Her Rebel Alien Warrior (Fated to the Warriors Book 1)

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Her Rebel Alien Warrior (Fated to the Warriors Book 1) Page 8

by Nora Blaze

  Never did I think I would have this joy. Never did I think my lucex would spark with so much life that the world would vibrate.

  And never did I think I would be so lucky as to find a woman like Loretta. She is perfect in my hands, giving and eager but also strong. She pushes and pulls at me, moaning her needs and demanding them as I grab her nipple and tease it into a hard bead.

  I pull back and gasp for air. “I am going to take you as mine,” I growl. I grip my cock and it twitches as I rub my length.

  It is a great sadness that there has never been interspecies mating seen in the galaxy. No union of two has ever brought a child into the world. But my body still craves Loretta with the intensity of those urges.

  “Wait.” Loretta holds a hand in the air and steadies her breath. She stares at my cock with her tongue darting across her bottom lip then turns. She leans down on her elbows and presents herself to me, displaying her swollen pink lips and the curves of her buttocks.

  “Like this. I might be able to take you like this.”

  I thrust my cock between her legs and ride up her slit. I grind up against her swollen nub as precum leaks from my tip and lucex sparks through me. When my vibration returns, I press my hardness to her nub and hold it there.

  Her wet pleasure pleases me and my lucex sparks down to my tip in return.

  “Oh,” Loretta moans. “That feels… what is that?”

  I grip my base and hold my tip against her cunt to push her open. “It is the life force of my species. It appears in battle and in mating.” Her wet warmth spreads for me and I plunge into my reward. “It is said to give your mates great pleasure.”

  Loretta clenches around my cock as she hollers my name. My lucex sends jolts down my cock that will tingle through her body. With each harder thrust I know I am sending her deeper into pure bliss, just as she drags me there herself.

  I grab her cheeks. “Loretta. You’re mine. You know that? You’re mine, Loretta.”

  “I’m yours,” she moans as she drives her ass back. Her walls are tight and they tug me in.

  My climax builds and I drive into her again and again. Bucking my hips, I hold out my orgasm as my entire body jerks, lucex sizzling through me. I need to feel her finish first and know she’s satisfied.

  I throw my head up and the three moons align, a slice of our cosmic dance in perfect alignment as the light bends around us.

  “UrTak!” She calls my name again and gushes her orgasm. The scent of her release sends me over the edge as I spray my load inside of her, again and again. Loretta falls to the moss, gasping for breath, and I fall beside her.

  “Look,” I say, taking her in my arms and spinning her into an embrace. We face the sky and she trembles against my bare chest. “The moons.”

  She draws in a sharp breath at the beauty. The gray moon that she says looks like the moon of Earth is centered above the black and red beauty of Triov, which is itself aligned over the core of Irisiak, alive with storms in the distance.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she whispers.

  I take her in a kiss and rub my body against hers. Even the release of my orgasm does not slake my desire to touch her. “You are gorgeous. It is only fitting that the moons welcome you.”

  Loretta purrs softly and I smile. The satisfaction I feel from claiming such a strong woman under the moons is deep and primal. And while I do not yet know how I will fulfill my oath and save her sister, at least for this one moment, I know that she is happy.

  After I fetch water from a nearby spring and bathe Loretta under the eclipse, I dress her again and prepare us for the walk back. As much as I would be happy to spend the rest of my days on these ancient cliffs, tending to this woman, the High Council will expect me in the morning.

  I place my arm over Loretta’s shoulder and guide her down the path. It was difficult to part her side before, but now it feels impossible.

  “That was amazing,” Loretta sings to herself. “I’ve never felt something like that before.” She turns her eyes to me. “Your cock made me tingly or something. Were you vibrating?”

  I smile with satisfaction. “This is a new experience for me as well, and yes, it is quite amazing. You must have felt my lucex. I did not know if it would rise for our union.”

  Loretta leans closer to me. “It definitely rose,” she teases. “Isn’t your lucex the thing you blasted out of your arms, though?”

  “The same, yes. It is an energy our species carries in our horns, a biological function that is unique to us. And as a part of our life force, it sparks to life during mating. True mating between KrysOlakns took place only on the ritual evenings, and when successful, the lucex would spark so strongly, our warriors would begin their second growth.”

  “You grew even bigger?” Loretta asks, incredulous.

  I chuckle. “Not larger, but our body would change. Our second horns would grow and we would develop our charges, the blasts that you saw in the mosaic. A mating on the ritual night would bond us with our KrysOlakn mate, changing forever each of our DNA. Our two bodies would rewrite one another, altering our very essences.”

  I stop myself. It is rude to talk of other women, even those long gone, when I have such a perfect woman right here beside me. True mating might be impossible, but in my heart, I know that the bonding I feel for Loretta is just as powerful and real.

  That she has trusted me and allowed me to join with her only strengthens my resolve.

  “Our lucex almost never sparks these days,” I explain. I stop walking, extend a finger, and lift her chin to face me. “It is a true sign of your beauty and strength that you inspired this. I do not think any other being in the galaxy could.”

  Loretta smiles and her cheeks flush again, pink like they were when I took her.

  My senses all jolt and I am suddenly on high alert. There’s a sound coming down the path. It’s quite far away but my sensitive hearing is finely attuned and I would recognize this noise anywhere.

  I grab Loretta and pull her close.


  The Wehizx Enforcers never dare enter our star system, yet my hearing does not lie to me.

  “What’s going on?” she asks.

  “Trouble,” I answer.

  Chapter Twelve


  UrTak grabs me and holds me tight to his chest. Instead of struggling, I lean into his embrace and let him lift me.

  I’m still dizzy and dazed. The blinding orgasm he had given me had sent me reeling. For a few blissful minutes, I forgot about everything but my pleasure and UrTak.

  His cock looked so much like a human cock, I thought it would act the same way. For the most part, it did at first, but then it started vibrating. And once it started vibrating, the silver tingles started shooting down UrTak’s hard length.

  I don’t even know if sex is the right word for it. It was like my entire body orgasmed as my nerves exploded into fireworks. My whole existence seemed to open up and I could have sworn that I tingled with the silver glow that came across his skin, like his energy was thrust deep into my core.

  And most strangely, my mind seemed to open, too. Pleasure flooded my body as a new dimension opened in my brain, right as I threw my head back and opened my eyes to the three moons. As I lost myself in my climax, my mind reached out for UrTak and I could have sworn something deep and true reached back.

  And now, walking down the path, already that strange hazy glow is back. His lucex. It shines and I know that means UrTak is not joking when he says that trouble is here.

  “Stay quiet,” he growls. He dashes off the side of the path. There’s a hole in the rock and when he hunches over and ducks inside I realize that it leads to a cave.

  “Pohilkans,” he whispers. “I told you about them, the warlords who tried to invade the RSA. But they don’t dare step foot on our moon. They haven’t even tried in generations.”

  “What do we do?” I whisper. I know I’m frightened because my hand has started trembling but my head is still clear. U
rTak didn’t let anyone hurt me before and after that unexpected collision on the moss, I knew he wouldn’t tolerate it now.

  We’re on KrysOlak, and as I take a deep breath, I remind myself that the Wehizx are far away.

  “We stay quiet. We listen. And when they are gone, we hurry back to alert the High Council. We have a better advantage if the Pohilkans don’t know that we spotted them.”

  I lean back against him, pressing my palm to his ropey thigh. The voices get louder. The aliens growl, but the noise is not like UrTak’s growl. They remind me of dogs barking at each and snarling as they bare their teeth.

  “There will be nothing here,” one of them barks, my translator making him intelligible. “The general is a fool if he thinks some old crystals are of use.”

  “I will tell him you said so.”

  “Ha,” the alien grunts. “And he will have all of our heads for wasting his time. Go ahead.”

  “We’ve installed the surveillance system already. That was the hard part. Just get your asses in gear and we’ll be off this damn moon and back somewhere with a woman to fuck.”

  All the aliens laugh and UrTak holds me closer. They stop right in front of the cave and he steps back, slowly and quietly. I can only see their silhouettes but one stops, swings to face the dark cave, and starts to pee, a loud stream splashing twenty feet away from me.

  UrTak’s large hand covers my eyes and most of the rest of my face until the alien stops peeing. I almost giggle but manage to hush myself. The aliens keep complaining about their job in a way that reminds me of the guys who used to come into my uncle’s dive bar, and something about that makes it easier to not be scared.

  The Pohilkans turn and step away from the cave and I feel UrTak relax behind me. A heartbeat later, though, a loud slurping noise echoes from deep in the cave.

  “Damn it,” UrTak curses under his breath. He pulls his knife from its sheath at his side.

  “What’s there?” I whisper.

  He leans down to press his lips to my ear. “I told you that our planet has fearsome beasts,” he whispers back. “They are not as bountiful as they once were, but some still thrive. I did not know, though, that the bluknoor had returned to these caves.”

  A scraping and skittering noise echoes through the cave, sprinting forward and then going silent again. UrTak spins me against the rocky wall and presses me into the shadow, right on the edge of what can be seen from the outside.

  The Pohilkans keep complaining. UrTak glances back and forth but I just stare into the cave. My heart thuds and I could swear I hear the thing breathing.

  The scraping starts up again and when I see the shadow of movement in the cave UrTak grabs me and tumbles forward. We burst into the light and the aliens, only a few feet down the path, turn in surprise. They look and walk like large gorillas, but their faces are beaked and scaly and their bodies covered with hard, gator-like plates in addition to lots of fur.

  As he leaps to a tree, UrTak sends his knife flying and it sinks right between the eyes of one of the Pohilkans. He tucks me behind the trunk then launches himself forward. I watch him sprint and jump toward the four remaining Pohilkans, who clumsily draw their weapons.

  I cover my mouth as I look between the fight and the mouth of the cave. UrTak dodges a few blasts from their rifle-like guns. He grabs one of the Pohilkans by the head and breaks his neck as he tosses his lifeless body in my direction. The crunch of his body at my feet rings out loudly and sends a jolt of stunned fear through me.

  A laser-like blast grazes UrTak’s side and he winces as he retrieves his knife. Two of the Pohilkans grab him by the shoulders and pull him to the ground. I watch his muscles strain and twitch as he struggles with their massive weight. When the remaining Pohilkan stumbles to his feet I think he might have a clear shot at my man.

  “No,” I gasp, and drop to my knees to grab the gun from the lifeless alien UrTak had thrown my way. I don’t know how the gun works but I aim and start squeezing anyway. The blast hits the Pohilkan in the thigh, blowing his flesh open as blood pours down and he calls out in pain.

  UrTak tackles one of the aliens, toppling him as he regains his footing. At the same time, the bluknoor launches out of the cave, rocks scattering in every direction. It’s a giant centipede with a face that’s one circular, slurping mouth, lined on the inside with jagged teeth. The bluknoor lurches and snaps at the air, obviously disoriented by the light, then flops to the side and points its mouth straight at me.

  I gasp and fall back. I try to shoot the monster but the fat bullets bounce off its hard gray skin. Its front half rises in the air above me, ready to feast. I try to shoot it right in the mouth but the gun just clicks, out of ammo.

  “Not like this,” I gasp. I’ve been through so much, it can’t end like this.

  One of the Pohilkans grunts in surprised pain as he flies through the air, landing exactly in the bluknoor’s gaping mouth. The monster crunches into the bloody snack as it falls to the path with a thud. UrTak bounds forward and leaps onto its back and I watch as he rides it and shoves his knife first in one tiny eye and then the other.

  He wrenches the knife and green blood splutters out as the monster falls to the path, where it twitches and dies.

  I run straight for UrTak. I don’t care that the ground is wet with blood. I just need to hold him.

  “You saved me again,” I say as I throw my arms around his chest.

  He grunts. “And you saved me, Loretta. You are very brave.”

  I smile, pleased with the compliment. “Thank you.” I notice the wound on his side. His flesh is torn open and thick golden blood runs down to his leg, congealing quickly. “You’re hurt.”

  He releases me, shoves his knife in its sheath, and grabs some bandages from his backpack. “Our medicine will heal me quickly,” he answers and begins to wrap the wound himself.

  I grab the bandages from him. They remind me of the bandages we would use on Earth but there’s a thin white material woven into the fabric, stitched in a blocky pattern like a computer circuit.

  “Let me,” I say, and he grunts as I wrap him quickly.

  I take one last glance at the Pohilkans and the monster, scattered and lifeless on the ground behind us. It’s a gruesome sight, but somehow, UrTak and I were able to survive it together.

  “Come on,” he says, and starts to pull some devices from the dead bodies. “We need to call this in and get back to CrysMond.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  The First Seat of the High Council stands as I approach. Unlike the last time I visited the political leaders of KrysOlak, the galleries around the silver table are filled with KrysOlakns and a scattering of Triovians and Gildenz, too. Throughout the open air, projections of digitized screens flicker and blink.

  Loretta is safe at home, secure with PryZor holding guard. She had tried to insist on coming and making the case for her sister to the High Council herself. Her determination impresses me, but the scandal she would cause is not an option.

  And I am in no hurry to let a moon full of warriors know the most stunning woman in the galaxy has landed on our planet. It isn’t possible for me to mate with her as my species did with our own women on the ritual evening, but every other part of my body latches onto Loretta and claims her as mine.

  The stars are always so strange in what they destine.

  “UrTak,” the First Seat says. “Now you come back with stories of Pohilkans.”

  I step onto the platform to address the Council properly. Beneath my feet an image of Irisiak is tiled to the stone floor and above me a glass dome allows sunlight to stream into the cavernous room.

  “We recovered what we could from the bodies. The scientists should have the Pohilkan equipment hacked and decrypted by evening. A team has been dispatched to recover their ship as well.”

  A murmur works through the room and the Third Seat pounds the table. “This is what UrTak has brought us with his attack on the Wehizx. Blood has already been
spilled on KrysOlak, and on the day of the tri-lunar eclipse no less! The High Council must control the warriors!”

  I grit my teeth. The Third Seat is younger than the rest of the High Council and I suspect that he is more interested in expanding his own power than he is in the good of our moon. “Blame me all you want, I did exactly what a warrior should do. And I have more to share. The woman I have rescued from the Wehizx has told me that there were others like her taken. If we know they might be close to our system it is our duty to send a force to find them, just as it is our duty to show our strength.”

  Another murmur rumbles through the room. Several of the screens zoom around and float before my face, broadcasting my image, and I clench my fists.

  They have to see that there is no other choice.

  The First Seat leans forward. “UrTak. The High Council values your service. Your bravery in the battles on the barbarian planets has not been forgotten. But surely you realize such a request is impossible. We cannot match the Wehizx in force when we are away from our home planets, and even if we could, we have no idea where these women are being held.”

  An elderly man at the far end of the table clears his throat, reacting to the First Seat’s declaration. I watch him for a moment and remember that he is the head of the spy network, which jolts me to awareness.

  Perhaps some on this moon do know where the women are held.

  “The First Seat is right,” the Second Seat declares. “This request must be denied. It will be sufficient to increase security at the perimeters for possible Pohilkan incursions.”

  The High Council all pound the table to sound their agreement. I grit my teeth, unwilling to take no for an answer. I’ve told Loretta I would do everything in my power and I refuse to let her down.


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