Irreparably Broken
Page 13
“Paddle through them,” Harrison yells.
When I do that, it’s easier. Once we’re out a ways, he tells me to turn and face the beach. “When the next wave comes in, start paddling. Once you feel it on you, pop up and ride it in like I showed you.”
The next wave comes, and I start paddling. Just as he said, I sense the wave behind me, and I pop up exactly the way he showed me. The wave hits the back of the board and knocks me clean off. A wave rolls over me, and I suck in water. When I finally get my head above the surface, I start coughing so violently I might throw up. I climb up on the board, and spot Harrison paddling toward me from the shore.
When Harrison reaches me, he smiles. “Hey, you did great.”
“You suck at lying,” I tease and he laughs.
After several more attempts, I’m quite certain my lungs can’t hold any more water, but Harrison convinces me to try once more. When the wave rolls up behind me, I wait a couple of seconds longer than I have in my first attempts. The wave pushes against the board, and I pop up moving toward the shore. I almost tumble off but find my balance in time to ride the wave most of the way in. When I finally fall, it’s more graceful, and I dip slowly into the water next to the board.
Harrison’s already paddling over. “That was awesome.” He slides off his board into the water next to me.
Ecstatic, I throw my arms around his neck. “Wow, Harrison, that was crazy.”
His hands slide around my waist as he returns the hug. We both pull back and our lips almost touch. I enjoy the soft sigh he gives me. My mind plays tug-of-war. Kiss him, don’t kiss him. While I debate, a giant wave slaps us in the face and we both break out in laughter. The moment is lost with a twinge of disappointment.
We paddle in and set the boards in the sand. Harrison unzips his wet suit and pulls out of the top half. Why do I feel bad ogling him? Liv is right – it’s been a year, and I need to get the hell over Jake.
After Harrison loads the boards, he holds up a towel to shield me so I can slip into some dry clothes. He only peeks once, but I don’t call him on it.
Harrison drives me back to my Jeep at the Bean. He hops out and opens my door for me. We stand at the driver’s-side door of my Jeep, and I toss my bag onto the back seat.
“Thanks for the surfing lesson. I had a great time.” I’m blushing and have to look away to finish speaking. What is wrong with me? I’m a flustered mess.
“You’re welcome.”
When I look up at him, he gives me a casual smile and takes my hand. “Tori, I’d like to kiss you, if it’s okay?”
I almost laugh. I didn’t think outside of movies that guys asked permission to kiss a girl. I nod in reply to his request, and he leans in, pressing his lips to mine. He kisses me softly and a little too quickly. I whimper under my breath when he pulls away. He smiles and brushes my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. “That was nice.”
Then do it again, harder, faster, and with a little tongue. Jeez, Liv’s prediction wasn’t so stupid after all – I may combust soon from sexual tension.
“Would you like to go out with me again?” he asks sweetly.
Excitedly, I look up at him and answer, “I’d love to go out with you again.”
“I work mornings and you work nights the next two days, so what about Friday night? We can see a movie or something.”
“Friday sounds perfect.” I giggle, and I don’t even mind it this time. Harrison plants a quick peck on my cheek and then gets in his car. After I watch Harrison pull away, I go inside to see Liv.
Of course she squeals when I come in and assesses me from head to toe. She eyes me all too suggestively. “You were gone a long time, and it looks like you’ve showered. Tell me you got a piece of Harrison pie.”
“God, no, Liv! Keep your voice down. I’m already planning your death. Thanks to you, those damn condoms fell out of my purse at lunch.”
She claps her hands together. “What, and you didn’t jump at that?”
I roll my eyes and give her a gentle shove. “God, sometimes I think you’re really a guy.”
“Hey, I resent that…no, wait, actually, I’m cool with it. Well, you were gone too long for just lunch, so what did you do?”
I smile wide. “He took me surfing.”
“What? Tori Preston went surfing? Who are you? And what did you do to my best friend?”
“It was so weird. When he asked me, I didn’t even hesitate, and it was so much fun.”
Her eyes light up, and she leans in close. “Did he kiss you?” I back away and shake my head. “Your face is bright red, so the answer is yes. With tongue or without?”
Neither confirming nor denying, I turn away. “I’m going home now. See you in a bit.” I march out through the door without looking back at her. I’ll end up spilling my guts later anyway. Liv always gets what she wants.
Chapter 15
Brady’s truck is in the driveway. As, I step out of the Jeep, I pray he’s in a better mood than he was when I left. I had a great day. The last thing I want to deal with his moody temper. He’s sitting at the table, buried under a mountain of paper and textbooks. I set my keys and purse down on the counter. My throat is dry, and feels like sandpaper. I grab a soda from the fridge. The can hisses when I pop the top and take a sip.
Brady hasn’t spoken yet, and it’s got me reeling inside. “Hey, Brady.” I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.
He turns in his chair and looks at me over the top of thin-framed glasses. Holy hotness. Only Brady could make glasses look sex-on-a-stick hot. Once I pick my jaw up off the floor, I watch as he pulls them off and pinches the bridge of his nose. He sets the glasses down and looks at me, biting the corner of his bottom lip slightly. Damn that Harrison! I’m all worked up after that teaser kiss. Horny is not a good thing to be when I’m this close to Brady.
“How was your date?” he asks politely, almost indifferently.
“It was good,” I offer warily. “We went surfing.”
“What? ...why?” he asks immediately.
I shrug and take another sip of soda before setting it on the counter. “Uh…because he asked and it sounded like fun.”
Eyes dark, he looks right at me. It’s unnerving, but I refuse to look away. “Tori, I don’t want you to see him again.” His voice is rigid and send shards of anger through me.
I bite back hurtful words. I like our newfound friendship, but he’s pushing it. “Brady, I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear you say that.”
“He’s dangerous!”
“Funny.” I half laugh. “That’s what he says about you.”
His chair squeaks when he slides it out from under the table and stands up. He comes over to stand close beside me. I can already sense the heightened charge in the air with his nearness. “What did he tell you?” His tone is bitter.
“Nothing specific. You want to tell me what’s going on between the two of you?”
He pushes off the counter and pinches the bridge of his nose again. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” I ask, urging him to explain.
“I just can’t,” he answers, and his body is suddenly close to me, caging me in. His hands are on each side of me, gripping the counter, and I have no choice but to look into the depths of his green eyes. His hard warm body brushes against my breast and I let out a small whimper. “He’s wrong for you, and I don’t want him touching you,” he says brutally, his words hitting my gut like a brick.
He doesn’t want Harrison to have me, but he doesn’t want me. I duck under his arm and move away from him. “God, you’re exhausting, Brady. If you don’t tell me, then I have no reason not to see him again. I like him.” Not like I like you, but I like him.
Brady flinches, as though I've hit him. He spins to face me, giving me an enraged look. Neither of us speaks. Finally, he grabs his keys from the counter. Without a word, he walks out the door, closing it behind him. His truck door slams shut moments later. The engine roars, and the tir
es squeal when he pulls away. He’s infuriating, and for the life of me, I don’t know what his problem is. He’s the one who just wants to be friends.
Tug pounds down the stairs and into the kitchen shortly afterward, just in time to witness what a mess I am. Not a crying mess, because I will not cry, but a seriously-in-need-of-Prozac mess. He approaches me, making pouty lips, and winds his hands around my nape, pulling me to him. I bury my head in his chest and sigh loudly.
Tug leans his head back and lifts my chin. “Wow! You look bent. Harrison must be one shitty date.”
That brings a small smile to my face, and I laugh softly. “The date was terrific. I guess I’m just missing my parents.” Big fat liar!
He smiles understandingly. “I’m sorry.”
I snort and laugh a little. “For the date or my parents?”
A deep chuckle comes from his chest and he lets go of my waist. “Both.” I’m so glad he walked in when he did. “So, what’s the dealio? Are you going to see him again?”
I nod. Tug always makes me feel better. “We’re going to the movies on Friday.”
“Oh, come on! I was gonna ask you to go to the movies Friday.”
I might feel better but I’m not up for being playful. “Sorry, Tug, I’d rather go to the movies with Harrison.”
His hand presses against my forehead, then my cheeks. “Nope, no fever. Harrison’s turning you into a sap. You went way too easy on me.”
Now my smile’s big, and I roll my eyes. “Fine, I’d rather drink my own piss than go to the movies with you.”
“Eh, better.” He picks up his keys and kisses my temple. “I’m out. You gonna be okay?”
“I’m good. Thanks, Tuggy.”
He winks, and then he’s out.
I shouldn’t have been a complete dick earlier, but I hadn’t been able to stop myself, and now I’m going to have to beg her forgiveness, again. I walk through the front door to find her lying on the couch, reading. She looks beautiful with her golden waves splayed out around the pillow her head rests on. As she looks over at me, her cheeks are a bright pink. She looks flushed, and I watch her curiously. She sits up and sets her book on the coffee table. She’s waiting for me to speak first. I relax and walk over to her.
Cautiously, I hand her the tissue I’ve written I’m an ass, sorry! on. She takes it from my hand, reads it, and smiles. Now I smile, too, and she sets the tissue on the coffee table.
She peers up at me, her eyes soft. “Okay.”
“That’s it?” I ask. “I was expecting you to yell or punch me.”
She gives me a wry smile. “That’s it, Brady. I have no intention of playing games with you. If you have something to say, just say it. If you don’t want to tell me, fine, but don’t tell me who I can date unless you have a valid reason.”
“Fair enough.” I don’t want her dating Harrison, but I can’t tell her why. He’s not a bad guy, but he’s only dating her to get to me, and that irks me. I sit next to her on the couch, glancing between her and the book on the table. I smile wickedly. She knows exactly what my mischievous mind is cooking up, and she reaches for the book. Before she gets it, I snatch it up and start flipping through the pages.
“What are you reading here, Tori?” I ask, but I know exactly what kind of book she’s reading.
“Nothing you’d enjoy. Give it back, Brady.” Her faltering voice piques my curiosity.
“No, no, no, I’ve got to check this out.” My eyes search the pages for something interesting.
“Fine! Suit yourself, but I assure you, you’ll find it very boring.” She puts her feet on the coffee table and crosses her legs.
As I read the words on the page in front of me, my dick moves in my pants. Holy shit! “She wraps her tiny fingers around my thick shaft, drawing me into her mouth until I feel the back of her throat,” I read out loud, blushing and then slam the book shut. I toss the book on the table, and look at her with a giant grin. “Jesus, Tori. You’re a dirty little birdy.”
She growls at me and rolls her eyes. “It’s just a book, Brady,” she says with a hint of irritation in her voice. She swipes the book off the table and holds it against her chest.
Even though I’m slightly embarrassed by what I've just read, teasing her about it is going to be fun. I lift my eyebrows suggestively. “It’s just chick porn.”
She smiles, like she’s busted, and then replies angrily. “It absolutely is not.”
Since she’s blushing, I decide she’s not mad and I have the okay to continue ribbing her. “You might as well pick up a dirty mag. It’s the same thing.”
She narrows her eyes and leans forward. “I beg to differ. Dirty mags are for horny men.”
“And romance books are for horny chicks,” I reply impetuously.
She chucks the book at me.
I lift my arm in time to deflect it and it falls to the floor. She starts to reach for it, but I pick it up and set it on the table. “Look, just because there aren’t any pictures and you use your imagination doesn’t mean it’s not porn.”
She rolls her eyes, laughing. “It’s not porn, Brady Hunter. There’s so much more to them than just steamy erotic sex. Some of the stories are powerful, and I love reading them.”
I turn my head, pleased by how much I’ve riled her. I’m a freakin’ guy. Who cares about the storyline? Some of my buddies have told me about the naughty books their girlfriends read, but I honestly was not prepared. I come up with a splendid and potentially dangerous idea. “I think you need a good porn name. Can I call you Sunshine?”
Uh-oh! Now she’s pissed.
“Not if you want to keep your balls attached to your body.”
Her plump bottom lip sticks out, begging me to suck on it. Bad idea, Brady. “‘Sunshine’ it is.”
She shoves me in the arm. “You’re impossible, Brady.”
“And you’re beautiful when you blush,” I say impulsively.
Her lashes flutter, and I hear the air leave her lungs. Her cheeks are the softest pink, glowing, and she holds her chest with her hand. “You think I’m beautiful, Brady?”
Her question is sincere. She doesn’t understand what she means to me. I haven’t told her, but I’ve tried my damnedest to show her.
I pinch of lock of her hair in my fingers and then let if fall. “The most beautiful girl I’ve ever known.” Her smile broadens, and I melt into the sofa a little. “It’s not just your looks, though. You have a beautiful heart, too, Sunshine.” There’s a shift in the air, and I’m afraid the moment may get too intimate, even physical. It can’t happen. I quickly steer the conversation in another direction. “Hey, I’m heading down to T.J. on Friday. Do you want to go? The kids would love to see you. Rodrigo says Camilia keeps asking about you.”
Her eyes look at her lap, and I expect her to politely refuse. “Yes, of course I’d love to go with you, Brady.”
“Good, we’ll leave around noon.” I leave her on the couch and climb the stairs two at a time with a giant smile on my face. Sunshine. Thanks to Liv, I know she has a date with Harrison on Friday. Evidently she’s going to cancel. I’m a bit of an asshole for asking, but I’m fucking thrilled she said yes.
“Sounds great, Brady,” She calls up after me.
Chapter 16
“What in the hell are you doing, Victoria Marie?” I fall back onto the couch cushion and sigh. Canceling on Harrison to go out with Brady is absolutely one of my dumber ideas. The first time I hadn’t planned on flaking on Harrison, and this time, I blame my body. My brain intended to decline Brady’s offer. But then, Brady Hunter has a way of taking my best intentions and throwing them right out of the damn window. I smile when I think about what he said. He thinks I’m beautiful.
I grab my cell and send Harrison a quick text.
Tori: To: Harrison 7:22 PM Can’t make it Fri. Sorry…Party at beach Sat. night…B my date?
Harrison: 7:24 PM Bummer about Fri…Sat. sounds gr8 tho.
Tori: To: Harrison: 7:25 PM Yay!!! C U then.
I’m officially a terrible person. The amber room is totally calling my name. At least I’ll have company, because Brady is damn sure coming with me. There’s no way they’re letting him waltz through the pearly gates. Absolutely not, he’s on the fast track south already.
Wednesday morning I eagerly wait for Liv to leave for work. When she’s gone, I drive to the storage locker my parents rented for me to keep my belongings in when they moved. I sort through a bunch of my old toys and books, and place the ones that are still in good shape in a box to take with me to T.J. As much as I’m a jerk for bailing on Harrison, I’m looking forward to seeing the kids again, especially Camilia.
When I finish at the storage place, I drive to the beach and take a long stroll. The sand is hot on my feet, and I taste the salt on my lips. As I’m walking, my thoughts to drift to Brady, as they’ve been doing since he popped in on me in the bathroom, catching me in all my glory. Admittedly, I like Harrison, but I’ve been in love with Brady for years. I wish he’d open up to me, share what’s going on with him. Why did he come home this summer when he’s spent the last three summers in L.A.? For some reason, I don’t believe the story about his internship falling through.
Wednesday night I leave for work, realizing I haven’t seen Brady since he walked up the stairs yesterday after asking me to go with him to T.J. It’s not unlike him to vanish for a while. Where does he go? I laugh to myself, thinking I should play detective and follow him the next time he leaves. Wow! I have been hanging out with Liv too long. Spying is something she would do – something she did do – when she thought her ex-boyfriend was up to no good. I’ll never forget her dragging me with her to stake out his apartment until three in the morning.
When I arrive at work, Liv and Harrison are sitting at a table, chatting. “Hey, guys. What’s up?” I ask when I reach their table.