Strong-Willed Cowboy (The Buckskin Brotherhood Book 5)

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Strong-Willed Cowboy (The Buckskin Brotherhood Book 5) Page 11

by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Stephanie Bond

  He held out his hand. Henri took Kate’s bouquet and stepped back. Kate hesitated. Then she came to him. He gripped her trembling hand with all the love in his heart and gently coaxed her to stand at his side.

  Weaving his fingers through hers, he held on as Red began to speak. Kate shivered.

  “It’ll be okay,” he murmured and squeezed her hand.

  She gave a quick nod. “I know.” And she squeezed back.

  Chapter Eighteen

  She’d been tempted to turn around. The scene was totally different from her first wedding, but all the elements were there. Just pared down.

  What had been somewhat reasonable this morning had looked completely insane now. Maybe she could get Ginny’s money another way. Her cottage wasn’t that far. Given the element of surprise, she could have been inside with the doors locked before anyone could catch her.

  Then Rafe had held out his hand. His big, strong, incredibly gentle hand. Once she’d connected with his strength and resolve, she’d gathered her forces. Her friends had worked hard to make this happen. She wouldn’t let them down.

  If any other man had waited at the end of that endless aisle, she wouldn’t have made it. But Rafe had promised to stand beside her today and his word was his bond. He would do everything in his power to keep them on course. They were doing the right thing… for Ginny.

  Gradually her panic subsided long enough for Red’s words to filter through.

  “True love is a circle—infinite and unconditional. No beginning and no end. And to represent that here today, I’m asking that you all leave your chairs, move them if you need to, and form a circle around this couple.”

  Kate blinked and glanced at Rafe. “Did you—”

  He shook his head.

  Red lowered her voice. “Just go with it, kids.” She looked at Millie and Nick. “You two join hands behind me and link up with the first to come forward.”

  As everyone left their seats, CJ started singing The Circle of Life.

  Red grinned. “I didn’t tell him to do that, but it works.”

  Because the group wasn’t large, they created the circle quickly. Somebody muttered musical chairs, anyone? It sounded like Jake. Kate smiled. Count on Jake to provide comic relief.

  CJ stopped playing, put down his guitar and found a place between Isabel and Garrett.

  Red looked around. “Perfect. A perfect circle, with no beginning and no end. A circle of love and protection. A circle of caring for one another that has no beginning and will have no end.”

  Tears of gratitude pushed at the back of Kate’s eyes. She’d vowed not to cry during this ceremony, but she hadn’t been prepared for this gesture of solidarity. Having her best friends literally circling the wagons hit her right where she lived.

  “Bless this circle.” Red lifted her arms. “Bless the loyal friends creating it and bless Rafael and Katherine, who stand within it, safe and surrounded by unconditional love.”

  Rafe’s grip tightened. She held onto him for dear life, too, as tears dribbled down her cheeks.

  “We will conclude this ceremony with the symbol of infinite and unending love as Katherine and Rafael exchange rings.” She lowered her voice. “Who wants to go first?”

  Rafe’s voice was husky but firm. “I will.” He turned to Nick, who handed him the ring before Kate got a look at it.

  “Rafael, place the ring on Katherine’s finger and look into her eyes.”

  Kate tried hard to keep her hand from shaking as she held it out. Rafe cupped it gently in his as he slid the ring on her finger. The delicate circle of silver was warm. And stunning. The beauty of the turquoise and malachite stones made her gasp with pleasure.

  “Look up at me,” he murmured.

  Heart racing, she lifted her gaze to his… and forgot to breathe. Love. If he’d tried to hide it before, he’d given up. He was letting her see everything in his heart. He was so much braver than she was.

  “Rafael Banner, do you promise to honor Katherine from this day forward, share both her pain and joy, shelter her in the circle of your arms, rejoice in her free will, and love her more with every passing day?”

  “I do.” The glow in his eyes intensified.

  Red touched her shoulder. “Your turn.”

  She forced herself to break eye contact so she could take the ring from Millie. Rafe held out his hand, ruggedly beautiful with his neatly clipped nails, the scar on his thumb, the sprinkling of sun-bleached hair across his tan skin.

  Clumsiness from an attack of nerves sabotaged her. She had trouble working the ring over his knuckle, but eventually it slipped into place. She glanced up, caught his soft smile and the light in his eyes.

  “Katherine Gifford, do you promise to honor Rafe from this day forward, share both his pain and joy, shelter him in the circle of your arms, rejoice in his free will, and love him more with every passing day?”

  Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she held Rafe’s gaze. She’d never talked with Red about the wording of the ceremony. Too late, now.

  Only one part of that vow made her nervous. Maybe she could interpret shelter him in the circle of her arms as a metaphor for giving him tons of emotional support. She was certainly willing to do that. No danger there. Okay, she could go with the wording.


  She took a deep breath. “I do.”

  A sigh went up from the group.

  “As a final pledge of your shared love, Rafe, will you kiss Kate?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  Oh, right. The kiss. For the video. Then it would be done. She’d send the pictures and video to Aunt Lilith and seal the deal.

  Rafe cupped her face in both hands. The wide silver band on his left ring finger brushed her cheek. Tilting her head up, he lowered his.

  The pressure of his lips against hers sent a jolt of recognition straight to her core. Two long months had passed since he’d kissed her. Her body acted as if it had been two hours.

  Instantly her blood heated and she began to quiver with anticipation. No! She couldn’t react this way!

  Shifting the angle, he dipped his tongue into her mouth. How had that happened? Had she let him in? Had she invited him in? Good grief, this was not supposed to be a hot kiss!

  And what was that noise? Clapping and cheering? What the hell?

  He ended the kiss as slowly as he’d begun. Lifting his head, he gazed down at her with a smile.

  She couldn’t seem to breathe right and she was warm all over, including her cheeks, which meant she was blushing for all the world to see.

  Sure enough, the guests were enjoying the heck out of the show. A couple of the guys had added whistles to the laughter and applause. CJ had grabbed his guitar and was singing Tim McGraw’s I Like, I Love It.

  Rafe released her and his smile widened. “You’ll need to let go of my vest.”

  She glanced down. With a cry of dismay, she released the silver brocade she’d clutched in both hands. She backed away and avoided his gaze. “I… I didn’t mean to—”

  “I know. That’s what makes it special.”

  “I… um, we should—”

  “Kate.” Henri’s voice sounded strangely tense considering the general hilarity of the group.

  Still dazed, she turned in Henri’s direction. “What?”

  Henri tilted her head toward the side of the yard. “Do you know who that is?”

  She looked beyond the circle of her friends. At the edge of the yard stood a woman in a tailored ivory suit that showed off a trim figure. Her blond hair fell to her shoulders in gentle waves.

  Large sunglasses covered her eyes and her lipstick was stoplight red, visible even from here. A tan cashmere coat was draped over one arm and a gold-toned leather shoulder bag was tucked against her side. Her four-inch heels matched the bag.

  A chill ran up Kate’s spine. “Aunt Lilith’s here.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Rafe gave the woman a quick glance before returning his attention to Kate
, who looked stricken. “That’s your Aunt Lilith?”

  She nodded.

  “How old is she?”

  “Henri’s age.” She dragged in a shaky breath. “I’ll bring her over.”

  “I’ll go with you.” No way was he letting her face this woman alone.

  “So will I.” Henri threw back her shoulders.

  Rafe was worried about how Kate would take this turn of events, but at least she had Henri. He ducked his head to hide a grin as Henri charged forward, ready for battle. She damn near beat Kate over there.

  Lilith’s red mouth curved into a smug smile. “Hello, kitten.”

  Kitten? Rafe bristled. Kate was a full-grown, responsible woman, not a baby cat.

  The stiletto heels gave Lilith an advantage, but Kate stood very straight and lifted her chin. “This better be a secret trip. If you told my mother you were coming here, I’ll—”

  “Oh, this is totally our little secret.” Her aunt waved a hand, displaying long, gold-toned fingernails. “Just between you and me, kitten. Your mother and sister won’t ever—”

  “Henrietta Fox.” Henri stuck out her hand. “Welcome to the Buckskin Ranch.” Henri didn’t have four-inch heels but she didn’t need them. She still had a height advantage on the intruder.

  “Lilith Cutler, Henrietta. Delightful to meet you.”

  Rafe stepped up beside Kate and slipped his hand around her waist. She was shaking, but it was subtle. He tucked her in close and her tremors eased.

  She slid her arm under his Western-cut jacket. “Rafe, this is my aunt, Lilith Cutler. Aunt Lilith, I’d like you to meet my husband, Rafael Banner.”

  Husband. She hadn’t hesitated. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.” That whopper should make his nose grow.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, Mr. Banner.” Her calculating gaze assessed him as if he were on display in a store window. She gave a quick nod. “You’ll do nicely.” She turned to Henri. “I really appreciate the effort you’ve made for my niece. It appears you’ve thrown together a cute little ceremony for her.”

  Henri smiled, but her eyes held the gleam of cold steel. Her tone was deceptively conversational. “And it appears you’ve crashed it.”

  Go, Henri. Rafe coughed into his hand to cover a laugh.

  A faint pink flush appeared on Lilith’s taut cheeks, but she recovered quickly. “So I did, but I brought two cases of Dom Perignon for the reception, so I hope I’ll be forgiven.”

  “How thoughtful of you.” Butter wouldn’t melt in Henri’s mouth. “I think we have enough champagne, but if not, we can fill in with what you brought.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Ed, how’s our supply of Cristal holding up?”

  “Oh, we have several magnums left, Henri.”

  Rafe looked behind him. The Brotherhood and the Babes had arranged themselves in a semicircle a couple of yards away, available if needed.

  Lilith’s flush deepened. “You have Cristal?”

  “It’s our favorite around these parts.” Ed emphasized her country drawl as she walked up to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Henri. “But if we should run out, folks’ll be too pie-eyed to notice we switched to something cheaper.” She extended her hand. “Edna Jane Vidal. Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Um, yes. Same here.” Lilith gave Ed’s hand a quick shake before her attention shifted warily to the group in the background. “I’m sure you’re all eager to start the reception, but I’d like to get settled before I join you. My driver had to park down below, in front of that little cottage. He couldn’t maneuver up here with all the trucks in the way. I understand you have some rustic cabins for rent?”

  “Not presently,” Henri said. “We’re battling an infestation of bedbugs.”

  Lilith recoiled in horror. “Bedbugs?”

  “A few cabins were spared and those are occupied. But you can stay with me.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose.”

  “It’s your only option, I’m afraid. The Apple Grove Hotel is closed for renovations.” She turned around. “Jake and Nick, would you please fetch our guest’s luggage and take it up to the blue room? Matt, you and Garrett can bring up the cases of champagne.”

  With a chorus of yes, ma’ams, Rafe’s brothers stepped forward.

  “I’ll go down to the car with you boys.” Lilith adjusted the strap of her shoulder purse, which had a scaly look to it, probably alligator. “My bags are Louis Vuitton.”

  “I’m so glad you mentioned that, ma’am,” Jake said. “Expensive, are they?”


  “Then if you would please hold my hat, I’d be much obliged.” He took off his dress Stetson and handed it to her.

  “Why do you need me to hold your hat?” She examined it with obvious interest.

  “I intend to balance your expensive looey futon on my head like those porters in a safari. Nicholas here will do the same. He’s conveniently hatless because he’s a member of the wedding party, which was a no-hat situation.”

  “Just so my bags don’t get dragged around in the dirt.”

  “Rest assured they will not.”

  “I recognize the Stetson brand. This seems to be a good quality hat.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She put it on. “What do you think?”

  “It’s you.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that, but it does keep the sun off my face.”

  “Hey, Matt.” Ed held up her camcorder as she walked toward the top of the slope. “Will you and Garrett be balancing those cases of Dom on your heads when you climb the hill?”

  “I think not.”

  “Too bad. It would make a better video if you did.”

  Lucy gave Matt a nudge. “I’ll hold your hat, cowboy. Yours, too, Garrett.”

  Aunt Lilith stared at them as if they were creatures from another planet. “Those cases weigh almost fifty pounds. I wouldn’t recommend—”

  “Fifty pounds? Is that all?” Matt took off his hat and gave it to Lucy. “Roll ’em, Ed.” As she started her video, he turned and waved at her before heading down the hill toward the long black limo parked in front of Kate’s cottage.

  Garrett laughed and handed over his hat before following Matt.

  Jake took Lilith’s elbow. “Garrett and I will see that you get down the hill safely, ma’am.”

  She shook him off and lifted her chin. “Thank you, but I can manage. I made it up here on my own.”

  The rest of the group came over to watch as Ed filmed Lilith tottering down the hill on her stilettos, Jake and Garrett close behind. When they were standing by the limo, Ed switched off her camcorder. “Okay, you can talk now. I’ll let you know when I start filming again.”

  “If we have a break in the action, we should take care of one tiny detail.” Red held up the marriage license and a pen. “I ducked into the house to get this. It’s my duty to see that it’s signed.”

  Rafe glanced at her. “I’m glad you’re on it, Red. Should we take this back inside, so we have a surface for—”

  “I have a surface.” CJ walked over, turned his guitar upside down and held it out. “Your surface.”

  “Perfect, bro. Kate? You ready?” He held out the pen.

  She took a deep breath. “Sure.” Grabbing the pen, she placed the license on the back of the guitar, quickly scribbled her name and handed him the pen.

  He signed fast, too. She wouldn’t like this part. Might as well get it over with.

  Red signed her name and turned to the group. “I need two witnesses.”

  “I will.” Henri stepped up and added her bold signature.

  “I’ll be the other one.” Millie signed with a flourish.

  “Excellent.” Red took the license and pen. “I’ll put this in the house for now.”

  “Hey, Henri.” Millie looked over at her. “Why’d you tell Kate’s aunt we had bedbugs? What’s that all about?”

  “I don’t get that, either,” Rafe said. “Why don’t you want her in one of the cabins?”<
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  “Because Charley always said to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I don’t trust that woman any farther than I can throw her.”

  Ed’s expression brightened. “It would be fun to try it, though, just to see how far she’d fly. Bet I could grab her by her skinny arm, whip her around and launch her like a shot put.”

  “Yeah, that would be fun.” Henri let out a resigned sigh. “But no matter how much she annoys us, we have to be careful.” She glanced at Kate. “I won’t allow her to run the show or insult anyone, but I don’t want to tick her off so much that she calls off your deal.”

  “I don’t think she will, but—”

  “Is she a woman of her word?”

  “Amazingly enough, she always has been. I’d say our ace in the hole is Rafe. She’s clearly pleased with my choice.” She looked up at him. “She can brag to her friends about the ruggedly handsome cowboy I found out West.”

  Nice to hear, although it made him blush. “Just so I don’t have to turn into a suck-up. I’d hate that on general principles, and even more in this case.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary,” Henri said. “But you’ve probably figured out what is required now that she’s here.”

  He had, but he didn’t want to be the first to say it.

  “Rafe and I will work this out.” Kate turned to him, a plea in her gray eyes. “It won’t be a problem.”

  “No, it won’t be a problem.” He wasn’t going to disagree with her in front of everyone. But yeah, it would be a problem. This was their wedding night. Now they’d have to spend it together.

  Chapter Twenty

  Don’t panic. Take it one step at a time. Great self-talk. It wasn’t working. Kate’s anxiety level was sky-high. Rafe had backed up her statement to keep the peace. But his gaze had sent a very different message.

  Aunt Lilith was no dummy. If Rafe spent his nights in the bunkhouse, she’d figure out the marriage was an elaborate scheme. He’d have to sleep in the cottage. Kate had a plan, but now wasn’t the time to discuss it.


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