SIGINT: SIGnals INTelligence.
Simunition: Canadian-manufactured ammo using paint bullets instead of lead.
SLUDJ: top-secret NIS witch-hunters. Acronym stands for Sensitive Legal (Upper Deck) Jurisdiction.
SMG: submachine gun.
SNAFU: Situation Normal—All Fucked Up.
SOCOM: Special Operations COMmand, located at MacDill AFB, Tampa, Florida.
SOF: Special Operations Force.
SpecWarrior: one who gives a fuck.
SSN: nuclear sub, commonly known as sewer pipe.
STABs: SEAL Tactical Assault Boats.
SUC: Marcinkospeak for Smart, Unpredictable, and Cunning.
SWAT: Special Weapons And Tactics police teams. All too often they do not train enough and become SQUAT teams.
Syrette: self-injection dose, usually of morphine.
TACBE: TACtical BEacon. Homing device.
TAD: Temporary Additional Duty (SEALs refer to it as Traveling Around Drunk).
Tailhook: the convention of weenie-waggers, gropesters, and pressed-ham-on-glass devotees that put air brakes on NAVAIR.
TARFU: Things Are Really Fucked Up.
TECHINT: TECHnical INTelligence.
tiger stripes: the only stripes that SEALs will wear.
TIQ: Tango-In-Question.
Trijicon: maker of the best radioactive night-sights for SEAL weaponry.
TTS: Marcinko slang for Tap ’em, Tie ’em, and Stash ’em.
tube: Brit for subway. See
UGS: Unmanned Ground Sensors. Useful in setting off claymore mines and other booby traps.
underground: London subway. See
UNODIR: UNless Otherwise DIRected. That’s how Marcinko operates when he’s surrounded by can’t cunts.
USP: Heckler & Koch’s ubiquitous semiautomatic Universal Self-loading Pistol, which comes in 9mm, .40-caliber, and .45-caliber.
Walther: good, very concealable German handgun, commonly bought in .380 ACP, although professional triggermen prefer a .22-caliber Walther PP, or PPK.
wanker: SAS slang for male organ.
wanna-bes: the sort of folks you tend to meet at Soldier of Fortune conventions.
weenies: pussy-ass can’t cunts and no-loads.
Zulu: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) designator used in formal military communications.
Zulu-5-Oscar: escape-and-evasion exercises in which Frogmen try to plant dummy limpet mines on Navy vessels, while the vessels’ crews try to catch them in bombus interruptus.
Abdel-Rahman, Omar, 329
Achille Lauro, 15
active measures, 143
Afghanistan, 82, 269
Green Team mission to, 278-93, 294-311, 312-27, 348, 351
heroin traffic, 79, 282
Soviet invasion, 109
terrorist training camps, 223, 254, 282
and transnational terrorism, 81, 142
Agency for International Development, 32
Aideed, Mohammed, 32-33
Albania, 250, 258
AMEMB/CAIRO (American Embassy, Cairo, 15
American Embassy (London), 47, 100, 137, 326, 330, 332-34
American embassy hostages (Tehran), 279
Andrews, James “Hoot”, 191
Angelotti, Luciano, 255-57, 274, 381
Angleton, James Jesus, 176
anthrax, 250-51, 252, 331, 352, 357, 364, 367, 370, 377, 379-80, 382
antiterror, 36, 245
All entries preceded by an asterisk (*) are pseudonyms.
Arleighgram, 343, 350, 357
ARMS (Area Radiation Monitoring System), 236, 248, 289
Art of War, The (Sun Tsu), 273-74
Asadabad, Afghanistan, 278, 281-82, 291, 294
Assad, Hafez, 84
assassination ops, 156
audacious fighting spirit, 128
AWACs, 329
Azziz abu Yasin, Mahmoud, 5-6, 8-9, 12-13, 14, 17, 21-29, 36, 41, 73, 79, 81, 331
British money, 28, 189, 207, 254
connection with Brookfield, 209
death of, 190, 249
and new terrorism, 79, 81-82
Pakistani visa, 142, 324
BA-PP3/I, 250, 251-53, 254, 289, 311, 314, 315, 316, 326, 331, 341-42, 363
Brookfield with, 377-81
Barrett, General A. G. (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), 157
Barrett, Chief Petty Officer Everett E., 11, 53-54, 65, 69, 121, 127-28, 132, 137, 150, 204, 212, 246, 296, 319
advice to Marcinko, 361-62
law of the seven P’s, 128, 227
Barren’s Law, 54
BBC, 336
Beckwith, Colonel Charlie A., 187, 279, 321, 360
Blunt, Anthony, 376
Boabdil, 108, 376
body language, 151, 233
Boehm, Roy, 66, 69, 125-26, 191, 274, 296, 299
boobytrapping bodies, 9, 243, 326
Bosnia, 142
Bosnian Muslims, 82, 93-95, 147
botulism, 242
Branch Davidian compound, 138, 355
breaking and entering, 163-65
Brookfield House, 158, 161, 165-72
breeder reactors, 206, 210
Brookfield, Lord Ishmael, 89-95, 101-11, 148
and biological warfare, 242, 249, 281, 282, 289-90, 294-95, 309, 314, 315, 322, 323, 325-26, 330-31, 334, 354, 371-72, 376-85
control of operational intelligence, 118, 122
Lyondale and, 189
move to Afghanistan, 278
in Pakistan, 254, 264, 268, 271, 273-74, 275
and Portsmouth harbor bombing, 141, 142, 158, 171-72, 176-77
trip to Nice, 161-62, 174, 177-78, 188, 192, 208-12, 217, 220, 222-23, 232
Brookfield, Lord Louis, 174-83
Brookfield House, 354, 371
break-and-enter, 158, 161, 162, 164-72
Bruton Travel (agency), 173, 248
BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training), 97, 109, 229, 233
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), 138
Burgess, Guy, 376
Bush administration, 283
BW (Biological Warfare), 242, 245, 246, 250-53, 254, 281, 315
and attack on CONCUSNAVEUR, 334-47, 348-72
Brookfield and, 249, 281, 282, 289, 294, 309, 314, 315, 322, 323, 325-26, 330-31, 334, 354, 371-72, 373-85
BYEMANs (satellites), 283
C-3 defense, 383
C-4 explosive, 82, 98, 119, 133, 201, 246, 251, 326, 344, 353, 363
C-123s, 292, 295, 296-98, 303
Cabinet Office Briefing Room (COBRA), 148, 335
City of the Dead, 9, 10
Cairo mission, 3-29, 30, 36-38, 39-41, 73, 77, 79, 82, 119, 188, 191, 209, 324, 384
Prescott’s knowledge of, 189-90
Cambodia, 44
Campbell, Richard, 265, 275-77, 281, 284, 287, 288, 290-93, 294, 295, 300-02, 308
camouflage, 10, 225, 227
*Carlosito, Chief Petty Officer, 119, 135, 165, 166-67, 170, 192
Castro, Fidel, 171
chain of command, 32-35, 146
Charles, Prince, 92
checkerboard jackstay search, 67
Cheltenham, 94-95
chemical/biological weapons, 211 see also BW (Biological Warfare)
Christopher, Warren, 279
CIA (“Christians in Action”), 8, 16, 81, 82, 100, 102, 156, 265, 292, 329-30
Brookfield data, 103, 108
and French nuclear capabilities, 205, 210
intelligence, 77-78
in Pakistan, 269
SATCOM transceivers, 218
training/arming mujahideen, 83, 142, 150, 282
CINCUSNAVEUR (Commander-In-Chief, U.S. NAVal Forces, EURope), 43, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56-58, 76, 100, 115, 136, 178, 179
getting Grundle out of, 13-203
POLAD (POLitical ADviser), 51r />
as target of BW, 334-47, 348-72, 377
circle-line search, 67
Citadel (Cairo), 9, 11
clandestine operations, 10, 19
Clausewitz, Karl von, 34
clearance, 317
effective, 127 see also room-clearing methods
CNN, 67, 95, 123, 129, 130, 131, 136, 138, 145, 337
CNO. See Secrest, Arleigh
Cold War, 76, 253, 283
combat, 118 see also war
command, 96
responsibility of, 137-38 see also chain of command
communications, 342, 356-57
communications equipment, secure, 218
communications satellites, 283-84, 289, 294, 300
computer identification systems, 329
Corr, Ambassador Ed, 171
counterterror (CT)/counterterrorism, 18, 31, 38-39, 43, 79, 245
British, 156-57
SEAL Team Six, 17
CQB (Close Quarters Battle), 349
Crimson Trace laser sights, 349-50
Crocker, General Tom, 157
CW/BW (Chemical Warfare/Biological Warfare) sensors, 283, 289
Dall’au, André Marcel (Marcel Mustache), 220-21, 232, 235, 247-49, 331, 381
*Dan, Doctor, 120
Davis, Sir Aubrey Hanscomb, 45, 46, 52-53, 60, 72, 74-77, 79-87, 88-95, 96, 100, 122, 143, 156
and Brookfield, 373, 375-79, 380-82, 384-85
and BW attack, 336, 337, 371
and Foca minisub, 175, 177
knowledge of Cairo mission, 189, 192
and Portsmouth harbor bombing, 148, 158
deception, 176-77
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 8, 15-16, 44, 74, 157, 190, 196, 332, 328
dossier on Brookfield, 102, 109
intelligence, 77, 78
Pakistan Country Survey, 268-69
de Gaulle, Charles, 205
de la Billiere, General Sir Peter, 157
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, 324-25
Department of Defense (DOD), 15
Desert One, 134
Desert Rats, 101
Desert Storm, 34 see also Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
Dewey, Alien (Duck Foot), 198-99
background of, 99
breaking and entering Brookfield House, 165, 166, 171
in BW attack, 343, 356, 358-59, 363-65, 368
and Cairo mission, 5, 7, 9, 10-13, 21-29, 119
and CNO assassination mission, 99
and infiltration of nuclear plant, 220, 226, 249
in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 216-17
and pursuit of Brookfield, 190, 206, 209, 254, 275, 287-88, 306, 307-11, 314, 316-17, 324, 326-27
al-Din, Salah, 11
disinformation (black information), 143, 176
diversionary attacks, 371, 377
dive training, 239
diving, 66-72
documents, 187, 188
forged, 16
Draeger, 65, 68, 70, 71
DREC (Digitally Reconnoiterable Electronic Component), 218
Drug Enforcement Agency, 32, 78
DS21 Multi Spectral Thermal Imager, 284
Durant, Mike, 279
E&E (evade and escape) training, 71, 187-88
*Eddie the Burglar, 163-64, 165-66
Egypt, 17, 84, 85
and terrorists, 13-15, 19
Egyptian Mujahideen, 81
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 43, 50, 194
ELINT (ELectronic INTelligence), 126-27
Elliott, Sir Norman, 40, 46, 76, 79, 85, 142-43, 147-49, 177, 371
Emerson CQC6 combat folder, 3, 21, 65, 90, 152, 154, 238, 267, 308
*Emu, G. Edward, 296-98
Ministry of Defence (MOD), 44, 45, 148
tradition in, 55
ethnic cleansing, 83
Falklands War, 104, 144
FAMFUC (FAMiliarization Facility/Urban Combat), 156, 157, 160, 161, 192, 193, 328, 330, 335
FBI, 6, 32, 332, 355
Field Fighter knives, 308, 310, 383
Finley, Jim, 11
fire discipline, 317
firearms; see weapons and ammo
“fixers”, 271
*Floyd, Purdy Boy, 119
Foca minisub, 88, 90-91, 93, 147, 175, 176, 177
FMLN guerrillas, 171, 324
FORTE (Fast On-board Recording of Transient Experiments) (satellite), 282-84, 289-90
Fourth World, 328
Foxhunter file, 59
nuclear capabilities, 204-07, 210
*Freddie the Forger, 16, 188
frisking hostages, 368-69
Frogmen, 69
Italian, 255
Geneva Convention, 281
Global Positioning System computers, 192
Global Tec International (GTI), 223, 224, 262, 266, 270-71, 290, 292
Glocks, 159, 161, 192, 267, 268, 274, 320, 367, 368
Green Team, 32, 35, 39, 52, 63, 73, 79, 97, 119, 123, 246
and BW attack on CINCUSNAVEUR, 335-47
charged as accessory to murder, 188
false trails left by, 192
shooters, 88, 96, 158-61
Grenada, 99, 119
Grenzschutzgruppe-9 (GSG-9), 124
Griffith, Grant, 45, 74
Grundle, Nasty Nicky, 173
arrested/imprisoned, 181, 188, 191, 335
in attack on CINCUSNAVEUR, 356, 359, 362, 363-66, 368, 370
in attack on terrorists at Portsmouth harbor, 134, 135
background of, 98
breaking and entering Brookfield House, 165, 166, 170, 172, 173
and Cairo mission, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10-11, 21-28, 119
and CNO assassination mission, 100, 162
escape from CINCUSNAVEUR, 193-202
infiltration of nuclear plant, 226
and pursuit of Brookfield, 191, 206, 254, 274, 275, 287-88, 306, 307-11, 317, 321, 327
Guevara, Che, 171
Gulf War, 106, 144, 176, 290
HAHO (High Altitude/High Opening) jumps, 275, 291, 302, 305, 306
HALO (High Altitude/Low Opening) jumps, 63, 298
Haji, Mr., 140-42, 177-78, 208
Hamas, 82, 92
hand signals, 128, 247, 301, 311
*Harris, Art, 99
* Harris, Cash, 157
Harris, Half Pint, 88, 119, 135
Harvey, Squadron Sergeant, 120, 129
Hathcock, Gunnery Sergeant Carlos N., 280
Heckler & Koch MP5, 4, 267, 268, 349
Heckler & Koch USPs, 3, 4, 47, 120, 267
heroin, 79, 282
Hizballah, 92
HMS Warrior, 64, 66
HMS Mountbatten, 40, 51-56, 63-72, 175, 177, 371
hostage-rescue assault, 159, 245, 344-47, 357, 363, 365-72
hostage situations, 341-42, 350
hunter(s), 97, 98
Hussein, Saddam, 84, 290
hypoxia, 291, 295
IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), 228, 246
Ikigami, Hideo, 325
INDIGOs (satellites), 283
intelligence, 77-78, 127, 312
regarding Afghanistan, 282-84
allowing to adversaries, 176
in attack on CINCUSNAVEUR, 338-40, 342
British, 86, 118-19
DIA, 16
flawed, 138
Marcinko developing in Pakistan, 271-73, 274, 278
in Pakistan, 269 see also operational intelligence; tactical intelligence
intelligence agencies stovepipe commands, 77-78
intelligence community, 218
Intelligence Community Staff (ICS), 78
intelligence network(s)
SAS, 147-48
unauthorized, 118
Interpol, 214
IRA, 40, 47, 51, 53, 144, 156, 194, 353
Islamic fundamentalism in, 269
and transnational terrorism, 78-79, 81, 282
Iran-contra affair, 292
Iran rescue mission, 188
Iraq, 81, 144, 176, 244, 281
Blackhawk choppers shot down in, 329
Islam, 108, 178
Islamic Brotherhood, 81
Islamic fundamentalism, 14, 80-86, 92
Iran hub of, 269
Islamic fundamentalists, 3, 4, 7, 8, 40, 142, 147, 322
demands of, 323-24
resentment against West, 106-09
training in Afghanistan, 282
Islamic Jihad, 82, 92
Islamic unity, 379
Israel, 83
General Staff Reconnaissance Unit 269, 124
Jagger, Mick, 102
jihad, 109, 110, 111, 142, 282, 315
* Joey (SEAL), 188
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 18, 157
Kaluha, Howie, 269, 306
background of, 98
and Cairo mission, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10-11, 21-28, 119
and CNO assassination mission, 100
death of, 307-08, 309, 382
Kaluha, Howie (cont.)
and infiltration of nuclear plant, 220, 226
as pilot, 265
and pursuit of Brookfield, 191, 206, 210, 269, 274, 287-88, 300, 305-06
Kernan, Irish, 157
KGB, 143, 270
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 102
killing, 31, 160, 161, 243-46 see also war
KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), 201, 226, 273-74, 287, 316, 338, 344, 357
KISS cipher system, 193
KISS explosives, 228
*Kline (SEAL), 188
Klinghoffer, Leon, 15
Kunika (special police intelligence unit), 146
Kuwait, 67, 217
Kuwait City, 176
Lacrosse (satellite), 157, 283-84
landmines, 310, 313
Lansford, PA, 116
Laocoon’s Gate (estate), 101
LAPD SWAT team, 343
drinking in, 126
leading from the front, 20, 97, 341
in clearance, 128
Libya, 316
* Lieutenant Lounge Lizard, 44
linguistic abilities, 10, 11, 269
of Lord Brookfield, 91, 95
of Marcinko, 10, 205
Lockemont, Earl of; see Lyondale, Geoffrey
London, 55
Lyondale, Geoffrey, 47, 72, 74, 89-96, 98, 100, 118, 119, 145, 157, 174, 340
and attack on terrorists at Portsmouth, 129-38
and Brookfield, 103, 106
and double-cross of Green Team, 190
and intelligence, 147
and Portsmouth harbor bombing, 119-23, 127, 128, 148, 158
and SBS training, 117, 118
MI5, 148, 192, 193
MI6, 55, 148, 192
in Pakistan, 269
Maclean, Donald, 376
MacRae, Arleigh, 343
Mad Dog Frequent Flyer knives, 120, 374
Mad Dog SWAT knife, 308
Magellan GPS trailblazers, 192-93, 282, 294, 300, 303, 304, 306, 309, 311, 325
Mao Zedong, 171, 324
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