Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 6

by S. W. Gunn

  Daell looked up to the servant who placed one of the trays on the table for Fregna and said kindly, “Thank you.”

  The young Jordling woman paused for a moment. She looked unsure what to say in response.

  “You are welcome your Highness.” She finally stuttered out.

  Daell turned to Astir and asked, “So your Majesty, how were things for you in the council this turn?”

  She just could not believe how he managed to get Fregna to come to the dining hall. In her twenty years of life she had never seen Fregna in the dining hall.

  Once she recovered from her temporary moment of disbelief she answered, “Your Highness it went well. I am certain things will go even smoother once you have completed your training with Lady Fregna and join us in the council meetings.”

  Daell smiled happily at her. He started to eat his meal again. Astir noticed that he was even utilizing the bjarg to open shells properly, she was impressed with him because he really took to his lessons well. Taking a glance at Fregna, who was watching Daell as he ate his meal, Astir saw that she had a smile on her face. It was though she was proud of him. Astir could understand her pride, she was already molding a blacksmith into a King. No doubt she might have considered it one of her shining moments. Astir would have to agree with her assessment, although she wagered her husband made a much better student than she ever did. Astir glanced at Ofriki. Ofriki was staring at Daell in shock.

  Fregna said, “Lady Ofriki.”

  Ofriki looked at her.

  Fregna tapped the bottom of her chin and said, “It is rude to eat while your mouth is ajar.”

  Ofriki clamped her mouth shut which caused Astir to chuckle. Her husband was much better with people than she had heard; to be able to turn Fregna to your side was nothing short of a miracle. The turn of events was threatening to drive Astir just a little crazy because she just could not believe what she was seeing. She promised herself that she would find out exactly what he had done to get Fregna so quickly on his side. As they finished eating Daell stood up and asked her if he could be excused so he could escort Fregna to the door of the palace and to a carriage. Astir nodded in a stunned silence. In a matter of moments Daell rejoined them at the table.

  Ofriki almost yelled out, “What in Heima was that?”

  Daell looked at her with what Astir guessed was an expression of confusion before he asked, “What do you mean Lady Ofriki?”

  Astir decided to intercede before Ofriki's head exploded so she interjected, “Your Highness we are just finding ourselves in an unusual situation.”

  Daell still looked puzzled.

  Viga then added, “I left when I was ten harvests old, I do not remember Fregna being so nice. In fact, I would say it was quite the opposite if my memory serves me.”

  Daell shook his head and stated, “She is a wonderful instructor and a very sweet woman.”

  Astir rubbed her forehead with two fingers, it was just so puzzling.

  “But how did you manage that?” She asked.

  “I do not know what you mean your Majesty.”

  “She was so stiff and overbearing. I spent all of my life that I can remember being instructed by her. She never once came to the dining hall to eat. She never once said a kind word to me. Never once.”

  Daell looked right into her eyes and asked, “Did you ever invite her?”

  Astir had to admit that she had not, she was so intimidated by Fregna that the thought of eating any meal or even spending more time than she had to spend with her was insanity in her eyes. Viga laughed. The room turned to look at him.

  “And yet another thing that Daell has done that no other has done before.” He said.

  They all laughed with him.

  Daell said, “Honestly all I did was listen to her lessons. She would say to do somethin’ and I did it. When the mid-turn meal came up, I asked her if we could take it in the class room because I was enjoyin’ the lessons. She had taught me so much already that I wanted to continue the lessons. During the mid-turn meal I asked her how she came to her position. We talked about her life for some time and then we continued with the lessons.”

  Astir was impressed with her husband. She told him earlier that she had faith in him and he had already begun to prove her faith correct.

  She stood up slowly and announced, “It is time for me to call it an evening. I was wondering if his Highness would care to escort this tired Queen to her quarters?”

  Daell beamed with joy at her words as he replied with a wide smile on his face before saying, “It would be my pleasure your Majesty.”

  He stood and extended his left arm for her which she took before wishing their friends a good night. She slowly walked with Daell has he guided her up the stairs and to their room. The handmaidens opened her doors. Daell walked her into the room and stopped.

  He declared to the handmaidens, “You are excused for the evening friends, I shall personally attend to the Queen. Have a good night.”

  They nodded and hurridly scampered out of the room. The doors closed behind them. Daell released her arm and moved so he was standing in front of her.

  He then placed both of his hands on her shoulders and asked, “Would her Majesty wish assistance in the removal of her beautiful dress?”

  Excitement coursed through her as she responded, “She would.”

  Pacing slowly around her, he stopped when he was standing directly behind her. His breath slowly trickled along her neck. She could feel small bumps rise on her skin.

  His warm breath kissed against her skin as he spoke, “It is a good thing I was payin’ much more attention to the process this mornin’. I should be able to assist you much more… effectively.”

  She laughed. His hands brushed against her back as he popped the latch on her necklace. Immediately she noticed that his hands were no longer shaking as he touched her.

  Brushing his lips brushed against her ear he whispered, “There we go.”

  After he slowly undressed her he began to kissing her gently on her neck.

  * * * * *

  Much later as they lay on the bed, she could no longer bear it, she had to ask about Fregna, “How in the world did you manage to get Fregna to be so nice to you?”

  “I just treated her as I treat everyone else.” He replied to her as a matter of fact.

  Astir was astounded, she would have as much to learn from Daell as he would from her, maybe even more. He slowly stroked her cheek with his hand. She looked deep into his eyes. Initially she had considered him good looking when she first saw him, but as she had grown to know him, she found him to be stunningly handsome. His features were solid, as with all of his people, but his personality overwhelmed her as he was kind to everyone and treated people evenly. She became more confident that he could possibly become the greatest King of Heima. One thing that she did know for certain, he would not change. She kissed him passionately.

  * * * * *

  The morning came quickly and she awoke to find herself snuggled against Daell. She was so warm and comfortable that she did not want to move. She glanced up towards him and saw that he was already awake and looking at her.

  Smiling at him she said, “Good morning my love.”

  “Good mornin’ to you, my beautiful Queen.”

  She grinned at his words. She just remembered that she had forgotten to tell him what the council had said about visiting his family. She was so distracted by the shock of his relationship with Fregna.

  “I forgot to talk to you about visiting your family.”

  He shifted uncomfortably beneath her and then asked, “What’d they say Astir?”

  He had a slight tone in his voice that led her to believe that he expected to be disappointed. She had a surprise for him.

  “Well to be honest almost every member of the council was highly against it.”

  He nodded solemnly.

  Continuing to talk, she told him, “I tried my best to explain to them about Jordling culture and how your family jus
t could not come to Bygod, it was not very effective. Finally my brother spoke up. He said that it was almost cruel of us to expect your family to live without knowing the fate of their son and that there was no way you could go there alone and expect your family to be happy without meeting your bride. Then he stated that you had business with the Hyggja and they were becoming insistent on your return so it made sense for you to accomplish both tasks at once.”

  Daell grinned as he said, “Your brother has always sided with me.”

  “In the end, I just informed the council that no matter what, I was going to go with you once you completed your studies. After we visit your family, we shall stop at Tryggr and you can then finally fulfill your promise by returning to visit the Hyggja.”

  She saw his face completely shift from solemn uncertainly to joy. His happiness made her happy too.

  Excitedly he said to her, “I’m so happy, I wanted so badly for you to meet my family. I know they’re not royalty, but they are a part of me. I love all of them dearly and miss them quite a bit.”

  He hugged her tightly. Astir had not cared that his family was not royalty. She was just as excited to meet them as Daell was and she just hoped that they would like her.

  Chapter 7

  Daell was ecstatic about the news. He had missed his family dearly and could not wait to see them. Also he was quite happy that he would be given an opportunity to fulfill his promise with the Hyggja. After all, a Jordling was only as good as his word. He almost wished that she could meet them. The Hyggja were initially violent to his people, but once both sides realized the misunderstanding they were extremely generous and kind to Daell.

  As they entered the dining hall for the morning meal, Daell was stunned to discover that the table in the dining hall had been removed and a new table was there. It turned out that Astir felt that since he always wanted to sit next to her, she ordered a table that could better accommodate his desire. The new table was a round one that would allow him to sit much closer to her. He enjoyed the new table immensely as it allowed Astir to gently rub her foot against his right leg throughout the meal. Daell found it hard to concentrate on eating or the conversation around him while he was under her touch and he suspected that she knew it since she had a cunning smile on her face as she gently moved her foot against his leg. After the meal she excused herself. Daell was sad to see her leave, but he knew that she had work to perform.

  Daell stood. It was time for him to continue his lessons with Fregna. He smiled thinking about the reaction from his wife and their friends last evening. Fregna was stern at first but he did learn much from her lessons. He attacked the information and absorbed as much as he could. He found that he enjoyed the history of Heima much more than he thought he would. He walked out of the palace and entered the training building. As he opened the door of the class room he saw Fregna sitting in her chair.

  She stood and said, “Good morning your Highness.”

  It was amazing to Daell how much respect people would give you if you just treated them as you wished to be treated.

  He said, “Fregna you need not address me as such. With all the meager information you’ve already imparted on this blacksmith’s son, you have more than earned the right to call me by my name.”

  He smiled at her.

  She returned his smile as she said, “Thank you Daell, it is so refreshing to meet a member of royalty who treats all with such respect and care. I hope your personality rubs off on the others.”

  “I think you underestimate the others they are wonderful people. To be honest I think they respect you deeply, however they also fear you.”

  She looked slightly amused by his words and after a slight pause she stated, “I had known that for some time and I must confess that I purposely worked for that fear. Those young women were always causing trouble, either with their constant pranks or frequent escapes from the palace grounds. I felt it was important to try and instill some discipline.”

  Daell was curious so he said, “I am all ears. I wish to know as many of my wife’s escapades as you could recall.”

  After the many tales that Fregna shared with him, they tore through the lessons of the turn. Once again they worked through the mid-turn meal and right up to just before the evening meal. Daell’s mind was brimming with even more new information. He loved to learn new things. It must have shown when Fregna instructed him as she seemed energized by his excitement. He was actually saddened when she declined his invitation to the evening meal because she already had other plans. Daell waved at her and left for the palace.

  After a quick walk he entered the dining hall. Sitting at the new table were his wife, Hollurn, Skemmra, Viga and Ofriki. He was happy to see all of his friends but he was much happier to see his beautiful wife. She had changed dresses from the white one that she was wearing when he last saw her to a light purple dress that had intricate bead work stitched into the breast. The beadwork was formed into the shape of a melrakki and Daell recognized it immediately. It was the dress that she had worn the first time that he saw her in Araedi.

  Astir saw him admiring her dress and she asked, “Do you like it?”

  “Yes I do, it’s the dress you were wearin’ when I first saw you your Majesty.”

  With a broad smile on her face she stated, “I thought you would like it so I changed into it.”

  Daell walked to his seat and sat down next to her.

  Viga asked, “Your Highness how was your lessons?”

  Daell took a bite of his meal before saying, “My lessons were excellent. This turn we went through more etiquette, geography, basic medical care, the theories about elemental craftin’, and we started ball room dancin’. She went over the variety of powers that each race has within the elements, although she passed over earthcraftin’. She said that I didn’t need to learn about somethin’ that I was already an expert in.”

  “Ball room dancing?” Hollurn asked.

  Daell nodded and then answered, “Indeed, although I’ve much to learn as I think I stepped on poor Fregna’s foot more than once while attemptin’ to learn.”

  Ofriki looked disappointed as she asked solemnly, “I assume there was no whacking with the stick this turn either?”

  “Lady Ofriki would it make you feel cheer if I said there was?” Daell asked.

  She perked up and said, “Yes.”

  The table laughed at her response.

  “I’m afraid that there wasn’t any wackin’, however if you wish I’ll ask her at my next lesson if she could whack me with the stick you keep mentionin’.” Daell said with a sly grin.

  Everyone at the table again laughed loudly at his words. Astir reached out for his hand, pulled it close to herself and then kissed the back of it.

  She said, “Daell you are quite the jester.”

  She kissed his hand again, this time with much more intensity.

  “I love you.” She said.

  “And I love you, your Majesty.” He replied with a grin.

  After the meal Astir rose from her seat and announced, “Your Highness would you care to escort me to our quarters for the evening?”

  Daell immediate rose to his feet and eagerly answered, “It’d be this humble son of a blacksmith’s deepest honor to do so your Majesty.”

  She smiled at him and took his arm as he offered it.

  As they walked through the palace Astir said, “What would you like to do tomorrow? We have six turns of work and then two turns of rest in the palace. The next two turns it will just be us. No meetings, no lessons, and no formality.”

  He pleased to hear it although he had to admit it was very unusual because Jordlings rarely took turns off. Annual harvest celebrations for a person’s birth were pretty much it and even then it would be no more than half a turn at best.

  “Well, time off is unusual for a Jordlin’, but I look forward to spendin’ time with you. I’d love to spend a turn explorin’ the palace grounds and the nearby village if you don’t mind.”

sp; Astir chuckled as she said, “Hollurn had warned me that exploring would be your first choice.”

  “Unless you’ve somethin’ else in mind, I’ll do anythin’ you desire.” Daell stated sincerely to her.

  She glanced up at him with her beautiful brown eyes.

  “My love I wish you to be happy, we shall walk the grounds of the palace tomorrow and then go for a trip in the village.”

  Daell was quite pleased because he loved nothing more than walking from shop to shop. Seeing what sorts of things people have, to talk to people that he did not know and learn about them. His people were a friendly sort usually. If you showed interest in them, they would open their hearth to you. Astir leaned her head against his shoulder as they walked through the hallway. They slowly made their way through the palace and to their quarters for the evening.

  * * * * *

  Daell awoke the next morning to his wife snuggled against him. He found himself quite happy. Life was wonderful and he hoped that it would stay this way forever. He looked down at Astir and saw that she was soundly sleeping while nestled against him. Her hair was spread out and covered most of her face. Daell was still in awe of her. He had never seen a person other than her and her mother with brown hair. Most races of Heima had black hair. The Vatune were all blonde haired, but his wife’s hair was a rich brown color. It had a flowing natural curl to it. And to top it all off, just like his wife herself, her hair always smelled so wonderful. Her eyebrows were perfectly manicured. It must have been pleasant to have a large group of handmaidens to assist you with these things. Of course Daell would never want something like that for himself but he was quite happy to have them for his wife. She slowly stirred a little bit, but continued sleeping. Daell continued to admire her beautiful face for some time before she finally awoke.

  She stretched slowly as she woke and then said, “Good morning.”

  “Good mornin’.” He replied.

  Daell was excited to spend the entire turn with her and he was equally excited to explore the nearby village. They both slowly climbed off of the massive bed and got prepared for the turn. Since it was time off of work for most of the palace staff, the Jordling handmaidens did not arrive, instead Astir dressed herself. She wore a dark purple tunic with a large embroidered melrakki on the left breast and a long dark purple skirt. Both the sleeves and the skirt had some sort of swirling pattern that matched the color of the melrakki. Daell recognized it immediately as something from Kunnadi. He really liked it, even without the excessive dress or use of application; she was still a vision of beauty. Daell believed that without her handmaidens, she would have still been the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen.


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