Death's Dirty Demands

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Death's Dirty Demands Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  He leaned over the table. “You’re looking down like shit is in your cup. You don’t want it, let me know.”

  She opened her mouth then closed it, frowning.

  “I can’t change shit if you don’t talk about it.”

  “I hate coffee.” The words spilled from her lips, yet it was a struggle.

  Death leaned back and smiled. “Why didn’t you say so?”

  Brianna shrugged. “It has been easier pretending.” She’d pretended all the time with Master.

  “You don’t need to pretend with me.” He signaled the waitress, grabbing her attention. “Hey, doll, could you change this to—” Death looked over at her.

  “Sweet tea,” Brianna said.

  The cup was taken from her and replaced by a cup of sweet tea.

  “See, I told you.”

  She took a sip, and it tasted like heaven.

  “What about Snake’s name?” Brianna asked, changing the subject. She liked having his attention focused on her. They were away from the clubhouse and all the distractions that came with it.

  “He’s fucking deadly, like a snake. The bastard may not seem that tough, but one snap from him, you’re fucking dead.”

  She knew it had to be true.

  “Devil’s name?”

  “Worst of us all. You fuck up you answer to him. We’ve all sold our soul to the devil, but it’s for a good cause. Devil is a lot of dangerous things, yet he’s got morals. They’re our code, and we stick to them. There was a time when we wouldn’t stick in the same place. We moved around, caused shit wherever we went.”

  “What changed?”

  “Simon. Devil heard a whore had given birth to his son and left him alone with her sister. This shit you can’t say anywhere else.”

  “Simon’s not Lexie’s son?”

  “No, he’s not. There’s no reason for him to ever find out either.”

  “I won’t tell.” Her respect for Lexie went up a hell of a lot. “What about your name?”

  He sighed, looking toward her. “You don’t want to know.”

  “Why?” She was curious about him. Brianna wasn’t an idiot. She knew whatever his name meant was bad shit, maybe even the worst.

  The waitress came over interrupting their meal. Brianna waited for Death to finish ordering their meals before asking him a question once again.

  Death ran a hand down his face. “I’ve not been a good man, Brianna. Don’t expect for my story to be all sunshine and roses. It’s not. I’ve killed people, lots of people. I get the job done. This shit with Gonzalez, it was the first time I’ve ever had to hold back. I hated it. My name is Death because that is exactly what I bring, death.”

  She had to be a fucking idiot. Brianna knew his name was bad, but she didn’t care. Death hadn’t hurt her. He’d given her nothing but pleasure and safety.

  “Do you want to run from me now?”

  Sipping at her sweet tea, she shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “You don’t scare me.” She sat back, staring at him.

  He faced her fully, giving her his undivided attention. “I don’t scare you?”


  “Then what do I do to you?”

  Brianna stared back at him. Her pulse raced, and her mouth went dry.

  “You do a lot of things to me.”

  “Like what?” He reached over taking hold of her hand. His hand was larger and his fingers rougher as he stroked over the inside of her wrist. “What are you feeling now?”

  “Nervous.” It was the first word that came to mind. “Excited. For so long I’ve been caught up in a world of fear. When I’m around you I forget everything and I want to be me. I want to be normal without any fear or revulsion.”

  “You don’t have to be afraid.”

  “Even though you bring death?” she asked, smiling.

  “We both know I’ll never hurt you.”

  She did know, which was strange to her. “I thought my life was over when I was sent to him. You make me want to live again.”

  He locked their fingers together. She crossed her legs as more warmth seeped from the lips of her pussy.

  “Your pussy is wet.”

  Brianna opened her mouth to say something to him when the waitress came toward them. Eggs benedict was placed in front of her while his pancakes with eggs and bacon was given to him. The waitress didn’t add an extra smile. She simply put the plates down then left.

  “Well, is your pussy wet for me?”

  She glanced around the diner to see no one was paying any attention to them. A thrill worked through her at his words. Remembering what he said about making sure she wanted him, Brianna knew he was going to be successful. Even now, she wanted him. They were in a diner about to eat breakfast and all she could think about was his lips between her thighs. What would it be like to have him licking at her pussy?

  He released her hands, and she picked up a fork. She cut into the egg, watching the yolk fall out over the plate. Taking a bite, she groaned at the taste. It really was a delicious meal.

  “Yes,” she said.

  He chewed on his pancake, smiling at her. “You want me?”


  Death arched a brow. “What are you going to do about it?”

  She took another bite of her food. “I don’t know.”

  “You better think of something, baby.”

  They ate the rest of the food in silence. The sexual tension mounted with every passing minute. Her nipples hardened as she thought about his lips on her body. She didn’t ask him for anything, following him out to the truck. He drove out of town toward the supermarket. It had been so long since she’d done something as mundane as shopping. For several minutes she followed him around as he piled the trolley high. When she saw something she wanted, she asked Death’s permission to add it. After the tenth item he told her to just put it in. When she went to argue, the scowl on his face stopped her.

  She didn’t want to put him in a bad mood.

  His scowl didn’t last for long. Death kept asking her to bend down to get cans from the bottom shelf or cartons. It took her a good fifteen minutes to realize he was doing it on purpose to check out her ass. She still did it. Only she got a thrill every time she bent down knowing his gaze was on her ass.

  “Did you buy these clothes for me?” she asked, handing him a bottle of chocolate sauce.

  Death stared at her, taking the sauce from her hands. “I bought them.”

  “Did you buy them for me or for someone else?” She stopped him from moving with a hand on the trolley keeping him in place.

  He released a sigh. “Are you going to let it go?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “I bought them for you.”


  Neither of them backed down. Death didn’t avert his gaze. He just kept staring at her. “Because I saw them and knew you’d look fucking amazing in them.”

  “Did you always know I was going to say yes?” she asked. Was she really a sure thing?

  “No, I didn’t have a fucking clue. I was going to stay away from you. You’re too damn young for me anyway.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I decided I didn’t give a damn. You came to me, Brianna. I merely offered you a place in my life. It was half your decision. If you don’t want to be there, tell me. I’ll still provide for you, but it’ll get you out of the club.”

  She didn’t want to be away from him. The moment she moved out of the club the club whores would be at him. The very thought of June, Amy, and the others pawing at him filled her with disgust. No, she didn’t want to be out of his life.

  “I’m happy with being part of the club life,” she said. “I’ve made my decision. I’m not going to back out of it.” Not only was she going to be part of his life, she wanted to be in his bed, giving him exactly what he needed, pleasure.

  “Good. Be prepared for more clothes. I’ve got plenty for you, and ye
s, I bought them with you in mind.”

  Tucking some hair behind her ear, Brianna got a thrill at his sweet side. She doubted many women saw this side of Death.

  This was what she wanted to see all the time. Brianna knew in that moment she’d do whatever it took to keep him in her life.


  Snake stood outside the library freezing his balls off while Judi was inside grabbing a book. Ripper had an errand to run for Devil, which left him to run her to the library. He was sure she had more than enough books, but she was always looking for another one. Wrapping his leather jacket around him, Snake glared at the snow, wishing he could melt it away with his gaze alone.

  Death and Brianna were together, which worked well for the club. Snake never should underestimate his president. Devil knew what everyone was thinking and feeling before even they did. It was completely insane, yet there was no other way to describe it.

  “Come on, Judi.” If he didn’t get some warmth soon he was going to end up with frostbite on his dick.

  Walk into the library.

  He would have done if he’d not seen the tempting raven haired siren who’d been irritating him the past couple of days. She walked down the street staring into shop windows. Her hair was down, blowing around her. The coat she wore covered her body, but the nurse’s uniform she’d been in had put every curve on display. She was fucking beautiful. He’d be more than happy to show her a good time. Snake wouldn’t even need a bed to show her how fucking good he could be.

  Out of all the women she could be friends with, Lydia was the last person he wanted her to know. He wasn’t going to get into her pants with Lydia around.

  Jessica came to a stop when she clocked him.

  “Are you following me?” he asked, giving her a grin.

  She stood glaring at him. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “What can I say? I’ve got that effect on women.”

  “Ugh, what did she ever see in you? You’re disgusting.” She shook her head.

  This was not the warmest of receptions he’d ever been given from a woman. He wasn’t going to give up.

  “You’re going to take her opinion of me instead of making one of your own?” He took a step closer.

  “Did you or did you not fuck my friend and leave her? Didn’t even call?”

  “When I fucked Lydia I never said anything about extra time. We were a one-time deal.”

  “Yet you fucked around the back of the diner, then went back with her to her place and fucked throughout the night.”

  She said all of that without taking a breath.

  “Don’t you women ever not talk about the men you’ve slept with?”

  “What? We can’t be like guys talking about our latest conquests?” She averted her gaze to across the street. He heard her release a frustrated sigh. “Why the hell am I still talking to you?”

  Jessica started to walk past him. He caught her arm trying to get her to stay. It was sick and stupid, but even with her throwing insults at him, he’d never felt so alive. “Get to know me.”

  “You’ve got to be joking.”

  “One date. That’s all I’m asking, one date.”

  She stopped to glare at him. “Will you stop it? I’m not going on a date with you. Haven’t you ever heard about loyalty?”

  “What about all is fair in love and war?”

  “We’re not at war, and we’re certainly not in love.” She tried to pull away, but he pulled her closer.

  “One date. Give me one date and I promise you I’ll back away.”

  Jessica stared at him. “One date but you’ve got to call Lydia and officially break it off. She’s still waiting for you.”

  Woman’s fucking crazy.

  “Fine.” One date with Jessica, he’d do anything she said. “I get to pick what we do.”

  “Okay.” She glanced down at his hand on her arm. “Going to let me go?”

  He released her. At the same time Judi came out of the library carrying a bag full of books.

  Snake grabbed the sack off her.

  “I can carry those,” Judi said, placing a hand over her stomach.

  “You’re pregnant.”

  “Is this your girlfriend?” Jessica asked, looking angry.

  Judi frowned. “Huh?”

  “I can’t believe you. Arranging dates and screwing women and you’ve already knocked up one woman.” Jessica’s voice rose with each word she spat out at him. He saw the anger in her eyes but also the hurt.

  He didn’t like how seeing the hurt in her eyes affected him.

  “Whoa, lady. I’m not his woman. I’m married to one of his brothers, Ripper,” Judi said, holding her hands up. “He brought me along to the library after drawing the short straw.” He went to argue, but she turned to look at him. “Yeah, you did draw the short straw. Ripper already told me how you all deal with chores like this.” She returned her attention back to Jessica. “He’s perfectly free. Believe me I wouldn’t be dating him. It’s nice to meet you.” Judi offered her a hand.

  “Yeah, it’s nice meeting you. I’m ever so sorry.”

  Snake was going to enjoy chasing after this woman.

  Chapter Eight

  Death watched Brianna interacting with all of the other old ladies as she helped to unpack all of their purchases from the supermarket. The tree was fully decorated with the kids’ attempts at decorations. The star on the top was made by Simon with lots of help from the brothers. Death was shocked by how much fun everyone was actually having from being part of the fun.

  For the first time in the Chaos Bleeds clubhouse the scent of mince pies wafted through the house filling him with joy. The smells were amazing, as were the carols Lexie had put on for them all to listen to. He even saw Dick was having fun in the corner singing along with Sasha and Pussy.

  “She’s a good one,” Lexie said, passing him.


  “You break down those walls she’s so damn determined to keep up and you’ve got a keeper.” Lexie carried a tray of baked mince pies as she went. He watched her walk away handing out her bounty.

  Entering the kitchen, he saw Judi rolling out pastry while Mia was filling the cups with mincemeat. The happiness within the whole club was strange. For so long they’d all be tense with the comings and goings of Gonzalez. This new feeling of peace seemed short lived. He turned to see Brianna coming from the store room Lexie had demanded they have. There were far too many men to feed to just leave it blank. Devil had once said it was going to be a store for guns, after which Lexie refused to have sex with him. It was funny to watch. Devil had had every intention of filling the room with food. His president just liked to tease Lexie until she was fuming.

  Brianna gave him a big smile, moving toward him. When she was in front of him he saw her hands open and close into fists as if she was unsure of what to do next.

  “It’s okay, baby.”

  He waited and was rewarded as she ran her hands up his chest to circle his neck.

  “I really enjoyed today.”

  His cock hardened at how close she was. “I’m pleased.” Resting his hands on her waist, he waited for to take the next step. Again, he didn’t need to wait long as she went to her toes and pressed a tame kiss to his lips.

  The smallest kiss from her lips and it was enough to drive him crazy. He wanted more, needed more.

  Groaning, he pulled away, removing his hands as she frowned at him.

  “You call that a kiss? My grandmother gave strange men better welcomes,” Snake said, walking into the room.

  The disappointment in her eyes was clear to see.

  “Shut the fuck up, Snake, before I put you into an early grave.”

  “You can’t put him in an early grave,” Judi said, wiping her hands on a towel. “He’s got a hot date with a hot nurse.”

  “Jessica?” Death asked, looking between the two.

  “The one and only,” Snake said. “We’ll see how long she can refuse my rustic charms

  Lexie and Devil were walking into the kitchen as Snake said that last part. Both of them started laughing.

  “What?” Snake asked, glaring at everyone. They were all laughing at him.

  “Rustic? You’re plain damn rust. You’ve not got a single romantic bone in your body. It’s all rust.” Devil slapped him on the back.

  “I wouldn’t start commenting, Devil. You could still learn a thing or two.” Lexie raised a brow at her husband.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” Death asked, wanting out of the way when the claws came out.

  “Yes, there’s somewhere I want to go.” Brianna took his hand, surprising him further as she made her way up to the backstairs toward his bedroom. Once they were inside their room she closed the door, leaning heavily against it. She didn’t say anything as she looked at him.

  “Why did you bring me here?” he asked, leaving everything to her.

  “Because I couldn’t get the memory of your tongue out of my head. I remember what you said last night. Whatever I want you’ll give me.” She took a visible deep breath and took a step toward him. “I want to give you something.”

  “What?” His cock was threatening to explode out of his pants. This was all on her. Death wasn’t going to push her.

  “I want to suck your cock.”

  Okay, out of everything he thought she could have said that was the last thing he anticipated. His cock didn’t protest. In fact, he was happy to get naked and let her have her wicked way with him.


  She took a step toward him. Her hands rested on his abdomen, and it took every ounce of control not to force her hands further down. Instead, he stood before her without touching, waiting. Would he always be waiting for her?

  This is what you want, dickhead.

  “I don’t want you going anywhere else for your pleasure. When I saw that sweet-butt sucking you off, I got angry and hurt. I didn’t like it. If I’m to come to you for pleasure then I want you to come to me.”

  He touched her cheek, stroking the delicate flesh. “Baby, I got her to suck my dick so I could look at you. She may have had her mouth around me, but I was only thinking about you.”

  “I don’t care.” She pushed him back until the edge of the bed forced him to sit down on the top.


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