Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 33

by S. W. Gunn

  Since her return to Bygod, it had been business as usual. She immediately had the walls around Kunnadi removed. Each city was ordered to institute new policies for leadership that matched Heimili. She would never allow the cities to have so much power set forth in one man, or woman. The only exception she allowed was for the position of Head Administrator in Hellir. It was a ceremonial title anyways so she left it to continue existing as it was, although she had the current one released from her position and another voted to replace her. There would be no more lifelong terms in any of the cities. Just five harvest terms for all positions within each city, only the Queen of Heima would rule for more than five harvests. She felt deeply compelled to honor her husband in some way. She ordered several changes in how the cities dealt with the villages around them. No more would the royalty send low quality items to these villages. The villages themselves would undergo repairs more frequently. She knew that the royalty in some of these cities, especially Araedi, might be upset at her decisions, but she knew that it was time for her people to be treated with more dignity. She did not order the coffers of the royalty within the cities to be emptied, just slightly utilized for repairs. She had personally opened her own coffers to make sure Daell’s village was taken care of.

  Another interesting change was the Hyggja. The leaders of each Kyla had come to Bygod to swear fealty to her. She was able to turn the situation into the original alliance that her husband had set out for them. She did not wish to rule them, only be their friends. She suggested they form a leadership council and elect a leader for it. She did not think it would be wise to rule a people that she did not know well. Her words seemed to only strengthen their commitment to her. They decided to install the ambassador, a young Hyggja named Nuori, who arrived in Bygod sometime afterward. She found that she really liked him. He was highly intelligent and very interested in everything he could learn about Heima. He actually reminded her of her husband. She could imagine that they would have become fast friends, if he were living. It was only another reminder to her of what she had lost.

  Contractions again struck her. They were not at a rapid enough interval for her to go into labor, but they constantly would spring up to remind her that soon she would have the last remaining part of her husband in her arms. She could barely contain her emotions when she thought about how she would explain to her daughter about Daell’s death. Thinking about it only made the matter worse for her. Another issue was her family for they had begun pressuring her to consider remarrying. No one had mentioned Anderskoti, but they all suggested that she should seriously consider marriage in the future. After some time she finally had enough of the suggestion that she summoned her family into the throne room and made it quite clear to them that under no circumstances will she remarry, or that they should continue to press the issue in any way. Thankfully for her, they finally relented after she had sternly told them her position.

  Astir had stopped using her throne to sit on as she grew in size from her bearing her child because it was just too difficult to climb the steps to it. She had the chair from Kunnadi brought to the throne room. It was so much more comfortable for her, especially with the pillow resting along the back. She was resting comfortably in the chair as her councilors discussed plans to build a second port city. The mapping of the new city seemed as though it would rest on the edge of the plains of Gjor, right along the Deila Forest. A name for the new city had not been chosen yet. She had seriously considered naming it after her husband but her only concern was that she did not wish to appear vain in doing so. She would wait until the time to name it came before a decision on the matter would be made.

  She heard a sudden commotion rising from outside the doors of the throne room. She glanced at the doors. After Hollurn tore the old door off the hinges, she had something much sturdier put in their place. The commotion continued to grow louder. It had gotten to the point that she felt as though the people in her hallways were having a celebration. Loud cheering and yelling penetrated through the thick doors of her throne room. She could not understand the words that were being said on the other side of the doors. She looked at her councilors and could see that they too were just as confused about the commotion.

  Astir asked, “Does anyone know what the disturbance is about?”

  They all shook their heads. The door rang out in three solid knocks. It was the knock of the King!

  Astir became very angry as she stood and yelled out loudly, “Who dares mock the Queen in her pain by knocking on her door in such a manner?”

  She would have the person dragged from her palace in stocks for their action. Turning to the servants at the door she nodded her head, soon she would deal with this foul wretch herself.

  The doors opened and standing in the doorway of her throne room was Daell! He smiled weakly as they caught eyes. She fell to her knees. It must have been a mirage, or she had to be dreaming. He looked very frail as he stood there. Tears rolled down her face uncontrollably as she was unsure what to feel, she had to be dreaming. It was a dream that she had many nights before, this time however just felt so real to her. The first in the room to react was her brother.

  “Daell!” He yelled out in joy.

  He raced to embrace her husband. She stayed on her knees in shock as the remainder of her family and friends quickly moved to encircle him. She shook her head. She was completely floored by his apparent return. After a moment of receiving hugs from her family, they parted to allow him to walk to her. She had not noticed when the doors opened, but he had a walking stick. He hobbled slowly towards her, using that stick to aid himself. Finally he was standing in front of her. Struggling mightily, he lowered himself down until he was again facing her.

  Renewed tears began to flow from her eyes as he looked at her. She was overcome with joy at the sight of him. He slowly lifted his hand, which shook as it approached her. His hand softly stroked her cheeks as he wiped her tears away as best he could.

  She asked, “Are you a dream my love?”

  He shook his head and softly replied, “No Astir, I am real and have come home to you.”

  Confused, she asked, “But how? I was told you perished.”

  “I almost did, but I was saved by my own kind during my imprisonment in Kunnadi.”

  He smiled at her. Her heart began to beat rapidly on seeing his smile return. She was still in awe of it all because his sudden return still felt as though it were a dream to her. She reached out and stroked his face gently. He had lost a lot of weight. She felt horrible as she was certain she was as fat as a large kyr, and here her husband looked as though he had not eaten a meal in over a cycle.

  “My husband I am sorry for my appearance. I have gained much weight and look horrible.” She told him.

  He shook his head at her and said, “No my love, you are more beautiful now in my eyes than you have ever been. My dreams these last cycles have been of you, and even now you outshine those dreams.”

  She sobbed heavily and wrapped her arms around him. It was the first time that she could fully reach around him. He wrapped his arms around her and she could hear him weeping as openly as she was. She held him as close to herself as she possibly could. Her stomach blocked her ability to pull herself as close as she had wanted to, but she still drew as much of herself into him as she could. As she pressed against him, her weight pushed him sideways and he toppled down to the floor with her in his arms. She laughed, which was something she had not done in many cycles. He too laughed, which seemed weaker than normal to her, but it still filled her heart with joy. She was resting beside him on the floor of her throne room, staring deeply into his eyes when she suddenly realized that her legs were very wet. In her joy of her husband’s return, she had not realized that her contractions had begun to increase in intensity. It was then, as her dress grew wet that she realized her water had broken. She was about to give birth to their child.

  She looked up at her mother and said, “It is time.”

  Chapter 42

  The trip from the Kyla within the Myrr to Kunnadi was physically draining for Daell, he had to stop frequently. The Hyggja with him, which included Johtaja himself, had to carry him for many parts of the trip. Once he made it to Kunnadi, he was surprised to see that the walls around it had already been removed. He walked with the Hyggja through the city and to the palace. Since Skyansam was executed, he was greeted enthusiastically by the crowds of people. As soon as he got to the doors of the palace he thanked the Hyggja, who then left to head back out to the Myrr. He asked who the new leader of Kunnadi was, and was told that the new leader’s name was Aethla Pridisson. Daell had to insist on meeting the man. If he was the man who aided his escape, he had to personally thank him. Daell was escorted to one of the smaller meeting rooms in the palace. It was not long before Aethla Pridisson was brought before him.

  He was a man about the same age as Daell. He had the same black hair and almond shaped eyes of his people. His hair was shortly cropped. He wore a light orange tunic with an unusual small animal emblazoned on his left breast, along with a pair of light brown trousers and some simple black sandals. The material of his clothing was the mykjask that was renown from the city.

  He bowed deeply as he approachedbefore saying, “Greeting your Highness, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

  Daell knew immediately that he was the man. His voice matched perfectly with the man who released him from the cage.

  “We have met before, in a metal prison.” Daell told him.

  The man glanced around nervously. Daell sensed he did not wish it known that he aided in Daell’s release. Daell was confused as to why.

  He whispered, “Could we speak privately your Highness?”

  Daell nodded and announced loudly, “Leave us, I wish to speak to the leader of Kunnadi in private.”

  Everyone in the room scurried quickly to respond to Daell’s request. It was not very long before the room was emptied and the doors closed. Aethla nodded.

  He said, “I apologize your Highness for there are some who are still upset about the way my predecessor met his end. I cannot have people know that I was responsible for his demise.”

  Daell was confused by his words so he asked, “What do you mean?”

  “You see it was me who not only guided those men to free you, but I personally spread word to the people what was really happening in Kunnadi. I also spread word about the army that was beyond our gates.”

  Daell laughed before saying, “Aethla if you did all of that, you are a hero of Heima then.”

  “No your Highness, I only did what was right. Skyansam was evil. I had been his nemesis from when we both were small children. He tormented me on many occasions. He would do things just to strike out against me. If people know what I did to cause his righteous downfall it would be seen as petty jealousy. No one must know my actions. I cannot command, only beg you, please your Highness let my actions be a secret. It would stain my families honor if word of my actions were released.”

  Daell was as confused by Vindiri culture as he had been about Aldarnari culture. He decided to honor his savior’s request.

  “Very well Aethla, I shall honor your request however I have my own.”

  Aethla looked curious as he asked, “Which is your Highness?”

  Daell smiled and then answered, “First, I wish to embrace the man who saved my life and then second, I wish to be given a carriage with Aldarnari guards to take me home to Bygod.”

  Aethla looked initially taken aback by the request. Daell was unsure just how much Aethla understood about his condition when Daell was rescued from the prison. Aethla responded weakly when Daell embraced him in a hug. Daell knew it was probably his people’s way, but he did not care. The man saved his life. Aethla opened the nearest door and then called on the majordomo. Daell recognized her immediately, her name was Grinkona. She had given Daell a tour of the palace long ago.

  Aethla turned to her and said, “Ready a carriage and call for a squad of Aldarnari with hestir. They are to take the King to Heimili and they will leave immediately.”

  “Yes Lord Aethla.” She responded with a bow before quickly exiting,

  Aethla gestured for Daell to follow him. They slowly walked to the front of the palace.

  “Your Highness I know it is not my fault, but I wish to apologize on behalf of all of Kunnadi for what happened to you.”

  “No Aethla, there is no need for you to apologize. The man responsible has apparently been dealt with, which is all I could ask for. Now I just wish to return home to my wife.”

  “And so you shall, your Highness.”

  A carriage pulled up to the front of the palace. Several Aldarnari followed behind.

  Daell turned to Aethla and said, “Good luck Aethla.”

  “Good luck your Highness.”

  With that, Daell hobbled to the carriage and opened the door. One of the nearby guards saw him struggling to enter the carriage and he reached his hand out to assist Daell. Daell took his hand and finally made his way into the carriage. The ride to Heimili took only a few turns, which Daell spent much of it sleeping. His body was still quite weak but the thoughts of Astir continued to bring him great cheer. He could hardly contain himself whenever he thought of her, which would cause him break down into tears many times during the trip. The carriage only stopped to acquire food and it kept moving towards Heimili during the entire turn. Daell would let them rest once he made it to Heimili and boarded the Gjalfur. The trip to Heimili was quick and Daell found himself at the docks, with the mighty Gjalfur in front of him. He walked gingerly to the bottom of the gangplank. As he took several steps to try and board, he realized that he would physically be unable to climb up it. He turned to see his Aldarnari guards watching him. Tears were in their eyes as they had watched him initially struggle to climb the gangplank.

  As soon as he turned towards them, one ran forward and asked, “Your Highness, do you need assistance?”

  “Friend my strength has passed me and I find myself unable to board.”

  The man waved to the others and they all ran quickly to Daell’s side. Two men wrapped Daell’s arms around their shoulders and slowly walked him up the gangplank.

  Once they arrived at the top of the gangplank a voice called out clearly, “Attention on deck, His Royal Highness King Daell Skeidsson has boarded!”

  Daell was impressed when the entire crew snapped to attention. He smiled at them as the two guards gently lowered Daell so he could stand on the deck. The first thing he noticed was that the crew of the Gjalfur was now a mix of all of the races.

  He announced, “Carry on friends.”

  The crew immediately went back to work. Daell was startled slightly as a booming voice spoke off to his left. He turned to see Kroptugir coming down the stairs.

  “Your Highness, it is a truly great honor to see that not only do you live, but you are aboard my vessel.”

  Once he reached Daell, he bowed deeply and asked, “What are your orders, your Highness?”

  “Take me home.”

  “Yes your Highness.”

  Daell turned to the two guards who carried him up the gangplank and softly said to them, “Thank you friends, safe travels.”

  They both bowed deeply before walking down the gangplank. Once they were off the gangplank, it was pulled aboard the ship. Daell began to walk to the stairs that lead to the poop deck. He struggled to get up the first step.

  Kroptugir saw his struggles and asked, “Your Highness, do you need assistance.”

  “Yes I do.”

  Instead of calling for people to assist him, Kroptugir simply scooped Daell into his arms and carried him up the stairs as though he were a small child. When they arrived at the poop deck, he set Daell gently down in one of the chairs along the back of the deck. The next turn and a half went quickly as the ship sailed to Bygod. Kroptugir had several crew members assigned to assist Daell in moving around the ship. Daell had placed orders to have him brought on the poop deck once Bygod was sighted.
When they brought Daell to the poop deck, he could see Bygod quickly approaching. Tears again welled in his eyes as he saw his home growing in size, soon he would once again have his wife in his arms and he could barely contain his joy at the thought of it. As soon as the ship docked, he was provided with a carriage ride up to the palace. When Daell exited the carriage and stood before the doors of the palace, he could feel his nervousness rise. He had not been this nervous since he fumbled with Astir’s bodice those many cycles ago. Slowly he hobbled to the doors and opened one of them.

  The first people to see him as he stepped through the door were the Jordling servants. They all had looks of shock at seeing him. Some of them had paled as though they were seeing a ghost.

  Daell turned to one of them and said, “Where is the Queen?”

  The man’s jaw dropped. After Daell repeated himself, the man pointed towards the hallway that led to the throne room. Daell nodded at him and began to walk that direction.

  He took about three steps before he jumped in response to a voice yelling out, “DAELL!”

  He turned to see his friend Hollurn. Just like the Jordling servants, his friend looked stunned at his sudden arrival. Daell smiled at him, which caused Hollurn to run to him. Hollurn wrapped Daell into his arms and hugged tightly. Daell could hear him sobbing which only cause Daell to cry in response. Hollurn held him for some time before releasing him.

  “You live.” Hollurn said.

  “I do brother.”

  Hollurn laughed before saying, “I mourned greatly at word of your death.”

  “I mourned many turns as well, until I was saved by our kind.”


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