Blind Love

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Blind Love Page 28

by Kelly Elliott

  Breathe in. Breathe out.

  When I grabbed Harley’s purse it fell over and everything spilled out. I saw the pregnancy test box. When I picked it up and saw it open, my curiosity got the better of me.

  When was she going to tell me? How long had she known? Was she planning on a special dinner to tell me?

  Pregnant. Harley’s pregnant. With our baby.

  The test was in my pocket. With every move I made I felt it. My heart was ready to burst at any second. Sitting in the waiting room with our entire family, I wanted to stand on my chair and yell….

  “We’re having a baby!”

  But I didn’t. I sat there, calm. Collected. Trying to remember to breathe each time I felt the stick in my pocket.

  Harley was as calm as a cucumber until after we got to the hospital. Then it set in. She paced, her eyes lifting to meet mine every two to three minutes. She would give me a smile, then her focus would flitter away to someone else. But it always ended up back to me.

  She was anxious, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she had just done the test today and was waiting for the right time to tell me. She could have told me on the drive over to see how Jonathon was doing with the construction. Or, hell, earlier that morning when I made love to her.

  I pulled her along behind me, searching for a place where we could talk in private. There was no way I could wait for her to tell me. I was probably about to ruin some special plan she had, but I didn’t care.

  After stepping out of the hospital, I saw a park across the street. I headed that way.

  “Tripp, you’re about to pull my arm out of its socket. Is everything okay?”

  When I didn’t answer her, she got agitated. She rattled something in Spanish and I smiled. When my sweet Harley got pissed, she bitched in Spanish—exactly like her father did to her mother. Little did Harley know, I’d taken Spanish classes for three years in college. I knew everything she was saying to me.

  “I’m not trying to irritate you, Lee. I just want to be alone.”

  Coming to a stop, Harley’s big eyes looked at me in shock. “How did you know what I said?”

  With a wink, I replied, “I might have taken some Spanish classes in your absence.”

  “What?” she gasped. “So…that day in my office…you definitely knew what I was saying?”

  Guilt bubbled up before I popped it with my grin. “Every. Word. Well, almost every word. You and your father talk fast.”

  “Tripp Parker! You sneak!”

  We walked to a park bench, and I motioned for her to sit down.

  My heart hammered in my chest. My hands started to sweat, and there was no way I could hold it back a second longer.

  “When were you going to tell me?”

  She looked at me confused. “Tell you what?”

  I laughed. “Ha ha. You know.”

  Harley chuckled and shook her head. “No. I don’t know.”

  “Dinner? Did Corina throw everything off?”

  Her head tilted slightly, and she gave me a concerned look. “Tripp, what are you talking about?”

  I exhaled. “We’re having a baby?”

  Her expression turned to utter shock.

  That’s right, baby. I found your little secret.

  “We are?”

  My mouth opened to say something, but her reply caught me totally off guard.

  Oh, shit. What if the test wasn’t hers!

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “Are we?”

  She went to speak, then clamped her mouth shut. Opened it again, then closed it. “I…I don’t know. I haven’t looked at the test yet.”

  We stared at each other for a good two minutes. Finally, I shook my head. “Wait. Hold on. Was the test in your purse?”

  Her throat swallowed hard. “Yes. Did you see it?”

  I whispered, “Yes.”

  When her eyes filled with tears, I held my breath. “You didn’t look at it yet, did you?”

  “No,” she choked out, a sob slipping from her beautiful lips. “I wanted…to look at it together. To find out at the same time.”

  The way my heart slammed against my chest made me physically ill. I’d ruined the moment for her.

  “Fuck…” I said, dragging out the word.

  My hands pushed into my hair and I tugged hard, punishing myself for ruining this moment.

  You stupid idiot!

  “It’s okay!” Harley said, pulling my arms down, pressing her palms on my chest.

  “It’s not okay. I ruined it for you because I had to be a snoop.”

  When the corners of her mouth rose, I felt a flutter in my chest. “The only thing I care about right now is that I have our baby growing inside of me. We’re having a baby, Tripp.”

  Another round of emotions hit me. Christ, I was going to be exhausted from my mood swings.

  “A baby,” I whispered, placing my hand on the side of her face. Sliding my hand to the nape of her neck, I drew her in closer.

  “Are you happy? Truly happy?” she asked against my lips.

  I blinked rapidly, attempting to hold back tears.

  “I’ve never been so happy in my entire life.”

  She grabbed my T-shirt. “It’s not too soon? We’ve only been married for a few weeks. I can’t be that far along.”

  “Not too soon at all. Let’s keep this between us for now. At least until we go to the doctor. We should get used to the idea before we share it.”

  She agreed. The way her eyes looked, I swore she seemed a bit scared.

  “You okay?” I asked, lifting her chin to mine.

  With another brilliant smile, she wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “I’m more than okay. I’m blinded by our love.”

  This Love Sneak Peek

  “You’re not going to the grand opening of Aisling?”

  I shot Tammy a death look. “Why do you think I’m not going?”

  “Because you’re sitting here reading the newspaper. Who reads a newspaper anymore? It’s a beautiful place. Maebh gave me a sneak peek of the inside.”

  My brow lifted. “First off, lots of people still read newspapers, and are you, like, friends with Maebh now?”

  Tammy, who was pretty much third in command of my bar, smirked. “If I said yes would that bother you?”

  I shrugged. “Why would I care?”

  Tammy sighed. “For fuck’s sake, Cord. The bar is closed tonight. Don’t act like you didn’t do it because you knew it was her big opening. Which, by the way, was a nice thing to do.”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine. Make yourself look like an asshole when you don’t show up.”

  “I’m going! Fuck. Stop nagging me.”

  A triumph smile spread over her face. “Then come with me. I don’t want to walk in alone.”

  I was already done up in dress pants and a button down shirt. I claimed earlier I had been dressed nicer than usual for a meeting, but it was because I had planned on making a quick appearance at the grand opening of Maebh’s new restaurant.

  “Fine,” I mumbled, grabbing my suit jacket and slipping it on.

  Ten minutes later, Tammy and I were walking into Aisling. I’d been here a few short days ago when Jonathon gave me a tour. Maebh had gone into Austin to look for a dress, according to her father, so I knew I wouldn’t run the risk of seeing her. I did get to talk to her father some. Nice guy. Hard as fuck to understand, but nice.

  My eyes scanned the place. It was packed, and I could hear people making comments about the elegance and how this was just what Oak Springs needed. The twitch in the corner of my lips made Tammy elbow me in the ribs.

  “You think it’s pretty amazing, don’t you? I see the smile tugging at your mouth.”

  I nodded. “I won’t deny the place is beautiful. I think she’s going to do really well.”

  “I love the books! Look at the books, Cord!” Tammy said, grabbing my hand and dragging me throug

h the sea of people. It was more of a reception than a dinner party. It wasn’t “sit down and enjoy the food,” but more about getting to know the staff, sampling some of the menu, and drinking. The Irish certainly liked to drink.

  Tammy pulled a book down and shoved it in my face.

  “Look! Romance books!”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh, joy.”

  I glanced at the cover and realized it was one of the titles Amelia had bought for me to read last year. I wanted to chuckle.

  A few people approached me and we made small talk. Everything from how the weather was and how good the fish were biting, right up to it was about time an elegant bar came to town. That was about when I lost interest in the conversation.


  My eyes scanned the room, and they locked on the most breathtaking green eyes I’d ever seen in my life.


  Holy shit. She looked beautiful. More than beautiful. She took my breath away in that dress she had on. My mind instantly went back a few days to when those legs were wrapped around me and my cock was pushing into her hot core.

  Fucking hell.

  Her gaze jerked to Tammy next to me, who was going on and on about another book she had found. Every now and then she punched me in the arm.

  Maebh looked back to the person she was talking so. She said something and then headed up the steps to the reception area, otherwise known as: the bar with the whiskey. Just what I needed.

  Tammy was buried elbows deep in books, and I slipped away upstairs.

  The second I got there, I found my family. Well, most of them, anyway. Mitchell and Corina were absent, since Corina had just given birth to Merit a few weeks back.

  Then I saw my mother. A huge smile spread over her face and an expression that said she was on a mission.

  Fucking great.

  “Cord!” my mother exclaimed. “You made it.”

  Leaning down, I kissed her on the cheek. “Of course I did.”

  She pulled me close and put her mouth next to my ear. “Thank you for showing up.”

  Smiling, I replied, “Why wouldn’t I?”

  Her brow lifted like she knew something I didn’t.

  “Mom, may I ask you a question?”

  She tilted her head and tried to look innocent. “Of course.”

  “Why did you put the Irish butter in my refrigerator?”

  She wanted to laugh, I could see it all over her face. “Well, I read that it’s much better for you. Just ask Maebh.”

  And there it was.

  “Mother, don’t be butting into my business.”

  “Cord Parker, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  I balled my fists at my side. “I’m telling Dad!”

  She spun around and glared at me and then laughed as she patted my chest. “Oh, good luck with that, son. I need to go say hello to someone.”

  Groaning, I made a mental note to stop by my folks’ place. I needed my mother to keep her nose out of this.

  I glanced around the room, searching for her. Maebh was standing behind the bar, laughing alongside some good-looking bastard whom I was hoping was the bartender.

  “Maebh!” Waylynn called out. “Show everyone the proper way to take a shot.”

  My dick strained in my pants when I saw her cheeks flush.

  The things I could whisper in her ear to make those cheeks turn pink like that.

  I shook my head, clearing my wayward thoughts.

  Maebh poured herself a generous shot. Right before she brought the shot glass to her mouth, her eyes met mine. I shot her a smirk and shook my head slightly. No fucking way she was going to down all that.

  She winked at me, tilted her head back, and took the shot in one fucking gulp. My knees actually trembled.

  What in the hell?

  “A round for everyone!” she called out. Shots were poured and handed out to everyone in the reception area. Maebh’s father stood next to his daughter and lifted a glass.

  “To Aisling!” he cried out, and everyone followed his lead.

  I swallowed hard as I watched Maebh take another shot with ease. She was soon walking around the room, mingling with everyone. I needed to find an escape before she got to me.

  “Where you going?” Tripp asked, pulling me to a stop with his hand on my shoulder.

  “Fresh air.”

  “Why are you so afraid of her?”

  I laughed. “I’m not afraid of her. I can’t fucking understand a word she says.”

  He looked at me like I was full of shit.

  “Maybe you should go hide out on the rooftop patio,” he said with a smirk.

  “She has a rooftop patio?” I gasped like a fucking girl.

  “Yep!” Harley stated. “It’s stunning.”

  My eyes narrowed. I had a rooftop patio, but it was only for my own private use.

  “How do you get to it?” I asked.

  Tripp cleared his throat. “I don’t think they’re allowing anyone up there tonight. It’s to rent out for special occasions. But you just keep going up those stairs. There.” He pointed back to the set of stairs I had just come up on. Sure enough, the stairs went farther up.

  “Well, I’m going to go check it out. I need some fresh air.”

  They didn’t even bother to stop me as I made my way to the bar, ordered a Murphy’s Irish Stout and took the steps two at a time before someone saw me heading to the rooftop.

  The door was open, and I stepped out onto the patio. A light breeze was blowing, making this July night feel more like a spring evening.

  I made my way over to the edge and looked out over Oak Springs. It was pretty much the same view from my rooftop, but it felt more like a romantic scene out of one of Amelia’s books. Not like my place, with the oversized chairs, Jacuzzi, and outside bar with a big screen TV.

  Sitting down, I finished off my beer. When I knew I couldn’t hide out any longer, I stood and found Maebh watching me.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked, a sweet smile on her beautiful face. Her thick Irish accent made my head spin, and my heart pound in my chest. Or maybe it was her smile. Or her eyes.

  Fucking hell. What’s in this alcohol?

  “Everything’s fine. This is nice up here. The whole place is really nice. Beautiful.” I swallowed hard.

  “Thank you.”

  I grinned. I loved it when she said thank you, because it sounded like she was saying, tank you. It was adorable as fuck.

  She took a step closer, and all I wanted to do was run. Run to her. Run from her. Run and jump off the top of the fucking building.

  No woman had ever made me feel so messed up inside, yet Maebh O’ Sullivan had the ability to smile at me, and I was like a sixteen-year-old idiot not sure what in the hell I should do next.

  “I’m glad you came. I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.”

  My brows pulled in tight. “What?”

  “The woman you came with?”

  “Tammy?” I said, laughing at the idea of her being anything more than a pain in my ass. “She’s the manager of the bar. We only walked down here together, that’s it.”

  There went that goddamn smile again. I couldn’t stop looking at her mouth. My cock grew harder in my pants. A sure sign I needed to leave…right now.

  “What are you doing up here?” I finally managed to say.

  “I needed a moment to myself. Why are you up here?” There was a playful edge to her voice and I found myself liking it. I wanted to hear her talk more, even though half the damn time I couldn’t understand her.

  There was no way I could tell her the truth. That simply being in her presence made me turn into a stupid idiot. I needed to stay far, far, far away from her.

  “I, um, needed air. I wanted to see your view.”

  “It’s not the same as your view?”

  Fuck. Busted.

  I smiled and let out a chuckle. Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes seemed to light up. She liked it when I laughed. I need
ed to remember that.

  “You got me on that one. Truth be told, I’m feeling a bit off. I think I’m going to call it a night.”

  She nodded. Was that a flash of disappointment on her face?

  Dragging in a breath, I headed toward the door. Maebh reached out and lightly grabbed my arm, halting me in my tracks. My stomach fucking dropped like a rock thrown into the river.

  Our eyes met and some weird fucking feeling hit me right in the chest. My breath caught, and I swear to God it sounded like hers did too.

  What in the hell is this woman doing to me?

  “Thank you for coming this evening,” she said softly. “It meant a lot to me.”

  My mouth opened but nothing came out. Clearing my throat, I got my shit back together and winked. “No problem. See ya around.”

  Her hand dropped to her side, and I quickly headed to the door. I loosened the tie that felt like it was cutting off my breathing while I picked up my pace. When I got to the reception area, Steed took one look at me and asked what was wrong.

  “Nothing. I’m going home. Tell everyone I said goodnight.”

  I headed down the steps, not giving him a chance to respond to me or say goodnight.

  The second I made it out of the restaurant I picked up my pace and damn near ran to my place. Sprinting up the steps, I unlocked my door, stepped inside, and shut it like the apocalypse had happened and a zombie was trying to get in.

  Bending over, my hands rested on my knees and I fought to pull in a few deep breaths. My arm still felt like it burned where she had touched it.

  I stood as soon as I felt like I could breathe again. Leaning against my door, I dropped my head against it. When I closed my eyes, I saw her smile. Her emerald eyes staring at me. My stomach felt like I was on a rollercoaster going a hundred miles an hour.

  I let out a laugh and jerked my fingers through my damp hair.

  Am I sweating?

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. Taking it out, I found a text from an unknown number.

  Unknown: You dropped your wallet when you were on the rooftop terrace. I’ll bring it by the bar tomorrow. – Maebh.

  I swallowed hard. I had her cell phone number. I quickly added a new contact and typed out her name with shaking hands.

  “Wait, she has my wallet? That means…I have to see her tomorrow,” I said to myself.


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