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Luxuria Page 5

by Fuller, James

  “Okay well…let’s pick him up and find some water.”

  “We can’t move him, or we risk making the wound worse. It needs time to clot and scab a little. But if we don’t clean it soon it won’t matter - if it gets infected he is as good as dead out here.”

  “And where the hell are we going to find water out in the middle of nowhere?”

  Dustin licked his lips nervously as he looked around as if he hoped to find something. “We are getting closer to whatever ruins are around here. Ancient civilizations didn’t just build their villages in random places; they built them near sources of water and food. Chances are, where the ruins are, water will be close by.”

  Mark ran his hands through his orange hair and his dark eyes looked from Josh to Dustin and up the pathway they had been following. “I’ll go and find some water and be back as quickly as possible.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “We don’t really have a lot of choice now do we?” He countered. “You stay here with Josh - keep him alive and keep Jess calm. I’ll be back with water as soon as I can.”

  Dustin crouched back down besides Josh and squeezed his friend’s hand. “Hang in there … it’s going to be alright.”

  Josh grimaced. “I’m not feeling too hot.”

  “It is okay, it’s just the shock kicking in.” Dustin reassured him.

  “Where is Mark going?” Jessica asked, a worried frown crossing her face.

  “We need water… he is going to get some. Come on, let’s get him off the pathway to somewhere more comfortable.”

  Mark ran as fast as he dared. He needed to conserve his strength and be wary of any other possible hidden traps. It wouldn’t do his friends well if he was found injured at the bottom of a pit too or worse…dead.

  With each step the aged stone pathway grew larger and more complete as the strength of the jungle’s hunger diminished. He rounded a sharp bend and slowed to a halt as he tried to take in the vast ancient ruins laid out before him.

  “It is real,” he muttered in disbelief as he took in the sight of the corroded gateway. The walls that once surrounded the ruins were near no more than piles of crumbled stones now. Inside those broken walls buildings of all shape and sizes, some still standing proudly through the age of time, while others had been humbled by it.

  Mark shook the awe from his mind and was about to run under the gateway when he spotted movement within the city. “Wait!” He cried out. “I need help!” He ran under the gateway, towards the figure walking around a crippled building.

  “Please stop my friend is...” He called out rounding the corner and once again, he caught glimpse of someone disappearing under an overgrown archway.

  He followed cautiously, pushing aside the tangled vines and bushy ferns that clung to the stone and entered into a lavish alcove of forgotten, unsullied natural beauty. His eyes widened - the vivid colors that surrounded him were amazing. Colors and hues he had never before seen and couldn’t begin to count – it was almost as if he had stumbled into a dream.

  “How may we be of service to you, traveler?” a soft, angelic voice chimed behind him.

  Mark turned towards the voice. His eyes widened as he spotted the three most alluring women he had ever encountered, standing in front of a large marble fountain. “I...I...” He stuttered foolishly, not able to pull his eyes away from their striking beauty and seductively suggestive coverings they wore, leaving little to the imagination.

  “Shh, calm yourself traveler,” purred the first, a long-haired blonde with vivid, green eyes dancing with enticement. She moved towards him with the other two women in tow. The flawless contours of their bodies moved with unmatched grace, drawing him in hypnotically. “My name is Kassandra - I am a sister of O Sangue do Morto Dá Vida. What is your name, mysterious traveler?”

  He swallowed back the bashful lump in his throat. “Mark... my name is Mark.”

  “Such a strong and commanding name,” chuckled the vibrant redhead as she circled around him; her burning hazel eyes missing nothing, inspecting him. “My name is Alcina and I too am a sister of this city.”

  “And I am Callisto. What is your purpose in O Sangue do Morto Dá Vida, lost traveler?” The tanned, soft-skinned brunette asked resting her head gracefully upon the blonde’s shoulder, her golden brown eyes watching him hungrily.

  Mark licked his dry lips nervously trying to overcome his arousing thoughts. “I... my friend...” He shook his head hard feeling the fool. “My friend is badly hurt; he is going to bleed to death or die of infection if he doesn’t get help. I... I need bandages... clean water... medicine... I don’t know...something.” He stuttered out.

  “We can help your friend,” Alcina told him with a smirk, “as we can help you, in many ways.” She lightly bit the bottom of her lip, another smile tipping the corners of her mouth.

  “How?” Mark bellowed desperately, wondering if his mind was playing tricks on him. “Please tell me…he doesn’t have a lot of time.”

  “Let us show you.” Kassandra slipped her slender hand into his and led him over to the slow flowing fountain. “The waters that flow from this fountain have mystical properties from our God. They can help your friend.”

  Mark looked down at the crystal waters and saw only water. “I...I don’t understand?”

  “You must trust us.” She dipped her fingers into the shimmering water before lightly running them across the gash on his arm.

  He flinched back as his skin tingled and prickled. Flakes of dried blood fell away, leaving no trace of the cut that had been there only moments before. Mark’s eyes widened in utter disbelief. “How? This can’t be possible!” He stumbled back fearfully - hands on his shoulders behind him stopped him. “This isn’t real...”

  “Anything is possible here,” Callisto whispered in his ear.

  Alcina took his hand, lifted it to her soft lips and placed a kiss upon his palm. “We told you that the water of O Sangue do Morto Dá Vida is gifted. Have faith in us and all will be well.”

  Mark began to look around, unwilling to question the miracle Josh needed. “I need to bring some to my friend.” He reached for his canteen and his hand found nothing. He cursed his stupidity; how could retrieve water when he had left his canteen with the others? “I need something to hold it in, please!”

  Alcina dipped a golden goblet beneath the surface of the clear water and held it before her. “The powers of the water come with a price.”

  Mark eyed the goblet of water eagerly. “What price? I’ll do anything to save my friend!”

  “A promise is required, traveler.” Callisto told him, coming around to face him.

  “A promise? A promise to what?” He asked then shook his head. Josh didn’t have time for him to question this. “You have it!”

  Kassandra took the water from Alcina and handed it to him. “Take this to your friend and have him drink every last drop from within the chalice….”

  “…then bring him here as quickly as you can and we will tend to him.” Alcina finished releasing his hand.

  “Come with me!” Mark said, the urgency making his voice crack. “He will need your help before he can be moved.”

  “We cannot leave the sanctity of our city, it is forbidden.” Callisto explained.

  Kassandra ran a hand across his cheek. “Trust in the powers of the water as we do and your friend will not pass from this world this day.”

  Mark knew he was wasting time. He took the goblet and tore his eyes from the enchanting woman before him. Turning, he ran as fast as he could with his hand covering the water, back through the city ruins and down the roadway he had come.

  His mind swirled with thoughts and questions but he couldn’t stop to consider them now, he had to get the bizarre water to Josh or his friend would die.

  He finally spotted the crudely constructive tent they had built in his absence. Jessica paced back and forth on the side of the pathway. “How is he?” He called as he slowed his jog.

you are!” Jessica cried and went to meet him. “We were getting worried,” She eyed the golden cup. “What’s that? He needs water, not more gold!”

  “I can’t explain, but he needs to drink this water.”

  Dustin popped his head out from the tent. “There you are! He’s blacked out - he has lost too much blood.” His eyes were red and rimmed with tears. “I think he might...”

  Mark shoved the goblet into Dustin’s hands. “Make him drink this…all of it!”

  “I need to clean his wound if he is to stand a chance of surviving this.”

  “No, he needs to drink it!” Mark grabbed the goblet back and forced his way into the tent, ignoring Dustin’s protests. He lifted Josh’s ashen head, tipped the cup to his dry lips and began pouring its contents slowly down his throat, whispering a silent prayer that it would somehow work.

  “And what are we to do about his leg?” Dustin pressed angrily as Mark climbed out of the tent. “It’s already likely infected in this humidity.”

  “I know this is going to sound crazy, but we need to get him to the ruins.” Mark fought with the words to explain - he knew they would never believe him, they would have to see it for themselves.

  “If we move him, his wound might open again and he will bleed out.” Dustin growled.

  “He won’t bleed out. I know you don’t understand, but that water will help him stay strong and see him to the ruins.”

  “Drinking a little water isn’t going to save him, Mark!” Dustin bellowed angrily.

  Mark remembered his arm and pulled up his sleeve. “You see this?” Dustin looked closer. “The wound that I had from getting him out of the trap - it’s gone completely.”

  “How?” Dustin muttered, grabbing Mark’s arm and rubbing the last of the dried blood away.

  “This is going to sound crazy, but there are actual people living there…they will help him,” he paused, looking at his feet.“…they... can do things.”

  “What?” Jessica looked up at him. “There are people there?”

  “Why didn’t they come with you and help us?” Dustin asked, eyeing his friend oddly.

  Mark threw up his arms in annoyance. “They are forbidden to leave the ruins of the city. That’s not the point; the point is they are willing to help us if we can get him there. If they can do this to my arm, they can save him. Now, stop arguing and help me pick him up.”

  It was growing dark by the time they reached the ruins of the city. Josh’s arms were slung over Mark and Dustin’s shoulders as they half-carried half-dragged him. When they had left, Mark was sure it would be too late - Josh’s skin was deathly white and his breathing was so shallow… it was barely detectable. But now his color and breathing had improved and Mark knew whatever was in the water was somehow working to keep him stable.

  “Where are they?” Jessica asked, her tone irritated. “Where are the people Mark? I don’t see anyone!”

  Mark looked around hastily. “I swear… they are here somewhere.”

  “We are here, as your friend promised we would be.” The angelic voice of Kassandra said and the three enchanting women came around a building which still looked to be mostly intact.

  “What the...?” Dustin muttered, his eyes going wide at the sight of the near naked woman coming towards them. “This can’t be... is this... is this real Mark?”

  “We are,” Alcina ran the back of her hand lightly down Dustin flushed cheeks, “very real.”

  “Who are you people?” Jessica asked, trying to hide her own disbelief at the sight before her.

  Callisto smiled. “We are the Sisters of O Sangue do Morto Dá Vida.”

  Kassandra moved in front of Josh and lifted his head, inspecting him. “Your friend is lucky that you have brought him here - he is very close to walking the dark road.”

  “Can you save him?” Mark asked fearfully. “With medicine or whatever is in that water or... or... whatever can be done.”

  “He will survive his wound, of this I can promise you.” Kassandra said softly, putting him at ease.

  “We will need to take him where we can tend to his needs and he can rest undisturbed.” Alcina said slipping herself beneath Josh’s arm, ushering Dustin aside.

  Callisto looked up to the darkening sky. “It grows late and I am sure you are all exhausted. I shall take you two to rooms where you may rest - there is food and drink already waiting.” Callisto told Jessica and Dustin.

  “I would feel better if I we were all together.” Jessica said, distrust twisting her face. “Josh needs us together, more than ever.”

  Kassandra’s smile was warm and caring. “There is nothing you can do for your friend now - we will see to his needs and he will be well.”

  “Don’t worry guys…I will be with him.” Mark told them, as he and Alcina began carrying Josh down one of the streets, towards a large marble building.

  “Please, if you would be so kind as to follow me.” Callisto said, going in the opposite direction. Hesitantly, they followed, their eyes drifting back in the direction Mark had gone with Josh.

  “Can I ask why you live here?” Jessica said after a moment’s silence as she followed behind the stunning woman, looking around.

  “This city is our home,” Callisto replied, “our kind have always lived here.”

  Dustin pulled his eyes away from the swaying curves of the brunette. “How many of you live here?”

  “Only I and my two sisters remain of our kin. Once - long ago - we flourished and there were hundreds of us.” Callisto pushed aside a leather flap and ushered them into the well-preserved building. She stopped in front of two doors, across from each other. “Please rest and enjoy yourself, on the morrow we will talk further.” She smiled and dismissed herself from the two alone without another word.

  Mark helped lie Josh down on an obsidian stone table covered by fresh straw and a thick black cotton sheet. His friend’s color was returning slowly, but the wound in his leg was inflamed and looked like it was getting worse by the moment. The thought of his friend losing his leg made him feel nauseated, but he forced the thought aside.

  “Is he really going to be alright?”

  Alcina smiled as she pushed aside sweat-soaked hair from Josh’s brow. “I shall take good care of your friend, you have my word.”

  “Alcina is very talented in her arts; your friend is in the best hands for the task required.” Kassandra assured him.

  “I cannot thank you enough for all your help.” Mark said again trying not to stare at Kassandra’s large, nearly exposed breasts.

  Kassandra smiled softly at him. “It is our pleasure. You too must be exhausted. Let me show you to a room and we will leave Alcina to work her magic.” She offered Mark her arm and he hesitantly took, it not wanting to offend. She ushered him from the room.

  Mark let her lead him down the old, cracked, eroded corridor. The words ‘magic’ playing on his mind as he remembered what she had done to his arm. “How did you heal my arm earlier?”

  “I didn’t heal you, the powers of O Sangue do Morto Dá Vida did… I was merely the instrument of its use.”

  “But how? How can such a thing happen?”

  She stopped in front of a large, beaded doorway. “Please refresh yourself and rest, I will return to see if you require anything a little later. We can talk of your questions more then.”

  Mark watched as the beautiful woman walk back down the hallway. It wasn’t until she was out of sight that he realized just how sore and tired he really was. He turned back into the candlelit room and saw a light steam drifting from a doorway in a side room.

  Josh coughed and sputtered as something warm, thick and bitter was poured down his throat. He opened his eyes slowly, relieved to find that he was in a dimly lit room and not the hard jungle floor. He felt something tug at his side, heard a tearing noise and looked over at the petite, flame red-haired woman beside him. He blinked several times, wondering if he was dreaming. “Where am... who I... dead? Oh shit, I’m dead are
n’t I?” He tried to say, but she silenced him with a soft kiss on his lips.

  “My name is Alcina. I am to tend to your needs.” She explained as she finished cutting away his filthy, blood-stained pants and discarded them.

  “What happened to me? Why do I feel so weak?” He only had a vague memory of what had happened. “Why can’t I feel my legs?”

  Alcina dipped a linen cloth into a large clay bowl of warm, juniper-scented water and began washing his body and wounded leg. “You were badly wounded - your friends brought you here to be tended to.”

  “And where is here?”

  “You are within the walls of O Sangue do Morto Dá Vida now.”

  Josh’s brow raised in wonder at that. “You mean the ancient ruined city we were looking for?”

  She nodded as she finished washing the gore from his leg, so gently that he hardly felt a thing.

  Josh grinned boyishly, nearly forgetting about his ghastly wound and his eyes lingered upon her near nakedness. “I am glad I am in such good hands.”

  She met his gaze and smirked. “Am I pleasing to your eyes?”


  Alcina unclasped the thin chains that held up her skimpy, sheer ivory silks. They fell away revealing her firm, delicate breasts. Her hands gently twisted the golden bars that pierced through her rosy nipples. “Does this also please you?” She moaned

  Josh licked his lips hungrily, feeling his cock stiffen. “Even more so.”

  She smiled and began cleaning him once more. “Your wound is very distressing, but the powers I have been granted can heal you fully.”

  Josh pulled his eyes away from her milky flesh. “Wait…what did you say?”

  “I can heal you fully, if you will but let me.” She purred, her hand rubbing up the inside of his thigh.


  Her hand began fondling his manhood. “I can show you if you’d like,” she lead closer to his rigid cock, “but it will cost you a promise.”

  “Cost me what?” Josh asked the warmth of her breath upon his cock made his head swim.

  “Do you want me to heal you?” She ran her tongue up the length of him.


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