A Prior Engagement

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A Prior Engagement Page 15

by S. L. Scott

  She left the building, waving to Walter and walked to the park.

  What she didn’t know is that Audrey had enlisted Walter in an undercover, covert operation. Audrey wanted her sister to be happy and knew the doorman, who had always treated them well, also cared. With too much time on her hands and a wild imagination, Audrey set up a sting operation. Walter dialed Audrey to let her know Everleigh, aka Lark, had flown the coop.

  Audrey, aka Blue Jay, was on the hunt tracking Lark’s every move. To her surprise though, she was following her to a park near their home. Annoyed by the lack of excitement and boringness of her older sister’s adventure, she felt disappointed. But as she rounded the corner, she stopped in her tracks, jumping back behind the building for cover. She blinked repeatedly, not believing her eyes.

  William rode his bike into the nearly deserted section of the park and spotted Evie right away. “Hi, pretty girl. You know New York City parks around dark aren’t the safest place to be or didn’t your daddy ever warn you about that?”

  Evie turned and smiled. “No, I was never warned because I never went out alone growing up. Sheltered life, remember?” she said, shrugging.

  “Well, I don’t want you hanging out here alone after dark, Evie. Okay?” William protectively leaned forward as he scanned the park.

  “Yes, sir.” She was playing with him, but she really did like his caring nature.

  “You look beautiful tonight.” William took her hand and kissed the top of it. He immediately noticed the ring she was wearing again today. She was dressed more casually, and it stood out. “Wow! I hope that’s not real or you really might have been in danger out here.”

  Evie laughed, but it was awkward. Having him this close to something that represented a whole other life, another world, something she would end soon to be with the man who was now kissing the palm of her hand, unnerved her.

  Sitting on a park bench, they chatted about everything and nothing, content being near each other as the sun set.

  They strolled along, holding hands, as the streetlamps flickered on, lighting the path. Ducking under a large Oak, William pulled her to the trunk. He wanted to kiss her—long and deep. He wanted to connect with her and take their relationship to the next level. He wanted her, he wanted everything with her.

  When he leaned back on the tree trunk, she leaned forward against him, chest to chest, her body against his. They looked at each other, the step they were about to take feeling forbidden, but both willing participants.

  He pulled her in for a passionate kiss. It was gentle, almost delicate at first. But when his hands slid over her shoulders and up her neck to cup her face, she gave into everything she desired. Grabbing his shoulders, she lifted higher up on her feet, kissing him with just as much passion.

  Their kiss became eager and then with her hands on his chest she stopped it. They immediately looked away from each other knowing if they weren’t careful this could turn inappropriate for a public place.

  She glanced down before looking back at him. “You make me forget myself. You make me forget all my problems.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?” His lids were heavier than before. He was drowsy with love for this girl.

  “It’s a great thing, but they’re problems that can’t be easily solved.”

  “You want to share them with me? I’m happy to—”

  “No, I can’t, not yet.” Evie looked away again, upset at herself that she let their feelings develop to this point. “It’s not something you can help me with.”

  William snuggled around her, still protecting her under the tree in the park which was cemented as his new favorite place in the world.

  Audrey went back to the apartment and while she was lost in her own thoughts of what she had witnessed, Walter asked, “Any luck, Blue Jay?”

  She did a half nod mixed with a small shake, which confused Walter. “You lost Lark?”

  The funny nickname brought her back to the present and she smiled while leaning on his desk. “No, I found her, but I also might have found out more than I maybe wanted to know.” She let out a sigh, not sure what to make of this new information. Suddenly, she felt like she was carrying her sister’s burden. “How can something that makes her so happy be a burden?”

  Walter responded with logic. “It can’t.”

  Audrey looked at his kind eyes and perked up. “You’re right. You are absolutely right.” She moved to the elevators, and said, “Thanks, Walter. Have a good night.”

  “Good night, Blue Jay.”

  William wanted to walk Evie home, but she stopped at the corner, tugging him by the belt loops into the shadows close to the stone wall. He leaned forward, pinning her there. She loved this feeling and kissed his mouth, which she found ready to meet hers. They spent minutes like this, occasionally feeling the need for air.

  Walter had gotten some fresh air, standing under the awning when he spotted the young couple. He backed toward the door then went inside to give them privacy.

  Evie gave William three quick kisses on his nose, mouth, and chin then said, “I should go in.”

  William’s hands tightened on her hips as if he could hold her there. Leaning his forehead against hers, he closed his eyes, and savored the moment. “I don’t want you to.”

  “I don’t want to either, but I have to.”

  “One day, I hope you let me in here.” He tapped her head softly, and said, “And let me help you with all of those unsolvable problems. One day, I don’t want us to have to say goodnight on the sidewalk. One day.”

  “One day.” She murmured with her lips pressed to his neck. “But for now, goodnight, William Ryder.”

  “Goodnight, Evie Wright, until the morrow.”

  She slipped out of his grasp and went inside, smiling at Walter as she walked to the elevator.

  William passed the entrance and gave a polite nod to Walter.

  Walter gestured back with a wave, realizing what Audrey had seen. He felt sick thinking about the harsh repercussions Everleigh would endure because of this illicit affair once her monster of a fiancé found out. One thing he was positive of was that Tom Whitney would not find out from him. He would protect her if he could.

  Chapter 18

  Four-thirty came too soon. Evie was tired and in a haze as she got dressed, pulling on fitted cotton capris and a blouse, slipping her ballet-style flats on, and putting on her jewelry, including her ring, without any thought to the matter.

  Before the train left the station, William produced two travel pillows and adjusted one around Evie’s neck for comfort. They had opted not to have any coffee this morning, wanting to sleep instead. Snuggling the best they could while sitting side-by-side, they closed their eyes. Boston greeted them with heavy rain and Evie pulled her umbrella out of her backpack. “We can share.”

  William took the umbrella, holding it more over her than himself as they rushed the four blocks to the McKim building which housed rare and historical books.

  “That wasn’t so bad,” she said as they wiped their feet at the library’s entrance.

  He took hold of her hand. “But this is better.”

  As they approached the large information desk in the main city library, both of their stomachs filled with butterflies. Evie placed her hand on her belly, and asked, “Why am I nervous?”

  Taking a deep breath first, William slowly released it along with his nerves before answering. “I feel like this is the defining moment on this project.” He took her hand in his, and with confidence led her to the counter to speak to the clerk. “We have a ten-thirty appointment in the Rare Books Department.”

  Three hours later, they had a definitive answer for the Kyd stories. One was authentic and the other falsified. They exhaled their relief and both relaxed, sinking into their chairs. Evie giggled. “It feels good, right?”

  William chuckled. “So good.” Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes. “I can’t wait to present our findings on Friday.”

  “Well, we h
ave just the minor detail of finishing the report for that to happen first.”

  “Very minor, my dear, very minor detail indeed.” He popped his head up with eyes open then said, “Let’s go celebrate.” He stood up, pulling his jacket back on and throwing their work into the shared backpack he was carrying today. When they ran out the front doors of the library, they got drenched, though they were too happy to care.

  They ran to a nearby diner and fell into a booth by the window. After ordering two sodas and burgers, Evie looked across the table into William’s eyes, feeling wistful. “No one’s ever made me feel as vulnerable as you do.”

  William’s expression softened to hold her gaze even though confusion shot across his face. “I don’t want you to feel vulnerable. I want you to feel safe when we’re together.” His saddened tone seeped through his words, hurting her heart.

  She was quick in correcting what she meant by standing and sliding in next to him in the booth, taking his hand in hers and kissing his knuckles. “No, you misunderstood what I was saying. I feel exposed in a good way. Being with you.” Pausing, she looked away from him to the tabletop, and said, “I can be me.” She fumbled through her words. “I’m not used to feeling like myself. I’m numb to life most of the time, most every day, but with you . . . I feel alive. You make me want to be present in my own life again. You make me excited for the future.” She mustered the courage to look at him and he reversed their hands so he was now holding hers. “You like the real me and you make me like the real me.” She leaned over and kissed him on the lips just because she wanted to.

  During their kiss, he had a thousand things running through his mind, but at the forefront was that she had shared a secret of hers. “You feel vulnerable because it’s a new feeling for you?”

  “Exactly.” She smiled because he got her.

  “This,” he said, waving his hand between them, “is all new for me.”

  She rested her head onto his shoulder, and whispered, “I like you, too.” She wanted to tell him she loved him and her heart will be forever missing once they part, but she settled with I like you, too. They left the diner as a couple ‘in like,’ instead of a couple of friends.

  With less than an hour left before their train back to Manhattan, they headed to the station and waited on a bench and people watched.

  They both slept on the train back to Manhattan and awoke when their arrival was announced. Drowsy, they made their way off and out to the taxi stand. They held hands, neither wanting to break the connection, but knowing it was time to part.

  “So?” William asked more like a question.

  She let out a little yawn. “So . . . I’m not ready to leave yet.”

  William’s heart almost leapt out of his chest with her simple declaration that she wanted to spend more time with him even after spending fifteen hours together. Broke, he offered what he could. “I can make you a bowl of high-sodium, fattening noodles.”

  His smile was endearing and she knew he was teasing, but how could she ever refuse? Feeling shy and a little silly, she tilted her head, leaning it against his shoulder. “That sounds delicious.”

  Rubbing her back, he laughed. “I know this great place. C’mon, beautiful.”

  As soon as he walked into his apartment, he turned on the small lamp in the corner and dug out two shirts and two flannel sleep pants from his dresser. He watched her all perfect, a little mussed from the adventure—her clothes wrinkled and a bit dirty—and wondered who he had to thank for bringing her into his life.

  Handing her a set of clothes, he offered the use of the bathroom first. Right before the door closed, she poked her head out and asked, “Do you mind if I take a shower?”

  “Not at all,” he replied, too fast. An image of her naked was already racing through his mind.

  While she showered, he changed his clothes, getting more comfortable. At one point, he thought he heard a soft moan from the bathroom that shot right to his pelvis. Desperate, he tried to quiet the crazy thoughts bouncing around his head in case she felt the need to make another amazing sound again. But instead, the water cut off and he ran and jumped on the bed, trying to look casual and hoping she didn’t hear the loud springs screeching in protest as he landed with a thud.

  As William sat with his back against the wall, he ran his hands through his hair pulling and tugging at the roots. I’ve got to get control of myself. He imagined getting slapped across the face to shake him out of the state he frenzied himself into when he heard the door open. Evie walked out in his T-shirt, and what appeared to be nothing else. The shirt hit mid-thigh on her and William gulped loudly, not sounding casual at all. “Do you mind if I use your hairbrush?”

  “No,” he answered, three octaves too high for a twenty-two-year-old man, but was quick to lower his voice, even if unnaturally. “No.” Once again, he tried to sound older than a twelve-year-old prepubescent boy hoping to see a naked girl for the first time.

  She continued smiling, but narrowed her eyes in confusion.

  He was unraveling before her eyes and he worried she would start worrying for her safety if he didn’t rein in the crazy.

  “Thanks.” She turned on her heel, feeling awkward, and went back into the bathroom. Evie returned two minutes later with the flannel pants on and William released a huge sigh of relief.

  She furrowed her brow still confused when he offered her noodles. She didn’t see that he had much of a setup for making her homemade pasta. Following him to the hotpot, she watched as he started making dinner. “You’re a very confident cook,” she said matter of fact.

  “Um, adding hot water to a Styrofoam bowl full of dehydrated noodles and veggies isn’t cooking.”

  “It’s more than I can do. I’m impressed.”

  “Well,” he said, waggling his eyebrows, “wait until this oven gets fixed. I’ll make you a real meal then.”

  “I look forward to it. Though I’ll happily admit, I’m looking forward to this meal just as much.”

  After eating, they settled down and started on their final report. They found they had worked well as a team during this entire project and it wasn’t lost on either of them that they worked well as a couple, too.

  A small yawn betrayed Evie as she looked at the clock to discover it was past midnight.

  “Guess it’s pretty late, huh?” he asked, scooting down from the desk next to her on the floor and making his boldest move yet. “I’d like you to stay tonight.”

  Evie only hesitated a few seconds before asking, “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “I would love for you to stay with me.” He shut down his computer and she turned hers off. She pushed her stuff closer to the wall and out of the way as he straightened his small corner desk.

  She wanted to stay. She wanted to stay with him as long as she could and was willing to take the risk. “I can sleep on the floor.”

  “No, no.” He shook his head. “I would never make you sleep on the floor. You can have the bed.” He moved to the bed and dug a bag out from under the metal frame. “I have an extra blanket and pillow down here—”

  Her instant reaction surprised both of them. “No! Please. William, I . . .” Calming, she said, “We can share.”

  He stopped and looked up to her, unsure of what he should do. He knew what he really wanted to do, but could he be that close and just sleep instead? He was willing to take the chance to find out. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, very sure.”

  “Okay, would you like to brush your teeth with me? I have a spare toothbrush you can have.”

  “Yes, I really need to. The major downside about surprise sleepovers is you aren’t prepared.”

  Evie had realized in the shower that she was wearing her ring. It had been early when she dressed that morning and it was next to the small diamond studs she put on. At four-thirty in the morning, her brain wasn’t awake and she slipped it on not thinking about her day ahead.

  Her heart ached looking at it and she wondered if she should te
ll William tonight. She felt he might be, no, she knew he would be upset, but also knew he would give her a chance to explain everything. He was that kind of person and hoped he would see how much she cared for him. After today, she couldn’t imagine a life with Tom. This life was too good. She would end her engagement no matter the consequences the next time she saw Tom. William was worth any repercussion. She took the ring off and tucked it into the inside pocket of her purse.

  Following William into the bathroom, she watched as he pulled a new toothbrush from his small cabinet. As they brushed their teeth together, the intimacy of the act was felt inside her heart.

  Ready for bed, she stood in the main room while he flipped the covers back. “You first, so you don’t fall off the edge.”

  William switched the light off and eased under the sheet and blanket.

  They lay there, their breath intermingling in the darkness, facing each other in the dark until their eyes adjusted.

  She could feel the bed dip even more, causing her to fall forward a bit until William’s body stopped her. His hand rubbed her shoulder and his lips found her mouth, and he kissed her in appreciation.

  With a heavy heart, Evie hated ruining this for herself, but especially hated ruining this for him. “William?” she whispered between them, her words not having to travel far.

  “Thank you for staying,” he said, stroking the hair off her face. There was enough moonlight to see her pretty features in the dim light. “We don’t have to do anything. I just . . . I just want to hold you in the quiet of the night.”

  After those words, she couldn’t do this to him, not now, but promised herself she would tell him everything in the morning. She didn’t want their bubble to burst and news of dreaded and abusive fiancés would most definitely burst it. She rolled over. “Spoon me.” It was a quiet request shared between them.


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