Princess to Pleasure Slave 24: Fallen Valkyrie Edition

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Princess to Pleasure Slave 24: Fallen Valkyrie Edition Page 4

by Amanda Clover

  No, she craved something more. After suckling at both of Irinica’s beautiful breasts, Leila kissed her way lower. Leila inhaled the spicy scent of Irinica’s arousal and kissed lower. Her lips brushed the witch’s dark strip of cunt fur. Leila’s heart beat faster. She had already made up her mind what she would do next. She gazed up at Irinica and saw the witch was watching intently, a smile upon her full lips and her hands toying with her breasts.

  Leila reached the steamy furrow of Irinica’s cunt and she could not resist the glistening beauty of it. Leila rested her hands on Irinica’s thighs and began to lap at the outer folds of the witch’s cunt. The moment she tasted the sweet nectar that gathered like dew upon those petals, the young Valkyrie decided she must have more. She sucked at Irinica’s folds and the witch moaned with pleasure. She flicked her tongue against the fat bud of Irinica’s clit and pressed two fingers into the hot, slicking channel beneath it.

  “Yes,” moaned Irinica. “Yes, fuck me with your fingers, just like that. Do not relent upon my clit. Your tongue is… so very eager.”

  For Leila, it was like a dream, but somehow more real than reality. The heat, the scent, and even the raunchy sounds absorbed her completely. She was in the moment within this unreal place, lapping greedily at Irinica’s sweet cunt as her fingers worked in and out of the witch’s clutching passage. Before long, Irinica cried out in the throes of her climax. She arched beneath Leila and thrust her delicious cunt against the Valkyrie’s tongue and fingers.

  Leila lapped at Irinica until the witch gently guided the Valkyrie to raise her head from between the witch’s thighs. They kissed once more, hot and sharing the sweetness of Irinica’s juices. When their lips finally separated, Irinica told her, “I have so many lessons for you, my sweet. You will stay here with me until you are ready.”

  “Ready?” Whispered Leila.

  “To serve like me, my sweet,” said Irinica, stroking Leila’s pale blonde hair. “To serve as a consort to the king of giants. It will take quite some time for you to learn properly, but we will not be missed; time will hardly pass at all in the world outside this place. And I will teach you everything.”

  Irinica kept that promise to Leila. They made love for pleasure and each time there was a new trick the witch had to teach the young Valkyrie or some new place to be pleasured. Leila learned how to pinch and lick and finger roughly, gently, and with a graceful sensuality that could only be acquired through practice. She found that she enjoyed the sweetness of Irinica’s quim, but found an equal thrill in lapping at the slightly bitter divot of her anus. It certainly felt nice to have the witch bend her over and bury fingers in Leila’s cunt and her elven tongue up Leila’s tight bottom.

  They rubbed their cunts together, stretched out on the bed and found positions to lick each other at the same time, and kissed passionately as their fingers brought mutual pleasure.

  Between these bouts of pleasure, they bathed, they dine from an endless feast conjured by Irinica’s magic, and Leila learned how to pleasure a giant. It was unpleasant work at first, fondling the magical cocks that Irinica conjured. With the help of the witch, the young Valkyrie began to enjoy the rides she took upon the magical replicas of Jotun’s massive member. She savored the salty liquid that flowed from the detached phalluses or spurted in great geysers into her stretched cunt.

  Thanks to Irinica’s constant attentions, Leila knew that she would soon be ready for her master.

  Pleasures of the Giant King

  Sigrid’s knees ached. Her knees were spread by a board between them and bound tight to the board by straps of dragon leather. A similar arrangement held her ankles apart. Her head and wrists were locked into stocks that pinned them tightly and forced her head up. Sweaty strands of hair hung in her face. Her breasts dangled beneath her with her plump nipples pinched and throbbing within tiny iron vises. Her bare buttocks and thighs burned with a thousand tiny scratches from her last torture hours earlier.

  She was alone with the mineral-scented water that dripped from the ceiling of her cell and the distant wails of anguish that echoed through the depths. She wondered if one of those voices she heard screaming was Leila. Sigrid had yet to give her torturer the pleasure of hearing her scream. She did not know how many more days she would last under the barbed flail wielded by the deathborn kobold called Skrettek.

  Each time Skrettek entered the cell, he asked her disgusting questions and demanded that she say and do disgusting things. Some of these things made her think of Kenek in the tavern and how his cock felt as he claimed her chastity. A part of her craved that human’s cock. But she never revealed her arousal to Skrettek and never said the lewd things he demanded, so she suffered, and the barbs of his flail bit deep into her flanks and her shapely buttocks.

  The door to Sigrid’s cell creaked open on its iron hinges and a familiar, pale-skinned elf woman entered the cell.

  “Where is Leila?” The Valkyrie snarled at the witch. Sigid’s eyes blazed with defiant rage. As much as she hated Skrettek or even Jotun, she hated none more than the elven witch Irinica.

  “Leila is safe,” said Irinica. “She is happy. She knows how to cooperate and be good.”

  “If you hurt her—“

  “What? You are in no position to make demands.” Irinica grabbed a handful of Sigrid’s hair and roughly jerked the Valkyrie’s head back and pressed painfully against the upper edge of the stocks. Sigrid hissed with pain. Irinica leaned down and pressed her lips against the Valkyrie’s ear. “Stop fighting Skrettek. Leila is with Jotun now. Every day you resist Skrettek, Leila must be with Jotun. Alone.”

  “I will never give—“

  Irinica jerked Sigrid’s head back harder.

  “You are not hearing me,” said the elf. “Your friend is with Jotun. She visits his bed. You will visit it too once Skrettek thinks you are broken. You and Leila will be alone with Jotun. Do you understand?”

  “I… I…”

  Sigrid did not understand. Why was this witch who had ensnared them and cast them down to the mortal realm telling her she would be reunited with Leila? Was this part of some scheme to get her to break? After days of being whipped, Sigrid’s resolve had hardened and her hatred had deepened, particularly for Irinica. It was hard to conceive of the pale elf actually offering help.

  The door clanked open and Skrettek stepped into the cell. The large kobold was unusually fat and ugly for a kobold. His red, deathborn eyes were tiny embers beneath his heavy brow. His snout was scarred. He dangled his barbed lash from one clawed hand and held a ring of keys in his other.

  “Witch, what are you doing here?”

  “Trying to do what you cannot, Skrettek,” said Irinica, standing up straight and releasing her grip on Sigrid’s hair. “It has been three days. Jotun grows impatient.”

  “I have made progress,” snarled Skrettek. “She has learned to mind her tongue. Haven’t you, Valkyrie, bitch?”

  Sigrid hung her neck against the stock and looked towards the floor. Skrettek stepped closer and stroked Sigrid’s hair like a master apologizing to a dog it has kicked. “I will break her soon. I need no help from you, witch.”

  “So be it,” said Irinica. She waved a hand dismissively and glided to the door. “For your sake, I hope you are right, torturer.”

  Skrettek watched Irinica’s swaying posterior as she departed from the cell. He locked the iron bolt behind her and returned his attention to Sigrid.

  “Do not let the witch give you false hope, winged bitch. You surrender or you suffer, same as always.” He flicked his wrist and rasped the barbed flail over Sigrid’s shoulders and back. She resisted the urge to hiss with the burning scratches of the tiny barbs. Skrettek chuckled, “Which will it be?”

  Sigrid’s mind was still reeling from what Irinica had whispered to her about Leila. Sigrid decided that she had to get to her sister and escape from the depths of Jotunheim. That meant convincing Skrettek that he had managed to break her down. She could not just blurt out that she surrend
ered. The kobold was too clever to be fooled. She would have to sell it.

  She looked up at him defiantly and snarled, “I will never surrender to you, kobold!”

  Skrettek’s lips pulled back from his sharp teeth and he swung the lash across her back. Pain tore through her back, her hips, and her buttocks as the kobold swung his weapon at her with his familiar fury. He seemed to spend his anger, opening a thousand tiny scratches on Sigrid’s back, pulling loose several of her blood-stained feathers, and leaving her trembling with pain.

  Skrettek panted as he said, “Do you surrender to your master?”

  Her stinging wounds and the hot blood dripping down her flanks made her almost cry out in submission. Irinica had convinced Sigrid that she would have to give Skrettek what he desired, but not yet. She had to convince the kobold completely.

  Sigrid looked up at Skrettek with eyes rimmed red with pain. Her voice was hoarse as she shouted, “I will never call you my master.”

  “We shall see,” roared Skrettek. He directed his flail at her folded wings. He tore away feathers with each swing of the lash and exposed the tender flesh stretched over fragile bones. She was in shock from the pain as he returned his lash to her thighs and buttocks. Each time she stopped jerking from pain, he stopped striking her with his flail and reached beneath her to pull at the vises on her nipples and stretch her dangling breasts.

  He spent his anger once more and left Sigrid damp with sweat, trebling, with her arms and legs marked with trickles of her scarlet blood.

  “Cunt!” He snarled and kicked the stocks, banging them painfully against her wrists and neck. “What do you say now, stupid bitch? You want more?”

  “Enough,” she said, her voice barely even a whisper.

  Skrettek grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head up violently. “What was that, bitch? What did I hear from your stupid Noden-whore mouth?”

  “I surrender,” she moaned and looked up at him through sweat-stung eyes. “You beast. I yield.”

  Sigrid felt the pain of those words more acutely than her battered wings or scratched flesh, but there was relief in them as well. The agony was over. Her humiliation had only begun.

  “Even a Noden-whore can come to her senses.” Skrettek chuckled. “And realize giants and kobolds are superior to Noden’s winged whores. Say it. Say we are superior.”

  “You… you are superior,” she said. “Giants and k-kobolds.”

  “And you can’t wait to pleasure our cocks, can you?” Skrettek jerked her head and rubbed his bulging loincloth with his other.

  “I can’t… can’t wait… to pleasure your cocks,” said Sigrid, barely fighting back real tears.

  “Good, Noden-whore,” said Skrettek. “You prove it now. Show me nice mouth.”

  Skrettek untied his loincloth with one hand. Sigrid did not want to see what was inside, but he held her head tightly and she could not look away. He dropped his loincloth down his scaly legs and exposed his reptilian cock. His cock was long and slender compared to Sigrid’s experience with a human man. It was a glistening pink color and marked with tiny purple and red capillaries from his root almost to the crown, which leaked opaque, yellowish snot. The smell was strong and unpleasant.

  Skrettek rubbed his cock against Sigrid’s lips, smearing the musky liquid over her mouth and making the Valkyrie want to retch. She resisted the reflex and instead opened her mouth to the kobold’s disgusting cock. He chuckled above her, holding her hair with one hand as he thrust his slippery cock into her mouth. She moaned in disgusting around him, which he took to be her enjoyment.

  “Valkyries dream of kobold and giant cock,” he laughed. “Suck it good. Prove your worth, Noden-whore.”

  Sigrid closed her eyes and slurped on his member. Her face burned with humiliation and her heart beat with fury each time Skrettek thrust past her lips and slid his foul cock to the back of her throat. His disgusting slime coated her tongue and his revolting scent invaded her nostrils. The scales of his belly pressed against her nose with each stroke.

  “Mmmmphmmmm,” she moaned around his cock.

  Skrettek leaned over her back and smacked his clawed hands against her Sigrid’s firm buttocks. Her scratched buttocks jiggled with each blow and he laughed and began to rub at the clenched divot of her anus. Sigrid’s submissive moan became whines of concern as the kobold stroked her tender pucker.

  “Yes, you like that don’t you, whore?” Skrettek smacked her ass even harder. He pulled his cock from her mouth with a pop of wet suction. Drool spilled down Sigrid’s chin and she gasped for air as the kobold stepped back. “I will give you what you really want now, little Valkyrie whore. I will fuck your ass.”

  “Please,” moaned Sigrid. “Please not my… my ass.”

  Her reluctance only made Skrettek laugh. He positioned himself behind her exposed hindquarters. She wailed as he grabbed her hips in his clawed hands and thrust his spit-slicked cock into her tender clench. Her ass opened to him after only a moment’s resistance and her eyes widened as Skrettek began to skewer her with his cock.

  The pain of being so totally violated by the foul kobold cock was not nearly as humiliating as the pleasure. His cock twitched inside her and she gasped as he pounded in and out of her stretched hole. She desperately wished she could be freed from the stocks so that she could stroke her clit as Skrettek fucked her tender ass.

  “Ohhhhh!” She cried, the stocks shaking with the force of Skrettek’s thrusts.

  “That’s right! Take my cock! I will paint your flesh with my seed!” His grip tightened on her hips and he slammed so hard into her ass that some of the scratches on her buttocks began to drip blood once more. She felt perilously close to an orgasm and was relieved when Skrettek pulled his cock out and denied her that humiliating release. Her kobold tormentor roared, “YESSSS! Take my seed, whore!”

  She jerked as she felt the first splash of his cum all the way up her back. He wanked his spurting cock and lashed her tattered wings and scratched flesh with stinging splashes of his salty spunk. It dripped from her buttocks, down her crack, and glazed her tortured flesh.

  “You love kobold cum,” laughed Skrettek, smearing his foul spunk back and forth against her ass. “I give you more soon. You must prove yourself before you get to see Jotun.”

  Skrettek tied his loincloth back into place and sauntered out of her cell. Sigrid wept when he was gone. She wept and the way his cock excited her and nearly made her cum. She wept at the thought of poor Leila in the company of Jotun. Sigrid wondered what depravity the young Valkyrie had endured already.

  She spent her tears and slumped in the stocks. Skrettek’s foul stench lingered in the cell and his putrid seed dried slowly on her wings, back, buttocks, and down the backs of her thighs. She endured a restless, intermittent sleep interrupted by screams from the depths.

  Her torment at the hands of Skrettek continued. He brought her some soup made from grubs and then forced her to suck at his cock once more. This time he spilled his seed into her mouth and down her throat. The thick, hot spurts overflowed her mouth and coated her chin. Tears trailed from her eyes as she drank this foul essence.

  After another rest period, Skrettek returned once again and unlocked her from the stocks.

  “You will use your breasts to pleasure me,” he said. “You will learn the ways you will serve Jotun.”

  She learned reluctantly, squeezing the kobold’s cock between her soft breasts and receiving his seed upon her tear-streaked face. Once his probing fingers discovered she had no maidenhead, Skrettek called her a whore and declared that he would fuck her properly soon enough. She was given a short bath in a steaming pool and the kobold took her there beside the mineral-rich water. She came upon the rigid thrusts of his cock, though she managed to stifle any cry of pleasure to deny Skrettek the further satisfaction of exposing her own pleasure.

  This sexual torment seemed to go on for days, so long that Sigrid no longer pretended to be disgusted by Skrettek. She rode atop him, her br
easts heaving as she cried out with pleasure. She kissed him and pressed her body against him. The kobold that had brutalized her with his lash seemed almost tender at times, holding her in his arms after he spent his seed into her ass or she drained it from him with her mouth.

  “Soon,” he murmured. “Soon you will be with Jotun.”

  When she was alone, Sigrid focused upon her duty and fed her hatred for Skrettek and the giants. She would reunite with Leila and they would kill Jotun if possible or escape him. She did not know if they would be able to return to Valheim, or even to the mortal realm, but she would fight the enemies of Noden for the rest of her days.

  The next morning, or perhaps evening, for there was no day or night in the depths of Jotunheim, Skrettek returned to her cell and brought with him a red-haired human woman with a collar around her neck and chains wound beneath her ample breasts and around her hips. She kept her head lowered and followed behind the kobold.

  “Daemne is the name of this whore,” said Skrettek, smacking the woman upon one plump buttock. “She will bathe you and prepare you to serve the king. I hear he is quite fond of your sister Valkyrie as well. Perhaps you will enjoy a similar favor. Would you like that, Sigrid?”

  “Yes, master,” you say, bowing your head to Skrettek.

  “Good,” said the kobold. “I have no time for pleasure today. Farewell, Sigrid.”

  He seemed about to leave. She stepped boldly towards him, startling the two deathborn warriors waiting in the hall. Before Skrettek could react, she threw her arms around his scaly shoulders and pulled him close for a kiss. He chuckled against her lips, his sharp teeth beneath her tongue and his black tongue invading her mouth.

  “Perhaps once more,” he said.

  He took her right there in the hall. She pressed her hands against the rough-hewn wall of stone and Skrettek thrust into her slippery cunt from behind. She moaned with pleasure, but in her head she imagined all the ways she would murder Skrettek. He thrust into her, slapping his hips against her buttocks and causing her dangling breasts to swing with each stroke. I


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