Blueberry Muffin Murder hsm-3

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Blueberry Muffin Murder hsm-3 Page 27

by Joanne Fluke

  "Are you okay?" Andrea asked, catching Hannah's pensive mood.

  "Yes, thanks to you. Where did you get that fire extinguisher?"

  "It was hanging on the wall in the back room, right next to the door."

  "And you just spotted it hanging there?"

  Andrea shook her head. "I knew where it was supposed to be. It's a legal requirement for every retail establishment in the county."

  "And you knew that because you're a real estate agent?"

  "That's right. Can I ask you a question, Hannah?"


  "I thought you were going to take Greg's head off when you hit him with that frying pan. How did you learn to swing like that?"

  "In Little League, I guess."

  "But Dad took me to all your games, and you always struck out."

  "That's true, but Greg's head is a lot bigger than a baseball. And I guess I just wasn't motivated enough back then."

  Andrea nodded and then cocked her head to the side. "I hear sirens out on the highway."

  "Me, too. It must be Mike and Bill."

  "What are we going to tell them, Hannah?"

  "As little as possible."

  "You're right." Andrea looked thoughtful. "I'll take care of Bill. You take care of Mike."

  The noise of the siren was louder now. It sounded as though more than one patrol car had responded, and that was good. Mike and Bill wouldn't ask too many questions if other officers were present. Hannah heard them pull into the parking lot, and she turned to her sister. "You go down and let them in. I'll stay here and watch Greg."

  "They can get in. They've got a passkey."

  "Is that something else you know because you're a real estate agent?"

  "No, the dispatcher told me."

  The sirens made a dying bleep and then the back door banged. Hannah could hear heavy footsteps on the stairs, and much sooner than she thought possible, the glass door banged open and a total of six deputies rushed in, Bill and Mike in the lead.

  "We're okay!" Hannah shouted out. "We've got him tied up back here."

  "You take Mike, I'll take Bill," Andrea reminded her, and then she rushed out to throw herself into her husband's arms.

  After the four other deputies had carried Greg off, Hannah turned to Mike. He didn't look happy, and Hannah knew she had to say something. "I'm sorry, Mike. I know I shouldn't have come out here without telling you, but one thing led to another and . . . are you mad at me?"

  "Mad isn't the word." Hannah sighed. A hunk of granite was more yielding than Mike was being right now. "You've got to believe me, Mike. I didn't know that Greg was the killer. I'm as shocked as you are."

  "Well. . . at least no one got hurt. Why did you come out here, anyway?"

  "Andrea and I were looking for clues. I know we shouldn't have done it without telling you, but I figured that I could save you some time by doing some of the legwork. I was only trying to help you."

  "Some help! You almost got yourself killed!"

  "But I didn't know that was going to happen. Do you really think I would have brought Andrea out here with me if I'd thought it was dangerous?"

  "No. I guess not." Hannah stared up into his face. His frown lines had smoothed out, and she could tell that he was relenting somewhat. "We were going to come straight to you and Bill with anything we found."

  'You're sure about that?'

  "Oh, yes. Absolutely."

  "All right. I believe you," Mike said and pulled her into his arms. "You don't leave me a whole lot of choice, Hannah. I've got to figure out some way to keep you safe."

  Hannah looked up to study his expression. He didn't look angry, but there was no telling what was running through is mind. "You're not going to lock me up, are you?"

  "No, I've got something else in mind."

  "What is it?"

  "We'll start by having dinner at the inn tomorrow night. Right after that, I'm going to show you what to do in a clinch."

  Hannah wasn't sure what to say. Was Mike talking about self-defense classes again? Or did he have something else in mind? She was still trying to think of a response when Mike bent down and kissed her, and then she stopped thinking altogether.

  Several minutes later, or perhaps it was longer, Mike released her. "I have to get back to work, Hannah."

  "But why? You've got Greg's confession. The case is closed."

  "There's still a ton of paperwork to do." Mike turned her around and marched her toward the door, where Andrea and Bill were waiting for them. "And I really ought to make you do it, since you seem to be angling for my job."

  -32- Hannah glanced at her reflection in the mirror that hung above the bar at the Lake Eden Inn. Mike had gone off to check on their reservations, and she was feeling very sophisticated tonight. She was wearing her new green silk dress, the one that Claire Rodgers had selected for this very special night. Hannah had dashed next door to Beau Monde Fashions on her prelunch break, and even though Claire had given her a discount, she'd still spent a small fortune on just the right outfit.

  The dress really was beautiful, and Hannah knew it looked good on her. The deep green brought out the color of her eyes, and it made her hair look more auburn than red. Since she'd always believed that her hair could double as a beacon to warn sailors away from dangerous rocks, this was a minor miracle.

  Even Moishe had seemed impressed with Hannah's new look. He'd curled up in the middle of her bed as she'd dressed, and when she was finished, he'd followed her down the hallway, purring and rubbing up against her expensive real-silk nylons.

  How could nylons be silk? Hannah thought about that inconsistency for a moment before turning her mind to other, more pressing matters. Even though it had been late, she'd gone to see Mrs. Canfield the previous evening, to tell her that Greg was in jail for the murders of Connie Mac and Alan Carpenter. Fearing that she'd be forced to deal with hysteria, tears, or perhaps even worse, Hannah had been relieved to find that her elderly neighbor had taken it in stride. Mrs. Canfield would be all right. Minnesota women were tough.

  Thinking about Greg had depressed Hannah, and after she had fed Moishe and crawled into bed, she'd turned her thoughts to the clinch that Mike had mentioned. By the time she'd dropped off to sleep, she'd managed to convince herself that Mike had simply chosen a unique way to tell her that he'd planned a romantic evening. Hannah wasn't averse to a bit more romance in her life. There was only one thing that bothered her about the evening that Mike had planned, and that was . . . .

  Norman. And there he was, in the doorway with Carrie and Delores. Hannah sighed and a wave of guilt washed over her. Why hadn't Norman taken their mothers to the Corner Tavern?

  'Hi, Hannah. You look really pretty.' Norman came over to take her hand. 'I didn't know you'd be here tonight. How about joining us?'

  'Uh . . .well, actually . . .'

  'Hi, Norman.' Mike chose that moment to return. 'What are you doing out here?'

  'I got roped into taking the mothers out to dinner. They're celebrating tonight, but they won't tell me why.'

  'Really?' Hannah's curiosity was aroused. 'I spoke to Mother this morning, and she didn't mention anything about a celebration. It's not Carrie's birthday, is it?'

  'No, that's in June. How about your mother?'

  'Not until September fifteenth. I wonder what . . .'

  'Hi, Mike. Are we late?' Bill interrupted Hannah's speculations as he rushed up with Andrea.

  'You're fine. Sally's setting up for us right now,' Mike answered, and then he turned to Hannah to explain. 'Bill told me that he was taking Andrea out for dinner tonight, and I thought we'd make it a foursome. That's all right with you, isn't it?'

  'Of course,' Hannah said. What else could she say when Bill and Andrea were standing right next to her?

  'Hey, Norman,' Mike said, reaching out to pat him on the shoulder. 'There's no reason why you should be stuck with the mothers alone. Do you think they'd like it if we all sat together.'

  You've got to be k
idding! Hannah thought with a sigh, her dreams of a romantic candlelight dinner with Mike vanishing into thin air.

  'They'd love it, but are you sure we won't be intruding?' Norman looked a little worried.

  'Not at all.' Mike thumped Norman on the back again. 'We're practically all family anyway.'

  'Okay. I'll go tell them. And I'll find Sally and say that we need a table for seven.'

  Hannah struggled to keep the pleasant smile on her face. At least Mike had said that he considered himself a part of her family. But he'd also implied that he considered Norman and Carrie a part of his family. Since Norman was supposed to be his rival, Mike was obviously unclear on the concept!

  Once Norman had left, Bill and Mike began to chat about police business, and Andrea hoisted herself up on the stool next to Hannah. 'How did you know?' she hissed.

  'Know what?'

  'That I was pregnant. I went to see Doc Knight this morning and he confirmed it.'

  'I was at first, but that's only because it was such a shock. You should have seen Bill's face when I told him. He was really happy and that's why we came out here for dinner.'

  'That's nice,' Hannah said, but part of her wished that Bill had chosen another restaurant.

  'I'm really sorry we horned in on your party. I know you wanted to be alone with Mike, but Bill didn't tell me until it was a done deal. I tried to call you to give you a heads-up, but you'd already left."

  "That's okay."

  "You look really nice, Hannah. I love that dress. Did you get it at . . . oh-oh! Here comes Mother!"

  Hannah swiveled around and her eyes widened as she caught her first glimpse of Delores. Their mother was wearing a gold lam' pantsuit, and she looked like a brunette Barbie dressed for the Oscars. "She got her hair streaked again?"

  "Bertie did it this morning. There's something a little unnatural about having a mother who looks younger than we do."

  "Only in this light," Hannah pointed out. "But she does look good, and she really knows how to make an entrance. And that reminds me, do you know what Mother and Carrie are celebrating tonight?"

  "No, I haven't heard anything about it."

  "I have a feeling we'll find out," Hannah said. standing up with her sister to greet their mother and Carrie.

  The dinner that night was festive, and to her surprise, Hannah found that she was enjoying herself. She was seated between Norman and Mike, and they seemed to be vying with each other to see that she had everything her heart de- sired. When dessert time rolled around. Hannah decided that it was time to make an announcement. "I contributed six pans of Multiple-Choice Bar Cookies to Sally's dessert buffet tonight. It's a new recipe and I need your opinion."

  "Whatever they are, they can't be better than your blueberry muffins," Bill said with a grin. "They were the best I ever tasted."

  Hannah turned to give him a long, level look. "How do you know? I thought the containers were being dusted for prints."

  "They were, but they came out clean," Mike explained. "And since the muffins were two days old already, we. . . uh.. ."

  "You shared them around at the station?" Hannah finished the sentence for him.

  "That's right. We didn't think you'd want them back. You're not upset, are you?"

  "Not really." Hannah did her best to be gracious. "I'm glad they didn't go to waste. Is there more coffee in that carafe?"

  Both Mike and Norman made a grab for the carafe at the same moment, and Hannah almost laughed out loud. This was the first time in her whole life that two men were knocking themselves out to please her. Mike got to the carafe first and filled Hannah's cup. Then he leaned forward to talk to Norman. "Are you all right after that knock on the head?"

  "I'm fine, but if Lake Eden gets any more dangerous, I'm going to take karate classes."

  "Karate won't do you much good unless your assailant is a two-by-four or a stack of cinder blocks. I'll tell you what, Norman. I promised to teach Hannah some self-defense moves, and I'll give you some tips, too."

  "Thanks, Mike." Norman looked properly grateful. "Just let me know when, and I'll be there."

  "How about tonight? I have to teach Hannah what to do in a clinch, and my apartment complex has a gym."

  "That sounds great. I'll take the mothers home and then I'll drive out to your place. I really appreciate this, Mike. Ever since I met Hannah, I'm never sure when I'm going to run into trouble."

  Hannah made a study of the coffee in her cup as her two Lotharios discussed precisely when and where to meet. This evening was definitely not turning out the way she'd hoped it would.

  "Andrea, dear?" Delores reached across the table to tap Andrea's arm. "You didn't have any of the champagne I ordered."

  As Hannah watched, Andrea's face turned a shade of pink that matched the dress she was wearing. "I'm sure it was delicious, Mother. I just didn't feel like drinking tonight."

  "But why, dear? You're not driving, are you?"

  Andrea's cheeks turned even pinker as she shook her head.

  "Then why don't you have a glass?"

  'No, Mother. Thank you, but I'm. . . I'm. . ."

  "Pregnant." Hannah supplied the word that appeared to be frozen on her sister's lips.

  "Really?" Delores looked stunned for a moment, and then she rushed around the table to hug Andrea. "That's wonderful, dear! When did you find out?"

  "Today. But Hannah knew it yesterday."

  Delores turned to give Hannah a sharp look. Hannah just shrugged. "Call me psychic."

  For a few moments, everyone spoke at once, congratulating Andrea and Bill. Hannah sat back with a smile on her face and enjoyed her sister's time in the spotlight. Andrea looked happy, and that was what counted. And Bill seemed absolutely delighted.

  "Hannah has some good news, too," Delores said when the commotion had died down a bit. "Tell them, dear."

  "Tell them what?" Hannah asked, staring at her mother in total consternation.

  "About the book. You're going to write it, aren't you?"

  "Oh, that book." Hannah sighed deeply. Her mother had obviously spoken to Kurt Howe, who'd spilled the beans. Now she had to explain it to the rest of her extended family, and every one of them was staring at her curiously. "Kurt Howe came into the cookie shop this morning and asked me to write a cookbook. I told him I'd think about it."

  "But you have to do it," Delores insisted.

  "Only if I can work in some of our old family recipes and stories about Lake Eden," Hannah stipulated. "As Andrea would say, it's not a done deal yet."

  Another round of congratulations followed Hannah's un- planned announcement, and then Delores clinked her spoon against the side of her champagne flute. When she was sure that all eyes were on her, she said, "Carrie and I have an announcement, too."

  Hannah took a deep breath and held it. If Delores and Carrie had cooked up something together, it couldn't be good.

  'I'm going into the antique business with Carrie,' Delores declared. 'Everyone who toured the Ezekiel Jordan House urged us to open an antique shop. And since Launne Hanks has shown such an interest, we're hiring her to help us buy stock and run the store.'

  'That's great, Mother!' Andrea reached out to pat her mother's hand.

  'It certainly is,' Hannah added, giving a big sigh of relief. Opening an antique store would keep her mother busy and out of her hair.

  'That's not all,' Delores said, pausing for dramatic effect. 'Carrie and I signed the lease this afternoon, and you'll never guess where we're locating.'

  Hannah was almost afraid to ask, but she did. 'Where?'

  'Right next to you, dear.'

  'You mean . . . on the same block?' Hannah asked, hoping that she'd misunderstood.

  'Right next to you, dear. Carrie and I are turning the Ezekiel Jordan House into an antique shop. I've been feeling guilty because I don't spend enough time with you, and now I'll be able to zip over and have coffee with you every morning. Isn't that wonderful, dear?'

  Somehow Hannah managed to keep t
he smile on her face. 'Wonderful,' she said.


  Preheat oven to 350'F, rack in the middle position

  ' cup butter (one stick) 1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 oz.)

  Column A (1 ' cups) Graham cracker crumbs Vanilla wafer crumbs Chocolate wafer crumbs Animal cracker crumbs Sugar cookie crumbs

  Column B (2 cups) Chocolate chips Butterscotch chips Peanut butter chips Raisins (regular or golden) M&M's (without nuts)

  Column C (2 cups) Flaked coconut (5 oz.) Rice Krispies Miniature Marshmallows (2 ' cups) Frosted cornflakes (crumbled)

  Column D (1 cup) chopped walnuts chopped pecans chopped peanuts chopped cashews

  Melt the butter and pour it into a 9-by-13-inch cake pan. Tip the pan to coat the bottom.

  1. Evenly sprinkle one ingredient from Column A over the melted butter. 2. Drizzle sweetened condensed milk over the crumbs. 3. Evenly sprinkle one ingredient from Column B on top. 4. Evenly sprinkle one ingredient from Column C on top of that. 5. Evenly sprinkle one ingredient from Column D over the very top.

  Press everything down with the palms of your hands. Bake at 350'F for 30 minutes. Cool thoroughly on a wire rack and cut into brownie-sized bars.

  (Tracey loves to help me bake these ' she gets to choose the ingredients.) '

  FB2 document info

  Document ID: eabf9b3b-69fa-481e-906e-ef09fe8de630

  Document version: 1

  Document creation date: 10.9.2012

  Created using: calibre 0.8.67, FictionBook Editor Release 2.6.6 software

  Document authors :

  Joanne Fluke


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