Death's Dirty Demands

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Death's Dirty Demands Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “I noticed. I’ve also noticed you like to cook as well.”

  “I know my uncle caused you and the club a lot of pain—”

  He cut her off before she said anything more.

  “Gonzalez caused us a lot of pain. Ronald ruined part of your life. The pain is equal, baby. I promise you, I don’t hold a grudge, and neither does the club. I’ve claimed you as my old lady, and it makes you mine. They respect it.”

  She breathed out a sigh, feeling the tears well up in her eyes. “You really mean that?” she asked.

  “Of course I mean it. It’s a damn promise.”

  “Then I’d love for us to get our own place, but I’ll still come here to clean. Without me this place would be a mess.”

  “Lexie, Mia, and Judi would be pissed if they heard you saying that.”

  “They’re rarely at the clubhouse usually. I’ve heard them. They only come here for special occasions.”

  “That’s true,” he said.

  “Also, June and the others, they’re useless at cleaning. The only thing they know how to do is vacuum up cock.” She glared recalling the blonde with her lips around Death.

  Death, in response, burst out laughing. “You’re completely insane, and I love it.”

  He didn’t stop laughing.

  Feeling silly, Brianna joined him, loving how easy it was and safe to be with him.

  Tell him.

  No, she wasn’t going to tell him. She had decided when would be the best time to tell Death that she loved him. Now wasn’t the time.

  “I love hearing you laugh.”

  “It’s fun to laugh again.”

  Death reached over her, grabbing the remote. “Let’s see what’s on the television.”


  She settled down with her head on his lap, watching as he picked something for them to both watch. This was what she’d been wanting for as long as she could remember. Love, sexual attraction, belonging, she wanted all of it, and she knew in her heart of hearts that she’d get it with this man.


  Snake watched Jessica come and go. He didn’t understand why he was still sitting in the emergency room waiting for her to finish.

  Any bitch could take care of your needs.

  The door kept opening as more people fucked over parts of their body because of the snow.

  His cell phone went off, and he pulled it out, seeing it was the clubhouse.

  “What?” he asked, annoyed that he was still sitting in the same place even though he could have any woman he wanted.

  “Hey, baby. I’m missing you,” June said.

  Jessica chose that moment to come out. She spoke to the woman on the reception, and he watched her fringe puff out as she exhaled. The woman was tired, yet she took another file.

  “Are you listening to me?” When he was faced with the raven haired beauty, June lost all of her appeal. The club whore wasn’t what he wanted. No, he wanted the nurse who was making her way toward him.

  “I’ve got to go.” He hung up, knowing Jessica would be pissed to find him talking to another woman while waiting for her.

  What does it matter? She’s only a woman who’s not related to the club.

  “Hey,” Jessica said. “Look, I understand if you want to leave. I’m more than happy for you to go if you want. This is taking longer than I expected.”

  “I don’t mind waiting. I’m still here.”

  “Okay. So long as you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  The night wore on, and around two in the morning Snake fell asleep until someone shook him awake.

  “What time is it?” he asked, stretching. He’d fallen asleep sat in the chair, and his back was killing him. He’d not been this uncomfortable since moving to Piston County.

  “It’s six in the morning,” Jessica said. “I can go. We can have breakfast if you want.”

  He stood up, clearing the sleep from his eyes. “Sure.”

  “You’re pretty persistent.”

  “You promised me a date. I’m not going anywhere until I get that date.” He followed her outside to where their bikes were parked.

  “Well, I’m surprised. I kept expecting to see you gone every time I came to the reception area. When I saw you sleeping, I figured I’d leave you.”

  “I’ve not slept like that in years. Oh well, there was nothing better to do.” He’d enjoyed watching her appear and disappear taking new patients through.

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “No, it’s dangerous, and I understand.”

  “I never thought you would. I’m off now though. We’ll have breakfast, and then I’m going to sleep for the day.”

  She put the helmet on.

  “I’ll meet you at the diner,” he said.

  Snake waited for her to leave first before climbing on his bike.

  He didn’t think about the reason he kept following her or why he stayed at the hospital.

  You want her pussy.

  No, it was more than that. So many women had looked at him like he was an ass. All he’d ever done was play up to the jerk. Jessica’s natural assumption of him had pissed him off. Now all he wanted to do was prove to her that he could be something more, something different.

  You want her pussy.

  Pulling up beside her, he watched her remove her helmet flicking out her hair.

  They walked into the diner together, taking a seat. Before he knew it they were being served breakfast. He’d never been served this fast unless Mia was the one doing all the work.

  “You’re not as big an asshole as Lydia made out,” she said. “What makes me so special?”

  “What do you mean? Can’t I do anything good for you without my intentions being questioned?”

  “Sure, you and I both know you fuck women and leave ‘em. I’m not interested in joining that queue of women. Lydia told me you had a lot of women hating you but also a lot of women waiting for you at the clubhouse.”

  “Lydia talks too fucking much.”

  Jessica smiled. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to tell.”

  He chuckled. “Why did you become a nurse?”

  “I like to help people. I’m good at it.”

  “Is that the reason you’re always on call?”

  “I like my job, but let’s not talk about work. I think we’ve gotten past that with you waiting for me. Let’s enjoy breakfast and, erm, talk about something else.”

  “If you want.” Snake was going to have this woman whether she knew it or not.

  Chapter Eleven

  Three days before Christmas

  “Are you sure?” Devil asked. “Once you make this commitment there’s no going back.”

  “I’m sure. I’m more than sure. Arrange the priest. I want to marry Brianna.”

  Lexie sat on one of the sofas in Devil’s office, and she whistled.

  “Are you sure?” Lexie asked. “Marriage is one hell of a commitment.”

  “I want her. There’s no other woman for me. I’m in love with her. I’ve been fucking her without a condom. She’s what I want.” Death had thought about it seriously, and there was no other woman he wanted other than Brianna. He also believed she was in love with him as well. He was more than willing to take the risk.

  “I’ll talk to the priest. He’ll marry you on Christmas Eve for the right fee.” Devil flicked his pen on the notepad. “I take it you don’t want anyone else to know what you’re going to do?”

  “You can tell the club. I’m not going to keep it a secret. After all the shit we’ve been through, I want her.”

  Devil sat back.

  “Tell him, Devil.”

  “Tell me what?” Death looked behind him at Lexie then back at Devil.

  “We saw the way you looked at her. Well, Lexie saw the way you looked at her, but Lexie also pointed out that you wouldn’t do anything unless we pushed. I had every intention of forcing Brianna to make a decision about becoming a club whore, an old lady, o
r leaving. Lexie said you’d pick her as your woman.”

  Death shook his head. “I’m not worried. I want her, and you’re right. I needed a push to claim her.”

  “Good, I’ll arrange this.”

  “One more thing,” Death said.

  “What?” Devil looked annoyed, and Death wondered what he’d interrupted when he knocked. Devil and Lexie were known for fucking anywhere.

  The smirk on Lexie’s face let him know he’d interrupted exactly that.

  “Yeah, we’re busy, Death. Tell me what shit you want to say then fuck off.”

  “I want to go after the man who bought Brianna.”

  “The one she refers to as Master?” Devil asked.

  “I want him dead.”

  Silence descended on the room.

  “She was sold by Ronald. Whoever took a woman and used her has got money, lots of it. You can also bet that money comes with a shitload of power.” Devil leaned forward.

  “I don’t care.”

  “I do. We all barely came out of the Gonzalez business alive. We’re no longer working with The Skulls. I’m not going to go hunting for a man I know nothing about. If he comes looking for her, the club will back you. Until then, enjoy your woman, enjoy the peace, and let’s have Christmas without any bastard drama.” Devil stood, moving around to perch on the edge of his desk. “I get your fears. I understand them. I feel it all the time I look at my woman. I’m not going to be hunting a man I don’t know.”

  Death understood what Devil was saying. He would step back. If the man ever came out of the woodwork, he’d take the fight to him. No one was ever going to hurt Brianna again.

  “Are we good?” Devil asked.

  “We’re good.” Death shook his president’s hand. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll call the priest. You make sure to have the bride.”

  He walked out of the office in time to hear Lexie giggling.

  The priest wouldn’t be called anytime soon. Death went in search of Brianna. He looked everywhere, and an hour later he was starting to lose him mind.

  “Anyone seen Brianna?” he asked, going into the main room.

  “She’s in the men’s toilet,” June said, looking up from her cell phone.

  “What the fuck’s she doing in the toilet?” He went into the women’s toilet to find it empty. Stepping inside the men’s toilet he stopped. She wore rubber gloves and was on her hands and knees scrubbing the mess around the base of the toilet.

  “Fucking disgusting,” she said, muttering to herself.

  Her red hair was bound up on top of her head.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, folding his arms and leaning up against the sinks.

  She jerked around to look at him. “I’m cleaning. Seriously, the smell coming from this room was toxic. Don’t you men know how to keep clean?”

  Shaking his head, he left his position by the sinks, grabbed Brianna around the waist, and hauled her up against his chest. He didn’t wait for her to start fighting. Death carried her out of the room going upstairs to his own bathroom.

  Putting her into the shower, he turned the water on, climbing in with her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He didn’t speak as he removed the gloves and her clothes.


  Leaning down he took one of her nipples into his mouth, cutting off all protest she would have made.

  Her questions turned into long, loud moans.

  When he was sure he had her where he wanted her, he started to wash her, making sure he caressed her at every turn.

  Death carried her out of the shower, dumping her on the bed. He stared down at her body. The arousal was already taking him to the edge. He needed her, wanted her, and it wasn’t dying down.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, and you’re going to let me.” He gripped the length of his cock as she opened her thighs, revealing her creamy cunt. “No, on your knees.” He knew what he wanted.

  She went to her knees, presenting her curvy ass to him. He grabbed the condom from his drawer along with the lube. Death had spoken to her about what he’d do. For the last couple of days he’d been preparing her ass for his cock using his fingers.

  He rolled the condom over his rock hard length before sliding a finger through her slit. She was soaking wet.

  Applying a generous amount of lube to his cock, he made sure he was more than ready before preparing her ass for his invasion.

  When they were both slick, he threw the tube away, gripped his length and slowly began to press against her ass. The tight ring of her muscles kept him out. He wasn’t going to stop.

  Slowly, he pushed into her ass, fucking her in small strokes until she started to fuck back against him. Within minutes he was all the way inside her, guiding her onto his length.

  “Fucking perfect,” he said.

  “Fuck my ass,” Brianna said.

  He did exactly that, claiming her ass like he had her pussy and mouth. Brianna belonged to him, and within three days he’d have a ring on her finger to cement things. This love was not one sided, and with every second that passed, he knew it.

  He plunged into her ass at the same time as he teased her clit. Only when she found her release did he allow himself the pleasure of finding his own. They came together, their moans echoing off the walls as they found bliss.


  Christmas Eve

  Brianna was going to tell him. She couldn’t keep her feelings a secret anymore. The love she felt for Death was starting to hurt her as she didn’t tell him. Several times over the last three days she’d tried to tell him the truth only to stop herself from saying anything.

  She noticed several of the women were acting strangely as they looked toward her. The kids and even the men were having the time of their lives as they began to celebrate the festive season.

  Frowning, Brianna wondered where Death had gone. That morning she’d woken up to find him gone. She’d not thought much of it when she didn’t see him around the kitchen.

  Lexie entered the kitchen, whistling.

  “Have you seen Death?”

  The other woman smiled. “He’s waiting for you out there.”

  Brianna moved out of the kitchen going to the main room. She stopped at what she saw. Death stood talking with a priest while the club was sitting on either side. A makeshift altar had been created, and a carpet with rose petals had been made down the center.

  “Death, what’s going on?” she asked, looking up to him.

  “Brianna.” He spoke her name, moving down the aisle toward her. When he was in front of her, her heart hammered inside her chest as he went to his knee. “I’m completely, totally, in love with you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She opened her lips then stopped to close them. “You want to marry me?”

  “I love you, baby.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I love you, too.” She stared at the ring he produced in his palm.

  “I’ve been planning this for the last couple of days. I wanted to make this special for you, for us.”

  She went down to her knees, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you so much. I would be more than honored to become your wife.”

  He cupped her face, dropping a kiss to her lips.

  “She said yes,” Death said, yelling for them all to hear.

  What happened next was so surreal to Brianna. She stood beside Death as they both faced the priest. There was no need for a white dress or all the other crap. This, to her, was perfect.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” the priest said.

  Whistles, howls, and cheers of joy floated around her as she became Death’s wife. She was his woman through and through.

  Death didn’t allow her to stick around. He picked her up in his arms and carried her up to their room.

  Once they were over the threshold, Death made his dirty demands of her. Brianna was more than happy to give him what he wanted.

he loved him, and this was the most perfect Christmas ever.


  Watching Brianna and Death get married had struck Snake hard. He didn’t understand what was going on inside him. The whole ceremony had been sweet, enjoyable, and yet all he could imagine was Jessica in his arms.

  Their breakfast had been good, but since then he’d not spoken to her. He also hadn’t fucked any of the other women at the club, much to June’s disappointment. Snake knew June was getting a little too attached.

  Leaving the clubhouse after Death carried his wife upstairs for some dirty sex, Snake snuck out. He climbed on his bike and made his way toward Jessica’s house. When they’d finished breakfast he’d followed her to her house to find she lived in a small, modest house. Parking his bike outside of the house he found the door decorated in fairy lights. The season was in full swing, but something was missing.

  He needed to do one thing, and then he could go back to the clubhouse without another thought on his mind.

  Going up the steps, he knocked on Jessica’s door, waiting for her to answer.

  The lights were on letting him know she was home. The door opened to reveal Jessica on the other side.

  “Snake, what are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I loved having breakfast with you, but I didn’t get the chance to do one thing.”

  “What?” she asked, frowning.

  Stepping close to her, he reached out to cup her cheeks. She was warm while he was cold. This was what drew him to Jessica. She was the lightness he’d long given up on. Slamming his lips down on hers, he moaned at the taste of her.

  He slid his tongue along her lip until she opened up to let him inside. The kiss deepened, and she gripped his arms. She didn’t push him away but held onto him as he kissed her.

  “Merry Christmas, Jessica,” he said, turning away to leave.

  “Merry Christmas, Snake.”

  The door closed, and he didn’t look back. The kiss hadn’t cured any of his problems. The kiss had only caused him more problems. He wanted her, and there was no way he was going to have her.


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