The Dark Crown

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The Dark Crown Page 26

by S C Gowland

  ‘It is entirely possible.’ said Kubrean. ‘Although it is only late summer here, towards the north around Zuivosal it tends to snow earlier than anywhere else. I suppose it's just something will have to deal with if and when we come across it.’

  ‘Not exactly your most detailed plans.’ sniffed Dalon a smile showing beneath his beard. ‘Somewhat lacking in detail.’ he said fingering the edge of the map.

  ‘Oh, do shush.’ scolded Tokel, attempting to slap his hand.

  Dalon whipped his fingers away just in time, childish grin in place.

  ‘I never said that this would be an easy journey.’ she said, ‘But unfortunately we have no choice. We need answers and we need them now. The sooner we set off, the easier it will be. The longer we wait, the deeper the snow will be and I for one.’ she said, looking around the room, ‘Cannot wait 5 or 6 months to find out answers to these questions. If what you have reported is true, it strongly matches many of the other reports that I've received from elsewhere within the kingdom.’

  ‘What reports?’ asked Romina.

  Tokel tapped the side of her nose, ‘Never you mind young lady. Once you’re a member of the Grey Council, then you can find out.’

  Romina squished her mouth, sulking back into her chair.

  ‘Suffice to say that things are on the move. Circumstances are changing.’ Tokel shrugged. ‘There are some things that we cannot change and I for one have no intention of going Zuivosal for any longer than I have to.’

  ‘So, both Nova and you are coming with us?’ asked Kubrean biting his lip.

  ‘Yes,’ said Tokel with a flick of her hair. ‘We discussed it, and both decided that I was right.’

  Kubrean winced.

  ‘I will be coming with you as well as him.’ she nodded.

  Just at that moment, there was a creak followed by the familiar tapping of Nova’s cane.

  ‘Just in time…’ said Dalon rising and offering his seat.

  Nova blinked, clearly surprised to be the centre of attention.

  ‘We were just saying how wonderful it is that Tokel will be joining us on our little trip to the north.’ continued Dalon dusting the seat and gesturing for Nova to sit.

  Kaoldan caught the briefest injured look on Nova’s face and a glance at his wife, who stood smiling, arms folded.

  ‘Yes.’ he said eyebrows twitching. ‘Wonderful news…’

  Kaoldan smiled knowingly. He’d have liked to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation.

  ‘Can’t let you have all the fun, can I?’ said Tokel.

  Nova frowned and nodded.

  ‘Is Zuviosal as bad as it's described?’ asked Zahara sitting up in her seat. Her eyes bright with excitement.

  ‘Yes, probably’ said Nova, clearly glad of the change of subject.

  ‘It is hard to say what it will be like.’ added Tokel.

  ‘I heard it has been sealed for hundreds of years. Imagine the things we will see. Life from another age.’ said Zahara eyes distant.

  ‘It’s hardly another age…’ offered Kubrean. ‘A few hundred years is not that long.’

  Zahara snorted. ‘Forty years ago, is a long time. Hundreds of years is positively an age.’

  A smattering of sniffs and uncomfortable coughs echoed around the room.

  ‘It is hardly the word I would use to describe it.’ said Nova sitting back in his seat.

  ‘Why was it sealed?’ Romina asked. ‘It was never really made clear in anything I’ve read.’ she shrugged. ‘I just thought that they chose to move to the capital, to be nearer to the centre of power in the kingdom?’

  Zahara shuck her head. ‘No, that wasn’t it.’

  ‘Too much snow?’ offered Dalon.

  Tokel gave him a withering look.

  He shrank back into his seat.

  ‘Because bad things happened there.’ said Zalen, blowing away the efforts of cleaning his nails.

  ‘Must you?’ said Tokel tartly, hands on her hips.

  Zalen looked at her, the very picture of innocence.

  ‘I heard it was sealed because Fajin magic went dark and scorched the city.’ said Zahara grinning.

  Kaoldan shook his head.

  ‘And you know this for a fact?’ she challenged.

  His eyes narrowed.

  ‘Exactly, my version is just as possible as yours.’ she said, clearly enjoying teasing him.

  He pressed his lips together, suppressing a smile.

  ‘I don’t really know myself.’ said Nova, face puzzled.

  Tokel shrugged and Kubrean shook his head.

  ‘I also know that Zuivosal is and was for many centuries, the home of Walkers.’ said Zahara, enjoying the opportunity and the sound of her own voice.

  It was something that Kaoldan had noticed over recent weeks. She felt the need to try to impress, to show her worth amongst more senior Walkers. An endearing, but ultimately unnecessary exercise of the young it appeared. He remembered being quite similar himself in his youth.

  Not that he needed to do such things now.

  Did he? He frowned, chewing his lip as Zahara continued.

  ‘It was abandoned centuries ago, before a new capital was established at Vanguard. It was the birthplace of the Walker. Hundreds, thousands of Walkers over centuries were trained and based there. It had a long history, some good, some bad, but very little detail exists since it was sealed. But in essence it is the home and the place of origin of all Walkers.’ She moved forward in her seat, elbows placed firmly on the table.

  Romina sat entranced by her sister’s tale.

  ‘But ultimately this helped to ensure its own downfall and the darkest time in our history. At the time they thought the Zuivosal was safe. Too big and secure to be challenged.’ she said. ‘After all, who would want a war with Walkers?’

  ‘Arrogance.’ grunted Nova.

  ‘Stupidity’ added Kubrean.

  ‘Both.’ said Tokel.

  ‘Walkers were needed out in the world to maintain order and keep the peace. All we know for certain is that Zuivosal was attacked at night by a larger and far superior force. Hundreds of Walkers died, souls claimed by the Abyss. Many masters were lost, an entire generation of red, grey and black. So, the decision was taken by those that survived to seal the entire city - now a graveyard more than a capital - in its entirety.’

  A whistle of surprise. ‘That must have taken some effort.’ said Zalen.

  ‘And it did.’ said Nova sadly, ‘Almost fifty Walkers died gathering together the Fajin energy that was required to erect the shield, the land turned black and grey as a result. It is now surrounded by a sort of transparent curtain and is quite impenetrable. There is a chapter house nearby, which is our destination containing a small contingent of Walkers who are there to monitor and protect the site.’

  ‘So how exactly are we going to get inside?’ asked Kryst.

  ‘Leave that up to us.’ said Nova.

  Tokel glanced nervously towards her husband,

  Kryst cocked his head to one side.

  ‘I'm not entirely sure what we are going to find when we get there myself.’ he admitted with a shrug. ‘One thing that I am sure of is that we need to do this quickly.’

  ‘I’ve already covered that bit.’ said Tokel placing a hand on her husband.

  ‘Oh.’ he said looking slightly crestfallen.

  ‘You should have got here on time.’ she teased.

  ‘Quite.’ he nodded back

  Tokel looked at him face soft. ‘I’ve already said 8 of us...’

  ‘10.’ he corrected her.

  She looked puzzled.

  Kaoldan looked up, eyes narrowed. That cold sickening feeling returned, washing over his body.

  ’10 of us.’ confirmed Nova, as if just confirming the facts. ‘Myself, Tokel, Kubrean, Kryst, Zalen, Dalon, Aralorne…’

  Kaoldan closed his eyes, hoping against hope that he did not hear…

  ‘Zahara, Romina and Kaoldan.’ His heart sank.

sp; A gasp of excitement came from Zahara, grabbing her sister, who of the two looked far less joyous at the news. Her eyes flickered towards Kaoldan then away.

  ‘That is our group. I have confirmed it with Duke Lomman and the other members of the Grey Council. It is decided.’

  Tokel stared at him. Kubrean looked towards Kaoldan.

  ‘You did this, I did that.’ Nova shrugged. ‘Time saved.’

  Tokel squeezed her lips together, mouth tight.

  He paused and reconsidered for a moment. ’11, make it 11.’

  Her eyebrows rose.

  ‘Lauden. Let’s take him too.’

  Her look said everything.

  ‘What?’ he shrugged. ‘I’m making an executive decision.’

  She cocked her head.

  ‘I have the authority.’ he flashed a defensive smile.

  ‘Here you do.’ she said coldly, sitting back and folding her arms.

  Nova swallowed, neck bobbing.

  ‘Really?’ said Zalen sitting forward, timing as usual perfect or not depending on your point of view. ‘That dark haired, young Walker is coming with us?’

  ‘Yes.’ said Nova with a sniff. ‘We have to start letting the younger ones out.’

  Kaoldan noticed, even more to his annoyance, that Nova did not look towards him. He let out a shuddering breath and looked down at the floor then back up.

  Tokel glanced at him, face softening. Kubrean looked nervous too.

  Nova continued his little speech. ‘Lauden is young, talented and enthusiastic, something that cannot be said for every member of this group.’ he looked accusingly at Zalen, who, if anything, appeared more injured than before.

  ‘We leave first thing in the morning at sunrise.’ said Kubrean keen to move things along. There was a small collective groan around the table.

  ‘I mean it.’ he said, ‘I am in complete agreement with Nova this needs to be quick and quiet.’ Kaoldan wasn’t quite so certain about that, he returned his glare towards Nova, flexing and interlinking his fingers.

  ‘Kaoldan I want you to inform Lauden that he is coming with us.’ said Kubrean jolting him back into the room.

  ‘He will, no doubt be pleased, I trust you can temper this and directed it in the right way.’ Kubrean grinned, but it couldn’t completely mask the look of concern on his face.

  Kaoldan looked reluctantly back at his Master, slowly nodded but said nothing. His head was really starting to hurt.

  ‘It is going to take us around a month to reach Zuivosal.’ said Kubrean, in full Grey Walker mode now. ‘’So, pack plenty of supplies and make sure that you take your winter clothes.’

  ‘Some of us are always dressed for winter.’ said Dalon, rising from his seat ruffling his beard with a wink.

  ‘That will be all.’ called Nova over the din of chatter and scraping chairs. ’Except you Kaoldan, I need a moment of your time.’ he said.

  ‘I’ll stay too.’ said Tokel, leaving no room for negotiation.

  Kaoldan rubbed his hands together but remained seated. He noticed a look from Romina towards him before she disappeared through the door, he returned it with a weak smile. He waited patiently as members of the group slowly filed out of the room and closed the door with a solid thud.

  ‘So?’ said Kaoldan trying his best not to explode.

  ‘So.’ returned Nova, carefully resting his cane on the table. ‘How are you?’

  Kaoldan's nose wrinkled.

  ‘Must we?’ he said rising from his seat and taking a deep breath.

  ‘Yes,’ blinked Nova, ‘We must.’ he said it with infuriating patience. ‘I know what Duke Lomman spoke to you about.’

  Tokel rose, said nothing, but took a drink and settled into a chair illuminated by the shadows and the light of the fire

  ‘Tell me you are okay?’ said Nova.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kaoldan irritably. ‘I am fine with it. We had a nice polite conversation, and all is well.’

  Nova’s face suggested he was far from convinced.

  ‘Duke Lomman is handling the death of his daughter rather well all things considered.’ said Nova fiddling with his cane. ‘In fact, far better than I thought he would. His wife on the other hand appears to be coping less well. Strange how these things affect different people in different ways.’ said Nova glancing at Kaoldan.

  Kaoldan winced.

  Tokel sipped her drinking, eyes peering over the rim.

  ‘In the interest of being completely honest.’ said Kaoldan.

  ‘Nova. I have a request. Leave the girls behind.’

  ‘No.’ said Nova, shaking his head, not even considering the proposal.

  ‘Please?’ Kaoldan felt his face getting warmer, heart throbbing. ‘For me. Leave them here.’ he said, taking a step forward. ‘They have already travelled a great distance. The last thing they need is more time in the saddle.’ said Kaoldan, spreading his hands wide.

  ‘Is that really the best you can do?’ said Nova continuing to inspect the top of his cane. ‘Travel weariness? I really expected far better from you, my boy.’ said Nova looking at him intently.

  ‘I knew you would ask this question. I hoped, I wondered, I thought things may have changed. It seems I was wrong.’ he said.

  Kaoldan clenched his jaw and tucked his hands, fizzing with hot and cold, deep into his belt, fearful of what they might do.

  ‘It's disappointing.’ Nova said, taking a deep breath and letting it slowly out. ‘Even after everything you've seen, after everything you've gone through, you still believe that the best thing for them is to hide them away. By using basic and very predictable excuses. The world is a big and scary place I quite agree. But hiding them away doesn't do good to anybody. Have they not within the last few weeks proven their worthiness? Shown that they are ready? Proved they are more than capable of handling whatever life has to throw at them?’ Nova leaned forward. ‘They are ready...’

  ‘Not yet.’ said Kaoldan coldly, ‘Not yet.’

  He turned away, forcing his hands deeper into his belt, fingers curling around the soft leather.

  ‘We were lucky. It could have ended very differently. It was only through good fortune and good training that they survived.’ he said.

  ‘That's not the version of events that I have been told.’ said Nova, matching the stare of Kaoldan. ‘I heard quite the opposite given the circumstances and in the situations they did what they needed to do. You are right to an extent, their training helped, but ultimately it was their actions - as Walkers - that saved their lives. Ultimately you know they are capable; you are to simply too scared to admit it.’

  ‘Don't test me. Don't push me.’ spat Kaoldan, taking a step forward, pointing his finger towards the old man. ‘Being a parent is something you know nothing about’’

  ‘Being a parent has nothing to do with it.’ said Nova dismissively. ‘I have already shared my thoughts with the Grey Council. They are in complete agreement. Given the situation they keen that younger novice Walkers join us. Not just here but across the Kingdom.’

  Kaoldan's face fell, fury gone guttered out. His shoulders sagged; he knew he had lost.

  ‘You know something.’ said Nova face, brightening as he looked at Kaoldan. ‘For someone I consider rather intelligent. You can be incredibly stupid. What did you think was going to happen? They come to Thura and have a holiday?’

  ‘Why do you fight this?’ Nova challenged. ‘Why at every opportunity must you fight this? There are many ways that this can be handled, you could be supportive, you could be helpful, you can be a great many things that make all of this much easier for everybody, including yourself. But you choose to fight it.’ said Nova.

  Kaoldan gritted his teeth turned sharply, clenched his fists until they turn white, but did nothing.

  ‘Why? Would someone I have known for so long act this way?’

  An image flittered through Kaoldan’s mind.

  A familiar image.

  An image frayed at the edges; colours washed out
as if left in the rain.

  A worn image: energy sagged from his arm and legs.

  An image that had once brought him the greatest of joy, but now brought the complete opposite.

  ‘Because I cannot go through it again.’ he murmured. His head sagged. ‘I fight it because that is easier than the alternative. Easier than…’ he breathed looking up at the ceiling, the words stopping as a sharp pain lanced at his head behind his eyes. He flinched, taking half a step back, grabbing the back of a chair to steady himself.

  Tokel looked sharply at Nova, the old man shifted in his seat.

  Kaoldan screwed his eyes up, the pain throbbed, lessened and then disappeared. He gasped and stood tall, eyelids fluttering until his vision returned. Shapes forming, colour flooding back into view.

  Nova paused, simply watching.

  He stretched out his jaw, eyes wide. A slow sigh escaped his lungs.

  Kaoldan clanked the seat out from under the table, before sagging into it and eventually looking up towards Nova.

  ‘As I have already said. What you want and what you need are two entirely different things.’ said Nova, his face softened. ‘Please, if for no other reason, do this for me. Try to make this old man happy, and his wife too.’

  Tokel scowled at him, but Nova ignored it.

  ‘We have a long way to go together and I'd rather not have this kind of atmosphere floating around tainting us all.’ he said.

  Kaoldan frowned. What choice did he have?

  ‘Everything will be alright. I promise. And since when have I ever lied to you?’ his face twitched uncomfortably for a split second then regain its composure. Tokel said nothing, just looked at her husband.

  ‘I really have no choice here’. said Kaoldan, looking at the floor.

  ‘I'm afraid you don't.’ said Nova, standing. ‘There are many times in life when we have no choice. We simply have to look at what life has dealt us and do the best we can.’ he said with a shrug of his shoulders. ‘Don't you have somewhere else to be? As I recall, there is another member of our group who has yet to be told they are going.’ said the old man raising his eyebrows expectantly.

  ‘As you wish.’ whispered Kaoldan, who immediately walked towards the door and left the room, not even turning to acknowledge his old friend.

  ‘Why does he fight it?’ asked Tokel quietly, looking into the fire.


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