Douluo Dalu - Volume 16 - Consummate Fusion

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 16 - Consummate Fusion Page 2

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “Yes, Grandmaster.”

  All the students answered as one. Their previously somewhat different expressions once again became unanimous. For some reason, the otherwise always mild mannered Tang San now had an extreme thirst for victory in his heart.

  The Heaven Dou City qualifiers had now ended, and according to the sequence, it was time for the reward ceremony, awarding the top five teams the qualification proof for the ranking competition.

  But due to the damage to the central stage in the previous match, this process was also simplified. The other academies that didn’t advance wouldn’t participate in the awards ceremony, only the top five teams would go up to accept their rewards on the VIP seating platform.

  The ceremony wasn’t complex. At the announcer’s declaration, the captain and vice captain of the top ranking teams stepped onto the platform.

  Due to Godwind Academy and Thunderclap Academy having the same result, both with twenty six wins and one loss, and Godwind Academy once having prevailed over Thunderclap Academy, the ranking was settled as: Godwind Academy ranked first, Thunderclap Academy second, Shrek Academy ranked third with twenty four wins, one tie and two losses, Blazing Academy ranked fourth with half a victory more than Skywater Academy, and Skywater Academy still fifth.

  Representing Shrek Academy to go up on the platform was Dai Mubai and Tang San. As the two stepped onto the platform, they immediately sensed several malicious gazes. The most burning among them was Blazing Academy’s Huo Wu.

  She had never accepted being defeated by Tang San, and didn’t reflect on her own strength, but rather blamed Tang San’s fire immunity. Even though Blazing Academy successfully advanced, being pushed down by Shrek Academy with half a victory stirred up the fury in her heart even stronger.

  “Next, His Majesty and Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda master as well as platinum bishop Salas will personally award the proof of qualifications to enter the ranking competition as well as the award money.”

  The proof of qualifications was actually a personal letter. There was no worry anyone would forge it, after all, Spirit Hall and Heaven Dou Empire both knew which academies had advanced. But Tang San and Dai Mubai didn’t know about the award money before.

  The award money the top five academies received was the same, after all, this was only the qualifiers. Each team received ten thousand gold spirit coins issued by Heaven Dou Empire. But in the finals, the prize for the final three was awarded by Spirit hall.

  The awards presented, the announcer gave the word to emperor Xue Ye in the seat of honor.

  Emperor Xue Ye’s gaze swept across the members of the teams standing in front of him, his eyes especially paused on Tang San for a few seconds, then smiling said:

  “First of all, children, I want to congratulate you.”

  “You’ve successfully obtained the qualifications to advance in this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament. As the most senior ruler of Heaven Dou Empire, I am proud of you. You are all the future hope of the Empire. And as the leaders of each team, your strength has also showed its most important effect in the competition. Therefore, I’ve decided to confer upon the ten of you the title of viscount[1], and to the other competing members of your five academies the title of baron. After you have graduated, the gates of the royal household will stand open to you at any time. Your fiefdoms will all be allocated after your graduation.”

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  “Your Majesty, that won’t do.”

  Salas suddenly interjected harshly from the side. Daring to interrupt an emperor’s words, this clearly showed the tremendous influence of Spirit Hall.

  Emperor Xue Ye looked indifferently at Salas,

  “Is there something inappropriate? Your eminence bishop Salas.”

  Salas said:

  “In past competitions, there’s no precedent of awarding titled of nobility. Even more, aren’t the titles given too high?”

  Whether it was Heaven Dou Empire or Star Luo Empire, the titles of nobility were ranked from the highest as Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, Baron. Handing out ten noble titles of viscount just for the qualifiers, Emperor Xue Ye’s generosity was enough to shock anyone in attendance.

  Emperor Xue Ye only used one sentence to shut Salas up,

  “Your eminence, conferring titles of nobility is an internal matter of the Empire, unrelated to Spirit Hall. Unrelated to the current tournament. I only admire these children and accorded them some rewards, that’s all. They represent our Heaven Dou Empire in this time’s Advanced Spirit Master Academy Tournament. I will also give you a pledge here. If there is any team among you that can obtain final victory in the tournament, the noble titles of everyone in the team will be promoted one level, and at the same time the academy will be given the ‘Imperial’ prefix, receiving the financial backing of the Empire.”

  As the leaders of their teams, even if these youths had all seen some of the world, as Emperor Xue Ye’s great string of rewards smashed down, they were still left somewhat stupid. What did titles of nobility represent? A viscount could already possess their own territory and attendants, and still draw a certain stipend from the Empire. This sum alone was enough to live on.

  Even though a lot of Spirit Masters had titles of nobility, obtaining them from kingdoms and duchies was easy. Obtaining an imperial title wasn’t so simple, especially being directly conferred the title of viscount. The territory a viscount could possess was already a small town.

  Even more valuable, emperor Xue Ye had already guaranteed to these ten that after the end of this tournament, they would directly be conferred fiefdoms.

  In other words, their titles absolutely weren’t just empty words, but rather truly nobles with territory.

  Salas’ expression appeared very unsightly. He didn’t say anything else, but in his eyes was a cold and cruel expression.

  As the captains and vice captains of the five qualified teams, they were all elite young Spirit Masters, one more intelligent than the other, and from emperor Xue Ye’s promise and Salas’ protest, they could all sense the smell of gunpowder contained within.

  Ning Fengzhi only sat smiling and silent to the side, apparently all this was unrelated to him.

  Emperor Xue Ye basically didn’t seem to notice platinum bishop Salas’ ugly expression, and smiling said:

  “Next is the ranking competition, also held by the Empire. But the location will change from Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena to the imperial household hunting grounds. At that time, the ten teams from the five kingdoms and duchies will come to jointly conduct the ranking competition with you. I hope that your five academies will rank among the best, holding the best opportunity in the finals.”

  “The ranking competition is the best stage to show your own strength. When the time comes, for the three students that obtain the highest number of victories in the ranking competition, the Empire will furnish the spirit beast for your next title promotion. You can chose what type you want, and the Empire will guarantee a spirit beast under thirty thousand years cultivation.”

  Whether Shrek Academy or the four elemental academies, emperor Xue Ye’s current pledge made their hearts beat even faster than the previous noble titles. Even Tang San couldn’t help feeling his pulse quicken.

  In fact, these ten academy team leaders all had fortieth ranked ranked or so strength, their next title advancement would be at fiftieth ranked. Even though the fiftieth ranked spirit ring wasn’t as important as the thirtieth, fiftieth rank was still the first level where a ten thousand year spirit ring could be obtained.

  How strong the first ten thousand year spirit ring was would have enormous influence on all of their futures. If they could freely choose the spirit beast they required, it would no doubt hold enormous benefit, not only wouldn’t they need to take risks or waste time, but they could also display their own spirit to the greatest degree.

  From fiftieth rank and on, a Spirit Master’s cultivation speed would drop substantially. Havi
ng a guarantee for their first ten thousand year spirit ring could undoubtedly let them keep a strong advantage from fiftieth to sixtieth rank. The benefits to their future growth would be boundless.

  Seeing the gradually rising flames in the eyes of the ten elites, emperor Xue Ye smiled calmly,

  “The ranking competition will be held in one month, I hope you can make even further breakthroughs in this month. Good. I won’t say more. You are all intelligent children, I think you will make the most intelligent choices.”

  Finished speaking, emperor Xue Ye’s gaze deviated a moment, sweeping across platinum bishop Salas’ face. Then, under the protection of his imperial high officials, he turned and left.

  Salas expression twitched slightly, but his expression had already completely calmed, nothing to be seen of the ugliness from before.

  Just as emperor Xue Ye said, even though he didn’t state it clearly, the academy team leaders all understood his meaning. The Empire and Spirit Hall, pick the first.

  Tang San’s heart twitched slightly. What emperor Xue Ye said today didn’t seem to be something a monarch should say. Spirit Hall was so powerful, could it be emperor Xue Ye wanted to make a show of force?

  In other words, had the conflict between Heaven Dou Empire and Spirit Hall already reached a condition that couldn’t be reconciled?

  It was better not to participate in these political matters. He didn’t know about others, but his own road was already very clear cut, and could easily be summarised in one word: Freedom.

  Tang San had set very clear-cut goals for himself, the limit of his spirit, the limit of Tang Sect.

  Tang San and Dai Mubai walked out of Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena together. The others waited for them outside. At this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly called out for Tang San.

  “Tang San.”

  Tang San turned his head to look, only to see something red growing larger in his vision, recognizable to him as Huo Wu.

  “What do you want?”

  Tang San puzzled asked.

  Huo Wu reached him in several steps, directly walking until she stood less than a meter from Tang San.

  It had to be said that confronting Huo Wu held quite a bit of pressure. Because her height was quite outstanding among girls, right now she was even a bit taller than Tang San. In fact, along with absorbing the ten thousand year level Pit Demon Spider as his fourth spirit ring, Tang San’s body was already more developed than his contemporaries. Right now his height was close to one meter eighty, and Huo Wu was precisely one meter eighty.

  Huo Wu gazed at this, not particularly outstanding appearance, always seeming even tempered, Tang San,

  “Have you got the courage to fight me without spirits?”

  Tang San stared blankly a moment, the Shrek Academy group next to him all smiling. They were all very clear on Tang San’s physical combat ability, and Tai Long had once raised this request to him, the result leaving his head and face in the dirt.

  Shaking his head, Tang San said:

  “I don’t have the spare time.”


  The pupils of Huo Wu’s eyes suddenly contracted,

  “Isn’t your close combat ability very strong?”

  Brows wrinkling, Tang San fixed his eyes on Huo Wu. Looking at this just like a flame woman, he once again repeated:

  “I’m sorry, I don’t have the spare time.”

  Finished speaking, he turned and walked toward the Shrek Academy party, without wanting to get further involved with Huo Wu.

  “You go to hell.”

  Temper stretched to the limit, the fury Huo Wu had restrained for several days finally erupted. Her right leg snapped out, going straight for the back of Tang San’s head. With her height, her legs were long, and she moved like lightning.

  Distinguishing sounds was the most basic capability at Tan Sect, how would Tang San let her easily do as she wished? Taking a quick step forward, half turning, left hand shooting out, he directly grabbed Huo Wu’s ankle.

  Huo Wu only felt the momentum of her kick disappear like a clay ox entering the sea, instantly vanishing like smoke with a slight quiver of Tang San’s arm. Tang San’s hand gripped her leg like a vise, and no matter how she exerted herself, she was unable to withdraw it.

  That left hand had already turned the color and luster of sheep fat jade.

  Raising the right hand, pushing up Huo Wu’s long leg, taking a step towards Huo Wu, right foot naturally stepping behind Huo Wu’s supporting right leg, simultaneously bending forward, directly striking Huo Wu’s raised thigh.

  Movements as natural as moving clouds and flowing water, smoothly finding the weak point, left Huo Wu without any opportunity to react before she had already been sent flying by Tang San, falling into the embrace of the just arrived Huo Wushuang. Tang San didn’t use much strength, amply displaying Controlling Crane Catching Dragon’s method to use strength against itself.

  “Let’s go.”

  Tang San swept the Shrek Academy group who were all looking at Huo Wu getting pushed around with schadenfreude, then left with large strides.

  “I’ll kill him.”

  Huo Wu wanted to rush out again after being caught by her big brother, but was forcefully restrained by Huo Wushuang.

  “Don’t waste your breath, you aren’t his match.”

  Sighing, Huo Wushuang firmly pulled back his little sister. He could of course see that Tang San had already started off leniently.


  The rims of Huo Wu’s eyes reddened. She really was somewhat unable to bear having her competitive nature once again being given a blow by the same person.

  * * *

  [1] The five orders of nobility are from the most senior to least: Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, Baron.

  Chapter 107: Truly Common Blue Silver Grass?

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  Huo Wushuang sighed,

  “Silly little sister, if you really want to beat him, then you have to cultivate ceaselessly, rely on your own strength to win. What use is there to senselessly make trouble like this? Work hard, we still have a chance in the ranking competition. To face an opponent that restrains us completely, we’ll have to think of some new methods. Even though he’s immune to fire, he can’t be immune to energy attacks, or did you forget what Shui Bing-Er did?

  “That’s right, that’s right, there’s still me. Little sister Huo Wu, I didn’t encounter him in the qualifiers, but once we’ve reached the ranking competition, I’ll definitely help you beat him.”

  Feng Xiaotian had come over from somewhere without anyone noticing, speaking with a face full of righteous indignation.

  Returning directly to the Academy from Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena, Tang San’s mind was still constantly replaying the whole process of today’s confrontation with Skywater Academy.

  To him, this wasn’t just a simple tie. This was the most difficult challenge in the whole qualifiers. It was admittedly because the opponents’ spirit fusion ability was especially familiar, but at the same time, this difficulty was also because they were restrained from the start.

  Tang San clearly saw that it was because of him that the whole team had been at a disadvantage. Shui Bing-Er taking the control had destroyed his original plans. At the same time it had also finally let him experience the formidability of other control system Spirit Masters. Next was the ranking competition, which was a stage for people to show off. But, after that came the finals, and that was still a team battle.

  Any Spirit Master had flaws, and he was no exception. Only by a team complementing each other could a Spirit Master’s strength be revealed to its greatest degree, this had always been a natural law of the Spirit Master world. That was also an important reason why this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament relied mainly on team battles.

  He didn’t think much of emperor Xue Ye’s olive branch, that wasn’t a question he should consider yet. What he needed to think about right now was how
he could help his team even more, how to let his own strength grow even more powerful.

  Tang San had always been a stubborn person, it was true in his previous life at Tang Sect, and it was still true in this world.

  Consequently, after returning to the Academy he immediately went to Grandmaster to propose he go into closed door cultivation for a time, in order to think about some things.

  Grandmaster was understanding, and also understood that this was an important phase to Tang San. As long as he could pierce through this barrier in his heart, he would mature even more, and also become even more formidable. At this time there was nobody that could help him, the only one he could rely on was himself. Only his own understanding, comprehension, could he solve his own problems. Even a wise man like Grandmaster couldn’t reply with anything that would have any better effect right now.

  That wall within was different for each person, and nobody could know what problems others faced. Tang San’s problems could only be settled by Tang San himself.

  Watching Tang San’s gradually disappearing back, the other six Shrek Seven Devils couldn’t help feeling somewhat lonely. They also understood Tang San’s current feelings. Ever since the formation of the team, even though today’s match wasn’t their most challenging, to Tang San it was still truly a suppressed battle. They could completely understand Tang San’s mood.

  Xiao Wu wanted to catch up to and comfort Tang San, but was held back by Liu Erlong,


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