The Dark Crown

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The Dark Crown Page 3

by S C Gowland

  ‘Some of us are having to put in the effort for those that don’t.’ he retorted. He walked over to the table and pulled a large chunk of bread from Kaoldan’s plate and helping himself to a large dollop of butter took a seat.

  ‘I hear that you’ve been keeping yourself entertained. Running into danger and not bothering to ask for any help. Having said that, they were nasty looking things. Think you might need my help next time, old man?’ said Lauden as he settled into his seat.

  ‘Less of the old if you don’t mind.’ said Kubrean shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

  ‘Yes, you’ll remind certain people of things they like to deny are happening.’ interrupted Kaoldan.

  ‘I’m not getting that old.’ grumbled Kubrean defensively. ‘Not too old anyway.’ he slowly admitted with a frown. ‘Anyway,’ he said getting to his feet. ‘Enough of taking swipes at your elders. The Duke wants to see you, Kaoldan. He’s one of the many people who are very unsettled by the events of last night. He’s very hands on and wants to speak to you himself. We’d best not keep him waiting.’

  ‘Duty calls I suppose.’ sighed Kaoldan rising to his feet and gently stretching.

  ‘Don’t suppose you’ll have time for this then?’ said Lauden leaning in and helping himself to the last of Kaoldan’s breakfast.

  ‘I suppose not.’ said Kaoldan mournfully.

  An hour later Kaoldan and Kubrean were dressed in their grey and black uniforms and were slowly making their way through the wide and luscious streets of Thura.

  Sunshine streamed in through the trees with a light breeze for company. The smell of the sea contrasting sharply with the trees on the wide. Kaoldan seated on Tren who gently padded alongside Kubrean on his slightly larger black and ginger panthera: Max.

  The city and its inhabitants seemed strangely subdued that morning, street stalls, usually bustling with business, noises and smells were vacant and even those that had bothered to open seemed to be doing little in the way of trade.

  The people of Thura were normally very colourful and proud people. It was something that Kaoldan had first noticed when he had arrived in the city. The inhabitants always tended to dress in many colours and in ways that reflected their mood that day, it was a curious custom. He was unsure whether it was an unintentional outwards expression of their state of mind or simply a habit that had developed over time. Today the mood of the city was clear to all, sombre.

  Kaoldan and Kubrean rode in silence in the main, the two at ease in each other’s company and enjoying the warm breeze that blew in through the city. The dusty streets were pleasant surroundings for their journey to the castle. The number of two and three-storey buildings with lightly coloured wooden fronts and terracotta roofs covering a mixture of shops, houses, and taverns, grew as they entered the city centre. They seemed to climb effortlessly out of the ground towards the sky on the main streets and thoroughfares.

  The castle was the centre of the city and all main roads led to it despite the haphazard layout of Thura. The castle was large and mainly in the shape of a hexagon, tall and proud turrets at regular intervals adjoined by thick, high sandy coloured walls. The towers making up the other part of the castle stood out the most, their blue and red topped spires looking strangely like flower heads reaching towards the sky. The castle overlooked the main docks as it faced the sea, a stoic calming presence whilst being surrounded by the hustle and bustle of traders on the waterfront.

  Blue and grey garbed Royal Guards could be seen in groups with long spears and halberds near the main entrance and they turned expectantly as Kaoldan approached the main entrance. They crossed a thick stone bridge leading over a narrow moat to the main gates, the soft padding of the panthera’s paws the only noise, indicating the degree of silence in the air and the peace of the surrounding parks.

  Kaoldan acknowledged nods from some within the Royal Guards, along with some less welcoming looks that greeted them as they approached the main gates. It was always the same, regardless of where they were or who they were with, some elements supportive of the Walkers and all that they represented and some less so. Walkers tended to divide opinion wherever they went, and Thura was no exception.

  As they dismounted from their pantheras into a square courtyard with high walls which blocked out the sunshine casting huge shadows on the walls a familiar voice rang out from the main gates.

  ‘About time you both arrived, don’t you know how long they have been waiting?’ The question and the person asking it waited impatiently for both acknowledgement and an answer.

  Kaoldan turned to see the tapping foot and ruffled attire of Nova, Head of the Royal Court and close adviser of the Duke. The stresses of carrying out both roles were plain to see. His crumpled shirt and tweed overcoat had changed very little since Kaoldan had last seen him.

  The old man's twitched and blinked like a rabbit, his messy moustache and ill-fitting clothes adding to the overall picture of a man always seemingly close to a breakdown. Yet despite his dishevelled appearance and odd outwards demeanour Nova was always completely focused and never missed a detail. He was a shrewd and eccentric old man and someone that Kaoldan had grown increasingly fond of.

  ‘Well?’ Nova asked, blinking nervously. ‘Are we going to do anything or are we staying here all day?’ He jabbed his cane into the gravel with a crunch.

  Kaoldan and Kubrean turned to each other and slowly shrugged their shoulders.

  ‘It IS a nice day,’ Kubrean started looking admiringly at their surroundings, hands on his hips ‘and good weather…’

  ‘And I am still slightly weary from the journey.’ added Kaoldan with a badly hidden smile.

  ‘Impossible.’ cried Nova, waving his hands in the air, ‘How you are able to treat both me and members of the Royal Court like this is quite beyond me. There are pressing matters to discuss and no time to delay.’

  ‘Well, why didn’t you say so.’ gestured Kaoldan, he smiled as he moved forwards to pick up the smaller old man in a gentle bear hug.

  ‘Will you put me down’ spluttered Nova, half embarrassed and half surprised by the gesture.

  Kaoldan placed the old man softly on the ground and grinned.

  Nova shook himself out and then glared at the pair from under his bushy eyebrows. Then a small smile appeared on his face.

  ‘Now that we finished messing around, come this way.’ he nodded towards the large rounded entrance to the castle. ‘We have much to discuss.’ He said slowly, moving off.

  ‘How bad is it?’ asked Kubrean dropping into step beside Nova as he looked up at the imposing wrought iron work of the main portcullis.

  ‘Never in my considerable years have I seen them this bad.’ began Nova, quickening the pace through the large vaulted doors of the main hall. Sunlight streaming in from large windows on either side of the hall illuminated the stone floors and the painting of varying shapes and sizes on the lightly painted walls.

  ‘They are frightened and worried; this never makes for measured or intelligent thoughts. Why Ul’Thadra would want to do this is beyond me. How much power does one need? I shall never understand it.’ mused Nova. ‘The Duke wants answers and I am hoping you’ll have them.’ he continued.

  Kaoldan glanced at Kubrean, who grimaced.

  ‘You do have them, don’t you?’ asked Nova, suddenly stopping and looking quizzically at the pair.

  ‘Of sorts.’ offered Kubrean with a shrug.

  Nova snorted, ‘It’ll have to do, I suppose. Just do me and yourselves a big favour, don’t add to it. Reassure them, calm them down for all our sakes. Rich, fat bodies do not always equal clever minds in my experience and the less they have to think about the more we can do about it without additional interference, if you catch my meaning.’ said Nova with a twitch and a hard stare up at both men before turning once again moving with haste through the many halls and corridors of the castle.

  ‘Any news from surrounding towns?’ asked Kubrean dropping into step beside Nova with Kaoldan not far beh

  ‘Nothing yet.’ replied Nova. ‘But that might be just what we need…’ he mused as his staff tapped rhythmically along the hallway floor as they walked. They came to a halt outside two large oak doors surrounded by an arched stone doorway, six huge door hinges glistened in the sunlight with two blue and grey Athosian soldiers at either side.

  ‘Please be mindful when we enter gentlemen,’ whispered Nova. ‘Keep it brief, to the point, with no surprises, and leave the rest to me.’ He turned then hesitated. ‘And welcome back Kaoldan, you have been missed.’ Nova said with a wry smile before turning the handles of the huge doors.

  There was a deep air of conversation that escaped out from between the doors as they were opened and almost immediately the noise levels within the room began to lessen as the three men entered.

  The royal throne room was a large circular room with rows of seats around the sides and narrow grey stone steps that slowly descended to the circular wooden floor which was overlooked by the two thrones of the Duke and Duchess. The high walls of the room were finished in wood with long and colourful drapes surrounding the windows at the crown of the ceiling and numerous painting adorned the walls and beneath. The hush that quickly and completely descended onto the room was followed by intense observations by the three dozen or so individuals who all turned to gaze at the three men as they made their way down the stairs to the centre of the room.

  The audience contained colourful clothes of yellow, red, blue and green - every shade and combination imaginable. They were lavish and proud, much like the people who wore them.

  Kaoldan did not recognise any of the men and women who slowly began taking their seats to a rustle of dresses and fine clothes as the men walked forwards, but one thing he did see universally and within them all was anxiety. A million questions etched on the faces of the people within the throne room all wanting to know more, but only able to fill the information void with their own fears and dread through speculation and gossip. The tap of Nova’s staff and the heavy booted feet of the two Walkers, the only audible sounds by the time they finally reached the thrones. The thrones were modest and plain, white marble in the main, with large animal paws for feet. The two people sat upon them waiting expectantly, their eyes scrutinising and taking in every detail of the three new arrivals stood before them.

  Duke Lomman sat eyes fixed upon the three men. He looked pensive Kaoldan noticed, understandable given the circumstances. Kaoldan knew him to be a proud man, of little patience and it appeared to take every effort for him to remain silent and seated.

  He wore his blue surcoat and trousers with ease and a simple gold circlet sat on his shaved head. He shifted uncomfortably on his throne, then glanced towards the main entrance, the doors closed with a boom. His eyes narrowed as he turned and stared at Nova then he nodded. Who then bowed stiffly and took a breath closing his eyes for a few seconds, then he began.

  ‘Your Royal Highness.’ said Nova in a clear and confident voice walking slowly around the outer circle of the floor. He looked into the main audience. ‘May I introduce Grey Master Kubrean and Red Master Kaoldan of the Order of Walkers, they are here to update the Court of the events of last night and to suggest a course of action taking us forwards.’ said Nova who had slowly walked into the centre of the stone-floored area between the court and the thrones.

  ‘Before Master Kubrean begins, I am certain that members of the Court would wish to show their appreciation to Master Kaoldan who bravely led the force which defeated the abominable creatures who dared to attack our great city last night. A fine victory I am sure you will all agree.’

  A small ripple of applause steadily grew within the room, causing Kaoldan to look at the floor - and the scuffed state of his boots - avoiding their gazes. Kubrean winked at Kaoldan as the applause gradually died down.

  ‘Now Master Kubrean, if you would be so kind as to update us on the current situation now the danger appears to have passed...’ said Nova, leaving the words hanging in the air.

  Kubrean bowed deeply to Duke Lomman and then to Duchess Li, a stiff looking woman in comparison to her husband, with long white hair heaped together under a dark silver crown, she wore a pale blue dress.

  ‘Your highnesses,’ he said as he straightened and turned towards the main audience. He raised his hands and began

  The words merged into a dull drone, Kaoldan poked the side of his mouth with his tongue. They were familiar words, words that Kaoldan had heard Kubrean use before. The use of defiant language calls for patriotism, to work together for the good of themselves and the people. Blah, blah. It was surprising how often it worked. He looked at the faces in the audience slowly change from nervous and uncertain to small smiles, grins of determination their eyes lighting up, enraptured by Kubrean’s well-trodden but effective words. He shook his head slightly suppressing a smile by looking at his feet.

  ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, recent events have been alarming and the events of last night have brought this situation even closer into focus.’ said Kubrean. ‘Yet, despite this we will not yield, we must not show fear because if we do the war is lost. We owe it to our people, to ourselves and to this kingdom to be better than to cower away from this evil.‘ He pointed to the main doors.

  ‘Last night was another example that despite whatever deluded plans Ul’Thadra may have, we can resist it. The corpses in the fields outside this city lay testament to this. They tried and failed and if they try again, they will fail, again. Be in no doubts that the road we are taking will be difficult, but we will succeed.’

  He smiled broadly looking at all within the Royal Court straight in the eye and then continued. By the time Kaoldan was required to recount the ‘highlights’ of his journey and the skirmish the audience had already been won over. Nova concluded proceeding with defiant tones to rousing applause and as the audience left buoyed by the words they had heard, smiles dominated. Feet shuffled noisily as Kubrean and Kaoldan received warm words, comments of support, pats on the back and the shaking of numerous hands as the audience slowly filtered out. Kaoldan felt like he was being treated like a hero when in fact he felt like anything but.

  The oak doors groaned heavily as they closed indicating that the five people left within the room were alone.

  ‘If I might be excused, I have some matters to attend to,’ said Duchess Li sharply, she immediately rose, nodded to her husband and left the room without seeking permission. Duke Lomman then turned to the three men and slowly made his way down the steps from his throne boots echoing on the stone steps.

  ‘I am very pleased with what I have heard gentlemen,’ he said and raised an eyebrow, ‘Now, would you mind telling me the truth…’

  Chapter 3 – From Bad To Worse

  Silence echoed around the throne room.

  ‘Your highness…’ attempted Nova, taking a step forward.

  ‘Don’t... please…’ said Duke Lomman waving his hand wearily. ‘We all know that what has just happened is for the purposes of appearance. Order must be maintained, but please do not think so little of me as to not tell me exactly how bad the situation is.’ ‘Now if you’d please…’ he gestured towards some seats at the edge of the circle, removed the golden circlet from the top of his head and scratched his weary temples slumping into a cushioned chair on the side of the main auditorium.

  ‘So how bad is it?’ he said looking up and refocusing his attentions onto Kaoldan.

  ‘It’s bad.’ said Kaoldan a little more quickly than he intended.

  Nova winced.

  They followed the Duke’s lead and Kaoldan settled himself down into a chair looking the old man in the eye.

  ‘At the moment why Ul’Thadra wanted to take such action is something of a mystery.’ ventured Kubrean.

  Nova winced again.

  Kubrean glanced at him and licked his lips.

  ‘The war does not go well.’ he said. ‘Athosian forces are trying their best, but ground is being lost. Towns and cities have fallen, exactly how many we do
not know.‘

  ‘But surely, you see the threat posed by Ul’Thadra?’ said Duke Lomman, leaning forward in his seat.

  ‘We do, but members of the Grey Council and the Paragon Walker will not allow us to get involved; it goes against the Way of the Walker.’

  ‘Don’t use technicalities to get out of this.’ spat Duke Lomman, voice rising.

  ‘We are not.’ said Kubrean calmly. ‘Walkers are and always have been peacekeepers, not soldiers. There used to be thousands of us, but now because of conflict, the passage of time and dwindling bloodlines there are perhaps,’ he shrugged ‘four to five hundred of us in the whole circle of the world. We cannot stop it.’

  Duke Lomman shook his head and sighed.

  ‘Then what was that, last night?’ he growled.

  ‘We suspect it may be a simple demonstration of his reach or perhaps a test of our capabilities; but we can’t be certain either way. What we do need is time to establish some sort of facts but given the current situation time may not be our ally.’ Kubrean continued. ‘The city itself is not in danger.’ He caught Nova’s eye. ‘For the moment at least. The surrounding towns and villages may be another matter entirely.’

  ‘The important things now are not to let this uncertainty seep into the general population, goodness knows it will take enough effort and resources to keep a lid on it.’ said Kubrean easing back into his seat as Duke Lomman nodded in agreement.

  ‘What we do need is to gather information quickly, but without alerting or startling citizens.’ he continued ‘Perhaps a small group of Walkers, mixed in with others would work, it could disguise our efforts to gather information?’ he suggested.

  ‘I was thinking the same thing; speed is of the essence of course’ said Nova. ‘A small party could leave unnoticed, gather information and return without arousing too much suspicion.’

  ‘Sounds like a plan to me,’ said Duke Lomman, ‘how long do you think you’ll need?’


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