Douluo Dalu - Volume 16 - Consummate Fusion

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 16 - Consummate Fusion Page 9

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Three rings against four rings, a complete victory.

  After the air froze for a brief moment, it immediately turned blazing. Voices of admiration, voices of alarm, all rose and fell in succession. Even those Spirit Master academies outside who had once fought Shrek Academy, the four element academy students were also unable to conceal their shock.

  From start to finish, the fight had only taken a few moments.

  Relying on her own strength, Xiao Wu basically didn’t give the opponent any opportunity to resist. A forty something ranked Spirit Ancestor was perfectly smashed by her and could only release his first spirit ability. From start to finish, Xiao Wu had been in control of the battle.

  Right now, his unconscious body was still constantly twitching on the ground.

  As a result of injuries from having his chest stomped heavily, things constantly bubbled out of his mouth even in unconsciousness, foul matter mixed with the blood. Even though his injuries might not be very serious, it would still be very difficult for him to participate in tomorrow’s match.

  Xiao Wu’s face revealed a smile harmless to both men and beasts, her gaze floating over to the other Balak Academy team members, softly saying:


  One simple word, but it seemed to ignite a barrel of gunpowder. Seven or eight people from the Balak Academy side immediately leapt up, aggressively dashing at Xiao Wu.

  “What are you doing?”

  The referee appeared promptly, but he only used words to block the opponents.

  “Want a group battle?”

  The other six Shrek Seven Devils set foot on the competition grounds in practically the first moment. Xiao Wu even more took a step forward, only quietly looking at the approaching opposing side.

  Actually, she really hadn’t wanted to beat her opponent so miserably, but after she discovered her opponent’s strength surpassed the fortieth rank, she had no choice but to go all out. Further adding that after launching Waist Bow, her strength wasn’t completely under her control, this was her only choice in order to completely remove the opponent’s ability to resist. After all, she was a close combat Spirit Master, she couldn’t just release spirit abilities.

  “Looking to die?”

  Before the two sides could get close, a clear and cold voice shook everyone present. Her voice didn’t sound very loud, but when it issued, it was clearly heard by the more than ten thousand people present.

  Nobody on either side clearly saw when a person appeared in the middle, but with her appearance, a tyrannical matchless imposing manner swept towards the Balak Academy side as if hiding the sky and covering the earth.

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  That overbearingly tyrannical aura made even the pupils of Ning Fengzhi and platinum bishop Salas in the VIP seats contract.

  This person suddenly appearing in the center of the arena was no stranger, but Slaughtering Corner Liu Erlong. What kind of temper did Liu Erlong have? Once ignited only Grandmaster could suppress her.

  Right now Xiao Wu was her adopted daughter, and seeing the opponents attack en masse, how could she stay calm? Regardless of the occasion, she finally had a target to protect, how could she hold back?

  Under the effect of Liu Erlong’s formidably oppressive strength, the Balak Academy students all screeched to a halt practically in the same instant, looking at Liu Erlong with shock.

  Liu Erlong’s tyrannical aura didn’t originate just from her spirit power, but at the same time also from her spirit and her own temper. Even though she was a Spirit Sage, that instantly erupting aura would shock even higher level Spirit Masters.

  “This is a competition, what are you all doing?”

  An ice cold voice resounded. If saying Liu Erlong’s voice reached people’s heart and soul, then this voice made people shiver.

  Platinum bishop Salas had already stood up from his seat at some unknown time, his ice cold gaze watching both sides in the arena.

  By now, Balak Academy’s team coach had also entered the competition grounds.

  His spirit power wasn’t lower than Liu Erlong’s, but looking at her overbearing appearance, for some reason he lacked confidence.

  He turned and saluted the distant VIP seats,

  “Please calm your anger, lord platinum bishop. We only wanted to carry away our team mate. We had no other intentions.”

  Salas indifferently said:

  “Both sides please remember your positions. Entering the grounds without the permission of the tournament staff will lead to immediate expulsion from the tournament.”

  The originally volcanic scene was suppressed like this, but the smell of gunpowder between Shrek Academy and Balak Academy no doubt became even denser.

  Xiao Wu still remained in the ring, and Tang San stepped off after giving her a few words of warning as he passed her.

  Balak Academy was clearly infuriated, and astonishing the Shrek Academy party was the the second opponent to go up was unexpectedly also a Spirit Ancestor over fortieth rank. In the ring, he released his spirit without waiting for the referee to announce the start of the match. His spirit was very peculiar, a flower, with red center and yellow petals.


  Tang San frowned. Xiao Wu’s second opponent was a Spirit Master with a plant spirit. Sunflower was clearly of a quality Blue Silver Grass couldn’t compare to, possessing formidable restraining capability.

  Wild sunflowers were capable of releasing an extraordinary scent, making people lose fighting capability, a kind of peculiar mental poison. And Sunflowers were furthermore hard as iron. With this as spirit, it could be treated as a weapon on its own, poison and attack equally serious.

  Clearly, Xiao Wu’s opponent wasn’t easy to deal with.

  Watching the opponent’s white, yellow, purple, and purple spirit rings, Xiao Wu’s expression also became serious. Her abilities had already been revealed once, and the opponent would inevitably be on their guard against them. She naturally also knew about the Sunflower. Dealing with an opponent possessing poison attribute attacks was very difficult, especially when the opponent’s spirit power was above hers.

  “You’ll pay for what you just did.”

  Even though this second Balak Kingdom team member to appear wasn’t tall, he was extremely sturdy, with swelling muscles clearly visible over his wide shoulders. The sight of someone with this appearance cradling a delicate flower was also somewhat strange.

  The referee reminded them:

  “Don’t forget the rules of the competition, if anyone violates them, they will lose the qualifications to compete.”

  Xiao Wu nodded along with her opponent, but the atmosphere between the two of them didn’t show the slightest sign of weakening.

  Xiao Wu knew that the difference between her and her opponent lay mainly in the fourth spirit ring, their actual level didn’t differ much. Judging by the opponent’s spirit power fluctuations, he should also have only just broken through the fortieth rank not long ago.

  “Match start.”

  At the referee’s announcement, the Balak Kingdom student’s first spirit ring brightened instantly, and the Sunflower in his hands faced the wind and grew. In the blink of an eye, it had already grown into one meter in diameter, and the long stalk in his grasp had also reached more than three meters, instantly becoming a bizarre weapon.

  With a wave of his hands, a dense yellow mist released from the Sunflower, directly enveloping Xiao Wu within.

  At this moment Xiao Wu couldn’t advance, therefore she could only retreat, backing away with big leaps. But despite this, she still caught a faint fragrance. The fragrance was very rich, and even though it was only a hint, Xiao Wu immediately felt her mind go dizzy.

  In circumstances with equal level, especially when both sides didn’t have very high spirit power, Poison Spirit Masters held a greatly advantageous position. As long as they used it appropriately, they could restrain their opponent to an enormous degree. Like this Balak Academy student, in term
s of restraining attributes, besides spirits that specifically restrained poison, only ice and fire type spirits like what Huo Wu and Shui Bing-Er had might control him.

  As the pit of her stomach tightened, Xiao Wu knew that the poison had already begun to take effect, and she hastily urged her spirit power to suppress it. But her opponent still didn’t chase after, only continuously waving the Sunflower in his hands with a malicious smile, sending out that great yellow mist.

  The area it covered began to grow bigger and bigger. By now, two spirit rings were already shining simultaneously.

  Clearly, the first of these two spirit rings was to enlarge the Sunflower, and the other was this fog.

  What should be done? Hesitation appeared briefly in Xiao Wu’s heart. She knew that to defeat the opponent, she would have to break into the opponent’s poison formation with the force of fifteen tons of thunder and settle him quickly. But wouldn’t he be prepared for that?

  He still hadn’t used his third and fourth spirit abilities. In a situation where she couldn’t get into close range, even though Xiao Wu still had enough spirit power to use abilities, it clearly wasn’t enough to get close to the opponent.

  Just at this moment, suddenly, a bizarre heat flowed into Xiao Wu’s body through her chest, and her originally tight stomach immediately relaxed. Not just this, a layer of golden red light began to appear from within Xiao Wu’s body, and in the blink of an eye, she was surrounded by a barrier of golden red light.

  By now, the poison fog had just enveloped Xiao Wu’s position, and a bizarre scene occurred. No matter how tremendous that poison fog, it was still unable to penetrate that golden red light.

  Making Xiao Wu’s opponent even more inconsolably shocked was that when the poison he had already released came into contact with the golden red light around Xiao Wu, it immediately melted away like ice and snow. In a moment, the poison fog had already been completely obliterated within ten square meters of Xiao Wu.

  Let alone the opponent, right now even Xiao Wu herself didn’t know what just happened, but with her combat experience she naturally wouldn’t give up this opportunity, dashing at her opponent without the slightest hesitation.

  “What’s going on? What’s that golden red colored light?”

  Liu Erlong couldn’t help questioning Grandmaster.

  Grandmaster also had a baffled expression. Even though his research into spirits was incisive, the situation before his eyes still left him puzzled. Originally he hadn’t had much belief in winning this fight, but that golden red light had rekindled his hope.

  “I know.”

  Tang San suddenly said in a low voice, his face revealing a hint of a smile.

  The Shrek Academy group’s gazes all instantly focused on Tang San, who smiled and said:

  “Do you still remember Xiao Wu’s Yearning Heartbroken Red? As an immortal treasure among immortal treasures, the Yearning Heartbroken Red is undoubtedly a king among flowers, even the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure is far from being able to compare to it. The Sunflower is also a flower, even though the Yearning Heartbroken Red isn’t particularly good at resisting poison, and Xiao Wu didn’t eat it, the Yearning Heartbroken Red’s position among flowers really is too high, after fusing with Xiao Wu’s blood, it has already formed a certain connection with her. When the Sunflower launched an attack against Xiao Wu, the Yearning Heartbroken Red would naturally believe it was being provoked. Would the king of flowers suffer the provocation of flowers? How could it endure silently? This golden red colored light should be the Yearning Heartbroken Red’s Monarch Overlooking All Fragrance[1] splendor.”

  Oscar couldn’t keep from saying:

  “Then how couldn’t we be violating the tournament rules?”

  Tang San smiled indifferently, saying:

  “Even Teacher didn’t notice, do you believe the panel of judges could see what’s going on? That light is emitted from Xiao Wu’s body, after all. It’s not that she’s using something. Keep watching.”

  Sure enough, just like Tang San said, the golden red light emitted by Xiao Wu’s body came from the Yearning Heartbroken Red. Sensing the provoking aura of the Sunflower, the Yearning Heartbroken Red automatically protected itself.

  Of course, it was only possible for this reaction to appear when it faced flowers. If it was some other poison, it would naturally be ineffective. This was also considered the bad luck of Xiao Wu’s opponent.

  Seeing his poison fog become ineffective and moreover his spirit power being substantially consumed as it melted away under the effect of that golden red light, that Balak Academy team member, with great alarm, had no choice but to use his third spirit ability.

  Half turning, that Sunflower swung out. In an instant, countless specks of yellow light sprinkled out from the enormous flower, enveloping a large area with a powerful aura; dodging was clearly impossible.

  Originally, Xiao Wu could have used Teleport to dodge, but for some reason there seemed to be a voice in her heart telling her there was no need. And Xiao Wu followed it subconsciously.

  Once she came to herself and thought of using her spirit ability again, it was already too late.

  * * *

  [1] (君临群芳) “All Fragrance” can also be interpreted as “all flowers”, where flowers can also be interpreted as talents or beauties.

  Chapter 111: Fusion of Spirit Ability and Tang Sect Secret Techniques

  Part 1 (TL by Marcuz)

  The concentrated yellow specks of lights instantaneously rushed into the golden red light radiating from Xiao Wu, what surprised both parties was that once the yellow lights entered the light protecting Xiao Wu, they disappeared like moths flying into a flame.

  Not only did it not have the slightest effect, instead it even strengthened the light surrounding Xiao Wu, increasing its thickness from the original three cun[1] to slightly more than one chi[2], instantly wiping out the lights that were attacking her.

  At the same moment, an extremely unusual aura was suddenly released from Xiao Wu’s body, suddenly expanding the golden red light. Although the light got dimmer the further the distance, it still easily covered the opponent.

  The referee was also encompassed within the light and he did not feel anything weird. however, it was a different story for Xiao Wu’s opponent. Within the golden red light, he felt as though he was fighting against a Title Doulou.

  All his spirit power instantly lost its effect, and the sunflower in his hand quietly withered in the light.

  Xiao Wu was also shocked as the situation became one where she no longer needed to do anything. Along with the withering of the opponent’s sunflower, the warm flow within her body also gradually disappeared. In a short moment, it completely disappeared and the dazzling bright golden red radiance faded away.

  The match started normal but ended weirdly. Compared to the explosive first match, this one gave people an even more unbelievable feeling. Xiao Wu who was only a Spirit Elder managed to defeat two Spirit Ancestors. This result shocked everyone present. Just as Xiao Wu was dazed, Tang San’s soft voice rang in her ears,

  “No matter who asks, just reply that you do not know why the golden red glow appeared. Keep silent and maintain a sense of mystery. Leave the rest to me.”

  At the same time, there was also a discussion going on in the VIP seats. Emperor Xue Ye looked towards Ning Fengzhi with astonishment, but Ning Fengzhi shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know what the golden red glow was.

  Platinum Bishop Salas however, spoke,

  “I didn’t expect Shrek Academy to actually still have someone who owns a spirit bone. This should be their hidden strength.”

  Spirit bone?

  Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi both revealed looks of agreement. From their perspective, that was the best explanation. Xiao Wu didn’t take out any spirit tool, and that golden red glow was obviously not an ability that a spirit tool should have. It would be most reasonable to think that that was a spirit bone ability.

bsp; Emperor Xue Ye took a deep breath.

  “However, that spirit bone ability seems rather too strong. It made the opponent’s spirit wither instantly. If looking purely at spirit power, this student from Balak Academy seems to be more seriously injured than the previous one.”

  Ning Fengzhi smiled faintly.

  “Your majesty might not be aware, but if I guess correctly, this ability of Xiao Wu’s has a specific target, it does not work on every spirit. Maybe, only plant type spirits will be countered by it, perhaps the range might be even narrower.”

  As the Seven Glazed Tile School master and the world’s number one support type Spirit Master, Ning Fengzhi’s knowledge was obviously bountiful. If the golden red glow Xiao Wu released worked on any spirit, wouldn’t that be unequalled under Heaven?

  In this rare moment, Salas did not argue with Ning Fengzhi and said:

  “I agree with School Master Ning. This should be an extremely normal spirit bone that only happened to coincide with the situation and was used to great effect. That doesn’t mean anything.”

  The referee was naturally suspicious about the golden red glow that radiated from Xiao Wu and asked her about it. But Xiao Wu wouldn’t say anything. Having no other solutions, the referee could only pass the judgment to the judging committee.

  By now, Emperor Xue Ye and the other two had already made their decision. From their perspective, it was perfectly normal for Xiao Wu to not say anything. After all, who would want to admit that they own a spirit bone? The victory for this match was unquestionably awarded to Shrek Academy. Xiao Wu scored two consecutive victories.

  The competition continued and making Shrek Academy not know whether to laugh or cry was that the later students sent out by Balak Academy were obviously unable to be compared to the first two. Xiao Wu successively defeated another three people before leaving the stage due to exhaustion of spirit power.


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