her. He was pretty sure she did it on purpose, but it was so flawless it was hard to tell.

  He watched her put the arm guard on and he frowned. Then she held the bow in her right hand. “You’re going to shoot left-handed? Is this a challenge?”

  “No, I’m left-handed you ass.” Then Kenzie pulled back like she was an old pro. It showed off the muscles in her arms and shoulders.

  Finnick’s eyes snagged on her full bottom lip when the string pressed into it, bringing his gaze to her defined cupid’s bow next. Her lips were so damn soft and full.

  She took a deep breath and then let it out, loosing the arrow at the same time. The following ‘thunk’ made him smile. “We can’t all win at everything,” he teased.

  Kenzie grumbled, but he wasn’t even paying attention. He was too infatuated with her. How had he missed that she was left dominant? During their sparring match she’d given nothing away. Sure she used both hands like all good fighters did, but she did use the right more. Was that a trick she liked to play?

  “I don’t use my left hand if I can help it,” she said with a smirk.

  Finnick realized he was still staring at the way her muscles curved over her shoulder toward the center of her back and the dusting of freckles there. It was hard to believe she was so strong sometimes when she looked so delicate.

  There was too much in the world that could hurt her and he didn’t like it. Finnick rolled his shoulders back and cracked his neck, annoyed with that particular thought. She wasn’t his property and she could take care of herself.

  “Best three out of five?” she asked.

  “Think you can beat me?” he teased.

  Kenzie flashed him that stunning smile of hers. “Have at it already fox boy, so I can take my turn since you clearly know what you’re doing and don’t need my help.”

  “I don’t,” he acceded, drawing back and letting loose in one smooth motion. The second arrow split the first in half thanks to his shifter strength. Finnick gave her a wink. “But I’m never going to pass up an opportunity for you to put your hands on me.”

  He watched her blush, and then take her second shot. She scored a bullseye, nearly taking out his own arrow but they sat flush next to each other.

  “It’s only fair though,” he mused, taking up his stance again. “Since you’re apparently left handed and I had no idea.”

  His third arrow shattered his second, landing another bullseye and this time she laughed. “It’s hard to be mad that I’m losing when you’re really that good.”

  Finnick gave her a bow and a flirty smile. “I aim to please. Now would you like to accompany me to the second part of our date, my lady?”

  Kenzie laughed and it was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. This woman who had gone through so much terrible shit could still be so carefree and affectionate. It gave him hope. But he still wasn’t sure what he even hoped for.

  “Sure, let’s go my fox prince.” She linked her arm through his and they walked down to the shop like pompous idiots together.

  For his first date Finnick had to say, it really wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be.

  “I like angry girl rock, but I also have a secret obsession with pop music,” Kenzie whispered to him, giggling like it was the funniest thing in the world.

  Finnick was chuckling himself as they tried the next wine and cheese pairing. As a shifter he couldn’t get drunk. His metabolism was too quick, but Kenzie wasn’t a large person and she didn’t use power so despite her above average metabolism she could definitely feel the effects of alcohol if she had enough.

  It had surprised them both when she’d agreed to drink the wine. Finnick’s chest had puffed up like he’d won some sort of prize. Because she trusted him enough to feel vulnerable around him – to let her guard down.

  “I love pop music,” Finnick confessed, making a face as he ate the weird cheese he couldn’t remember the name of. He made notes like the instructor had told him to, but it was all just for fun. At this point he kept writing because he wanted to remember this version of Kenzie later, no matter what happened.

  “Why is my name on that paper?” Kenzie demanded.

  Finnick hid the notes with his arm as he wrote like they were in school and she was trying to cheat off him. “I’ll show you when you’re sober,” he snickered.

  “Fine,” she huffed. “Who’s your favorite pop artist then?”

  “Hands down Nicki Minaj.”

  Kenzie almost spat out her wine. “You’re a terrible human being.”

  He grinned. “You’re right, my actual favorite is One Direction but I didn’t want you to make fun of me.”

  She laughed so hard people turned to glare at them, but Finnick just flipped them off. They were there to have fun and those people could mind their own fucking business. It didn’t hurt it made Kenzie laugh even harder.

  “I like Ariana Grande,” Kenzie whispered like it was a terrible secret and they were in an actual class in a high school.

  Finnick tried to cover up his bark of laughter with a cough. “We should go soon so we can listen to terrible pop music,” he whispered back.

  He watched closely as she downed her glass of wine and then took a nibble of cheese. They’d need to catch a food truck on the way back to her house, but so far she was doing okay. Kenzie was also relaxed enough he may actually get an answer to his question.

  “So would you want to be my mate one day?” he asked nonchalantly as he finished up the last notation about their conversation.

  Finnick still didn’t know if he wanted to be mated, at least not yet, but if he was going to have a mate he wanted it to be Kenzie. The situation with witches and shifters though…and he was considered a lesser shifter on top of all that.

  “I thought you wanted to do the hard shit later,” Kenzie said, picking a different cheese and holding it out for him.

  Finnick took a bite and then set down the pen. He chewed while he watched her pour more wine and then hand him a glass. It was probably stupid to ask her anyway. It wasn’t like either of them knew what would happen in the next few weeks, let alone a few years.

  But he couldn’t get the idea of little witch foxes out of his mind.

  The stupid bond was tightening around his heart the more time he spent with her whether he wanted it to or not. When he was with her it was fine, but when they were apart an ache started in his chest that made him more irritable than normal.<
br />
  Was it the same for her?

  Finnick sipped the wine she’d handed him and then nodded that he liked it. “It is hard shit, but I’m just curious. The bond is a two person decision after all.”

  “I thought when a triad was mated it had to be all three,” Kenzie said, setting up the last pairing.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s only for the felines,” Finnick told her. “I’m not one hundred percent sure. You’d have to look into the witch archives at lesser shifter matings.”

  “You’re not a lesser shifter,” Kenzie snapped.

  Hunter was right about one thing, whether any of them wanted it or not, Kenzie was feeling protective of them – all three of them. As much as they felt protective of her.

  Finnick smiled even though he didn’t think any of this was funny. “I appreciate you saying that more than you know.” Now maybe she’d answer his real question. “So, why were you afraid to get on the bike?”

  She shrugged and handed him the next pairing before sipping her own glass. “When I was in Chiang Mai I got into a really bad motorcycle accident with another rider. I’m not a full witch or a shifter. I healed only fractionally faster than a human would. It’s why I came back to the states instead of continuing my Muay Thai training over there.”

  Huh, well. That was, and yet was not, the answer he was expecting. “Doesn’t almost everyone ride bikes over there?” he asked, intrigued about this new insight into her life and her past. It explained why she was such a fucking good fighter though, good enough to take on shifters.

  She downed her glass. “Most of them. But it’s just chaos. I wasn’t paying attention for a split second and broke four bones. It wasn’t fun.”

  Just like when she’d talked about the gymnastics thing he could sense her shutting down…freaking out in a way. Her scent was angry and sad and she was going down a dark path mentally from what he could see on her face.

  “The Alpha of the Blue Mountain Wolf Pack broke every bone in my body when he caught me poaching on his territory,” Finnick told her, leaning forward so he was in her space and breathing her air.


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